How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (12 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

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“You’ll find out,” Eddie purred, and Jeff had a sneaking suspicion he knew just where that ginger was destined.

“Pervert,” he muttered.

“Takes one to know one.”

“Text me your address,” Jeff ordered before hanging up, hands shaking.

No, Eddie definitely didn’t know what he was asking for. Even Jeff tried to avoid looking at his deepest, darkest desires. Who the fuck knew what was lurking in there? There was definitely stuff that scared him senseless. Mind you, the thought of kissing Eddie scared him senseless, so that didn’t mean it would be anything too outrageous.

But what had he just agreed to?

Jeff detoured back round to the vegetables to pick up a piece of ginger, and by the time he’d reached the till, his dick had calmed down enough to no longer need camouflaging with the basket.

Chapter Fourteen

At four thirty, Eddie finally closed down his Mac and rubbed his eyes. He could have carried on working all evening, but after giving himself a near nervous breakdown a few years previously, he’d learnt to make sure he made time for himself. Being your own boss sometimes meant you were the one who had to order yourself to take a sanity break. He had to be strict with himself, but there was no one else to do it for him.

He glanced around the flat, idly wondering what Jeff would make of it. Compared to Jeff’s place, it was cluttered and probably a bit over the top, what with the artwork on every wall and gadgets and whatnots all over the place. Be interesting to see how Jeff handled himself when he wasn’t on his home turf. Edging him out of his comfort zone was an essential next step in his training.

None of that helped to explain why Eddie then set about the place like a one-man cleaning dervish, armed with a bin bag and a duster. Jeff wouldn’t notice a bit of dirt. Hell, Eddie didn’t notice a bit of dirt, but then again, he didn’t want them rolling around on the floor and ending up with his bum stuck to an old plate of half-eaten food. There was comfortably lived-in and there was slobby, and Eddie’s flat had tipped into the latter this last few months. He really should hire a new cleaner, but after the last one accidentally broke his plasma ball, he’d been wary of letting anyone else dust his stuff.

By five thirty, he’d got the flat looking reasonable again. His mother would no doubt find something to criticise, but it met Eddie’s standards. The dirty dishes were all in the dishwasher and the stinkiest items out of the laundry basket were now whizzing around in the washing machine. He went through to the bedroom.

Should he change the sheets? But they’d only be getting filthy again in an hour or so, and couldn’t face the idea of changing them again tomorrow. He brushed the worst of the biscuit crumbs out of the bed and straightened the covers instead. Then he rooted around in the drawer under his bed and pulled out everything they might be needing. One giant tub of Sex Wax, a heap of assorted condoms and a tangle of cuffs and rope. Would Jeff be bringing his kit too? Just in case he didn’t, Eddie set out a row of toys on the top of the chest of drawers. Let Jeff choose if he wanted to use any of them. He paused over the giant black dildo—too scary?—but then left it out anyway. He liked it.

Then he got out the anal beads and buttplugs.

His arse clenched hungrily. What the hell. He might as well start the party now.

Eddie headed into the shower, buttplug in hand.

Forty minutes later, and the doorbell rang. Eddie sprang up from the sofa and ran to the view screen. Aww, there Jeff was, scratching his neck in that adorably tough-guy awkward way he had. From the angle of the camera it was hard to see just what Jeff was carrying, but there was something that looked promisingly gift-wrapped in his hands and a dark bag down by his feet.

Eddie pressed the intercom button. “Hey, tiger. I’m up on the top floor. See you in a minute.”

Jeff squared his shoulders and looked for all the world like he was taking a few deep breaths to compose himself. Did he know he was being watched? Was he freaked out by the swankiness of Eddie’s building? It was a converted riverfront warehouse, and the developers had spent a small fortune renovating the nineteenth-century building. Eddie spied on Jeff for a few moments longer, then went to his front door. He wanted to wait there, ready for when Jeff showed his face round the bend of the stairs.

He arranged himself in the doorway, leaning back against one side of the frame. He’d not dressed up, but he was in his favourite pair of soft old Levis and a skintight T-shirt that scooped low at the front. His feet were bare, and the buttplug was currently making an escape bid that his Lycra shorts really weren’t helping stop.

“Fuck.” Eddie wriggled and clenched his buttocks tight in an attempt to stop its downward trajectory. He should have gone with one of the light silicone ones, but he’d had to have his favourite glass one, hadn’t he? It slipped a little farther.

“Bloody hell.” Jeff’s footsteps were sounding closer and closer, but Eddie couldn’t exactly greet him with an escapee buttplug in his pants. What if it showed up as a lump when he turned round? Or worse yet, what if it fell out of his boxers and ended up dropping out of the bottom of his jeans? It would clunk on the floor, and Jeff would be bound to notice. The same thing had happened to him many years before at a club—luckily, that was just a cheap silicone plug, so he’d just kept walking and tried to pretend it never happened. Since that little episode, he’d taken to wearing a leather harness to keep the bloody things inside, but he hadn’t wanted to put on something Jeff might find too freaky.

Because, of course, it was far less freaky to have a buttplug roll out of your jeans leg as you showed someone round your home.


He flipped his fly open and stuck his hand down the back of his jeans, feeling around for the base of the plug. “You little bastard.” He grabbed it and went to push it back in again.

That was the moment Jeff rounded the corner. Jeff stopped on the step, his mouth open in an O of surprise.

“Hi,” Eddie said, trying to play it cool. But it was no use. He’d been caught out, and the giggles were on their way. “Sorry, I just, erm, I’m having a bit of a moment.”

“You don’t say.” Jeff resumed walking up the stairs, and the heat in his eyes was almost enough to overpower the urge to giggle. Almost, but not quite.

“Sorry,” Eddie eventually managed to say through the giggles, at the same time as he got the plug pushed back in again. “Ooh, that’s better.” He wriggled his arse and winked. “Thought I’d surprise you by wearing a buttplug, but the stupid bloody thing didn’t want to stay put.”

“A buttplug, eh?”

Eddie scanned Jeff’s expression for any signs of awkwardness, but all he saw there was curiosity and horniness.
Yeah, baby.
“You want to see it?” he offered.

“Later.” Jeff slapped Eddie on the arse. “Now pull your trousers up and show me round, bitch.”

Maybe there were benefits to acting like a complete klutz in front of the man you wanted to dominate your arse. If it made Jeff feel more in control, Eddie was all for it. He sorted his jeans out and led the way into his entrance hall. “Do you want to go straight to the bedroom?” He paused at that door, “Or would you like something to eat first? I think I might have skipped lunch.” It was hard to remember to do mundane things like eat when he was working to a deadline.

“Are you hungry?” Jeff asked. The way he was standing there, feet planted wide and back straight, made Eddie want to drop to his knees and bury his face in his crotch. For once it looked like Jeff had made a bit of an effort with his appearance. He was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt, open at the neck to reveal the top of that gorgeous rug, and a pair of well-fitting indigo jeans. They might not give as much away as Jeff’s shorts had, but he could still see a nicely outlined package down the left leg.

Eddie licked his lips. “I’m hungry, all right.” He stepped forward and laid his arms on Jeff’s shoulders. “Absolutely ravenous.” His stomach decided to confirm that. “Oh bloody hell, I really am as well.”

“Then we eat first,” Jeff said. “Which way’s the kitchen?”

“I was going to call for pizza.” Eddie really didn’t want to move from where they were, unless it was to get horizontal and splayed out.

“Need somewhere to put this, though.” Jeff lifted something between them, and Eddie frowned at the blocky shape. Not gift-wrapped, after all, but it was in a nice paper carrier bag.

“For me? Thanks. Hey, not bad.” It was a box set of Glastonbury Ales. “That beats a bottle of wine any day.”

Jeff scratched his neck, giving Eddie a lovely view straight up his shirtsleeve. Hairy armpits. Was there anything sexier? But he had to get his mind out of the gutter, as Jeff was speaking. “I was going to get wine, but then I didn’t know what you liked. And I figured you’d probably like this, since you had a pint of Golden Chalice at the Globetrotter that time.”

“You noticed.” Eddie couldn’t stop grinning. “Don’t know why Maddy thinks you don’t have manners. I mean, you might come across as a bit of an opinionated bastard with no filter, but you know how to treat a man.”

Jeff gave a resigned-sounding chuckle. “Yeah. Just don’t know how to treat a woman, do I?”

“You should stick to blokes, then. We’re much easier. In every way.” Eddie thrust his hips forward, rubbing his crotch against Jeff’s and pleased to feel an answering thickening down there. “I’d have put out even without the beers, but I’m happy you thought of me.”

“Haven’t been able to think of much else.”

Eddie studied Jeff’s face, trying to work out whether the gruffness of his words masked discomfort or horniness. Maybe a bit of both.

“I’ve been thinking about you too. In fact, I’ve been planning all sorts of things for today. So you know, much as I want to just drop to my knees and blow you, we probably should go and talk stuff through first. You’ve got to be careful when you’re restraining someone.” Eddie felt Jeff’s cock plump up even further as he spoke, and he reached down to massage the solid length through Jeff’s jeans.

“You could always blow me for a bit first,” Jeff rasped.

“I suppose I could…”
Come on, make it an order.
While Eddie was perfectly capable of taking the initiative, it didn’t get his motor humming the same way as if he was ordered to do something. Or better yet, made to do it by brute physical force. But maybe Jeff was being polite. He was a guest here, after all.

Fuck it. Eddie would just have to give him a hint. “Why don’t you make me?” he whispered, his mouth a scant inch from Jeff’s.

Jeff’s breath tickled Eddie’s lips, getting closer. Closer. Shit, was Jeff about to kiss him? Eddie held his breath, not wanting to spook him.

Teeth grazed his lower lip, then nipped.

Eddie moaned. Better than a kiss.

“Now get on your knees and blow me, bitch.” Jeff backed up his words with a fist in Eddie’s hair, and he gratefully lowered himself to the floor.

Eddie tore at Jeff’s fly, desperate to get a taste again. Jeff’s cock wasn’t fully hard yet, but that was all the more fun—feeling it firm up inside his mouth. Eddie swallowed him whole. This was no time for teasing. Not with Jeff’s hands on either side of his head, holding him still for a good face-fucking.

It was difficult to snatch a breath with the pace Jeff set, pushing fast and hard into Eddie’s throat. Drool started to run down his chin, tears from his eyes, and he’d never been harder in his life. This was the good stuff. Made his head fizz and his heart race.

He was clinging on to Jeff’s tree-trunk thighs for support, but the urge to touch himself was overwhelming. Couldn’t ask for permission. Not with his mouth being used like this. Eddie groaned and gripped harder with his left hand, lowering his right to his aching cock. He settled for pressing and rubbing through the denim, too off balance to cope with something as complicated as a zip.

“Did I say you could touch yourself?” Jeff demanded.

Eddie forced his eyes open, looking up at Jeff’s stern expression. Fuck it. He ground shamelessly against the heel of his hand, moaning his enjoyment around Jeff’s cock.

“You dirty bitch. Just can’t stop yourself, can you?” Admiration sneaked in under the veneer of toughness.

Eddie whimpered like a porn star, rutting hard against his hand.

“Stop that right now.” Jeff pulled his cock clean out of Eddie’s mouth, then a stinging pain exploded against his cheek. “Bad boy.”

Eddie’s vision swam as he stared up at Jeff.

Had he just been slapped in the face?

Chapter Fifteen

What had he just done?

Jeff glared at his hand, and at the pink mark on Eddie’s face. Eddie’s tear-streaked, puffy-lipped face. Oh God. Had he gone and got all out of control again? It had felt like the right thing to do at the time, but now Eddie was looking at him like that—all dazed—he was no longer sure of himself.

Jeff let go of Eddie’s head and watched him fall back onto his heels. Should he apologise for taking things a step too far? But Eddie liked him acting the tough guy, didn’t he? And Jeff was fairly sure tough guys didn’t apologise when they slapped you in the face.

Jeff stood still, breathing heavily, waiting for Eddie to make his move. He’d follow his lead. Figure out how to play this.

Eddie got to his feet shakily, using Jeff’s body like a climbing wall.

wanted to trip off Jeff’s lips, but he held it back.

Eddie stopped when he was level with Jeff. Must have had his knees bent. Jeff appreciated that, because it was weird trying to assert yourself over someone taller. But it meant Eddie’s eyes were right there, staring into his own. All golden coloured with that dark ring around the edges. The kind of eyes Jeff would have called beautiful if they’d been set in a girl’s face. As it was, they were…fascinating.

And kind of scary, while he was waiting on judgement.

“Thank you,” Eddie breathed. His eyelashes flickered down, and Jeff only had a split second to register what was happening before Eddie’s lips crushed against his.

Fucking hell. Don’t think. Don’t think.

Eddie tasted of pure, naked sex, and Jeff kissed him back, chasing the flavour into his mouth. Eddie was every bit as enthusiastic, so Jeff grabbed a handful of his hair and dragged his head down, tight against his shoulder. There. Now who was in control? He nipped Eddie’s plump lower lip before falling into his mouth again.

So fucking tasty.

He took his time conquering Eddie’s mouth, exploring him thoroughly and coaxing out those sexy sounds he made in his throat. Like he couldn’t help himself. Like Jeff was the best fucking kisser in the whole wide world. Who could kiss men every bit as well as he kissed women. Better, perhaps, judging by Eddie’s reaction. The man was thrusting into Jeff’s groin, and he had to use a hand to grip Eddie’s arse and hold him there, or the friction would make everything end way too soon.

And he didn’t ever want this to stop.

Eddie’s jaw was smooth, like he’d only just shaved, except for a few spots that felt ever so slightly rough. But not in a bad way. What would it be like to feel scruff like that all over his jaw? Jeff’s hard-on ached with want. It was so fucking tempting to slam Eddie back against the wall and rut against him till they both came. But they had other plans.

And Jeff could kiss him again later, couldn’t he? He pulled back, still pinning Eddie’s head to his shoulder.

Eddie gave him a dopey smile. “Mmm, thank you even more. Didn’t think I was ever going to get one of those.”

Jeff cleared his throat but couldn’t think of a thing to say.
You won’t get another
would be bullshit. That had been way too good not to repeat. But he didn’t want to promise to do something so very un-straight again. So he stood there, holding Eddie tight to him and trying not to dwell on the fact he was holding a man tight to his naked dick and had every intention of ploughing his arse before the night was through.

He squeezed Eddie’s arse instead of replying. Squeezed it harder than he needed to, perhaps, but Eddie gave a happy-sounding sigh and cuddled into him.

They stood there, swaying slightly, arms wrapped around each other, and Jeff told his mind to go fuck off. It’d been too long since he’d had a cuddle with someone he fancied the pants off. And he wasn’t about to think about what that might mean either.

In the end, it was Eddie who broke the silence, with a warm, husky voice. “I suppose I should probably go and order that pizza.” He didn’t make a move, though.

Jeff’s breathing was more or less under control now, and reluctantly he loosened his grip on Eddie. It was hard to do, like he was losing something precious, but he could have it back again later, couldn’t he? Eddie wasn’t going to act all weird and prickly like Sarah had done whenever Jeff tried to snuggle up to her over the last few years.

He’d been seeing Eddie for almost a month now, and no sign of prickly tendencies at all. If Eddie had been a girl, he’d have been bloody perfect. Jeff would have taken him home to meet the folks already. Shit, he’d probably have bloody well got a ring on her finger and all.

But Eddie was a man, so none of that was going to happen. And that was a fucking shame. It really was.

Eddie gave him a lopsided smile as he stepped back and ran his fingers through his hair. “So, what toppings are you after? No, let me guess. Meat, meat and more meat. Am I right?”

“Ham and pineapple’s good.”

“Really?” Eddie broke into a wide beam. “Hawaiian’s my favourite. You like sweetcorn on that too?”

“Yeah, sweetcorn’s good.” Most toppings were good, really. “And garlic bread. And do they do those dough balls and the garlicky sauce you can dip them in?”

Eddie squinted at him. “Good thing I like garlic too, or you wouldn’t be getting another kiss. And I reckon we’d both be upset about that.”

To his horror, Jeff felt his cheeks start to heat. “Erm.” He picked up the box of beer and his kit bag. “Which way’s the kitchen?” He could use a beer or two right now.

“Down the hall, like I said earlier.” Eddie grinned as he pointed his finger. “That open door you can see the fridge and stuff through. Want any help with your fly? Your hands are kind of full.” And without waiting for Jeff’s answer, Eddie took charge, tucking Jeff’s cock back inside his jeans. Jeff groaned as Eddie gave him a squeeze before letting go to do up the zip, button and belt.

Eddie paused at the belt. “You know, I’d love to feel this doubled over on my arse. Been ages since I’ve had a good strapping.”

“Doesn’t that hurt?” Stupid fucking question. Jeff wanted to take the words back as soon as they were out of his mouth.

“Oh yes,” Eddie said happily. “Stings like a bastard. And I bet you could put some real welly behind it. Just don’t use the buckle end. Bruising’s great, but I’m not keen on you drawing blood. Knew this guy once, he got an infected wound on his arse. Bloody disgusting it was. He couldn’t sit down for weeks. Had to have antibiotics for blood poisoning. You should have seen the pus that came out of it. I’ve never seen anything so—”

“Could we not talk about this, please?”

Eddie peered at him. “God, you’ve gone green around the gills. You’re squeamish? Really?”

“Not squeamish, just…” Jeff couldn’t come up with a more macho-sounding word. “Yeah, all right. I’m bloody well squeamish. Just about infections and stuff like that, though.”

“So you wouldn’t get upset if I told you about the Top who forced his massive cock so far down my throat I actually threw up all over his leather jeans?”

Jeff’s stomach heaved a protest. “Shut up.”

“Just testing.” Eddie winked at him and looked way too smug for someone who’d just been on his knees, sucking Jeff’s cock. “Come on, this way.” Eddie led him into the kitchen and dug through a drawer to find a bottle opener. Jeff glanced at the sleek bits of stainless steel equipment on the granite work surfaces and the big old enamelled sink, but he was too preoccupied with what Eddie had just told him to spend too much time comparing the swanky kitchen to his own bargain-basement version.

“Does that really happen?” Jeff asked as Eddie poured their beer into two tall pilsner glasses.

“Huh? Does what happen?” Eddie handed him a beer.

“You know. Uh, when you deep throat.”

“Oh. Well, no, hardly ever these days. I had more of a hair trigger gag reflex when I was younger, but now I know how to relax my throat properly. Used to be I couldn’t eat or drink for a few hours before a scene just in case.” He leaned back against the work surface, all long, lean limbs and shining blond hair. “It was a bit like being in hospital. You know, before an operation. Nil by mouth in case you vomit while under anaesthetic.”

“So you’re okay having pizza now?”

“Don’t worry, tiger. If any of us are going to spray bodily fluids over each other, it’s going to be you doing it to me. While I’m tied up and can’t do anything to stop you.”

“Oh. Good.” Jeff thought about it some more. “Call the pizza place now. I want to get going as soon as we can.”

“You’re a man after my own heart.” Eddie clinked his glass with Jeff’s and pulled out his phone.

Forty minutes later, they sat there on Eddie’s sofa with a mostly empty pizza box on the coffee table in front of them. Jeff had now had the grand tour of Eddie’s flat, which was smallish but packed full of stuff—most of which appeared to either need batteries or plugging in. The man’s electricity bills must have been phenomenal. But he had to agree that the home planetarium looked pretty cool—or at least would have done if there hadn’t been so much light leaking around the edges of Eddie’s living room curtains. The only room he hadn’t seen was the bedroom, and he was itching to get there. But first the food needed to be finished. Jeff picked up the last piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

Eddie stretched out like a cat and put his feet in Jeff’s lap.

“So, we need to talk about boundaries for bondage play.”

“We do?”

“Yep. Absolutely. Think about it. I’m putting a huge amount of trust in you. I’ll be helpless and at your mercy. You could gag me, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. And for all I know you could be some kind of serial-killing psychopath.”

“I’m not.”

“Yeah, I know that, but the point is, anyone could be. My gut tells me you’re fine, but I’m still taking a huge amount on trust.”

The very idea of Eddie putting himself in such a vulnerable position made Jeff’s cock sit up and take notice.

“So I have boundaries. No gags for today. I need to be able to speak my safeword if necessary.”

“I don’t want to gag you anyway.” Jeff liked the sounds Eddie made way too much.

“You sure? It’s a real turn-on. Especially if someone does it with my sweaty underpants. Or better yet, yours. And you get to hear me making all these sexy muffled sounds, and you know I’m completely at your mercy.”

“Fuck.” Jeff closed his eyes as lust rampaged through his body.

“I will let you put your hand over my mouth, though. Not my nose too. You have to earn the trust to be able to do that.”

“You’d really trust me?”

“Yeah, eventually. I hope.”

Jeff pondered trust some more while gently stroking Eddie’s bare feet. “So when I slapped your face earlier, that didn’t upset you?”

Eddie’s chuckle made him look up, annoyed. “Tiger, have you been worrying about that? Couldn’t you tell I was happy afterwards?”

Jeff thought back to the kiss and scratched his neck.

“Nah, but you’re right.” Eddie stretched out his legs, and his T-shirt rode up, revealing a tantalising strip of skin. “It was a bit of a shock. A good shock to me, but you’d want to think carefully before doing that to someone you didn’t know well. You’re lucky I have a huge humiliation kink, but some people might object. Women, especially. Same goes for spitting.”

“You’d like it if I spat on your face?” Jeff addressed Eddie’s toes. Looking at him would reveal far too much about how much that turned Jeff on. And what kind of sick fucker got a kick out of that?

“I wouldn’t want it all the time, but sometimes that can be just what I need to push me over. It makes me feel…dizzy. Like I can’t believe I’m letting you do it to me. It’s a real rush, even more than pain is sometimes. And what’s even more amazing is knowing you’re not doing it because you despise me, but because you really want to give me what I want.”

“Pervert.” Jeff smiled at Eddie’s toes, feeling strangely reassured. “Okay, then. I might spit on you. I might not. And I might sometimes slap your face. But I’m definitely going to hurt you. And I’m going to fuck you.”

“Ooh, I can’t wait.” Eddie’s toes curled, and Jeff grabbed hold of them, feeling their strength. “So, what sort of bondage do you want to try? I have cuffs and a few bits and pieces you can use for joining them in various ways. A spreader bar too. Or if it’s rope bondage you’re after, I do have rope. Can take a while, though. Learning all the knots.” Eddie flexed his toes, and Jeff finally dared to look up and meet the heat in his eyes. “I’m not sure I can wait that long for you to fuck me.”

“You’ll wait as long as it takes.” Jeff didn’t think he could wait that long either, but he wasn’t about to admit it. And besides, cuffs sounded good. You had to start somewhere, didn’t you? “Your bedroom. Now.”

Eddie responded to the curt command by jumping up. “Want me to strip first, Sir?”

“I’ll tell you when I want you to do that.” But fuck, he did want to watch Eddie’s naked arse on the way there. “Yeah. Strip now, bitch.”

Jeff watched hungrily as Eddie bared his flesh. There was so much of it, all lean and pale, but with a golden undertone that seemed to promise he’d tan well if he ever got out in the sun. “You should sunbathe,” Jeff said. “Naked.”

“It’s bad for you.”

“So are all the fun things.”

Eddie stepped out of his jeans, his cock already at half mast, Jeff was pleased to see. “I don’t have anywhere to sunbathe naked. My neighbours would call the police if I tried to do it on my balcony. Plus I’d give everyone walking along the river path a free show.”

“You can come and do it in my garden. Next weekend. The forecast’s good.”

“Yeah? Okay, then.” Eddie slowly pushed down his briefs, drawing it out. Shouldn’t have been sexy on a bloke, but Jeff was having to rethink some of his old assumptions. Like Eddie’s cock and balls. The very thought of touching them made him hot and cold all over, but in a good way. In a way that made blood rush to his dick. He’d do it today. Not taste them or anything like that, mind—although now he’d already kissed Eddie, did it make any difference?

“Hey, you’re thinking too hard. Just go with the flow.” Eddie held out a hand as if to help Jeff up.

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