MenageaDare (19 page)

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Authors: Frances Stockton

BOOK: MenageaDare
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“It sure looks to me as if Avery’s happy,” Remy said,
hugging her up close.

Looking down at her, he saw tears in her eyes. Jax moved in
close, holding her around the middle, kissing her lips and bringing Eve and
Remy into a slow dance of sorts.

It was crazy, dancing together felt natural as breathing.
Hazard’s band picked up where his song ended with the classic-rock hit
. Cheers from the crowd went up. A bunch of balloons and confetti
fell from the ceiling. Jax, Eve and Remy kept right on dancing.

It wasn’t until the music changed to a crossover country
that they finally drew apart. That and balloons being knocked around on the
floor. Eve ended up breaking away in order to engulf her best friend in a big
hug. The two women started chatting, joined by Taylor.

“Let’s give the ladies some space to talk,” Jax invited

Remy looked down. His hand was in Jax’s. They were almost a
perfect fit, yet something wasn’t quite right because a part of them was
missing, Eve.

“Did you mean it when you told Eve you’d want her
exclusively too?”

“I meant every word.” Jax stepped in nice and close, his
cologne teasing his senses, tempting Remy as no other man had ever done. “We’ll
take care of her together, okay?”

“Crazy thing is I’m afraid our hearts will be broken by the
end of our stay in Dare.”

“There’s this miraculous invention, it’s called an airplane.
If needed, I’ll get Gabriel to fly me to New England.”

“I’m just curious, is Gabriel a good pilot?”

“He’s excellent and one of the closest friends I could ask
for. You don’t enjoy flying do you?”

“I’ve never minded it until Eve and I got stuck on a tarmac
for hours. It was uncomfortable, hot and we were scared out of our minds about
our friends back home.”

“I’m sorry that happened to you, but I’m happy you took care
of Evelyn. That’s why her father agreed to her trip out here. He trusts you.”

“He shouldn’t. Look what I did to her, Jaxon!”

Jax’s hand came up to grasp the back of Remy’s neck. Not
hurting, but asserting a measure of control over him. “What did you do, Remy?”

“Took her as my lover then held her spread wide open for
another man to taste her cunt. It’s exactly what I wanted to protect her from.
But, Eve, she wanted me regardless of sensing my fetishes.”

“She loves you. I’m glad she does and would be honored if
she ever felt that way about me. She’s one of a kind, a keeper. Now let’s go
get her and take her back to the hotel.”

That’s exactly what they did. Waiting long enough for Eve to
hug Avery and Taylor goodbye, they drew her off the dance floor and through a
side door.

In the hallway, Remy could hear the murmur of many voices
and the occasional pings, clinks and clacks of a casino. Jax led them in the
opposite direction.

A couple twists and turns later, they were outside and
heading toward the hotel.


Chapter Eleven


Eve was so excited and so nervous about the coming night,
she needed both of the men to hold her hands as they strolled across the street
to the hotel.

“What were you talking to Avery and Taylor about before we
left?” Jaxon asked as they approached the revolving door to the hotel.

There was a brief pause as they waited for the large doors
to swing around with enough space for three to walk through and come out in the
lobby. On the inside, the charm of the Dare Hotel was extraordinary, the décor
emphasizing the red-oak walls and brass accents.

“Avery asked us to be in her bridesmaids,” Eve answered,
realizing she’d gotten lost in thought. “Tomorrow at ten, we’re going to the
spa for a dip in the mineral baths, facials and mani-pedis to discuss colors
and wedding plans.”

“Sounds nice, sugar,” Remy said. “You’ll enjoy that.”

“I’m so happy for Avery. Hazard’s been devoted to her from
the start. Or so it seems.”

“Believe me, Trev fell in love with her the second she
walked into the Truth or Dare Club wearing that sexy red number she had on
tonight,” Jaxon assured. “No other man in Dare stood a chance with her after

“Did you make a play for Avery, Jaxon?” Eve asked.

“Yes, I flirted with her, but that’s as far as it went. She
only had eyes for Trevor, as it should be.”

“Ever since I met him, he’s been devoted to her as well,”
Eve said.

“To be honest, I wish he spent more time here in Dare, but I
understand that he needs to spend most of his time with Avery now.”

“The two of you are business partners in the Truth or Dare
Club, aren’t you?” Remy asked. “Before I mapped out the route from home to
Dare, I’d asked Hazard his advice on the best way to go and he mentioned it.”

“Yes, and it seems only fitting that he’s the one to tell
Avery that I’m Ransom Hunter.”

“It must have been difficult to keep such a secret,
especially in this day and age when a Tweet or image can go viral within minutes,”
Eve said. “I have to be honest, Jaxon, I was able to trace information about
Ransom Hunter and knew that he, you, once lived in California and moved to
Nevada. After that, information dropped off.”

“It wasn’t easy,” Jaxon admitted. “To go into the how’s and
why’s would take all night, baby girl. Suffice it to say I’m no longer inclined
to keep Ransom in the closet, so to speak.”

“That’s nice,” she said. “I hope that Remy and me coming
here hasn’t pushed you to make that decision.”

Jaxon tucked her close to his side. He may not be as tall as
Remy, but he was plenty tall enough for her. Despite the polished shoes and
elegant attire, she could feel a steely strength in his grip.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Jaxon assured her.

“Then what did you mean?”

“After our conversation in the hotel room, I no longer think
it’s necessary to keep Ransom Hunter’s identity to myself. I’ve never been
ashamed of the Vampire-for-Hire series, but I have been suffering writer’s
block and that’s what kept me silent.”

“Are you planning to write again, Jax?” Remy questioned.

“It’s possible. Months ago my agent worked out a deal to
turn the series into movies. I want to write the screenplays. If it works out,
I’m hoping to finish the series with one more book. I’m a long way from that

“No one knows the characters better than you,” she supplied.

“I tried locking myself away in my house over the winter to
see if I could come up with something good enough, but ended up trashing
everything I started. Then I saw the two of you in the lobby today and a scene
popped into my mind as vividly as it did before my partners died.”

“I feel terrible for your loss but I’m happy about the
scene,” she murmured, wanting nothing more than to hold him close and never let

“Thank you, Evelyn. I’m all right.” He tightened his arm
around her waist, allowing room for Remy to circle her shoulders with his big,
muscled arm.

Remy punched the elevator up button. Like the lobby, the
doors, sconces and accents around the elevator bay were all made of brass.
Everything gleamed to a high-end shine. The whole hotel was an artsy
combination of Wild West and modern amenities.

It felt as if an elevator took forever and a day to finally
drop to the lobby floor. As soon as the door opened, she lifted her chin and
stepped into the elevator, the men joining her.

Unlike the initial wait in the lobby, the elevator car
swooshed up to their floor. The door slid apart, the hallway ahead of them.
Nerves set in, making her freeze.

“Evelyn, you need to relax,” Jaxon said.

“I’m fine, Jaxon.”

“You’re so tense, Remy and I could snap you in two. We’ll
take it slow tonight, all right?”

“Okay,” she said, hoping that the night didn’t go the way
her prom night did.

“Tell us what’s making you so nervous, please,” Remy suggested,
his big hand going to the small of her back and gently pressing her forward,
enabling her to step into the hallway.

“Bad time to recall the worst date of my life, that’s all,”
she answered, hoping they’d move on.

They did, although she didn’t think the guys were going to
let her off the hook that easily. At the room door, Jaxon took the key out of
his pants pocket, slipped it into the lock and turned it. The door popped open
wide, giving ample space for them to enter.

Remy went in first, followed by Eve then Jaxon who closed
the door. She heard the click of the deadbolt then the clap of the u-shaped bar
that backed up the security.

“You have many burglaries in Dare?” she asked Jaxon.

“Not really. Since Dare’s Chief of Police is former FBI, our
security systems are always top notch. That’s one of the reasons electronic key
cards aren’t used at any hotels in Dare.”

“Why’s that?” she asked.

“Primarily, they can be linked to credit cards and accounts
vulnerable to hackers.”

“A cowboy FBI agent,” she said. “That’s pretty cool.”

“When Sawyer was in the FBI he wore the suit. He’d seen too
much and needed to get away so he came to Dare.”

“Will you tell me about Sawyer’s grandfather?” she asked.

“He died a few years ago, left the ranch to Sawyer.
Interestingly, he was named after Darius Dartmouth Hamilton, the founder of
Dare, even though his father was the rancher.”

“Dartmouth?” Remy questioned.

“Dartmouth was a maternal surname somewhere down the line,
not a relation to the university.”

“My Uncle Samuel’s middle name is Baker for the same
reason,” Eve said. “But I’m fascinated by all things genealogy related.”

“Did you mean it when you offered to help me trace my
father’s last name?” Jaxon questioned.

“Of course, is it an unusual surname?”

“It’s Norse, I think,” Jaxon answered. “Thorolf.”

Eve inclined her head. “If memory serves, Thorolf means
Thor’s wolf, but I’ll back that up with research. It might take some time but I
can help you.”

“We’ve got a few weeks, yes?” Jaxon came forward, taking her
hands in his.

“At least until we have leave,” she answered. “I’m expected
back home.”

“By your birthday in June,” he claimed.

Turning to look at Remy she was caught by the heat in his
dark-brown eyes. Eyes that were locked onto her and Jaxon’s hands clasped

“How did you know that?”

“Remy told me. Try not to worry. We’ve got weeks to get to
know each other. There’s plenty of time to play.”

“I fear you’ll own my soul if Remy and I stay that long.”

“Then I will hold it dear to my heart,” he promised, going
down on one knee, her hands still caught in his. “Evelyn Stratham, will you let
Remington and me be your lovers?”

Heart slamming in her chest as if a thousand butterflies
took flight, Eve nodded. Jaxon smiled, slitting his eyes across to where Remy
stood close by.

“Then let’s get her naked and into bed where we can relax
and enjoy each other at leisure.”

“I can take my clothes off,” she assured, feeling shy.

“We’ll take care of you, love,” Jaxon stated, for the first
time calling her something other than baby girl.

She loved when he called her his baby girl. It made her feel
special. Being his love? That made everything all the more real, making her
feel as much his as she was Remy’s.

At her back, Remy began working to free the ties that bound
her corset-like bodice into place. There was no rush, just a simple ease of
pressure, loosening her up. It wasn’t as if the corset were too tight, but
symbolically she felt freed from society’s strictures.

Then Jaxon, still on his knees, tugged the hem of her dress,
coaxing it to fall in a swath of black and silver at her feet. Carefully, he
removed her shoes and then helped her step out of the folds of the dress.

Remy kept her steady the whole time, his touch exciting
because it was Remy. Jaxon reached up, unclasped the garter belt from the
stockings, carefully rolling the stockings down and off then removing her
garter belt.

Kindly, he placed a kiss on the tiny spot where she’d nicked
herself with a razor. His gesture touched her heart, enabling her to see him as
so much more than her soon-to-be lover.

Jaxon rose to his feet, his eyes trailing the length of her
naked body. Stilling as a hot flush coursed through her, she prayed he didn’t
find her lacking. She’d never have killer curves and big boobs.

He’d probably had many lovers with more experience than Eve
could claim. He was a Master who trained submissives and D/s couples new to the
lifestyle. Would he stop doing that?

“What are you thinking about, baby girl?” he demanded.

“Many things,” she answered.

“What were you thinking about? Don’t lie.”

“Answer him,” Remy urged, tightening his arms around her and
lowering his head to begin nibbling along the side of her neck. Surrendering to
his wicked mouth, she started when he bit down hard, latching on, sucking.

“I was wondering if you would stop training submissives if
the three of us become serious, Jaxon,” she confessed, going up on her toes as
pleasure receptors under her skin became as charged as an electrical current.

“Right now I don’t know if I’ll stop. It’ll depend on how
committed we are to each other. Would you do me a favor, Evelyn?”

“Yes, anything, Sir.”

“When you’re comfortable, call me Master Jax.”


“Good. From now on be careful not to compare anything we do
to what you may have heard with your friends back home or what you may have
read. Here in Dare, you and Remy are mine and when you’re ready, I’ll train

“I’ll remember,” she whispered, completely awed by him.

“Is there anything that is an automatic no-fucking-way?”

“I’m not fond of doctors, needles or tattoos.”

“Okay, anything else?”

“Do I need a safeword?”

Jaxon eased his grip, his fingers curling gently alongside
her jaw, his thumb caressing her cheek. “I’m not planning to do anything to you
that would scare you into using one. At least, not yet. Down the line,

“Can I have five minutes to prepare myself in the bathroom?”

“Five minutes, no more, no less,” Remy granted, letting go
of her from behind.

Jaxon nodded, kissed her quickly then stepped out of her
path. She scooted away, rushing toward the bathroom and closing the door.

After taking a few minutes to brush her teeth and splash
cool water on her face, she saw the bathrobe she’d hung on a hook behind the
door after her bath earlier. Grabbing it, she put it on.

Strolling around naked with two men was something she was
going to have to get used to. Feeling better, she opened the door, discovering
that her men had made their way to the bedroom, kicked off their shoes,
undressed and were lying back on the bed, side by side, dark and light, yin and

Propped up on a generous assortment of pillows at their
backs, they looked gorgeously male and sexy. Walking into the room, she paused
when Jaxon twirled his finger at her, a message she interpreted as an aim at
her robe.

“Off. No clothes for the night.”

“Feeling shy, sorry,” she whispered, untying the robe and
letting it drop where she stood.

“Come here, sugar,” Remy invited, holding his hand out to
her. “You’re beautiful.”

Eve smiled, drawn to him because it was natural as
breathing, familiar. His height was greater than Jaxon, his complexion darker,
showcasing his heritage to perfection. But dear God and all she regarded as
holy, both were divine-looking men.

Jaxon was lean, his muscle defined, sleek perfection. Just
as his groin was bare, he didn’t have body hair. His six pack appeared rock
hard, abs she could lick and nibble and do her wash on. His chest was sculpted.
His skin paler than Remy’s but no less sexy.

Similar to Remy, he also had a lot of ink. On his right
shoulder, there was a tattoo of a vampire with long white hair and blood
dripping from his sharp fangs.

On his left pectoral was the ink that surprised her the most
because it was nearly a mirror image of Remy’s yin and yang symbol. Wow, there
they were, the men Morgan Maddox predicted she’d fall in love with.

“Don’t be offended, Jaxon, but how the hell did you get so
ripped?” she asked curiously, treading closer to the bed.

“Dancing regularly and maintaining the body I perfected when
I was younger,” he answered, grinning. “You like how I look, love?”

“I could eat you up,” she declared, thinking he’d be the
perfect model for Thor or any Norse god.

“Me too, sugar,” Remy agreed, shifting closer to Jaxon and
reaching over to stroke his lover’s smooth chest, trailing his fingers downward.
“Come on, climb in bed and take a taste.”

Remy’s hand glided down to Jaxon’s groin, surrounding his
splendidly perfect penis. Eve thought they were both pretty well hung, but they
were different as night and day.

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