How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (20 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

BOOK: How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps
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Chapter Twenty-Six

When they returned to their room, Eddie excused himself to use the bathroom, and he had half a mind to quickly whack one off. It would be an awful lot faster than waiting to calm himself down. But then he remembered the heat in Jeff’s gaze as he gave his orders, and that little catch in his voice that had betrayed just how turned on he was by Eddie’s suffering.

“Bastard,” Eddie muttered as he stared down at the toilet bowl. He couldn’t let Jeff down. Not now the man was finding his confidence. The fumbling, awkwardness of their first couple of encounters had given way to this self-possessed, relaxed calm, and it was incredibly sexy. But thinking about that really wasn’t helping matters.

In the end, Eddie started contemplating his latest commission, and just how he was going to provide the client with something both traditional and cutting edge, and eventually his dick was soft enough to aim at the porcelain.

“Ahhh!” At least the full bladder wasn’t going to be bothering him again for a while. And if Eddie only sipped a drink at the club, he should be okay for a good few hours.

Bloody hell, Jeff had better not make him wait a few hours.

At the thought of that, Eddie’s dick stiffened again, and he groaned, leaving his fly open as he went back into the main room. “Look at what you’ve done to me,” he complained, before catching sight of a vision in black leather.

“Oh my God.”

Jeff stood in the pool of light by the bed, wearing a pair of thick leather jeans, biker boots and not much else. Eddie had caught him in the act of pulling a black, short-sleeved shirt on.

“No, wait a minute.” Eddie almost stumbled over his own feet in his hurry to cross the room. He was vaguely aware of more black stuff strewn over the bed, but he ignored it in his lust to get to Jeff. He leaned down and nuzzled into Jeff’s chest hair, which earned him a surprised grunt. “Wish you didn’t have to cover all this up,” Eddie said before licking one of Jeff’s nipples.

“Maybe I’ll open my shirt later.” Jeff grimaced as he pulled the shirt on fully. “Actually, I think I’m going to have to. I’m sweltering in these bloody things. Fetish gear wasn’t exactly designed for hot weather.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Some people love getting all sweaty and slippery.”

“Yeah? Well, I don’t. Wish I’d gone and got me a kilt too.”


Jeff’s grin was positively feral. “Turn around, boy.”

Eddie did as instructed. There was a long black leather skirt on the bed. “You want me to wear that? Seriously?”

“Have you got a problem with kilts?”

“Not on Scottish blokes, no. But…”
I’ve never been into cross-dressing,
he wanted to say, but he didn’t want to get into an argument about it on their last evening together. He picked the kilt up. The leather felt soft and it looked quite well made. Fully lined, and there weren’t any over the top details to make it look too girly. But still, it was a skirt. “I’ve got some of my own leather jeans to wear,” he said, pointing in the direction of his suitcase.

Jeff stepped up behind him and spoke into his ear. “You said you were going to be a good boy tonight, didn’t you? You said you were going to do what I say to keep me happy.”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts. Just you, in the kilt and your boots. I want you naked underneath.”

Eddie took a deep breath and felt kind of dizzy. It was like that, giving in to someone else’s will even while a part of you protested. But it was better that way. Something about it not being exactly what he would have chosen made his head swim. That bliss of giving himself up to be Jeff’s fantasy. And so he dropped his jeans and stepped out of them before slowly stepping into the kilt.

Jeff slapped his arse as he bent down to pull it up, and that made Eddie hurry. Moments later, he zipped the fly shut and wiggled his bum. Actually, that was quite freeing, although his hard-on could now swing around disconcertingly, rubbing against the slick lining fabric. “You know I’m probably going to come just from this rubbing against me, don’t you?”

“Oh, I forgot. Sit down.” Jeff patted the edge of the bed. “Kilt pulled up. Legs wide. That’s it. Wider.” He shoved Eddie’s knees wider with his hands and reached over to pick something else up behind Eddie.

Eddie groaned. “It had better not be a fucking cock cage. I hate those.”

“You should probably shut up about them then, or you’ll put ideas into my head.”

Cool leather wrapped around the base of Eddie’s cock and balls, and he sighed with relief. Just a cock ring. He could handle that. Welcomed it, in fact. And the snap on leather bands were an awful lot easier to get in and out of than some of the more elaborate metal contraptions. He’d have to introduce Jeff to those next time. Although there wouldn’t be a next time. Shit.

“Are we good to go now?” Eddie asked, when he was finally upright again. Jeff was staring at him in a disconcerting way. “What’s up? You don’t like the kilt? I can still change.”

“Shut up. I fucking love the kilt.”

“Then what is it?” Eddie felt naked under that gaze. He shivered.

“Nothing.” Jeff hesitated, then took Eddie’s chin in his hand. Eddie was about to make a smart remark, but something in the intensity of Jeff’s gaze stopped him.

Jeff ran a thumb over Eddie’s lower lip. “You know how good you look right now?”

“I do?”

“Fucking gorgeous.” Jeff hooked a hand around Eddie’s neck and tugged him down to meet his lips. His tongue licked over Eddie’s lips before thrusting inside and claiming him.

Had Jeff just called him gorgeous? If Eddie’s mouth hadn’t been otherwise occupied, he’d probably have teased him about it, but then again, maybe he wouldn’t. Because there was something sad about it all, what with it being their last night together.

So when the kiss finally broke, he said nothing. Just rested his forehead against Jeff’s and caught his breath.

“We should go,” Jeff rasped. “Get a T-shirt on, or everyone’s going to stare at you. Hope we don’t have to park too far from the club.”

Romantic moment over. Eddie gave him a wry smile. “Don’t worry. If anyone asks, I’ll just put on a Scottish accent.
Nothing to see here, Jimmie

“That’s a bloody awful accent.” Jeff hefted up a packed rucksack and handed Eddie his T-shirt. “Come on. You’re driving. Just the car,” he clarified when Eddie smirked.

It was only a short drive to the club, and there was a large car park just over the road so they wouldn’t have to walk far, which seemed to make Jeff happy. Eddie snuck glances at him whenever he could during the drive. Was he nervous? If so, he was doing a good job of keeping it hidden. Fuck. He looked hot like that. Such a pity they were only going to be observers at the club. Exhibitionism was always such a turn-on.

The big bloke at the door gave them the once-over, but after Jeff answered a few cursory questions and handed over their money, he obviously decided they were kinky enough to head inside. “Play nicely, boys,” he called after them. “And remember, no photos.”

The anonymous-looking door opened into a dark vestibule, with doors ahead of them to the area where the doorman had said they’d find the playrooms, and steps leading up to the bar. Eddie felt Jeff’s hands on his shoulders. “On your knees.”

“Here? Are you sure?” Eddie dropped to the floor anyway, never minding that he was in the vestibule of a straight club. His dick had softened on the drive down, but now it pumped back up to full mast, totally obvious under the kilt. The thought of anyone being able to see him there, kneeling and hard, only made more blood rush to his groin.

He’d been expecting to find himself with a mouth full of dick, but instead, Jeff was scrabbling around inside the bag. “Ah, here it is.”

As the leather band of the collar closed around Eddie’s neck, he swayed. Oh God, now everyone would know how he liked things. No pretending he was another top on the prowl. And then Jeff clipped something onto the collar’s D ring.

“Are you serious?” Eddie stared at the lead. It was only a short one, and when Jeff tugged on the end of it, he had to stand up.

“You need to stop questioning everything I do, slut. I’m the one in charge here, and what I say goes.”

“Yessir.” Eddie held his arms out gratefully to take the cuffs when they appeared, and he leant down to buckle the ankle ones himself when Jeff ordered him to. Fortunately Jeff didn’t mention attaching them together. It was virtually impossible to walk gracefully when shackled. “So we are actually playing tonight, then?”

“Looks that way, doesn’t it?” Jeff looked kind of smug, and Eddie couldn’t find a trace of fear.

“You know people will think we’re a couple.”

Jeff tugged on the lead and gave him a pointed look. “And?”

And nothing.
If Jeff wanted to have a little taste of being out, Eddie wasn’t about to persuade him otherwise. He did want to give some warning, though. “It’s probably going to be very tame in there. I don’t think much public sex happens in straight clubs.”

“They said on the website they have a sex licence.”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean anyone’s going to take advantage of that. You might see a bit of flogging and spanking, but that’ll probably be about it.”

Jeff shrugged. “We’ll just have to see what happens. Don’t you go worrying about it. Your job is to do as I tell you. Nothing more, nothing less. And right now, you’re going to follow me up those stairs, and we’re getting a beer. Come on, bitch. Get a move on.” Jeff winked, tugged on the lead and started up the stairs.

And just like that, all Eddie’s resistance crumbled. Damn it, this man was so perfect at topping him.

And besides, he bloody well had to follow when he was on such a short lead. Eddie winced as the collar bit into his neck, then took off after his man.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Walking into that room with Eddie on a lead behind him was probably the most frightening thing Jeff had ever done in his life. But mind over matter and all that. He forced his hands to stay steady and strode over to the bar.

“Pint of Becks, please,” he said when the barman looked his way.

“Right up.” The bloke set it down in front of him, and Jeff took a deep draught for courage. “Anything for your pet there?” the barman asked. He was a skinny young thing with long red hair in a ponytail and a face full of metal bits and bobs. Sub or Dom? Jeff thought he caught a whiff of sub, despite the cocky attitude.

Jeff looked back at Eddie, who was standing behind him, smiling as he took in the scene around them. “I’d love a pint of coke, if that’s all right with you, Sir.”

Jeff pretended to ponder it. “I suppose so. Since you’ve been a good boy.”

Once he’d paid for the drinks, he realised he’d just acted gay in front of the barman, and the bloke hadn’t even raised an eyebrow. Not that he was probably able to with all those metal rings weighing it down, but still… A band of tension inside him released, and he took a deep breath. Time to look around properly.

There were plenty of women in the usual leather and PVC, corsets and stockings. One even had her tits out and was also being led around on a lead. He watched her wobble on her ridiculously high heels. Eddie could probably walk better in a pair of those. And his legs would look better in those hold-ups, the fishnet all stretched over his lean muscle.

He spotted another couple of blokes wearing kilts too. It was hard to tell who was submissive and who was dominant up here, as everyone seemed to be treating it like an overgrown version of his local fetish club, just socialising rather than doing anything too obviously sexual.

“You’re right. It does seem pretty tame.”

Eddie leaned against him. “If this were a gay BDSM club, all you’d be able to smell would be testosterone, sweat and spunk. You’d see subs in slings with blokes lining up to fuck them, and if you paid a bit extra, the barman would’ve dipped his dick into your pint.”

“Why would anyone want that?”

“It’s fun to watch? You could have made me drink it if you didn’t like the idea of dick-swirled beer.”

“Yeah, I suppose that could be humiliating.” Jeff could always dip his own dick in Eddie’s coke. “Must be sticky, though. You know, beer and coke and stuff on your nob.”

“I’d happily lick it all off for you.”

“I bet you would.” Jeff’s dick hardened at the thought, and he reached down to adjust it. Fuck it. If there was one place in the world he didn’t need to be ashamed of having a hard-on in public, it was at a sex club. Even if there wasn’t any actual sex going on.

“Is this really it? No floggings or anything?”

“We could go and take a look downstairs,” Eddie suggested. “That’s where the bloke on the door said the private rooms and stuff were.”

“He did?”

“Weren’t you paying attention?”

How could Jeff admit to the fact he’d been so bloody anxious his blood had been roaring in his ears? He’d not taken in anything the man had said, he’d been so caught up in the idea of getting that collar on Eddie’s neck and somehow plucking up the courage to lead him inside.

And now they were in here, he wondered what he’d ever been nervous about. No one seemed remotely scandalised by him leading a half-naked kilted bloke around on a lead. In a strange kind of way, it was slightly disappointing. He glanced down at Eddie’s erection, still tenting the front of his kilt.

“If this is nowhere near as fun as the usual clubs you go to, what are you so excited about?”

“Must be the company.” Eddie smiled, and something inside Jeff ached. God damn it, it was so bloody unfair that Eddie wasn’t a woman. He’d be totally perfect if he was.

Jeff needed to get his mind off Eddie’s cock and back onto pussy. Maybe if he saw some girl bits being tortured downstairs… “Come on, let’s go.” He yanked on the lead and headed off to the stairs.

The room downstairs definitely had a different sort of vibe. That was largely down to all the subs strapped to various crosses and benches, being spanked, paddled or flogged. There were plenty of spectators too, and Jeff could see several curtained-off doorways with signs on them saying time inside was limited to fifteen minutes. He could take Eddie into one of those rooms and fuck him every which way, then drag him out again all dazed and smelling of Jeff’s cock.

Bloody hell, he was hard enough to drill through concrete. That had to be down to being in a room full of female subs being hit though, hadn’t it? Yeah. Of course. Never mind that he hadn’t really looked at any of them yet. And of course, they weren’t all female…

“God, they really should put a bit more effort into their floggings. Call that painful? I think not.” Eddie sniffed at the nearest bench to them, and Jeff followed his gaze. A large woman was being flogged by another one. Oh my God. Live lesbian sex!

Jeff’s brain almost short-circuited.

He watched for a minute, disappointment slowly welling up. This had to be the least sexy flogging he’d ever witnessed. The Domme was flicking the tails really gently, like she either didn’t want to hurt the sub or just couldn’t be bothered to put any more effort into it. And for her part, the sub looked like she’d fallen asleep. She wasn’t even naked. The flogging was going on over a pair of black lacy granny knickers.

Jeff shook his head. “If she’s going to keep her knickers on, she could have at least worn a thong.”

“A lot of female subs are really self-conscious about going naked in public. Maddy told me all about it.”

“And I’m guessing male ones don’t have the same problem?”

“I’m sure one or two must, but not that I’ve noticed.”

Bloody hell, why did the gay kinksters get to have all the fun? “So you’re saying you wouldn’t have a problem if I were to turn you over a bench and lift your kilt so everyone could see your naked arse?”

“I’d be absolutely delighted.” Eddie rubbed up against Jeff’s side, purring. “In fact, I’d spread my legs wide so they could see this cock ring too. Let them all know just how much you own me. And you could fuck me too. In the mouth or the arse. Or both. That’d give them all something to write home about.”

Jeff glanced around. There really didn’t seem to be any sexual contact going on at all between the subs and Doms. It wasn’t how he’d fantasised a sex club would be. Taking Eddie the way he’d suggested was tempting, but Jeff wasn’t quite ready to break the unspoken rules about how much sex went on in public here. “Let’s look around some more first. Then I’m going to take you into one of those curtained booths and fuck you like the dirty little bitch you are.”

“Mmm, yes please, Sir.” Eddie licked Jeff’s ear.

“Oi, less of that!”

Eddie grinned like the cat that had scoffed down the whole bloody pint of cream.

Jeff led them over to a group of people standing around a St Andrew’s Cross. It was the biggest crowd, so clearly something special was going on here. He glared at the shoulders of a tall bloke in a long leather coat. Why couldn’t Jeff be four inches taller? Okay, so he’d still be shorter than Eddie, but at least he’d have a better chance of seeing stuff in crowds.

Just then, the couple in front of them left, and Jeff got to see what was going on. A woman was strapped to the cross. She was pretty. Long dark hair. Relatively normal looking despite her collar, corset and fishnets. Better yet, her tits were hanging out the top. He recognised her then for the woman he’d seen being led around on the lead earlier. And right now she was getting spanked between the legs and looking like she was enjoying every moment of it. Properly enjoying it too, if the wetness on her Dom’s fingers was anything to go by.

“So, what do you reckon?” Eddie asked. “Is this more what you were after?”

“Yeah, she’s cute,” Jeff said. It was a shame about the tattoos, but at least they were just on her arms. And he had no objections to piercings through nipples. Especially when it was a pair as juicy and prominent as those. He adjusted his dick, which was currently attempting to drill through his fly. “I’d do her.”

Eddie snorted. “Yeah, okay. I’d do him, for what it’s worth.”

Jeff hadn’t even looked at the Dom, other than to register the wetness on the bloke’s fingers, but he tore his eyes away from Miss Wobbly-heels to see what Eddie was going on about.

Just a bloke. Leather trousers and a black shirt, like just about every other Dom here. At least this one didn’t have a ponytail. He had sensible cropped hair like Jeff’s, and he was fairly well built. Not all that tall, though, he was pleased to see. “Dunno what you see in him. There’s better-looking blokes here.”

“Like who?”

Fuck. Jeff glanced around, trying to make it look like he wasn’t checking out the blokes even when he quite blatantly was. “I dunno. That one over there. The bloke in the funny harness thing.” It looked nice, the way those metal circles went round his nipples. Like the one Eddie had been wearing in that photo he’d showed him. Damn, Jeff should have asked him to wear it tonight.

“What, the one in the fishnets and hot pants?” Eddie asked.

“Yeah, that’s the one.”

Eddie squinted at Jeff.


Eddie shook his head. “Trust you to pick out the most girly-looking man in the room.”

“He doesn’t look girly. Get a load of those muscles in his legs. Bet he’s flexible as well as strong. And you’d never get a harness like that over a pair of tits. He’s got a nice pair of nips too. I could have fun with those.” Great. Now he was discussing the merits of another man’s body in terms of sex. What the fuck was going on with him these days?

“He’s got a really pretty face, though.”

Eddie sounded so put out about it, Jeff struggled to understand what was going on beneath the surface. Jealous? Nah, couldn’t be. Eddie was too confident to feel jealous about other men. “I wasn’t looking at his face,” Jeff admitted. He turned back to fishnets-harness man. “Nah. He’s not pretty. Just looks like a bloke to me. Blokes aren’t pretty.”

“But she is?” Eddie gestured in the direction of Miss Wobbly-heels, who was currently licking her Dom’s fingers clean. Fuck. Had they just missed her coming?

“Yeah.” Jeff rubbed at his cock, absentmindedly. “She’s pretty. Sexy too. Nice tits. You think they’re going to go at it some more?”

“I doubt it. We should move on.”

“Nah, it looks like he’s going to hit her with the crop next. We’ll stay.” Jeff wound the lead tight around his hand and pushed on Eddie’s shoulder to get him down on his knees. There. Now he could use the top of Eddie’s head as an arm rest, and he got the comfort of touching him like that. It was even nicer when Eddie leaned in and plastered himself against Jeff’s leg.

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