How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (17 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

BOOK: How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps
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Chapter Twenty-One

Eddie followed Jeff back up to the house, oddly nervous now they were about to get into the zone. Maybe that was because this was more of a teaching session than others had been. After all, Jeff probably wasn’t going to know what half the stuff in Eddie’s suitcase actually was. And yep, he might be totally freaked out by some of it.

Eddie just had to hope the lust he’d seen blazing in Jeff’s eyes would be enough to carry him over any “I’m not gay” wibbles.

“Where do you want to do this?” Eddie asked. Jeff was standing at the base of the staircase, but he was staring over at the empty grate.

Jeff cleared his throat. “Upstairs. I want to tie you to my bed.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll just need to show you how some of this kit works first.” He lifted up the suitcase.

Jeff’s eyes widened, but he nodded, and his erection certainly didn’t seem to be flagging. Eddie followed him up the stairs, eager for a first glimpse of Jeff’s upper level.

It was plain and simple up here, much like the downstairs, but the daylight revealed evidence of empty picture pins sticking out of the walls, and darker spots on the paper below them where frames must have once hung. Eddie wanted to ask more about this Sarah woman, and what she’d taken with her when she left—a large chunk of Jeff’s heart, he was guessing—but he didn’t want to kill the mood.

And all thoughts of Jeff’s ex fled from his head when he entered the bedroom. “Oh my God, that bed is perfect!” It was an old brass bedstead, painted cream, with a plain white duvet on it. It looked so innocent and countrified, and it was going to be so thoroughly debauched in just a short while.

Eddie salivated at the prospect of being the first man to be tortured on it. There was something special about christening a bed.

He looked up from his appreciation to find Jeff giving him a puzzled look. “It’s nothing special. We got it in IKEA. I mean, not
. Me and my ex.”

“Shh! Don’t tell me. Let me imagine it’s some heirloom passed down from your grandmother or something. It’ll make it all that much more titillating for us to do what we’re about to do. Or rather, for you to do to me what you’re about to do to me, and for me to take it like a good boy.”

Jeff shook his head. “You’re nuts, you are.”

“Actually, that’s a good idea. We can start with my nuts.” Eddie placed his case on the bed and unzipped it. The toys were a heap inside—he should really get some kind of case with handy storage pockets in it, but then again, it wasn’t like he’d have to bring them over here ever again. Not with their last session taking place elsewhere.

No, no point dwelling on that. Eddie leaned in and started taking things out, placing them in a row on the bed. He felt movement beside him and heard Jeff’s throat working like he was bracing himself to say something.

Eddie would spare him the embarrassment. “These are all intended for genital torture, but that doesn’t mean they all necessarily hurt. This one, for instance, is bloody amazing for a while.” He held up the magic wand and wondered if Jeff had a plug socket anywhere near enough to the bed for them to use it. “But, like any kind of pleasure, you can have too much of a good thing, and it can be used past the peak of enjoyment, to where your sub is begging you to stop because they just can’t take it anymore.”

Jeff took the magic wand from Eddie’s hand and frowned at it. “This is one of those massage thingies, isn’t it? Sarah had one.”

Bloody Sarah again. Seemed like they couldn’t get away from her today. “Didn’t Sarah tell you they’re commonly used as vibrators?” Maybe she’d kept it her little secret.

“Women put these inside them?” Jeff’s eyes went wide, as well they might. This particular magic wand was a good three inches wide at the end.

“They’re not intended for internal use. Too tricky to keep clean, and probably way too powerful. You want a vibrator inside you, you’d be better off going for one of these.”

Eddie picked up his favourite vibrating dildo. It was thick, black and looked pretty mean. Jeff blanched. “I thought vibrators had those bunny ears on them. You know, like you see in Ann Summers shops.” He scratched at his neck like crazy, as if to ward off the blush Eddie could see creeping up it.

“Since when have you been in an Ann Summers shop?”

“Erm, a couple of years ago. Sarah thought some new underwear might liven things up for us.”

“And did it?”

“Kind of.” Scratch-scratch-scratch. “I mean, it was sexy, but what I really wanted was to get some of the toys, but she said no. She wasn’t going to let me tie her up or hurt her. Which I totally respected.”

“Of course you did.” Poor Jeff, being stuck in a vanilla relationship for so many years. Eddie’s heart went out to him, and although he wanted to find out more, he didn’t want to make the poor bloke feel any more awkward than he already was. “Well, those vibrators you saw there are intended for women. If you want one for your arse, you need a wide base so it doesn’t get accidentally sucked in by your muscles.”

Jeff was nodding now. “Yeah, I read about that. Does it really happen?”

“Never to me, but this bloke I know, he’s had to go to hospital four times to get things pulled out of his arse. You’d think he’d have learnt his lesson, but he just gets off on sticking everyday household objects up there, and they don’t usually come with the right kind of base.”

“He sounds like an idiot.”

“Yep. Solo BDSM is fun, but it can be risky. Like all those people who die of autoerotic asphyxiation. Doing it with a partner is much more exciting, and usually safer.”

“Not everyone’s lucky enough to find a partner who likes kinky sex.” Jeff sounded really morose now.

“That’s what the Internet’s for. Hooking up with other kinky types. Although it’s probably easier for gay men. I don’t think there are nearly as many straight women out there looking for hookups.”

“You’re telling me.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll find you someone.” It hurt to get the words out, but since Jeff was never going to settle down with a man, Eddie should help him find someone to make him happy. “Our last session. We’re going to a club. We’ll be covering public humiliation and exhibitionism. You can look for someone there.”

“We’re going out together. To a gay club?” Jeff looked terrified.

“Not a gay one. A kink club. There might be a few gay couples, but it’s likely to be mostly straight. Gay men tend to find the straight fetish clubs a bit tame. And there are far too many scantily clad women in them, but I figured that would be a good thing in your case.”

Jeff pulled a face Eddie couldn’t interpret, but at least it wasn’t a leer at the prospect of naked female flesh. “And you want me to publicly humiliate you?”

God, did Eddie want that! But he knew not to push Jeff too far past his comfort zone. “No, this is more of a field trip. We can just observe and talk about what we see. I won’t be there as your sub. Just your…” He searched for the right word. “Mentor?”

“Oh.” Jeff’s expression went blank. “Okay. I’ve never been to one of those clubs before. Should be exciting.”

“Perhaps.” Privately, Eddie thought it would all be rather boring—especially as he wasn’t going to be there as Jeff’s sub—but he wasn’t about to burst Jeff’s bubble.

“Whereabouts were you thinking?” Jeff asked.

Eddie had done his online homework and lined a few possibilities up. “Well, we don’t have as wide a choice out here as people do in the southeast, but there are a few places that do the occasional fetish night. The next one coming up is down in Bournemouth this coming weekend, but that’s not going to be so good in terms of meeting someone local. And to be honest, we could probably get into London in the same time it will take us to drive down there.”

“That’s okay. Bournemouth sounds good.” The speed at which Jeff rushed to say that made Eddie pause, but maybe it was simply embarrassment on Jeff’s part.

“We’d have to stay in a hotel,” Eddie said. “But there’s plenty to choose from. How about I book us a room somewhere? My treat.” If he left it to Jeff to book a hotel, they’d probably end up in a Travelodge.

“No. I’ll do it.”

“But…” Eddie floundered, trying to think of a way of putting it that wouldn’t offend Jeff.

“Don’t you trust me to look out for us?”

Us. He’d said
. Eddie couldn’t stop himself grinning stupidly. “Yeah, you’re right. I trust you.” And if it was a Travelodge with paper-thin walls, so what? He’d just have to find a way of getting a thrill out of slumming it for a night. And he could always wear a gag to keep the noise down.

Jeff met Eddie’s gaze for a moment, then looked down to the bed. His eyes widened. “What the hell is this thing?” he said, picking up the stainless steel ball-crusher press. “Bloody hell, it’s heavy.” He played with the handle, twirling it around so that the base moved up on its internal screw thread. He turned it over, fiddling with the fastenings that opened the cylindrical body of the press and running his fingers around the small opening at the top. A kind of horrified fascination dawned on his face. “Oh my God, is this what I think it is?”

“I don’t know. What do you think it is?” Eddie fought the urge to cup his hands protectively over his crotch. He loved the press—for fuck’s sake, he’d bought it himself, hadn’t he?—but the thought of its immanent use always made him squirm. It was intense. And painful. And dangerous. And oh-so-fucking-good in the right hands.

“Erm, you put your dick in it?” Jeff had blanched under his tan.

“Not your dick. Your balls. If you wanted something to put your dick in—sorry, to put my dick in,” he corrected as Jeff really did slam a hand down over his crotch, “then you’d be looking at a cock cage. But I don’t have any of those.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t like them. I want to be able to get hard when I’m turned on. A cock cage hurts when you get an erection. Some of them don’t even let you get a semi-on. They’re fucking horrible. And don’t you even think about buying one, you bastard.”

“I won’t. I like you having an erection. I mean, I, erm, I like to know you’re enjoying what I’m doing.” Jeff scratched his neck like a dog with fleas. “But you actually like this thing? Really?” He stared at the ball crusher like it was a medieval instrument of torture, which perhaps it had been. There was a certain resemblance to a thumb screw.

Eddie closed his hands over Jeff’s. “
is a tricky concept sometimes. I don’t exactly enjoy it when it’s being tightened. It bloody well hurts, but there’s a kind of pleasure in that too. And it’s fucking sexy to be at someone’s mercy like that, because if it was tightened too far, it could do some serious damage. Takes a huge amount of trust for me to get this one out with someone else.”

Jeff’s eyes widened. “Do you want me… I mean, would you let me use it on you?”

“I’d love you to. Just go slowly. Not more than a half turn at a time. And once I’ve reached the point when I’m pleading with you to stop, no more than one more half turn. And don’t leave it on for longer than about thirty minutes, max.”

“You need me to set a timer?”

“Nah. It should be okay for the time it takes you to either shag me silly or beat the crap out of my arse.” Eddie showed Jeff how to operate the quick-release catch. What with the way Jeff’s breath had sped up, he thought he was about to get thrown onto the bed and trussed up right away, but Jeff held on and seemed to concentrate for the rest of Eddie’s little toy talk. He seemed interested in the cock rings—especially the ones that went round both balls and cock—and out of the various nipple clamps Eddie had packed, he was definitely drawn to the huge, fierce-looking ones. “They’re engineered so they get tighter as you pull on them,” Eddie explained after clipping one on the end of Jeff’s finger. He yanked on the cord to demonstrate.

“Ow! For fuck’s sake.” Jeff released it and stuck his finger in his mouth.

“Lightweight. You should try one on your nipple. Or clamped over your foreskin. Or on the loose skin behind your balls.”

Jeff was definitely looking green around the gills. “I think I’ll stick to your nipples.”

“Probably a good idea. For now.” Although Eddie wanted to beg Jeff to use them everywhere, if this was to be their last session in bed like this. But no, they’d have their hotel next weekend too. Eddie could pack all the toys he still wanted Jeff to use, couldn’t he? For one last festival of kink. A farewell fuck.

“Did you bring the cuffs?” Jeff asked, and Eddie fished them out of the case. “Put them on. Wrists and ankles.”

Jeff began gathering up the toys. Oh. Weren’t they going to use any of them? Eddie did his best to smother his disappointment. After all, it wasn’t like Jeff was gay. Although he did do a bloody good impression of being bi-as-you-like.

But then he noticed Jeff lining up some of the toys on the top of his chest of drawers.

Eddie smothered a smile and bent down to buckle up his ankle cuffs.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Tying Eddie to the bed went much faster than it had the previous week. Jeff glanced at the clock. Okay, maybe not that much faster, but definitely smoother. He wasn’t as jumpy as last time, and he handled the rope confidently, making deft knots like he’d learnt to when he was a kid. If only his Scout leader could see him now, putting his highwayman’s hitch to good use. Jeff tugged carefully on the end before lifting the rope to where spread-eagled Eddie could see it. “This is a quick-release pull. Should you need it for any reason.”

Eddie raised his eyebrows. “That’s nice of you, but I’ve never met a man who’s given me so much I needed to escape.”

“I’m not thinking of that. It’s just in case I, you know, if anything should happen to me. Wouldn’t want my mum finding you tied to my bed while I’m dead on the floor.” He thought about that some more. “And if I did collapse for any reason, I’d want you to be able to dial 999.”

Eddie’s brow crinkled. “Are you feeling all right? Is there something I should know about? A health condition?”

“I’m fine.” Jeff flexed his muscles, tempted to drop down and do some press-ups, just to show Eddie how fine he was. “I’ve just been reading up on scene safety. You know. Responsible Dom stuff.” He didn’t mention he’d been paying special attention to breath play. The website had strongly recommended that a good Dom would let the sub bring that up, should it be something they wanted to try. And besides, admitting you wanted to choke someone had to be creepy for them, didn’t it? Jeff would certainly run a mile or ten if someone said that to him.

Especially if he was tied up at the time.

Although, in that case, he probably wouldn’t be able to run anywhere. Hence the quick-release tie.

“You’ve been doing your homework. Even though I didn’t set you any. I like that.” Eddie was studying him in a way that made Jeff want to go and hide in the wardrobe, but he brazened it out instead and knelt down to fetch his homemade spreader bar from under the bed. Eddie’s eyes darkened in response.

“I’ve been reading about these. Ways to use them. And I thought it might be more interesting than having you in four-point restraints. Gives me more access.” Access to the bits of Eddie Jeff really hadn’t wanted to go near to begin with. Funny how a few short weeks had desensitised him. He had a good ogle at Eddie’s cock and balls. His dick was straining up, all ripe and inviting, and his balls dangled beneath, plump and juicy looking. Jeff’s own cock and balls got all worked up over it, making him think they must be in league with his eyes and somehow his brain had been left out of the loop.

That would certainly explain why he felt like such a clueless moron around Eddie, but at least he was getting better at acting like he knew what was going on. He had to maintain the impression of always being in charge. Even when he knew the man he was with could probably lead him around by the balls, should he decide to.

Even when he was bloody desperate to taste him. But Doms didn’t do all that, did they? And straight ones certainly didn’t suck cock. Jeff was pretty sure about that, even if it was all he could cling to in a stormy sea of desire. He anchored himself more firmly by concentrating on the spreader bar. He’d screwed an eye-hook into each end of the length of broom handle, and then attached trigger clips using split rings. It was pretty bloody satisfying to attach it to Eddie’s ankle cuffs and confirm it worked every bit as well as the fancy, store-bought one Eddie had shown him the previous week.

Eddie flexed his legs and grinned. “What are you going to do to me now you’ve got me at your mercy?”

“I haven’t finished with tying you up yet.” Jeff rooted around under the bed for the collar he’d bought, then realised his mistake. “Shit. I should have put this on you first.”

Eddie gasped when he saw what Jeff was holding. “Is that a collar?”

“Yeah. You got a problem with that?”

“I haven’t. But some people in the scene give them a real significance. You should definitely check how someone feels about collars before springing one on them.”

“Shit. Sorry.” This whole BDSM thing was a bloody minefield at times.

“Nah, don’t worry. I’m fine with it. Worn a collar plenty of times.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Been led around on a lead too.”

“You like that, do you?”

“It’s better in public. I mean, not in public, public, but in a club. Yeah, it’s fucking sexy when everyone can see you’re owned like that.”

Jeff couldn’t imagine anything more embarrassing. “Wouldn’t let anyone do that to me.”

“Yeah, but that’s because you’re not a depraved submissive with a humiliation kink.” Eddie stuck his tongue out and winked, which made him look kind of cute.

Oh God. Now Jeff was finding men “cute”.

No, not
. One very specific man. Whew. Jeff distracted himself by buckling the collar round Eddie’s neck, yanking more roughly than he strictly needed to. Eddie’s Adam’s apple bobbed. “Not too tight,” he warned.

“I’ll decide when it’s tight enough.” Jeff made his voice all growly, but he did leave a finger under the collar when tightening the buckle, just to make sure it wasn’t too snug. “There. You like that, bitch?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Hmm. Well hopefully you won’t like this quite so much.” Jeff yanked on the spreader bar, forcing Eddie’s knees up. He’d put in a third eye-hook and another trigger clip, exactly halfway along the bar, but no matter how much he bent Eddie in half, he couldn’t make it quite reach the D ring on the collar. Damn it, he was going to need that extra length of chain after all. “Stay like that, bitch,” he ordered and smothered a smile as Eddie cursed and visibly struggled to keep his legs up.

The chain was in the crate under the bed, and Jeff grabbed it, along with the big bottle of lube he’d bought. It looked like gay stuff, what with the picture of Greek guys up to no good on the label. Better yet, it had a squirty dispenser top just like bottles of liquid soap did, so it would be easier to use than that bloody tub of Eddie’s.

“I see you’ve been planning ahead.”

“Yep.” Jeff attached the chain clip to Eddie’s collar and forced the spreader bar as close as he could. Eddie grunted, his knees almost touching the pillow either side of him, and his arse pointed high in the air. Jeff clipped the bar to the chain and then stood back to admire his handiwork. Fuck it. He wanted a picture. Something to remember this by. “Smile,” he ordered when he’d pulled out his phone. “No, wait, scream.”

Eddie stared at the phone, and for one horrible moment, Jeff thought he was going to refuse, but then he threw his head back, slitted his eyes and pulled one of the most convincing orgasm faces Jeff had ever seen. Fuck that was sexy. He took several photos, kneeling above Eddie to get as much of his face in the shot as possible. Then he took a few from the foot of the bed, giving him a great view of Eddie’s hole. Bloody hell, it needed filling. Jeff’s cock twitched at the thought of burying himself deep in there. He turned to the toys. He should use one of those first. Get something in there while he tortured Eddie’s cock and balls.

The beads were the first thing he landed on. The set Eddie had brought round were stainless steel again—he seemed to have a thing for metal and glass rather than silicone—and they were way, way larger than the ones Jeff had seen in sex shops. Also, far more rigid. For some reason, when he’d first heard about anal beads, he’d imagined them attached together by a cord, like a mutant necklace. Instead, they resembled a stylised Christmas tree, stacked up in ever decreasing height on a foot-long steel pole. The lowest bead was fatter than Jeff’s cock, although only just, he was pleased to note. Not like that black dildo, which had gone back in the case. Toys like that could make a man feel inadequate. Jeff palmed his dick through his shorts, wishing he’d thought to get a bit of a blowjob in before tying Eddie up like that. The angle would be impossible now. Not without releasing the clip on the collar, and he didn’t want to do that just yet. Fuck it. Jeff could wait. It would make it all the better when he finally did get to stick his dick inside Eddie.

He squirted a good load of lube on his fingers and took a quick swipe over Eddie’s hole. Then he took a slower one, exploring the feel of that twitching ring of muscle. Last time he hadn’t done this. He’d just played with the plug, and ever since he’d been wondering what it would actually feel like to finger Eddie. Screw it. Only one way to find out. He stuck the tip of one finger in, and Eddie immediately clamped down.

Jeff’s dick pulsed like it was the part of him being squeezed. Stupid thing. Jeff told it to wait its turn, as he circled that fingertip around. He fluttered it then—the same way he used to when fingering Sarah—and it seemed to have the same effect in arseholes as it did in a pussy. By which he meant Eddie arched off the bed, gibbering something unintelligible. Oh yeah, that was fun. Jeff played with his fingers some more, driving Eddie wild, until he judged it time to introduce the beads.

The first two beads slid in easily. The third required a bit more pressure, and the fourth had to be pumped in a few times until Eddie’s ring stretched to take it. It was mesmerising, watching Eddie’s hole stretch. Jeff pulled the fourth bead back out again just so he could watch it go in a second time. The soundtrack Eddie was providing was pretty bloody sexy too. All choked-off whimpers and raspy “Oh Gods”. And the fact he couldn’t do a thing to stop Jeff was a real turn-on.

No, wait. It was the fact he’d trusted Jeff enough to let himself be tied up like that that was the real turn-on. Thank fuck for dirty little painsluts.

Thinking of pain…

Jeff slapped Eddie’s bum hard, watching the way his hole twitched. He did it again and this time forced the fifth and final bead up against it. Yep, there was a definite response. He got up nice and close and slapped with one hand while the other kept up the pressure on the bead. Eddie cried out as Jeff pressed harder, and then the bead popped inside.

“You like that, slut?”

Eddie squirmed. “God, fuck, ow, fuck. Good. So good.”

Jeff played with the beads for a few more minutes, popping the last bead in and out. It seemed to get easier all the time. Made him wonder how many of his fingers he’d have been able to get in there, had he kept going. “You ever been fisted?” he asked.

“Why? You want to try?” Eddie panted.

“Just curious. Maybe.” If Eddie responded like he had with the beads, it would be a huge amount of fun for Jeff. He squished his fist up as narrow as it would go. Still an awful lot wider than that last bead. Wider even than the monster dildo. “Think my hands might be too big, though.”

“You’ll be fine. Lots of lube. Gloves. Have a go if you want. Just take it slow.”

“Maybe I will. But not yet.” Jeff leaned over and grabbed a couple more toys from the chest of drawers. “Got some other things I want to try first.” He held up the nipple clamps and examined the loops at the handle end of them. Eddie had said they got tighter if pulled on, and so Jeff had imagined being the one to yank on them, but what if he got Eddie to do that for him, so Jeff’s hands were free to torture him elsewhere? He turned to examine the distance between Eddie’s chest and the spreader bar. Yep, that should work.

First he needed to unclip Eddie’s ankles. He did one, then slipped the loop of the clamp onto the end before clipping Eddie’s ankle back again.

“Huh? What are you doing?” Eddie’s eyes weren’t really focused.

“What do you think?”

Eddie blinked a few times, and his pupils widened. “Oh no.”

“Oh yes.”

“No, no, no. That’s not fair.”

“Who said anything about me playing fair? Where’s the fun in that?”

“You total fucking bastard.”

“That’s Sir Bastard to you.” Jeff slid the other clamp onto the other end of the spreader bar before reattaching Eddie’s ankle.

“Oh please, no.” Eddie’s last “no” trailed off breathily, and it didn’t sound anything much like a no at all. It sounded more like a moan of pleasure. And since he hadn’t safeworded, Jeff was guessing this was one of those times when a no could safely be ignored.

The clamps dangled from the bar, the jaws of them just an inch or so above Eddie’s chest. Right. Now Jeff had to work out how to get them on Eddie’s nipples. Fuck. Maybe he should have done it the other way around. Nipples first, bar second. He’d remember that for next time. Eventually he managed to get one hand around behind Eddie’s leg to grab hold of his nipple and squeeze it up towards the clamp, while the other hand pressed the clamp so the jaws opened. It took him a couple of tries to get the meat of Eddie’s nipple between the jaws, but when he did, Eddie yelped.

“Fuck. Ow. You fucking bastard. Sir Bastard. Whatever.”

“Shut up and take it, bitch. I thought you said you liked pain.”

“I do. Fuck. Arrrgh!” That was the other clamp going on. Eddie’s complaining might have bothered Jeff if it weren’t for the fact the man’s dick was hard as blackthorn and digging into Jeff’s arm as he leaned over.

“How’s that?” Jeff asked, tilting the spreader bar down to one side so it pulled on the clamp on the opposite side of Eddie’s chest.

“Nnngh! You’re a cruel bastard, sir.” But Eddie sounded approving rather than upset, breathing flirtatiousness into the words. “I fucking hate you sometimes.”

“So you keep saying.”

“Did I tell you I love it when you’re mean to me?”

“You don’t need to. I can tell you do.” Jeff took hold of Eddie’s cock and gave it a few hard tugs.

“Oh yeah. So good. Owww!” Eddie had squirmed with pleasure, and Jeff watched as the spreader bar tilted and tugged on his nipple clamps.

“This will give you pleasure and pain. All mixed up together so you don’t know where one ends and the other begins.” He pumped on the anal beads with one hand, while the other massaged Eddie’s cock. Jeff was stimulating Eddie’s nipples, cock and arse, but what about his bollocks? Jeff let go of the beads to give them a firm squeeze.

Eddie wheezed a yelp in response, arching his back so his left nipple stretched out. He whimpered and settled back down again. This gorgeous flush had covered his chest and spread up his neck, and he was dripping with sweat. And the best bit was, Jeff was still totally in control. Not just of Eddie, but of himself. He held his hand to his chest. Yep. His heartbeat was faster than usual, but not too fast. He was feeling relaxed rather than frantic. Yes, he wanted to get inside Eddie very much indeed, but he could wait a while. Especially if that meant he got to torture him some more.

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