How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (24 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

BOOK: How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps
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“So tell me,” Eddie said, his head in the fridge. “What happened to make you change your mind about the whole sexual-orientation thing?”

“I don’t know, exactly.”

“You’ll have to do better than that.”

Jeff watched Eddie fill the kettle and ready the mugs while he pondered his answer. Would it seem naff to admit to it being down to an argument with his brother over the football? Maybe he should say something about a divine revelation or something. But then Eddie seemed to want honesty.

“I’ve been miserable for days,” he said eventually, after Eddie had handed him a mug of tea. “Ever since Sunday morning.”

“Sounds like a classic guilty conscience.”

“It’s not.” Jeff paused at Eddie’s sneer. “Yeah, okay, it’s that too. I shouldn’t have said any of that crap, and I’ve apologised already, but that’s not all it is, okay? I’ve been looking around. At other blokes, and I’m noticing stuff about them that’s sexy.”

“But you still fancy women, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“So you’re bi. Not gay.”

“Does it matter?”

Eddie shrugged and took a gulp of his tea.

“Look, I might fancy women still, but I don’t want to be in a relationship with one of them anymore. I want to have a boyfriend, not a girlfriend.”

“So why does that make you miserable? You can have all the cock you want. Gorge yourself. The gay world is your oyster.”

“I don’t want lots of cock. Just yours.”

“Really? Because you haven’t acted all that interested in it so far. Other than a couple of very brief reach-arounds, I don’t think you’ve ever touched it. You certainly haven’t tasted it.”

“But I want to. It’s all I’ve been thinking about.”

“Really.” Eddie didn’t look like he believed a word of it. “Well, it’s not the most romantic come-on I’ve ever had, but lucky for you, I’m not the romantic type. But you are going to have to prove all this to me.” Eddie went for his fly and very deliberately unbuttoned it. He tugged out his limp dick and stood there with his arms crossed.

Jeff nodded and dropped to his knees.

This wasn’t how it was meant to go at all. His first blowjob wasn’t meant to be given on his knees on the kitchen floor. And of course, in his fantasies he’d pictured Eddie gagging for it, already hard and dripping with pre-come.

But if this was the hand he’d been dealt, he’d just have to do his best. And he figured the way to start out would probably be with a kiss. He’d have preferred to work his way down Eddie’s body, starting at his lips, but here went nothing. He didn’t have to feel submissive, though. He gripped hold of Eddie’s hips and pushed him back against the fridge, letting him feel the strength in his arms. Eddie gave a surprised “oof”, but Jeff was pleased to see his cock stir as it began filling with blood.

He pursed up and leaned in to kiss Eddie’s dick. It felt so smooth and vulnerable beneath his lips. Protectiveness welled up inside him. He was going to cherish this cock. It was his to look after now. Even if Eddie didn’t know that just yet.

And hopefully it would be his to spank and abuse too, but only with Eddie’s express permission. For now, it was all about convincing Eddie he could do the whole dick-loving part. They’d deal with the cock torture another day.

Eddie sniffed. “Well? Is that it? Because I’ve got to tell you, I’ve had better. Blowjobs generally involve getting a cock inside your mouth. Not just kissing it.”

“Shut up.” Jeff inhaled deeply. Eddie smelled of citrus shower gel and musk. “I’m working my way up to it.” This time, he licked a stripe up Eddie’s cock. It was definitely plumper now and starting to lift up a little. He took one hand off Eddie’s hip to take hold of it, carefully peeling the foreskin back. The smell here was stronger, and he just touched the tip of his tongue to Eddie’s piss slit, wanting to sample the flavour before going the whole hog.

“Jesus,” Eddie breathed as his cock hardened in Jeff’s hand. Jeff’s own was busy fattening up too, clearly excited by the smell and taste of another dick. Yup. Definitely gay. Or bi. Whatever. The important thing was, Jeff loved cock.

Eddie’s cock in particular.

But Eddie probably wouldn’t believe him until he took it inside his mouth. Jeff looked up at him, trying to judge how he was doing. Eddie’s eyes were wide open and staring, but Jeff couldn’t figure out his expression.

“Go on, then,” Eddie said.

Right. Only one thing for it. Jeff opened his mouth and filled it with flesh.

After a few moments of struggling with keeping his teeth out of the way, Jeff began to relax and explore with his tongue. Eddie had almost reached full mast now, and he was making those super-delicious turned-on noises Jeff always enjoyed. Oh yeah, he was obviously doing something right.

Confidence poured through him, warming him inside. He could do this. He could get the hang of being a gay man and having gay sex. Proper gay sex, where he took as well as gave. His arsehole clenched at the thought, but if that was what Eddie wanted to try, he’d happily give it a go. He’d give anything a go if he got to spend more time like this, with Eddie in his mouth and in his life.

“Okay, that’s enough. Christ, that’s enough, stop it!” Eddie pushed Jeff’s head back until he popped out of his mouth. “Oh Jesus bloody fuck, why did I let you do that?”

“Because you wanted me to.” That was a no-brainer. “No man turns down a blowjob. Ever. Even I didn’t, back when I thought I was straight.”

Eddie didn’t reply, and his arm was still shielding his eyes.

Oh fuck.
Doubts bubbled up from somewhere in the region of Jeff’s gut. Had he really been that bad at it?

“I’ll get better with time,” he promised. “And practice. Lots of practice.”

“That’s not it. You were fine for a first-timer.”

“Well then, I don’t get it.” Jeff sat back on his heels, perplexed. This was starting to remind him of one of those times Sarah would get all moody and he’d have to figure it out or she’d end up sleeping in the spare room. “Come on. Tell me what’s up? I can’t read minds.”

Eddie finally took his hand away from his eyes and looked down at Jeff. His eyelashes were all wet and sticking together in clumps, and then Jeff realised why he’d been hiding them.

He’d been crying.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Eddie buttoned up his fly and swallowed back his tears as best he could, determined not to give in to them. It was bad enough letting Jeff see this.

It was humiliating, and not in a good way.

Eddie had been splayed out and sexually tortured in front of an audience many a time, but he’d never, ever felt as naked and as exposed as he did right now. And that look of earnest bewilderment on Jeff’s face was only twisting the knife into his heart.

“I don’t get it,” Jeff was still saying. “Talk to me Eddie. Tell me what it is so I can put it right.”

Eddie swallowed a few more times, not really trusting his voice yet, but he had to give Jeff something. The poor bloke was getting to his feet now and hugging himself like he didn’t trust his arms not to do something crazy.

“Eddie? Please?”

“This isn’t going to work,” Eddie said.

“What isn’t? Me giving you a blowjob? I don’t see why not. I could tie you up first if that made it any better for you.”

Eddie snorted, snot bubbling out of his nose. Oh, that was attractive. Way to pull the newly bi bloke. “I’m sure being tied up would make it more fun, but it’s still not what I’m after. I can’t do this, Jeff. I can’t be your dirty little secret. I haven’t gone through my whole adult life as an out gay man, only to go running back into the closet and pretending to be just your friend. Or your mystery girlfriend who hides up in your room when your mum comes round.”

Understanding dawned on Jeff’s face. “Oh, you’re still upset about that?”

“No, not exactly. I get why you want to pass as straight if your family are really that bad. It’s much easier for bi guys to get away with that. But there’s no future for us, is there? If you won’t come out and I won’t hide, I don’t see how it can work.”

“Wait a minute.” Jeff grabbed Eddie’s shoulders now, dislodging a fridge magnet, which clattered to the floor. “Who says I’m not coming out?”

“You do. Ever since I’ve known you, you haven’t missed a chance to remind me of how straight you are. Why should things be any different now you’ve had a taste of my cock?”

Jeff shook his head impatiently. “You’re an idiot. Everything’s different. And not just coz I tasted your cock either.”

“No? Why then?” Eddie held his breath waiting for the answer.

“Because I figured something out. I love you.”

Eddie stared, dumbstruck. He wasn’t being given a line, he was sure. Jeff looked deadly earnest and intense. Eddie’s heart trembled, and for some reason, he felt like he was about to vomit.

“You love me? How do you know?”

Jeff huffed. “Maybe because I can’t stop thinking about you? And not just the sexy bits. I miss chatting with you and stuff like that. And your smile. I miss that. Yeah, there it is. I want more of that smile in my life.”

Eddie’s heart swelled dangerously, but there was one last thing he had to get clear before he kissed the living daylights out of Jeff. “And you’d be willing to come out? It doesn’t have to be straight away, but I’d want you to work your way up to it.”

Jeff ran his hands down Eddie’s arms and took hold of his hands. “I can’t pretend the idea doesn’t scare me shitless, but…” Jeff’s gaze skittered about the room. Then it landed somewhere, and his eyes widened. Eddie found the source of his fascination pinned on the noticeboard: the printout of his ad for Jeff’s gardening business.


“What is that?” Jeff strode over to the board and now all Eddie could see was the back of his head. Hard to get a read on what Jeff was thinking.

“Just something I was working on. More to keep myself amused than anything else. I mean, I don’t expect you to use it or anything.”

“You did this for me?” Now Jeff had turned back to him, and if it weren’t so patently ridiculous, Eddie would have said there were tears glittering in his eyes. Men like Jeff didn’t cry, though.

But maybe this one did. Jeff walked back to him, and up close, the awestruck emotion in his face was obvious. “I can’t believe you did that for me. And you never even said anything about it.”

“We haven’t exactly been talking this last week.”

“Nobody’s ever made me anything like that before. I’m truly honoured.”

Eddie wanted to protest it was only a design, same as he’d do for any of his clients, but that wasn’t exactly true, was it? He’d put his heart and soul into that drawing, and he’d worked late into the night even though he knew he’d never be paid for his efforts. And so he simply smiled and said thank you.

It was the right thing to say. Jeff smiled back, then pulled a resolute expression. “I’m still scared, but after you doing something like that for me… Yeah, I want you to come for lunch with me at my folks’ tomorrow. My brother and his wife and kids will be there too, so you can meet the whole family.”

“They already know?”

“Not yet, but they’ll figure it out pretty quickly when I introduce you as my boyfriend.” Jeff’s determination wavered, and he gave Eddie a shy look. “You are my boyfriend, now, aren’t you?”

Eddie pressed a gentle kiss to Jeff’s lips. Jeff exhaled shakily, and for the first time, Eddie realised just how keyed up Jeff had been inside, even if he hadn’t given much away on the outside.

“Of course I’ll be your boyfriend. But if you’re after a twenty-four/seven lifestyle thing, you’re out of luck. I’m no one’s slave, and I’m only submissive in the bedroom.”

“Just the bedroom?” Jeff smiled wickedly. Are you sure?” He grabbed hold of Eddie’s wrists and pinned them back against the fridge. “Coz there are all these other rooms I’d like to dominate you in too.” He finished by nipping Eddie’s lower lip. Not hard, but enough of a bite to make him shiver and his cock perk right back up again. Jeff ground his groin against Eddie’s, and he could feel just how happy Jeff was too.

Fuck it. “You can dominate me wherever you like,” Eddie agreed, “Just so long as you keep doing that.”

“Yeah? That’s a shame, because what I really want right now is for you to stay there with your hands on your head, and for me to get back down on my knees and finish blowing you.”

Eddie whimpered and ground shamelessly back against Jeff.

“No, wait…” Jeff mused, his grin wolfish. “That’s not it. I think I want you on your back on the breakfast bar, naked, holding on to your ankles and presenting yourself to me, so that I can sit in comfort at the end while I eat you out.”

Eddie couldn’t get up there fast enough.

Now that he was sitting on the high stool with Eddie spread out before him like a feast, Jeff’s nerves got the better of him. There it all was. Eddie’s cock, balls and arsehole, ready for his attention.

There was no going back and pretending he was straight after this.

But what if he didn’t like it? Sucking the tip of Eddie’s cock was one thing, but his balls? His arse?

“It’s okay. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. It must be kind of weird for you. Scary, even.”

Jeff looked up to find Eddie giving him a disappointed kind of smile.

Fuck it. He wanted to prove himself worthy of this man. This man who bravely took every bit of pain and humiliation Jeff doled out. “I’m not bloody well scared,” he growled. “Just admiring the view.” He stuck his tongue out and very deliberately swiped it over Eddie’s ball sac and up to his cock shaft.

There. That wasn’t so bad. And it stole a surprised-sounding huff from Eddie.

He did it again, this time trailing the tip of his tongue down, from Eddie’s balls to the strip of skin behind. There was a little ridge leading all the way down to his hole, and Jeff followed it there. The saltiness of Eddie’s skin gave way to something musky—almost metallic. It reminded Jeff of the scent of freshly turned earth. Not so bad after all. In fact, it was one of his favourite smells. He played with his tongue, pulling Eddie’s cheeks wide and licking every which way, exploring the unfamiliar textures and flavours.

Eddie’s reaction was turning him on too. He couldn’t seem to keep still, constantly making these gorgeous, desperate sounds as he writhed about. He was going to fall off the breakfast bar and do himself an injury if he didn’t calm down. “Keep still,” Jeff ordered, using his hands to pin Eddie’s hips down.

He worked his way up to Eddie’s bollocks again, and this time he experimented with sucking one into his mouth. It was odd. Slightly prickly textured. But not unpleasant. Not in the slightest. He sucked in the other as well, pleased Eddie’s balls weren’t as big and hairy as his own.

“Godohgodohgod,” Eddie whined. Jeff could feel him straining and pressed him down even more firmly.

“Keep still, or I’ll have to tie you down.”

“Please do that again,” Eddie pleaded. “So good.”

What was good? Holding him down? He was still doing that. Oh, the tea-bagging. Or was it actually considered tea-bagging from this angle? Jeff didn’t know. He’d ask Eddie when he was back to normal again. Although keeping him in a state like this for hours on end was incredibly tempting.

As Jeff sucked on Eddie’s balls, he contemplated all the things they could now do together. He had so many plans.

He could hogtie Eddie and fuck his throat while he held his nose shut.

He could tie him spread-eagled and kiss him all over.

He could watch the sunrise with him from Jeff’s garden, then go inside for coffee and toast before heading back to bed.

It was all good.

Happy thoughts filled Jeff’s head as he turned his attention to Eddie’s cock. There were so many things they could do together. So many first times for them still to come.

And the one he was going to concentrate on enjoying right now was getting Eddie to come in his mouth.

Jeff opened wide and sucked Eddie as deep as he could. Oh, not so far. He was only halfway down when the urge to gag hit him. How the fuck did Eddie take him all the way into his throat? Jeff wasn’t going to be able to do that in a hurry. But if he couldn’t go deep, then he’d just have to concentrate on the bit he could fit in his mouth.

Jeff moved one of his hands to circle the base of Eddie’s cock, pumping up and down with it while he worked on sucking and licking the crown. Eddie was moaning like crazy now, and the olive-y flavour in Jeff’s mouth grew stronger. Yeah, he was getting there. Him, doing this to Eddie. Felt so fucking powerful.

And at the exact same time, so fucking humble.

“Can I come? Please, Sir?” Eddie pleaded.

Oh, what a good sub he was. Jeff hadn’t even thought of this as a situation requiring permission. He pulled off for just long enough to growl “Do it,” before getting back to the job in hand. In mouth. Whatever. The important thing was, Jeff had his lover’s cock in his mouth, and he was determined to show him a good time.

“God! Now, Sir. Coming now.”

Jeff might have been warned, but the first jet of spunk was still a surprise, making him splutter and draw back. He watched the next two coming out while getting his breath back, then sucked Eddie in greedily. He wanted this. He’d earned it. And it tasted good. Like Eddie. And like sex. His two favourite things in the whole world.

When the spunk stopped splurting and Eddie’s body had gone limp, Jeff got up, kicking the stool over in his rush to get his jeans undone. He walked round to where Eddie’s head rested. Fuck. He hadn’t thought this through. He’d wanted to come all over Eddie’s face, but the height of the breakfast bar put paid to that idea. He frowned.

“You okay?” Eddie asked. He was frowning too. “Shit. You didn’t like it.”

“Don’t be an idiot. It was fucking fantastic. As you should be able to see by this bad boy.” Jeff grabbed his erection and almost came on the spot. “My nuts are fucking bursting. I was just trying to figure out how I was going to come all over your face.”

A slow smile dawned on the face in question. “Help me down.”

And that was how, less than a minute later, Jeff had a kneeling Eddie in front of him, smiling dreamily as Jeff painted his lips with come.

Jeff’s orgasm rippled its way up to his heart too, and when he’d finally finished pumping his love all over Eddie, he pulled him to his feet. And kissed him. Both of their flavours mingled on his tongue.

“I fucking love you,” he said, squeezing Eddie tight.

“Love you too, you bastard.”

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