Read A Dangerous Game of Love Online

Authors: Mercedes Taylor

A Dangerous Game of Love (18 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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Of course she missed waking up to someone in the mornings, or rolling over and snuggling closer to a warm body in the middle of the night, but her heart told her it was necessary for her to take things slow with this guy. Up until now she was ok with that but the way her female friend starting acting whenever she was in Kendrick’s presence let her know things needed to change. It didn’t help that he was undeniably sexy too. He has this certain swag about him that she found very attractive, like he knew he was cute and fly but at the same time he didn’t know.


Tonight’s the night…


Things between Aniya and Kendrick were going good, well in Aniya’s opinion. The shared little kisses here and there, with lots of constant flirting. That was all sweet and everything but to Kendrick he felt he needed more. She was enjoying teasing him, always licking her lips slowly or wearing those short and sexy outfits. She really didn’t have to do much because she turned him on regardless. He had to take it up a notch, he was ready for them to go to the next level, and his patience was wearing thin. Thinking about her nice full lips, he imagined them wrapped around his…. Yeah tonight it was going down.

He already planned the whole night; he would make sure she was blown away. He’d cook a nice dinner and they would eat it in the living room picnic style surrounded by candles and roses scattered all throughout the entire house. A trail of roses would lead the way from the downstairs to the master bathroom, where he’d have a hot bubble bath waiting for her. He would end it the night with a sensual massage with her favorite oils, then….yeah he had it all figured out he just needed her on board.

Grabbing his keys he got in his car and headed to get everything he needed for tonight while sending her a text.

Kendrick: Pretty lady how you doing?

Pretty lady (Aniya): hey Kenny I’m fine, how

Kendrick: I’m good sweetheart but listen what you have planned for 2night? I’m trying to get up with
you. oh & I have a surprise for you

Pretty lady: Nothing, so I’m game! & what surprise? TELL ME!!

Kendrick: lol no can’t do you just gonna have to wait & see. I’m coming to get you at 8!

Pretty lady: *pouting* :( fine!

Kendrick: lol stop it & what’s ya drink of choice 2night?

Pretty lady: Peach Ciroc & lemonade duh!

Kendrick: yeah that’s right how could I forget? I’ll see you later pretty later & be ready!!

Pretty lady: TTYL & I will!


Kendrick busied himself; he went to the supermarket pick up the steak shrimp and pasta along with all the other ingredients for tonight’s dinner. Stopped at the mall to get a short cheetah negligee and thong set and a set of
pure seduction
that included lotion, perfume and shower gel from Victoria’s Secret for her then went to
Bashir’s Jewelry Shop
to pick up the special gift he had made for her. On his way back home he stopped at the florist to pick up six dozen of pink, red, white and yellow roses along with five boxes of candles. He dished out a pretty penny for everything but Aniya was worth it. As he was making his way back home his felt phone vibrating. Looking at the name that showed across the screen he debated if he wanted to answer, he knew if he didn’t they would keep calling; he couldn’t take the chance of them calling while he was with Aniya.

“What?” he asked as soon as he answered.

“That’s not the way to answer your phone now is it?”

“What do you want? Why are you calling me?”

“I was just checking in with you, I wanted to see how everything was going.”

“Everything was going fine until you called. I told you don’t call me I’ll call you and what you do? Go and call me you don’t listen! What about I was with my
girlfriend then what? Huh? You don’t listen!” he stated angrily in the phone.

“I’m sorry Kenny!”

“Don’t call me that! You have no right! Do what I say and don’t call me; wait for me to call you!”


Feeling his temperature rising, he tried to get his anger under control; he didn’t have time for this.

Buzz Buzz…

Pretty lady: I’m excited for this surprise Kenny! :) & I’ll be at Nicole’s house, you can pick me up from there!

Kendrick: ok baby!


She didn’t know but she sent that text just in time, he needed that. She changed his whole mood, which sweet simple text brought him back down where he needed to be.

He headed home….


Giving everything one final look, he made sure everything was in place. After approving everything he headed out the door to pick up his pretty lady. He was in route to Aniya’s house until he remembered that she said she was at Nicole’s house. He had to call her and get Nicole’s address because he didn’t know where she lived. After getting it from Aniya, he plugged it into his GPS and headed to her. Realizing he was going the wrong way, he had to get off the highway at the next exit only to get back on headed in the same direction he was coming from. He drove for about twenty more minutes not including the extra fifteen minutes he spent driving in the wrong directions, before pulling up to Nicole’s block. He was getting ready to call Aniya and tell her to come
outside until he noticed both her and Nicole sitting on the porch talking. Pulling up to the front of the car he parked and got out. The conversation ended as the girls got up to greet him as he made his way up the walk way.

“Hi pretty lady,” Kenny said.

“Hey Kenny…Kenny this is Nicole and Nicole this is Kendrick, Y’all were never properly introduced that night,” Aniya said.

“Hey Miss Nicole, how are you?”

“I’m good thanks for asking and how are you?” Nicole asked.

“Now that my pretty lady is in my presence I’m better than ever.”

Standing next to him Aniya couldn’t help but blush.

“Aww that’s so sweet. Long as you take care of my girl we have no problems alright Kendrick?”

“Right to the point huh? But I hear you and trust me I got her. I wouldn’t do anything to mess this up.”

“All I can do is take your word,” Nicole said while smiling.

“Alright, Kenny I’ll meet you at the car let me just say bye to Nic,” Aniya suggested.

“Iight cool, nice meeting you Nicole, maybe next time we can all get together and I can know more about you.”

“You too and yeah maybe,” Nicole said.

Waiting until Kenny was out of earshot before she asked, “Really Nic?”

“What? What I do?”

“You all acting like Gia…you take care of her and crap. Was that necessary?”

“Now you know I was nowhere near close to what Gia would’ve said. It would’ve been more like, if you hurt my friend I will come find you and kill you and think I’m playing if you want.”

Laughing, “Yeah your right, but still Nic all of that was not necessary, but I’m going to go. We will link up later,” Aniya said while pulling Nicole in for a hug.

“Whatever, it was necessary and he’s not only going to hear it from but Gia also and fine call me later.”



At first Kendrick wanted to ask Aniya if Nicole didn’t like him or something but he brushed it off. Tonight that wasn’t important he had other things on his mind, like getting her alone, wining & dining her, undressing her, bathing her, all before making sweet love to her. The ride back to Kenny’s house was much faster than the ride to Nicole’s house, one because he knew where he was going now and two he put the pedal to the metal. He was going a little over 80mph. The entire ride back he had Trey Songz
Anticipation II
playing. He would throw little hints at her, like winking, kissing her hands, rubbing and squeezing her thighs. He even managed to get a few pecks in.

Aniya could tell that Kendrick had something planned for the night all by the way he was acting. The little subliminal hints that he threw her way said everything his mouth didn’t. She wanted to ask him but a part of her didn’t want to ruin the surprise he had planned although the other part of her kind of knew what it was. As they pulled up to his house, Aniya got a nervous flutter in her stomach but tried to remain calm.
Why am I so nervous?
She asked herself. Kenny got out of the car and walked around to the passenger side.

Holding her hand in his tightly they walked to the front door, after unlocking it he let her walk in first
following behind her. Stepping into the living room Aniya was blown away at the sight before her, different colored roses and candles were scattered everywhere. What really got her was the layout he had set up, he pushed his coffee table against the wall and had a red & white blanket placed in the middle of the room with a couple throw pillows. He also had plates, utensils, and glasses on it. Kenny went all out tonight for her which had left her speechless. She didn’t know what to make of all of it.

Walking up behind her, Kenny wrapped his arms around her waist,

“So what do you think baby? Did I do a good job?”

“Oh my God, YES Kenny it’s beautiful I still can’t believe you did all of this for me,” Aniya gushed. “Thank you so much.”

Turning around to face him, she stared up at him with a twinkle in her eyes before places several kisses on his lips. Letting his lips linger on her for another moment he pulled back and told her that she was very much welcomed and just hearing her response let him know he did a good job. After, he had her go to the bathroom to freshen up for dinner while he made their plates. By the time she walked back into the room he had everything ready the sounds of Trey Songz played throughout the room. Their plates were adorned with steak, shrimp, and pasta and a bottle of liquor was sitting in a bucket of ice. Walking to her he helped her get comfortable in her spot before joining her on the floor.

He poured their drinks before they begin feasting on the dinner.

Sparks were flying as they enjoyed their dinner, somewhere in between drinking and eating the gap between them closed and Aniya ended up resting with her chest to Kenny’s back. He pulled the cover off a tray and produced chocolate covered strawberries, which he fed to her. He watched as she stuck out her tongue, licking away at the chocolate before wrapping her lips around the fruit and taking a bite. She licked up the juices that escaped onto his hand.

“Mhmmmm,” Kenny moaned out softly.

She was playing with fire, pushing him to the limit. She had to know what she was doing to him…but if she didn’t he would be happy to show her.

Throwing a sneaky glance up at him, “You say something Ken?”

Oh she wants to play?
He thought.

“Umm no I didn’t say anything babe.”
He had a trick for her.

Getting up from behind her he excused himself before making his way out of the room. Returning shortly after he pulled her up off the floor onto her feet. Looking at her with his signature intense look had Aniya’s body betraying her, wasn’t she nervous just a while ago? Whatever nerves she once felt had been replaced with passion and need. Whispering in her ear he told her to follow the trail of roses.

With a smile on her face she did as she was told and followed the trail. She was brought to the master bathroom door which she slowly opened. For the second time that night Aniya was blown away. Kenny was indeed pulling out all tricks. The bathroom was just as beautiful as the living room; the tub was filled with bubbles and had roses floating in the water. Candles were the light source of the room and she smelled her favorite Victoria Secret’s fragrance. Glancing around the room she saw he had laid a towel and nightwear on the sink for her along with a body wash.

Appearing out of nowhere Kenny walked in the bathroom and told her to get undressed and soak and relax in the tub. After she was done he told her he would be waiting for her in his bedroom. Placing a quick kiss on her lips he left out of the bathroom closing the door behind him. She did as she was told undressed and relaxed in the tub. After soaking for a while she got out lotion her body before putting on the negligee set. Walking to the bathroom door that led to the bedroom she took a deep breath before opening it….



Can you handle It If I…?


Walking in his bedroom, Aniya stood before him dressed in nothing but a negligee and thong. Before he made his way to her he admired her body, she had not only his temperature rising but also his manhood. Taking her in, he started worked his way from her cute little feet with her toes painted red to her muscular legs to her thick thighs. The negligee she wore stopped in the middle of her thighs; he could see the outline of her breast along with her hardened nipples that peeked through the thin material. Finally his eyes reached her face and noticed the flustered look on it. Aniya’s beauty was beyond him, he could never get tired of looking at her. Standing a few feet away his eyes traveled up to her blonde hair that she had piled on top of her head. Moving his eyes back to hers he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. Feeling her resist a little he moved his body to hers and held hers closer to his, while inhaling her heavenly scent. Letting his hands roam her body, stopping long enough to grip her curves, he kissed her collarbone. Her body shivered out of fear and excitement.

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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