How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (16 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

BOOK: How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps
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“I thought I could smell strawberries too. You must be able to make the most amazing summer pudding.” Eddie’s eyes glowed in the greenish light, and he looked like an overgrown school boy, all filled with excitement.

“Yeah, summer pudding’s okay, but I prefer Eton Mess.”

“Eton Mess!” Eddie’s eyes darkened, and he licked his lips. “Even better. My stepmum never made that. Said she couldn’t stand meringue. But what’s not to like about meringue?”

“Exactly.” Jeff couldn’t stop staring at Eddie’s lower lip, still glistening with his saliva. He’d make Eddie Eton Mess for pudding if it meant he got to see that expression on his face again. He had plenty of eggs, and he was sure there was some cream in the fridge. Hopefully it was still in date.

“What?” Eddie asked, grinning knowingly and taking a step closer. “You’re spacing out on me again.”

“Uh, raspberries. Over there.” Jeff pointed so he didn’t have to put together more coherent directions.

“I see them.” Eddie bumped into him as he went past, and although it was a confined space, surely he was closer than he needed to be? Jeff’s heart rate sped up, and he had to stop himself from grabbing Eddie and throwing him onto the ground, squashed strawberries or not. What was wrong with him? He’d come about ten minutes ago. He shouldn’t be raring to go again quite so soon. Not with this level of desperation, anyway.

To distract himself, Jeff plucked a fat, juicy raspberry and ate it, but the tangy flavour bursting across his tongue was almost too much stimulation. As was Eddie, moaning with delight. “Oh my God. These have to be the best raspberries I’ve ever tasted. You’re going to have to stop me, or you won’t have any left.”

“That’s okay. I’ve got more than I can eat, anyway.”

“What do you do with the excess? Somehow I can’t see you making jam.”

Jeff couldn’t tear his gaze away from the pink juice staining Eddie’s lips. Utterly sinful.

But Eddie had asked him a question. “Erm, I give most of it to my mum. Sometimes my brother too, but he’s moved away to Trowbridge, so that’s not going to happen so often.”

“You’re a real family man, aren’t you?” Eddie sounded pleased about that, which was weird as Sarah had always said he needed to cut the apron strings.

“I dunno. I just do what I can. And they help me out too.”

“It’s nice. I wish I could see more of mine, but they went and moved to Devon a few years back. Takes me a couple of hours to drive there now. Not really handy for Sunday lunch. It’s a bloody shame. I really miss having a roast at the weekend.”

The urge to invite Eddie round for Sunday lunch at his parents had to be tamped down and a large rock put on top of it. Okay, so he could introduce Eddie as a friend, and that would be fine—his mum was always ready to cater for an extra body or two—but his folks would be bound to wonder how someone like him had ended up being friends with the likes of Eddie, and knowing Jeff’s dad, he’d probably sniff out Eddie’s queerness a mile off. According to Bert White, all posh blokes were a bit gay anyway.

“You’re drifting off on me again,” Eddie said. “What’s a man got to do to keep you in the here and now?” He’d moved closer as he spoke, brushing against the bushes bordering the path, and all that separated them was a few inches of super-heated air.

Chapter Twenty

The scent of sex mingled with the sharp tang of blackcurrant leaves, leaving Jeff’s head swimming. All he wanted to do was lean forwards and kiss—

Eddie did it for him, crushing his lips onto Jeff’s. He tasted of ripe fruit, but when Jeff tried to lick into his mouth, Eddie pulled back, keeping the kiss light. Strange. Jeff had never kissed this way before, but after a minute more of gentle lip sucking and teasing, he had to admit it was good. It gave him time to appreciate the plump firmness of Eddie’s lips, and the hint of shaving gel lingering under the scent of raspberries.

He could get used to that shaving gel scent.

And more to the point, this kind of kissing was good because it gave Jeff time to slowly map out Eddie’s back with his hands, exploring his lean torso, before drifting down to cup his arse. He should probably order Eddie onto his knees to suck him off right now—Jeff’s cock was certainly ready to go along with that plan—but it didn’t feel like the right moment. This wasn’t about dominance and submission. This was about…

Jeff hadn’t a clue what this was about.

“What’s going on?” he asked, right up against Eddie’s lips so they brushed against his as he spoke.

“You’re showing me your garden, and I seem to remember you said something about picking beans for lunch.”

“Oh.” That wasn’t what he’d meant at all, but he supposed it was as good an answer as any. Jeff cleared his throat and wiped a hand over his head. “Yeah, it’s getting kind of late. We should have dinner soon.”

Eddie glanced at his watch. “It’s only half one.”

“Exactly. I’ve usually had my dinner by now.”

Eddie frowned. “You mean lunch.”

“I mean dinner. It’s only lunch when it’s a sandwich, and I’m cooking something proper.”

“Ah.” A look of understanding dawned on Eddie’s face. “So what do you call the evening meal, then? Supper?”

“Don’t be an idiot. It’s tea.”

“Tea? What, you’re going to make a pot of tea and serve crumpets?”

Jeff wondered if this was a subtle upper-class way of ripping the piss out of him, but Eddie seemed genuinely interested.

“Um, no. I’ll probably be making egg, chips and beans for tea.”

Eddie’s eyebrows shot up, but he smiled. “Sounds delicious. Can I stay?”

“I don’t see why not. And if you’re lucky, I might make some Eton Mess for pudding.”

“Jeff White, you’d better watch it, or I’ll fall hopelessly in love with you.” Eddie grinned mischievously and turned on his heel, leaving Jeff struggling for words.

He definitely didn’t want that to happen. Did he?

Dinner seemed to go down well, even though Eddie kept insisting on calling it lunch. But he said how much he liked the quick pasta dish Jeff had whipped up, and the way he cleared his bowl and went back for a second helping reassured Jeff he was telling the truth. And while they ate, they chatted about football—turned out Eddie had a reasonable knowledge of the premier league goings on that season, even if he didn’t actually support a specific team—which was just weird, if you asked Jeff. But Eddie didn’t ask him, so Jeff didn’t bring it up.

But then they were finished, and Jeff didn’t want to talk football anymore, but he didn’t know quite how to bring up what was on his mind. This business of there only being two more sessions and exactly what they involved. It should have been simple enough to ask, but for some reason, he didn’t dare. Finding out would just make the end of their sessions together even more concrete, and he couldn’t bear facing that.

Because Jeff was really enjoying just hanging out with Eddie. He didn’t exactly feel relaxed—not with the end hanging over him—but for minutes at a time, he’d forget about that and feel more comfortable than he remembered being in a long time. And, okay, Jeff could always talk footie with his mates down the pub, but they didn’t know all the other stuff about him that Eddie knew. He felt like he could be properly himself, and Eddie wouldn’t judge him for it. Wouldn’t think he was a creepy weirdo for all the sadism shit, or a pansy for all the gardening shit.

“So.” Eddie leaned back in his chair and stretched, his T-shirt riding up to show a few inches of white skin. “I think last week you said something about naked sunbathing.”

“Yep. You’re right. I’d forgotten.” And that was a much better idea than heading upstairs, because it meant he’d get to spend a few more hours in Eddie’s company.

“How could you possibly forget that? I’ve not been able to think about much else.”

“You’re really that excited to get the sun on your skin?”

“No, I’m really that excited to get a good leisurely look at you, naked.”

“Oh no. I’m not taking everything off.”

“You bloody well are if you want me to.”

Jeff stared at him for a few minutes, doing his best to look forbidding, but Eddie didn’t back down. It would be pointless to argue. Besides, Eddie had said he liked Jeff’s hairy body, hadn’t he? And Jeff wasn’t going to judge him for that. Much.

“Fine,” he eventually agreed. “But you’ll have to rub sun cream on my bum. I don’t want to burn.”

“My pleasure.” Eddie eagerly rubbed his hands together.

“Okay, let’s go.” Jeff grabbed a couple of bottles of cold lager out of the fridge and led his way out into the garden.

The heat had intensified while they’d eaten inside, and it was like walking out into an oven. Jeff led the way down the path and through the different terraces, before getting to the wild section. This was where he’d stopped terracing levels, and so the land sloped down the hill, evening out as it neared the bottom of the valley. There were trees here, and long grass, and to the untrained observer, it probably looked like Jeff didn’t do any gardening here at all. But it all still needed managing. Jeff kept the brambles from taking over, and he mowed a path through the grass, and he even cut it all back in the autumn so the tough grasses wouldn’t take over from the wildflowers. It took a lot of work to give the impression of effortless natural beauty.

Eddie pulled ahead of Jeff, almost running through the meadow, which was crazy in this heat. Jeff watched him strip off his shirt, and he had to admire his lean, muscular body. Did Eddie have to work at that too, or did he really lead a charmed life?

“You go to the gym?” Jeff asked.

“Yeah, a few times a week. Mostly for the pool, though. Training is so boring.”

“Even with all the fit blokes there?” Not that Jeff would be checking them out, of course. Why did he feel like he was blushing?

Eddie shot him a sly smile. “You clearly haven’t been to my local gym. Very few fit blokes there. Lots of yummy mummies working off the baby fat, though.”

“Ah. Sounds like the place Sarah used to work.” Jeff led the way to the large mown circle by the pond. There was enough room here to lay down the blanket, and he was reasonably certain it wasn’t overlooked by anyone. Sarah had used to sunbathe naked down here, anyway, and he didn’t think she’d have done it anywhere she could be seen.

Jeff threw off his clothes and stood there, trying to ignore the fact his dick was straining up towards Eddie. An Eddie who was still half-clothed and staring at Jeff with a hungry look on his face. “Take ’em off,” Jeff ordered. “Now.”


Eddie was so pale in the bright sunshine, his skin glowing white. “You’re going to need sunscreen.”

“I thought the point was to get me tanned.”

“Yep, but I don’t want you to burn.”

“You do know I’m a masochist?” But Eddie didn’t keep up with the smart-arsed remarks and submitted to Jeff, offering himself up to be covered in sun lotion. Jeff took his time applying it, making sure every last patch of skin was covered up.

“I don’t think I’m going to be getting any sun there,” Eddie remarked as Jeff slid a finger right down his arse crack.

“You never know. I might order you to spread your cheeks for me.” The idea of having a good inspection of Eddie’s arse was an appealing one. But maybe not out here. Jeff slid his finger down to prod him in the balls instead, enjoying the surprised noise Eddie made. But then he patted him on the freshly lotioned arse and asked Eddie to return the favour.

When they lay down on the blanket together, Jeff had expected he’d want sex, but in the heat, there didn’t seem to be any rush. Instead, he took hold of Eddie’s hand and pulled it up to his chest. Not quite cuddling, but it still gave him the intimacy he craved.

They lay there, talking drowsily about nothing in particular, until Eddie suddenly sat up. “I have to ask you something,” he said. “I promised Maddy.”

Bloody Maddy. Jeff had been enjoying lying there like that. “What is it?” Eddie was now off rifling through his clothes. Jeff was liking this less and less.

“Take a look at this.” Eddie held up his phone, and Jeff had to squint to make out the picture in the bright light.

Was that what it looked like? Jeff held his hand up to shade the screen. Bloody hell. It was a torso shot of Eddie smiling cheekily at the camera, wearing some kind of bondage harness under his open shirt. Jeff could see the straps of it over his shoulders and down at his waist, but his nipples were blocked from view by some sign he was carrying.

“You like it?” Eddie asked.

“Why can’t I see your nipples?” Jeff complained. Eddie had lovely nipples. He snuck a look at them right now. In the hot sunshine Jeff’s own nipples were as flat as pancakes, but Eddie’s still stuck out proudly, as if they were begging for a good squeeze or suck. Imagine what they’d look like if Eddie was chilly!

“Never mind about my nipples. What do you think about the message? Would you be willing to take part? Maddy thinks you’d be perfect for it.”

Perfect for what? Jeff squinted at the writing on the sign and scissored his fingers on the screen to zoom in. Huh. “You’re a feminist?”

“Don’t say it like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like it’s some dirty word.”

“I didn’t. I just don’t understand how you could be a feminist. You’re a bloke.”

Eddie huffed at him, and Jeff had the uneasy feeling he’d stepped into a mantrap. “Men can be feminists too. Anyone who believes in equality for both genders is a feminist. It doesn’t matter what you have between your legs.”

“Oh.” Jeff pondered that for a minute. “I’m totally behind women having the same rights and pay and all that. Seems only fair.”

“Right. Then you’re a feminist. It’s a simple as that.”

Was it? Jeff would just have to take Eddie’s word for it, he supposed.

“So? Will you do it?”

“What’s this for? Who’s going to see it?”

“It’ll go on Tumblr. Anyone could see it. Is that okay?”

“I’m not wearing any kinky gear.” He’d never live that down if one of his mates saw it. He’d get enough of a ribbing about the whole feminist thing as it was.

Eddie flapped his hands. “You wouldn’t need to. Maddy wants someone who looks like your average bloke to take part.”

“Okay, then. We can do it later.”

“Seriously?” Eddie was looking at him like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You don’t want to make any more conditions?”

“Maybe one.” Would Eddie agree? It was a lot to ask, but faint heart never won fair maid—erm, lad. “First I’d like to take some photos of you. In bed. Today.”

Eddie’s lips curled. “Only if you send me copies too.”


They shook on it.

“Let’s go,” Jeff said, getting to his feet. He pulled his shorts back on, but he couldn’t be bothered by the rest. If his neighbours wondered why he was walking half-naked through his garden with another bloke, and a very obvious hard-on, they’d just have to draw their own conclusions. He could live with that.

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