How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (21 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

BOOK: How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps
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Chapter Twenty-Eight

Eddie knelt on the floor, fuming. He had no right to feel this way, he knew. Jeff was straight. Or at least, Jeff thought he was straight. Mostly. And he had every right to look at women. Especially when they were exhibitionist painsluts who clearly got a thrill out of being leched at by a group of strangers.

But it didn’t mean Eddie had to like it.

So when he pressed himself up against Jeff’s side, it was pure possessiveness. Fuck it. Jeff was his for this last night, and Eddie wanted everyone to know it.

He ignored the spectacle going on in front of them and concentrated instead on working his hands carefully up to Jeff’s fly. So far so good. Jeff didn’t seem to have noticed. Now if he could slip a hand inside maybe they’d be the ones everyone was watching. Public gay blowjobs had to beat public pussy spankings in terms of spectator value, surely?

Eddie was just struggling with the button at the top of Jeff’s leather jeans when a hand clamped down on his.

“What do you think you’re up to?” Jeff growled.

Jeff grabbed a fistful of Eddie’s hair and dragged him to his feet. His scalp was on fire, but being treated like that just got Eddie even more turned on. Maybe there was something wrong with him, but a virile, pissed-off man was the epitome of sexiness. If it weren’t for the cock ring holding him back, Eddie would have come there and then.

“Well?” Jeff demanded.

“I thought you might enjoy the show more with your cock in my mouth.”

“You don’t get to make the decisions. You see this lead? This collar?”

“Of course I can’t see the fucking collar. I haven’t got eyes under my chin.”

“You know exactly what I mean, smart-arse.” Jeff glared forbiddingly, and Eddie glared right back at him. He wasn’t going to do humble right now. He wanted an angry Top to match the way he was feeling inside.

But all Eddie’s posturing didn’t seem to make the slightest bit of difference to Jeff. He continued in the same stern tone. “This collar?” He tugged the lead hard so Eddie stumbled against him, and now Jeff was talking right into his ear. “This collar means you’re mine, and I’m in charge of everything you do. You don’t even get to go and take a leak without asking my permission first.”

“You wouldn’t deny me, though, would you?”

“I don’t know. It depends how well you’ve been behaving yourself.” Now Jeff smiled, the smug bastard. He knew just how to play Eddie, it would seem. “But first I think you’re going to need punishing for what you just did.”

Punishment! Eddie shivered with delicious anticipation. What would Jeff do to him here in public? All these people would get to see what a wanton slut he was. It was humiliating, but in the very best kind of way.

And so when Jeff led him over to one of the curtained booths Eddie had to bite back a moan of annoyance. “Can’t we do it public, Sir?”

“Not what I’ve got in mind,” Jeff said, letting the curtain drop back behind them. The space inside was dimly lit, the walls, ceiling and floor black, all except for the mirrored wall. And the only bit of furniture was a low spanking bench. “Down you go.” Jeff grabbed the back of Eddie’s neck and steered him until he was leaning over the bench. It was pretty wobbly and didn’t appear to be fixed to the floor, making Eddie suspect the equipment had just been brought in for the night. Still, there was something seedy about being spanked over a dilapidated bench. It was the sadomasochistic equivalent of sex in an alleyway, or something.

But he stopped thinking when Jeff pulled his kilt up and yanked down on his balls. “Ow!”

“Legs apart. Wider.” Jeff’s voice had a hard, commanding edge to it that turned Eddie into a puddle of lust. It was tough to move when your limbs had liquefied, so Jeff had to help him by kicking his ankles out.

“Are you going to stay like that, or am I going to need to strap you down?”

Normally Eddie would want to be tied down, but not to a bench this wobbly. “I’m good.”

“You haven’t been very good so far.” Pain exploded across Eddie’s buttocks. “You’ve been a dirty slut, and you need to remember who’s boss.”

“Yessir.” Another blow landed, and another. Eddie arched into them, floating on the pain. Jeff’s hand was the best. Even as he picked up the pace and the stinging reached the point of unbearable. “Arrrgh!” Eddie couldn’t help wriggling, trying to turn away from the onslaught.

“Stay still, bitch.” Jeff’s hand pinned him down to the bench, and now he concentrated on slapping between Eddie’s buttocks, right over his tender hole and occasionally catching his balls. It was simultaneously too much and not enough. Eddie sobbed and bucked against Jeff’s hand, loving the way he was held so securely in place.

Sometime later, Jeff stopped, and by now Eddie was floating, his arse on fire but in a way that felt oh-so-very good. He tried to thank Jeff, but his mouth refused to work properly. His entire body had gone limp, all except for his dick, that was.

Jeff lifted his chin, and Eddie smiled. He could manage that much, at least.

The wolfish smile Jeff responded with warned Eddie his ordeal wasn’t over yet.


Jeff unzipped his fly and got out his cock. It looked even more impressive than usual in the dim light, dark and throbbing with veins. Eddie salivated and opened his mouth.

“Good boy.” Jeff held Eddie’s chin while he fed him that mighty cock. He went deep, forcing into Eddie’s throat so he could take every last inch.

Eddie stared up into Jeff’s eyes, unable to breathe. Jeff was looking down with something like awe in his expression. “Yeah, that’s it. That’s my slut. You can take me all, can’t you? Feels so fucking good in your mouth. Your throat.” Jeff’s hands roamed over Eddie’s face and neck in a rough caress.

A tightness welled up in Eddie’s chest, but it wasn’t the need to breathe. It was more than that. Something painful and incredible and beautiful.

And that was when it hit Eddie. He loved this man. Really fucking loved him.

This was the real deal, he was sure of it.

His eyes watered, and whether that was because he was full of love or full of cock, he couldn’t tell. When Jeff started to thrust, Eddie held on to that feeling and let Jeff’s cock pump him full of more love, more sensation. His body was a balloon filled to bursting point. He needed Jeff’s firm hold in his hair to stay tethered.

And he needed that pain at the back of his throat too. The battering and the hungry gasps for air every time Jeff pulled back far enough.

Just when Eddie’s jaw was aching to the point of unbearable, Jeff pulled out and stroked his hair. “Well done. You’re going to get a reward for that.”

Jeff moved out of sight behind him.

Eddie wished he could turn his head to see what Jeff was doing back there, but that wasn’t about to happen, so he just relaxed there, drifting on the sensations.

Cold wetness splattered on his hole, making him gasp, but before he’d had the chance to think anything more than “lube!” Jeff’s dick was pressing into him. It was a rough, brutal entry, and Eddie’s bruised hole ached, but it was everything he craved.

“Fuck, yeah,” he managed to pant. Felt like Jeff’s cock was pushing all the air out of his lungs. And there was no time to get his breath back, because Jeff started up with a punishing pace. He fucked Eddie’s arse like they were competing for an Olympic gold medal, and every time those hips slammed into Eddie, his abused skin flared with heat. So fucking good.

Eddie tried to help out, to thrust back, but Jeff was holding his hips so firmly he couldn’t move. He could only rock with the bench and clench inside, riding out the storm of Jeff’s lust.

“So good,” Jeff was saying, sounding almost as breathless as Eddie felt. “Yeah, they can all hear you out there, wailing and grunting. They know you’re getting a good fucking, and when you walk out, they’re all going to see your blowjob lips, and they’ll know just how I’ve used you. You’re going to smell of my cock. Of my come. They’re going to see it. All over you. And they’ll know you’re a dirty bitch. My dirty bitch.”

Eddie moaned his agreement and reached out for the wall. The bench was rocking so wildly now he needed to brace himself.

His fingers slipped on the mirror, and he opened his eyes. He’d forgotten about the mirror. Oh God, he could see Jeff behind him, ploughing into him. Jeff was staring down at the point their bodies joined. Staring with a look of intense lust, like he’d never seen anything as amazing as his cock pounding in and out of Eddie’s arse. Eddie lifted up on tiptoes to try to see too. Oh God, his skin was red. So dark red. He whimpered with the sheer dirty pleasure of being used and abused. He wished Jeff would lead him out naked, so everyone could see the state of his arse and know just what had happened to him. To know that Jeff owned his body. For a short while, at any rate.

The bench creaked ominously below Eddie, but he didn’t care. He planted his hands on the mirror and thrust back as hard as he could, meeting Jeff’s need with his own. And yes, he needed to come, but more than that, he needed Jeff to come in him. On him. Whichever. He wasn’t fussy, and he’d take it as it came.

He just needed to be the one Jeff was focused on when he did it.

Eddie squeezed his muscles inside, and Jeff grunted. “Bloody hell, do that again.”

Eddie worked his arse, aiming to give Jeff the fuck of his life. He’d spoil Jeff for anyone else. Make him an Eddie addict. Make him fall for him. Crave him.

Love him.

“Jesus fuck!” Jeff bellowed and pumped his hips harder.

The bench creaked. It shuddered.

Eddie flung his hands out as wood splintered beneath him.

He crashed into the floor with a tooth-rattling crunch.

Jeff landed on top of him.

“Oh my fucking God.”

Jeff’s cock twitched inside Eddie as he came.

Eddie couldn’t move with Jeff pinning him down. Couldn’t work out if he was injured or not. Couldn’t even come with the fucking band around his cock and balls. He wanted to cry.

But then Jeff lifted him up, onto his lap. “Hey, are you all right? You hurt anywhere?”

Eddie flexed his arms and legs gingerly, relieved to find there was nothing worse than a scrape on his knee. “Just my jaw and arse, you fat-cocked bastard. You broke the bench.”

Jeff chuckled. “I can see that. You want to come all over it?”

“No.” Although maybe he did. Just to make this whole experience even more sordid than it already was. “Please, no.”

“Tough. You’re going to.” Jeff fiddled with the cock ring, and all at once blood rushed to Eddie’s cock with a dizzying surge. He leaned back against Jeff’s hairy chest, helpless to protest as Jeff took hold of his cock and pumped it, squeezing hard and putting a mean foreskin twist at the top of each stroke.

He couldn’t have held back the tidal wave of spunk even if he’d wanted to. It jetted out, painting white lines across the padded bench and splintered legs. Pleasure surged through his body, igniting every last nerve ending. Jeff milked him and milked him until he was spent and every last muscle fibre ached.

“Hey, are you finished in there?” a voice called from outside. “You’re only meant to be in for fifteen minutes, you know. You’ve been hogging it for twenty-five now.”

Eddie groaned. All he wanted was to sink back into Jeff’s arms, but the woman outside wouldn’t shut up, and she was getting shriller and shriller.

“We’d better get up,” Jeff said.

“Mmm, I s’pose.” Eddie looked down at the bench. “How are we going to explain that?”

“Leave it to me.” Jeff shouldered his rucksack without buttoning up his shirt again. If Eddie hadn’t just come, he’d have done so at the sight of those hairy pecs bulging.

Jesus, he was so far gone he’d follow Jeff anywhere. Do anything.

The bloke didn’t even need the lead.

But Jeff jerked it anyway, pulling Eddie to him for a quick, mind-searing kiss.

“What was that for?” Eddie asked.

“Just to say thanks. You’ve been a great teacher.” Jeff smiled shyly before leading them out to face the music.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

In the end, Jeff had the club owner apologising for not having checked the safety of the equipment, which Jeff considered a bloody good result, seeing as how initially the jumped up little tosspot had been threatening to charge them to replace the bench. He’d claimed it was worth over three hundred pounds.

“Then you’ve been ripped off, mate,” Jeff told him. “I could build something better than that for less than twenty quid and a day’s labour.” And perhaps he would. There was definite potential to a piece of furniture like that. He’d enjoyed the way he’d had such easy access to both Eddie’s arse and mouth, and with some sturdy eyehooks at the bottom, he’d be able to cuff him in place.

But how the hell would he explain it to his mum when she came round to clean?

Bugger. That put paid to that idea. And besides, Eddie wouldn’t be coming round anymore, would he? This was it. Training complete.

At the door of the club Jeff unbuckled the collar from around Eddie’s neck. He had a horrible sensation of finality. But it was best this way. Jeff wasn’t gay, and Eddie wasn’t the settling-down type anyway. And at least Jeff now had confidence in himself as a Dom. He hadn’t even let a collapsing spanking bench faze him.

He was dynamite.

Shame he felt more like a budget firework that had been left out in the rain. But maybe that was just the come-down from an amazing orgasm.

They didn’t speak much in the car. Eddie was uncharacteristically quiet, and Jeff realised just how much of their normal chatter was down to Eddie’s efforts. Eddie always seemed to know what to say to sort out Jeff’s head. Except for right now, when Jeff really needed him.

“Are you okay?” he asked as Eddie pulled into the hotel car park.

“Apart from all the aches and pains? Yeah, I’m golden.” Eddie smiled, but under the wan streetlight, it just looked sad, like a painted-on smile.

Jeff grunted, not knowing what else to say, and they headed on inside.

The bar was still open.

“Fancy a drink?” he asked, wanting to get back their usual easy conversation.

“Nah, I’m good.” Eddie yawned. “Think I should be getting to bed. Got to drive back early tomorrow. Seeing my dad and Belinda for lunch. And all my sisters will be there too.”

“Oh.” Jeff had imagined there’d be time for a trip down to the beach together. “What time do we need to leave?”

“Earlyish. I was thinking eight to make sure we miss the worst of the traffic.”

“Right. Eight.” Jeff tried to hide his disappointment. Definitely no time for the beach. They’d be cutting it fine if they wanted morning sex, and since they hadn’t managed to have any the week before, he was desperate to try for some this week.

But what he’d really wanted, more than anything else, was to walk hand in hand with Eddie down the beach, early in the day before it got crowded.

“I’ll head up, then,” Eddie said. When Jeff made to follow him, he stopped him with a hand to his chest. “Nah. You have a drink. Seriously. I just want to crash out now. I’m not up for company.”

When Eddie left to go up those stairs, he must have taken part of Jeff with him. It was the only explanation for the way he felt so hollow inside.

But he stayed for a couple of pints, followed by a large vodka, and when he finally stumbled into their room, Eddie was fast asleep.

Jeff kept to his side of the bed and tried his best to feel happy about the prospect of going out and looking for a kinky girlfriend.

The shrieking of gulls woke Jeff up with a start. It was nothing like the mellow twittering of the birds around his house. He lay there, heart pounding, facing the window. Light filtered in around the edges of the blackout curtains, but it still had that early morning washed-out quality. Jeff checked his phone just to be sure. 6:15. They had time.

He rolled over to wake Eddie up, but Eddie was already awake, his eyes glittering in the half-light.

“Hey,” Eddie whispered. “Last morning.”

If there was more, Jeff didn’t want to hear it. He cut Eddie off with his mouth, roughly taking possession of him and rolling on top. Eddie tasted like sin, and he made a broken, yearning sound in his throat that turned Jeff on even as it broke his heart. They tangled, both grasping and rutting hungrily, until Jeff finally pinned Eddie’s wrists to the mattress above his head. “Stay there. I want to fuck you.”

Eddie’s body went limp with surrender, his eyes heavy lidded. Jeff ransacked his backpack, trying to remember where he’d put the condoms and lube. Eventually he found one of the foil wrappers and suited up. Lube? Where the fuck was it? Something heavy sounding rolled out of the bag, but he wasn’t about to turn a light on and go rooting around on the floor. He needed inside Eddie. Now.

Jeff pushed Eddie’s legs up to his shoulders and stared down. Eddie was looking up at him with a strange expression.

“Fuck me. Now,” Eddie demanded.

Okay. That was one order Jeff didn’t mind taking. He looked down at Eddie’s hole. There was only one lubricant that sprang to mind. Jeff called up as much spit as he could and let it fall onto Eddie, working it into his arse with his fingers. “This okay?” he checked, once he’d lined himself up ready to push inside.

“Yeah. Do it. Come on. Now.”

Jeff spat once more for good measure, aiming for the point where their bodies joined. He surged forward, meeting resistance but jabbing through it with short, sharp thrusts. Eddie hissed and winced, but he urged Jeff on all the time. “Come on. I want to feel you. Burns so fucking good.”

Jeff pushed on into the clenching heat of Eddie’s body until he couldn’t go any farther. He groaned, light-headed with need. Eddie looked so fucking good below him, his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, his brow furrowed and his mouth open and panting. Jeff leaned in closer, forcing Eddie’s legs farther back still until he could reach his mouth.

They kissed in desperation, messier and messier as Jeff began to move. Shallow stabs at first, aiming for that place inside Eddie that made him whimper and leak pre-come. Yeah, that was it. Jeff could feel the dampness on his belly. The urge to go deep and hard was lurking at the back of his mind, but for now he wanted to work Eddie into a state.

Only problem was, he was working himself into one too.

If he wasn’t fucking careful, he was going to blurt out something stupid. Something about wanting to keep seeing Eddie. And Eddie had made it perfectly clear how he felt about that.

Best to just keep kissing him so neither of them could talk. And Eddie tasted so fucking good.

Jeff kissed along his jaw and down to his neck.

“Harder. More. Please!” Eddie demanded, his hips bucking beneath Jeff.

Jeff nipped at the skin of his neck before pulling out.

Eddie whined.

“Quiet, boy. You’ll get what you’re after. Come on. Over here.” Jeff tugged Eddie to the edge of the mattress and stood by the side of the bed. Now he could thrust away as hard as he liked, using his whole body to push. He drooled on Eddie’s hole again. More light was spilling in around the curtains now, and he could see the bubbles in the spittle as it dripped down. It probably shouldn’t have been erotic, that sight, but it turned him on something chronic. He wanted to spend the rest of his life inside Eddie, like some freaky Siamese twins, joined at the groin.

Their bodies crashed together, building momentum, and no matter how long he wanted to draw it out, Jeff was powerless to resist. When the sharp tang of Eddie’s spunk hit his nostrils, the tide of his own orgasm swept over him, scouring out every last drop of pleasure.

They lay there panting, beached and broken. Jeff raised his head. “Thank you.”

“What for?”


“My pleasure. You’ll be a great top now. Some lucky woman isn’t going to know what’s hit her.”

“My cane, hopefully,” Jeff joked, but his heart wasn’t in it.

Eddie smiled sadly, then twitched his arse. “I need a shower. Then breakfast.”

Jeff didn’t want to move anywhere.

“I’m going to need you to let me go,” Eddie said firmly.

Yeah, that was about the size of it, wasn’t it? Jeff pushed himself up on wobbly legs and set about gathering his things from far-flung corners of the room.

Breakfast was over quickly, and Eddie picked up a paper to read while he ate, so Jeff did the same. Of course, Eddie had some poncy leftie paper with way too serious headlines, and Jeff had
The Mail on Sunday

“Jesus. I didn’t think I knew anyone who read
The Daily Mail
,” Eddie eventually commented. “You do know it’s full of made-up bullshit and scare-mongering, don’t you?”

Jeff grunted and filled his mouth with toast so he didn’t have to reply. He turned to the sports section. It wasn’t like he’d bought the bloody thing himself, was it? But it was the paper his dad always read, and so he’d grown up with it.

Besides, there was always something that caught his interest. This time it was an article about the offside rule, and he read that until it was time to leave.

The drive back was mostly silent. Eddie didn’t seem to be in a chatty mood, and Jeff certainly wasn’t. Part of him was frustrated he was missing out on his last chance to have a natter with Eddie, but then again, it didn’t absolutely have to be the last, did it? They might live very different lives, but surely they could meet up now and again? It wasn’t like that would have to interfere with any other relationship Jeff started, was it? Not in the beginning stages, anyway, and by the time it got more serious with his new girlfriend, he wouldn’t be needing Eddie’s company anymore.

The more he thought about it, the more he warmed to the idea, and so when Eddie pulled up outside Jeff’s house, he knew he had to speak.

“I was thinking,” he began.

“Sounds dangerous,” Eddie quipped.

“Shut up. I was thinking about us. This
. I know you’ve finished my training, but I was wondering if we could carry on seeing each other, you know, every now and then. Just to keep up my skills. At least until I’ve found a steady girlfriend, anyway.”

Eddie had his sunglasses on, and it was impossible to see his eyes, but his lips had set in a hard line.

Jeff blundered on, aware this wasn’t going well but hoping if he kept going, he’d be able to explain himself better. “I know you aren’t after anything like a relationship, but that’s fine, because I’m not gay anyway. So it would be okay, you see? Just like two mates meeting up every few weeks to muck around. You know, have a few beers. Me tie you up and screw your brains out. That kind of thing.”

“You’re saying you want to be friends with benefits?” Eddie’s hands were still gripping the steering wheel tightly.

“Uh, yeah, if that’s what you want to call it. Yeah, actually, that’s exactly what I’m after.” Friends with benefits still got to sleep over and kiss and cuddle in the morning, didn’t they? Something they hadn’t had time for this morning.

“So let me get this straight. Now your training’s over, you want to be able to carry on using me as a practice body, just until your perfect female sub comes along?”

Jeff scratched his neck. There was something not quite right about the way that sounded, but then again, it was exactly what Jeff was suggesting, wasn’t it. “Yeah, that’s about it. But, you know, I don’t mind doing some of the gay stuff too.”

“Oh, you’re going to give me a blowjob now, are you?” Eddie didn’t sound too thrilled about the idea, and Jeff was starting to feel riled by his tone.

“I never said nothing about that. Just, you know, the cock rings and stuff that goes on your bollocks. I don’t mind torturing you with those.”

“Right. Well, as much as it’s been a pleasure being tortured by you, I don’t really fancy being some substitute for your perfect woman, and I certainly don’t want to spend any more time with a top who’s revolted by the idea of going down on me. I know I’m a pretty easy-going sort of bloke, but I do have some self-respect.”

“I never said you didn’t.”

“You offered to make me your bit on the side.”

Jeff scratched his neck. “I thought that’s what you wanted.”

Eddie stared at him. “Jesus Christ, Jeff. Are you really that thick?”

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