How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (14 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

BOOK: How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps
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And he really, really wanted to be able to see them while he fucked Eddie. But then again, if he did it like this, he’d be able to kiss and bite Eddie’s neck, right where the skin smelled amazing. Mind you, even if he untied Eddie’s legs, he’d still be able to lie on him like this. Yeah. Okay, then. He really should move and suit up.

But it felt so good right there.

Jeff forced himself up, undid the ankle ropes and spread Eddie’s legs even farther apart. That ended up pushing Eddie halfway up onto his knees. Jeff had a great view of Eddie’s erection, which looked bigger than he’d ever seen it before. Funny, but it was kind of nice having that visual to go by, so he knew Eddie was really turned on and not faking it. He’d had his doubts about Sarah’s state of arousal at times.

Jeff slapped Eddie right between the arse cheeks, so he caught the plug too. Eddie made a broken sound, and his legs shook. “Stay like that, bitch.” Jeff quickly stripped off his clothes. Eddie had left him a pile of condoms on the dresser, and he grabbed one at random. It smelled kind of minty when he opened it, but what the hell. Felt cool on his dick, and he probably needed that if he was about to bury it in Eddie’s hot little arse.

Jeff had a moment of nerves when he was back, kneeling between Eddie’s legs. He’d never actually taken Sarah up the wrong ’un—not for want of suggesting it, but she’d always refused. Was it going to demand some kind of special skills and attention? And hang on, you could write what Jeff knew about anal sex on the palm of one hand with a big fat marker pen, but the one word that fit there would be LUBE. “Erm, don’t we need some lube or something?” Jeff asked.

“Huh? Oh, maybe. Yeah, I s’pose you’d better.”

“You do it without sometimes?”

“Sometimes. With just spit. There’s lube in the tub.”

Jeff tore himself away to locate the tub. Sex Wax? Talk about unsubtle packaging. He dug his fingers into the goop and sniffed. Okay, not so bad. Now, did he just slather it on himself or would Eddie need some too? It seemed so lame for a Dom to ask.

In the end, he planted himself back between Eddie’s outstretched legs and tugged on the plug a few times. It got wider up the shaft, stretching Eddie’s arsehole around it as he moved the plug in and out. “I’m going to fuck you hard, and you’re going to love it, aren’t you?”

Eddie nodded frantically.

“Tell me what you want me to do.”


“In detail. Step by step.” There, that was getting around his little problem.

“I want you to pull the plug out and shove your big fat dick into me. Please. Sir.”

Simple. Jeff slapped the side of Eddie’s thigh. “Okay, then. You asked for it.” He tugged harder on the plug, and the wide part popped out completely. Eddie made a guttural sound, and before he could think too much about what he was doing, Jeff slammed his dick home.




So hot. So tight. Jeff pushed in as deep as he could go, feeling the resistance inside Eddie. But then it gave, and everything was rippling, pulsing heat. Like Eddie’s insides were throwing a party in honour of his arrival. “So fucking good,” Jeff growled, barely recognising his own voice. Eddie was spouting manic gibberish right into the mattress, but he seemed to be agreeing. He’d grabbed on to the ropes tying him to the bed frame, and all the muscles in his arms and back stood out. Eddie started to rise up onto his elbows, but Jeff pushed him down with a hand to his neck.

“Stay there, bitch. I’m going to fuck you good and hard.”


Jeff slapped Eddie’s glowing-red arse and the words descended into a grunty mess. “Noisy bugger aren’t you? You always squeal like this when you’re getting your arse reamed?”

“Nonono. Just you. Just with you. Please, Sir. Please.”

“Please what?” Jeff paused with his dick deep inside Eddie and circled his hips. So fucking hot. Oh yes.

“Harder. Faster.

“And what if I want to go slow, bitch?” Jeff drew out as slowly as he could. All the way, so the tip of his dick was just kissing Eddie’s rapidly closing hole. And then he surged back in again. The noise Eddie made in response was just beautiful. Kind of a gurgle mixed with a groan. Jeff did it again just to hear that noise. And again. And again, until sweat was dripping from him down onto Eddie’s back.

Eddie was so carried away, it was kind of awe-inspiring. There’s no way Jeff would ever dare lose it like that in front of anyone else, but Eddie didn’t seem to have any inhibitions. He thrashed and sobbed and pleaded, and made noises that were so fucking sexy, they should have been illegal.

Now he thought about it, Eddie was a hell of a lot braver than Jeff was.

It was an unsettling thought, so Jeff did his best to fuck it out of his mind. He picked up his pace, driving into Eddie so hard he knocked him flat on the bed. Jeff lay on top of his prone sub and gave in to the temptation to bite that spot where his neck met his shoulder.

Eddie howled and writhed. “Please. Gotta come. Please, Sir!” His body tensed under Jeff’s, like he was fighting to hold back the orgasm with every muscle he owned. From the slice of Eddie’s face Jeff could see, it looked like he had his eyes squeezed shut and was grimacing.

Next time they’d have to do this face-to-face, so Jeff could watch every last expression. And so he could kiss him. Would Eddie’s kisses now be as frantic as his body language?

He drew out Eddie’s discomfort a little longer, making shallow, jabbing thrusts, which seemed to punch all the air out of Eddie’s lungs, if his grunts were anything to go by. But before long, Jeff’s own orgasm built up in his balls.

“Do it,” he panted. “Come now. Like this.”

He pushed in as deep as he could and stayed there, circling his hips slowly.

Eddie gave a pained gasp, arched his back, and his entire body stiffened. He clamped down on Jeff’s cock like he was never going to let him go, and then his insides spasmed like crazy. The delicious pressure pulled Jeff’s orgasm out of his balls, and he sank his teeth back into Eddie’s neck.

When Eddie’s shuddering had milked every last bit of spunk from Jeff’s balls, he collapsed all his weight onto Eddie and lay there, waiting to catch his breath. Eddie heaved underneath him, obviously suffering from the same problem.

Jeff pressed an openmouthed kiss to the back of his neck, wishing he were taller so he could reach Eddie’s mouth.

“Too heavy,” Eddie mumbled into the pillow. “Roll off.”

“Sorry.” Jeff grasped the condom before pulling out, then chucked it onto the floor. It was a crying shame to have to leave that hot little arse, but he’d get to do this again. As soon as he could, hopefully.

“Cuffs?” Eddie reminded him, his voice hoarse. No doubt that was from all the noise he’d been making. Shit, Jeff hoped Eddie’s neighbours were hard of hearing.

He couldn’t work out how to untie the knots he’d made quickly, and so he settled for just unbuckling the cuffs. Eddie sighed and his arms flopped down, like he didn’t have the energy to move them anywhere more comfortable.

Jeff lay down to one side of Eddie and put an arm around him, and Eddie responded by rolling over so they were facing each other. Eddie looked well and truly fucked, and he gave a sleepy smile before burrowing his head into the crook of Jeff’s neck.

“Mmm, that was amazing. Knew you’d be a great top.”

Jeff grunted in response. It was just dawning on him that he’d just screwed a man, and that he didn’t feel weird about it. Well, maybe a little bit weird, but more puzzled than disgusted. He didn’t know how to share any of that with the man in his arms, though.

“Meant to come all over your arse,” he eventually said, because that seemed like a safe topic of conversation.

“Mm, and I meant to ask you to bring that ginger and stick it up my arse first, but there’s always next time.”

“Next time?” Ginger up the arse?

“Next time.” Eddie yawned and snuggled in closer. Jeff gave in to the urge to stroke his back, and Eddie made a happy sound like a cat.

“Tomorrow?” Jeff suggested.


“I could come round tomorrow. Fuck you after work. With ginger, if that’s really what you want.”

“Mmm, you’re keen. That means either you’re really desperate and making up for lost time, or I’m the most fantastic shag ever.”

Jeff snorted. “Stop fishing for compliments.” But when Eddie didn’t say anything else for a while, he added “You were great.” It didn’t go anywhere towards explaining how incredible the whole experience had been, but it seemed to satisfy Eddie, who made one of his happy cat noises again and started combing his fingers through Jeff’s chest hair.

“Wish I could do tomorrow, but I’ve got a busy week ahead. Might be best to save it for the weekend. When I come round to yours for naked sunbathing.”

“Yeah. All right.” Jeff pretended an acceptance he didn’t really feel. A week felt like an awfully long time to have to wait to see Eddie again.

They lay there for some time, Jeff wanting to kiss Eddie again but not really knowing how to ask. Maybe Eddie only kissed as foreplay. Was kissing the kind of thing gay blokes did just as an end in itself? He could have just grabbed Eddie’s head and forced himself on him again, but the energy had changed. Now it felt more like they were equals than Dom and sub, and he didn’t want to screw with that balance.

He’d just have to wait. He’d stuck things out with Sarah for thirteen years, so he must be patient enough to manage without Eddie for a few days.

Chapter Seventeen

“So, how’s your Dom training going?” Maddy asked, planting her feet on Eddie’s coffee table. “Got him fully converted to cock yet?”

“Not exactly, but I think we’re getting there.” Eddie lounged back in the armchair and remembered the feel of Jeff’s hand wrapped around him, calluses rubbing just right. It had only been a few days ago, but already he was craving Jeff’s touch. And not just on his cock.

“Ooh, you’re doing one of those smiles. Come on, what are you remembering? Did he give you a blowjob?”

If only!
“Excuse me, but I don’t ask you for the gory details of your sex life.”

“You don’t have to, because you know I’ll quite happily give them to you anyway.” Maddy pouted. “Not that there’re any to give right now. I’m getting bloody sick of vanilla sex. How do people put up with it all the time?”

“Vanilla? You? Why?”

Maddy folded her hands over her still very flat stomach. “Niall doesn’t want to risk doing anything to harm the baby. And apparently that includes hurting me. I mean, I can understand why suspension, fisting and breath play are out of the picture for a while, but he’s taking things way too far.”

“Maybe he’s worried you’ll get too, I don’t know, excited?”

“I could do with a bit of excitement. Honestly, he won’t let me wear my corsets or even have a glass of wine with dinner. Is a light spanking over the bench too much to ask for? He’s treating me like I’m made out of china or something.”

“At least he cares.”

“Oh yeah.” Maddy got a smile that bordered on soppy. “He’s being ridiculously overattentive. And he’s treating me to a spa break in the Cayman Islands next month. Apparently the best way to spend my pregnancy is flat on my back having my nails manicured. Even wants me to give up work.”

“And will you?”

Maddy snorted. “Not bloody likely. I’d go doolally if I couldn’t work. And besides, you can’t take time out in the fashion industry. Got to keep up with every last trend, or you’re hopelessly out of date.”

“Sounds a bit like graphic design.” Eddie frowned at the latest set of designs he’d sketched out for a client, pinned up over his workstation. Were the faux-retro stylings too passé now? But it was what they’d said they were after, so he’d gone for a vintage take on their current logo. “Knowing when a trend has passed is a tough call sometimes.”

“Darling, if you’re even asking yourself that question, it’s over.”

“For the fashionistas, maybe, but for the rest of us mortals, trends stick around for a bit longer.”

“As evidenced by the fact you’re still dressing exactly as you did at college. You do know the rave scene is well and truly over, don’t you?” It would have sounded bitchy from anyone else, but since Maddy was like this with everyone, it didn’t really mean anything.

“I like this look. It’s me.”

“You look like the least gay gay man ever. Honestly, you could at least do me the favour of being obsessed with clothes so I could take you shopping. Worst GBF ever.”

Eddie grinned and planted his naked feet next to hers. “What if I tell you all about my relationship issues. Will that earn me gay points?”

“It might do. They’d better be juicy ones, though. With plenty of emotional drama. Extra points if you get all weepy.”

“I don’t know if I’d go that far, but they’re kind of juicy.” Although using that word just reminded him of Jeff’s copious love juices and what it felt like to be covered in them. That probably wasn’t the kind of juicy Maddy was after. “I don’t know. What does it mean when a man fucks you and then asks to see you the next day? Is that just a sex thing, or does it mean more?”

Maddy leaned forward. “So he has fucked you at last. About bloody time.”

“Hey, I’m not surprised it’s taken a while. He does still think he’s straight. Or at least, I think he does. I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”

“You could try asking him. That’s what I do when I want to find out what someone thinks.”

“Yes, thank you, Ms. Stating-the-Bloody-Obvious. It’s not that simple, though, is it? Not with Jeff. He gets this terrified look whenever I mention anything too gay in conversation. I really don’t want to push him and scare him off. Coming out is a really big step.”

“Not for you it wasn’t.”

“Hey, I had my share of angsting over my sexuality.”

“Yeah, but not about being gay. You said it was easy for you. Family support, being in some unconventional private school where no one batted an eyelid. You certainly didn’t seem to have any issues with liking cock when we were at uni, anyway.”

“No, true.” And there had been plenty of available cock to like. Happy memories…for the most part. “But I did have issues with liking pain and humiliation. Took me a while to be okay with that one. And think about it, it must be worse for the sadists. I mean, if it’s frowned upon for people to enjoy pain, think how much worse it looks if you enjoy dishing it out.”

Maddy harrumphed. “Bullshit. We live in a society surrounded by media glorifying violence towards women. Did you know in the States, they rate films showing women experiencing sexual pleasure as adults-only, whereas scenes of violence towards them only merit an R?”

“What’s an R when it’s at home?”

“Means teenagers can go with their parents, I think.”

“Really?” For once, Maddy had stumped him. “Okay, that’s pretty terrible. And not just the whole scenario of going to the cinema with your folks. I’ll join you waving a placard to protest against that one. But it isn’t violence towards women in this case, is it? It’s towards men. One man in particular. Me.”

“Yeah, and you love it.”

Eddie couldn’t help grinning. “Okay, guilty as charged. But I still think it must be tricky for some blokes. You know, they must start questioning whether they’re a psychopath or something.”

“Do you think Jeff thinks that deeply? He doesn’t seem the sort.”

“Hey! Just because he’s working class doesn’t mean there’s nothing going on between his ears. He’s an intelligent man. Not educated, perhaps, but he’s not thick.”

Maddy gave him a way too knowing smile. “You really do love him, don’t you?”

“Love is just a short-term hormone-driven infatuation, evolved to reinforce the pair bond so that children have the best chance of survival.”

“Right. You just keep telling yourself that. And how does science explain the fact homosexuality hasn’t gone the way of the dodo, then?”

“You really want to argue about this again?” They’d hashed this one out many a time over the years, with Eddie taking the staunchly empirical position and Maddy giving the new-age spiritual mumbo jumbo. And even if secretly he agreed with some of her arguments, he’d never let her know.

Maddy yawned. “Nah, you’re right. I’m not really in the mood for that one.” She brightened visibly. “But I did have an idea while we were chatting. If you want to help the feminist cause, would you mind posing for a little photo?”

“What kind of photo?” Eddie had learnt the hard way to be wary when Maddy got that look on her face.

“Nothing too risqué. You remember that photo of that bloke holding up a sign saying ‘This is what a feminist looks like’. You know, I tagged you in it on Facebook.”

“You tag me and poke me every day. How am I meant to remember every single last lolcat?”

Maddy rolled her eyes at him. “This wasn’t a lolcat. It was a beardy bloke in a Regency dress.”

“Oh. That one.” Yep, how could he have forgotten.

“Right. So me and the girls were thinking we should add our pictures to the meme. I mean, fair play to everyone getting involved, but an awful lot of them fit the whole lentil-munching, butch-lesbian stereotypes the world already has of feminists. And I’m not entirely sure beardy dress man was helping matters. What they need is a bit of glam.”

Eddie caught the gleam in Maddy’s eyes. “Oh no, I’m not having a makeover. No way.”

“Darling, would I? Far be it from me to bestow my expertise on someone for free. No, I just thought maybe you could pose for one in some of your bondage gear. Not in a submissive pose, though. In a way that makes you look tough. Maybe even a little dominant.”

“I’m not sure a leather harness and arseless chaps will make me look all that dominant.”

“The gear doesn’t matter. It’s the look in your eyes that will. You’ll just need to look happy and confident. You can do that with your eyes shut.”

“But then how will they see the look in my eyes?”

Maddy threw a cushion at him. “You know what I mean.”

“Okay. And this will go online, will it?”

“That’s right. Might even go viral, you never know. So what do you say?”

Eddie sighed. “Yeah. I’ll do it. So long as you don’t tag the picture with my real name. Wouldn’t want clients to see it.”

Maddy waggled her fingers dismissively. “Don’t worry, as if I would.”

“You tagged those drunken pictures of me as a student.”

“Well, if you’re that embarrassed, you should get yourself a professional profile as well as a personal one.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just a hassle I could do without. Having to remember what I’m logged in as.” He caught a mischievous look in Maddy’s eyes he knew spelt trouble. “What? What have you done now?”

“Nothing, darling. I was just wondering, you think Jeff would want to take part?”

“Don’t you dare ask him.”

“Why not?”

“Because…” Because Eddie really didn’t want to find out just how unreconstructed a man Jeff was. What if he thought women should “know their place” like they did in the old days? He was pretty old-fashioned in other ways. And if Jeff turned out to be a total chauvinist arsehole, Eddie was pretty sure all those mushy feelings inside him would congeal to a lump of lead.

“Just, erm, let me ask him. I’ll be able to put it in a way he’ll understand.”

“Darling, I do know how to talk to men.”

“You know how to seduce them. That’s different.”

“Hardly.” Maddy pouted but soon cheered up when Eddie brought through a selection of bondage gear for her to choose from. “Oh, these are fabulous! And I just had a marvellous idea. We could style you wearing black tie over the top, you know, with the bow tie and shirt all sexy and undone. You’ve got a dinner jacket somewhere, haven’t you?”

“This isn’t a fashion shoot, you know,” Eddie grumbled, but he went to do her bidding.

In less than half an hour, Eddie watched as she sent the picture of him from her iPad through the ether, to be shared with who knew who? Eddie adjusted his harness and idly played with his nipple through the metal ring. He hoped this wouldn’t come back to bite him on the bum. Maddy’s schemes had a way of doing that.

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