How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps (13 page)

Read How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

Tags: #gay for you, #British, #English, #kink, #BDSM, #novice dominant, #male submissive, #male dominant, #training, #figging, #fisting, #bondage, #public humiliation, #violet wand, #sensation play, #wax play, #CBT, #spanking, #flogging, #sadomasochism, #gay romance, #erotic romance, #erotica, #humour, #humor

BOOK: How to Train Your Dom in Five Easy Steps
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Jeff ignored the proffered hand and got to his feet. “I thought I was meant to be the one thinking and in control. Responsible and all that.”

“Responsibility’s one thing. Fretting’s another.”

“I wasn’t fretting.”

Eddie gave him one of those “I don’t believe a word of it” looks Sarah had always done so well. Fuck that. “Get in the bedroom,” Jeff snarled. “Facedown on the bed. Arms and legs spread.”

“Yessir!” Eddie grinned like a loon and bounded out of the room. Jeff shook his head, unable to stop the smile that wanted out on his lips. The man was a nutcase. But he was Jeff’s kind of nutcase.

Chapter Sixteen

Jeff walked through to the bedroom slowly, trying to brace himself for what he’d find. But no amount of mental preparation could lessen the impact of Eddie’s naked body stretched out, all long limbs and golden skin. His arse pointed up in the air like it was inviting Jeff’s cock to come and play.

Jeff groaned and shut his eyes, dizzy with the way the blood was all rushing out of his brain and into his dick. Right. He had to do better than this. Eddie needed him to keep his wits about him. And first there were cuffs and buckles and shit that would need his attention. Okay.

When Jeff opened his eyes, the vision was still as mind-bendingly hot as before, but this time, he forced his gaze to wander. Eddie’s bedroom wasn’t as cluttered as the rest of his flat, but that just made the tangle of black leather and rope all that more attention-grabbing. Jeff took a step over to the bed and lifted up one of the cuffs. Was it for Eddie’s ankle or his wrist? Which would be bigger? He laid the four cuffs out in a row, and while there were definitely two longer and two shorter, he still couldn’t think which would go where. Why couldn’t they mark the stupid things with an A or a W?

He peered at Eddie’s ankles and wrists, then grabbed hold of one of each to measure them with his thumb and forefinger.

“Mmph.” Eddie’s happy sound was muffled in the duvet, but then he turned his head to look at Jeff. “Want a hand with the cuffs?”

“Nah. I’m good.” His rudimentary measuring had told him that Eddie’s ankles were definitely a good inch wider than his wrists, which you wouldn’t know to look at them. He had surprisingly slender ankles for a man. But not weak looking. Too much muscle and ropey tendon going on in his calf to ever mistake him for a weakling. Jeff bent Eddie’s knees so his feet were sticking up in the air and waving around at a convenient height, then slowly buckled both cuffs.

The wrists were next. He did the one nearest to him, but rather than walk around the bed, he grabbed Eddie’s other arm and pulled it behind his back, in the same way a police officer might restrain someone resisting arrest. Eddie moaned, and his hips bucked like he was humping the bed.

“You like that, bitch?”

“Yeah. Feels good.”

Jeff buckled on the last strap and stood back to take a look. Somehow, the black leather made Eddie look stronger. Sexier. It was like he had a lion in a cage. Barely restrained, and it made it all the sweeter that Eddie was letting him do this. Jeff slapped Eddie’s arse, just because he could.

“Spread your arms and legs. Wider. As wide as you can go. Good boy.”

Eddie squirmed as he got himself spread-eagled, and it gave Jeff an excellent view of his backside. He hadn’t wanted to see Eddie’s cheeks spread wide before, and now he was wondering why. It was kind of appealing, especially with the base of that plug winking at him. It looked like one of the marbles Jeff had played with as a kid, all swirling reds and greens in the glass.

“Is this whole thing made of glass?” Jeff tapped the end, and Eddie whimpered.

“Yep. Cost a bloody fortune. Some bloke in Bath makes them to order.”

“It’s beautiful.” He tapped it again, then pushed it in as far as he could. Eddie’s reaction was gorgeous. That way he made those noises in his throat, like he couldn’t help himself, and the way he writhed on the covers. “That feels good, does it?”

“Fuck me. Yes. Amazing.”

“Can’t really imagine how having something up your backside could feel good.” Jeff grasped the plug and pulled on it, then plunged it back in again.

Eddie gasped and shuddered. “You should try it yourself.”

“Nah. It’s not for me.” But maybe he would. Eddie’s reactions had him intrigued. Maybe there were new erogenous zones Jeff could explore on his own body. He wouldn’t let anyone else see him do it, though. Purely self-exploration. In the interests of scientific research.

Yeah, right. He didn’t even believe himself anymore.

Jeff plunged the plug in and out a few more times, then remembered what he was really here for. The cuffs.

Along with the rope, there were a few other bits and pieces of leather kit. One was a cross with a trigger clip on each end. Okay, he could see how that would work. Maybe he should try it first.

He got up on his knees and grabbed Eddie’s hands, bringing them down behind his back. “First I’m going to hog-tie you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, you dirty bitch?”

“Oh God, yes.”

The clips operated smoothly, and within a few moments, Jeff had Eddie trussed up with both his arms and legs linked together behind his back. It looked good, having him so helpless like that, but what exactly was he supposed to do now? He couldn’t really whack Eddie’s arse, because his shins were now in the way. He wouldn’t be able to fuck him like that either. Not enough room to get between his legs.

He stood, pondering the human puzzle, until Eddie craned his head around. “You could always fuck my mouth, you know. Seeing as how you’ve got me all helpless like this.”

“What do Doms normally do when they’ve got you like this?”

“Generally they fuck my mouth or torture my arse. Or they get me up on my knees and then they can torture my cock and balls too.”

“Ah.” That was a lot more variety than Jeff had been able to come up with. Clearly he did still have a lot to learn.

Figuring out how to get his cock into Eddie’s mouth would be a good start. He’d probably break the poor bloke’s back if he tried to lift his head up off the mattress too far. But if he moved him a little…

Jeff grabbed hold of Eddie under the arms and pulled him round so his head was positioned at the edge of the mattress. Eddie craned his neck up and winked. Cheeky bastard. Jeff was going to fuck his face so long and hard, Eddie wouldn’t have the presence of mind to wink. And even if he did, he wouldn’t have the energy to actually manage it. Yeah, that was a good ambition to have.

Jeff got his cock out in record time, then grabbed hold of Eddie’s hair and fed him the whole length in one go. “That’s it. Eat it, bitch.” Eddie made hungry noises as he sucked and rippled his tongue, and Jeff ground in hard against his lips. Oh yeah. That was a good angle. He could go deep from here. Jeff flexed his hips, revelling in the heat and wetness of Eddie’s mouth. It was tempting just to stay deep, giving shallow thrusts, but of course Eddie couldn’t breathe like that. And while it was a buzz to hear him gasp for air whenever Jeff pulled out, he didn’t want to suffocate him for too long.

It suddenly hit Jeff just how vulnerable Eddie was like this. That he was literally putting his life in Jeff’s hands. How incredibly humbling that Eddie would do that for him. It slowed him down. Made him gentler as he gave long strokes in and out, cradling Eddie’s jaw with one hand while he pulled his head back by the hair with the other. There. Nothing soft about that. It wasn’t like he was just stroking Eddie’s jaw. He was fucking his mouth too.

Jeff kept on fucking in and out, until he could feel Eddie’s drool dripping down onto his balls. Balls that were drawing up tight. He had to save himself if he wanted a chance to fuck Eddie’s other hole. The one currently plugged up with glass.

Jeff’s cock throbbed, and he pulled himself out with a groan. Eddie was panting hard, his eyes closed and his lips all puffy and red. His mouth worked like he was trying to suck Jeff’s cock back in again.

Shit. He really wanted to kiss Eddie right now.

Jeff dropped to his knees and gave in to temptation.

This time it felt more familiar. Like Jeff’s tongue had finally found the place it most wanted to be, and had every intention of setting up home. Eddie’s kiss wasn’t as forceful as it had been earlier, but his slack-jawed submission was even more of a turn-on right now. Jeff kissed him thoroughly until they were both panting, then drew back. “I’m going to release you now, but I want you to stay flat on the bed. Like that.”

“Not going to be a problem,” Eddie slurred. “Not sure I can move right now.”

“Shit, have I given you a dead leg or something?” Jeff crawled up behind Eddie to release the trigger clips, massaging Eddie’s feet and hands after he’d done so. They felt a little cool, but nothing too unusual.

“Nah, just feeling floaty.”

“Ah.” So it was a good thing after all. Jeff let Eddie’s legs crash down onto the bed, but released his arms more gently, lacing his fingers between Eddie’s. He lowered himself to lie on Eddie’s back. Eddie grunted but didn’t complain, and when Jeff started kissing his neck, he made one of those gorgeous husky moaning sounds again. Jeff took a deep breath, smelling something warm and spicy with a hint of coconut from Eddie’s hair. He didn’t know if the spice was Eddie’s shower gel or if it was just the scent of his skin, but it reminded him of warm earth after a rainfall.

Jeff’s dick attempted to burrow between Eddie’s arse-cheeks, and he reluctantly accepted that if he was going to do anything else along those lines, he’d better get suited up. And he’d better tie Eddie down too, because that was what this was all about, wasn’t it?

Jeff examined the nearest bedpost. Eddie had a modern-looking, low, wooden-slatted headboard and footboard, but there weren’t any handy chains already anchored to them like he’d hoped for. “How do you normally get tied to your bedposts?” Jeff asked.

“I don’t. But I reckon you could do it with rope.”

“You’ve never been tied to a bed before?”

“Yeah. Just not this one. Not had a man back here before.”

Jeff digested that piece of information. It could be that Eddie had only recently moved in, of course, but it didn’t look that way. This place certainly seemed well lived-in. “How long have you lived here?” he asked. It was kind of surreal, making casual chitchat while working on winding ropes around the headboard.

“Dunno.” Eddie’s words came out all muffled by the duvet. “Three years, maybe.”

“Huh. You must like it here, then.”

“And you don’t?” Eddie’s words were no longer muffled, but when he looked round expecting a touchy expression, all Jeff found was a glint in his eye and a challenging smile.

“I’d want a garden,” was all he said.

“Yeah, well, I’ve got a river view, and you can’t always have everything you want.” Now Eddie sounded kind of morose, but Jeff was fucked if he was about to get dragged into a serious conversation right now. They could shoot the breeze about stuff next week, when Eddie came round to sunbathe. Amongst other things.

“You can have everything you want,” he said, pushing Eddie down and encouraging him to spread his arms and legs wide, before grabbing one of his wrists to loop the rope through the D ring on the cuff. “So long as everything you want is my cock in your arse.”

“Sounds good. Could you move the pillows, though? Gets kind of hot with my face buried in one of them.”

Jeff pulled both pillows off the bed and chucked them on the floor. He’d never have thought of that by himself. Good thing he did have a sub who wasn’t afraid to tell him what he needed. Even if he did get a bit too cheeky for his own good sometimes.

That thought led to a slap on Eddie’s buttocks as Jeff moved down to deal with the ankle rope. Once he had Eddie all tied down and splayed out, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. Oh yeah. He was dying to screw that pert little bum.

But first… Jeff lifted up the black leather paddle Eddie had laid out for him. He’d never tried one like this. And there was the cane too. He picked it up and swished it through the air, surprised at the whizzing noise it made. Oh yeah. Time to get to work on that arse. He wanted it glowing by the time he sank his dick in there.

He started with the paddle, and Eddie pushed himself up into the strokes as much as he was able. The sounds he was making! “You’re such a little painslut, aren’t you? You love it. You’re twisted, coz pain makes you all wet.” Hold on. It was girls who got wet. But then again, maybe that worked. Eddie was probably dripping pre-come. Jeff certainly was.

He reached between Eddie’s legs to check. Fuck, his dick was hot and damp and clammy. It felt debauched, holding that hot, damp, musky flesh. And kind of a turn-on too, as Eddie was whimpering like crazy and saying
a lot, although he didn’t seem to be able to form any other words.

“Please what? What is it you want me to do, bitch?”


Jeff gave a squeeze and a tug, which really wasn’t so odd, as he’d tugged his own dick plenty of times. But this was Eddie’s, and that turned him on even more than if he’d been fondling his own meat.

“I think…” Jeff said, getting into the rhythm of tossing Eddie off. “I think I’ll cane you, then I’m going to fuck you. And you’re not allowed to come until I say so.”

“Fucking bastard! Gonna come right now if you keep doing that.”

Jeff laughed and squeezed Eddie’s dick, feeling his sub writhe underneath him as much as he could while tied down. “I think you’ll find that’s Sir Bastard to you.”

“Please, Sir Bastard, will you bloody well stop that and cane my arse?”

“And then fuck you?”

“Yes! Yes please. Fuck me good and hard and rough.”

“That’s my dirty little bitch.” Jeff stroked Eddie’s arse with one hand as he gave a final tug to his dick with the other. Then he grabbed the cane.

It whizzed through the air like it was splitting it apart, and hit Eddie with a cracking sound. Eddie howled, and the white stripe quickly turned pink. Jeff did it again and again, surprised to see it was the far end of the cane that left the biggest marks. If he wanted to leave Eddie with stripes on both sides, he’d have to move around to the other side of the bed.

Jeff clambered over Eddie to get there, but on the way, the tip of his dick dragged over the hot skin of Eddie’s arse. Oh fuck, that was good. He halted on his hands and knees over Eddie, dragging his dick up and down, left and right. Eddie was going fucking mental, making strange animal noises and jerking around like Jeff was fucking him hard already. Bloody hell, he was a real live wire. Jeff was going to get the ride of his life.

Hold on. Was this even going to work with Eddie’s ankles tied? Would Jeff be able to get enough leverage to fuck him if he was pinned right down? He wouldn’t be able to get him up on his knees, would he? And if he couldn’t get him up on his knees, he wouldn’t be able to look at all those glorious marks he’d left all over his arse.

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