A Dangerous Game of Love (13 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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“Have you seen him bring anyone over the house or anything?” Aniya asked Gia.

“Did you
just ask me that, first off I hope he’s not that stupid to bring a chick over because I will beat him and the chick’s ass and second I would’ve called you after I beat the chick ass so you could come beat her ass but most importantly I wouldn’t have kept that from you man. I can’t believe you asked me that.”

“I can’t either. Look don’t take it no way I’m not thinking clearly I know you have my back,” Aniya responded, feeling bad that she even asked her best friend that, she and Gia were the closest out of the three so if anyone had her back she knew it was Gia.

“See this is why I’m telling you to talk to him. Hit him up and tell him y’all need to talk and talk soon,” Nicole suggested.

“Yeah I think I am I mean it’s the only thing I can do.”

Excusing herself from them she went upstairs to the room where her phone was located. Enough was enough. Her and Gavin were having a talk tonight, as soon as he stepped foot in the house; she would make sure of that. She sent him a text to let him know what was up.

Aniya: I expect you home early. We NEED to talk and I’m not taking no for an answer. If you’re not here b4 9 then I WON’T be here!!!!

My Love (Gavin): Lil mama what’s wrong everything alright over there?

Aniya: Look we will talk when you get here!

My Love: iight u got it omw now. Be there soon!

Aniya: k!

She went back downstairs to where the girls were to tell them that Gavin was on his way home, but once she saw them dressed and standing she figured they already knew.

“Is he on his way?” Nicole asked.


“Good y’all talk and get through everything; we’re going to go call us later.”

“No call us the minute y’all finish talking so I can know if I have to gear up so we can beat a bitch down,” Gia said.

Knowing her friend was dead serious Aniya could only shake her head.

“I love y’all thanks for being here for me.”

“It goes without saying Niya, but I love you too,” Nicole said.

“Yeah you know what it is but I love you too mamas.”

Hugging them before they left she went and sat on the couch to wait for Gavin.



That text Aniya sent him didn’t sit well with him. Off back he already knew what they needed to talk about. Gavin knew she was fed up with him but he needed her to be patient just a little while longer. He knew he started slacking when it came to their relationship but this thing was too good to pass up on. Yeah he loved Aniya and he never wanted to hurt her but he couldn’t let that slip him by without getting a taste. Telling Gio and the lil homies he would holla at them later he left the house he was at and headed home to his lady.


The Talk…


Walking in the house he figured he would have some more time to prepare himself for the talk since the ride home wasn’t enough, but Aniya was sitting on the couch waiting for him. For the first time in their relationship she didn’t look happy to see him. Kicking off his sneakers, he pulled his shirt off and threw it on the recliner. He made his way to the couch and sat down. He tried to pull Aniya in his lap but she refused.

“Stop Gavin.”

Noting the fact she called him Gavin instead of Gav…yeah something was seriously wrong. She was pissed.

“Why don’t you want to sit on my lap? Any other time it’s no problem so why is it a problem now?”

“Because I don’t want to sit on your damn lap,” Aniya spat.

Sighing… “Iight lil mama tell me what’s wrong. What did I do?”

“What’s going on with you?” She asked.

“What you mean what’s going on with me?”

“Just what I asked…what the fuck is going on with you? You just went and changed up on me and I want to know why. You’re no longer the same so something
to be going on with you.”

“Nothing is going on with me. I’m still the same, nothing’s changed but the time.”

“Bullshit…and you know it! Don’t try to feed me that shit,” Aniya retorted with her voice slightly rising. “You know what…fuck this shit, are you seeing someone else Gavin?”

Shocked that she would ask him that…ok yeah he’s been slacking on his game but didn’t she know how much he loved her? She had to know that he wouldn’t cheat on her. Turning his body towards her, he looked her straight in the eyes as he answered,

“No I’m not fucking cheating on you. You know how much I love you so why in the fuck would I cheat on you?”

“Don’t curse at me Gavin and because your actions lately has been saying otherwise. You don’t do the
things you used to. You have
time for me anymore. Therefore something or
has your attention. I want to know what or who it is…so who is she?
let me know so I can beat her ass then yours after and once I’m done I’m leaving your ass,” she said now yelling at him.

“Whoa…whoa lil mama calm down. Let me get this out of the way now; there is
nor has there been anyone else. That’s my word Niy! I know I’ve been slacking and that’s my fault. Not making any excuses or anything but you already know that we are trying to open up another dealership. That shit is stressful and is not easy at all, it’s just been taking all of my time but believe me it’s almost over.”

“So if it’s no one else why are you coming in all late and shit?”

“I know that’s suspect but after a long day at it, I just be chilling with Gio drinking and shit and just losing track of time,” Gavin replied.

He sounded so sincere, but she didn’t know if she could believe him. How did she know he was telling the truth and not just saying stuff to cover his tracks?

Looking at her face, he could tell her mind was working in overdrive. Trying again, he reached over and pulled her onto his lap, succeeding this time.

“Look at me Aniya,” he demanded. Doing as she was told she stared at him but said nothing.

“I promise you I’m not cheating on you. All I have is my word and since you’ve known me you know I’ve been nothing but honest to you. I never lied to you baby. I’m asking you to believe me please...”

Looking him over for a second or two before replying, “I’m warning you now Gav, if I find out you are lying to me and you are really cheating on me. I’m leaving…no questions. I don’t want to hear no
excuses, explanations either. I’m going to pack my shit and be done with you. Just like that!”

“I hear you babe, but I told you I’m not cheating on you so I’m not paying much attention to it. Look I know these last few months I haven’t been on my job and I apologize. I swear I’m going to do better. I just need you to be patient with me just a little while longer. I know that’s asking for a lot, but can you at least try?” Gavin asked.

“I can be patient and I have, I’m not trying to stress you but you can’t go neglecting home and not expect for me to say something.” At that point she decided not to mention the person playing on the phone; she was going to take his word.

“Iight you got it lil mama. You forgive me? You know I didn’t mean to neglect you baby, I truly just been caught up.”

“You’re lucky I love you the way I do because that’s the only reason why I forgive you,” Aniya replied.

“Well show me how much you love me. Give me a kiss,” Gavin told her, puckering his lips.

“Hell nah…you’re not out of the dog house that fast,” She voiced while jumping out of his lap. Standing in front of him with her arms folded, with giving him a dirty look. Sliding himself to the edge of the cushion, he began running his hand up and down the middle of her thighs while kissing her covered stomach.

Pausing only long enough to ask her, “What do I have to do to get out of the dog house?” before continuing.

Trying to stifle the moan that desperately wanted to escape; she opened her mouth to reply only for it to slip out.


Each and every time he would run his hands over her body, she would become putty in his hands. He knew what he was doing he wasn’t slick. Trying to put space in between them she moved her foot to take a step back but he grabbed her butt and pulled her onto his lap.

“Gav…baby stop,” Aniya moaned, feeling his tongue on her spot on her neck.

“Nah ma, I’m making up for lost time.”

He held her around the waist while lifting them off the couch, walking upstairs to the bedroom. By the time he was done making up for lost times, she moaned, her legs shook, cried and screamed out for God. Knowing he took all of her energy, he made them a huge plate of food. He only let her out of the bed to use the bathroom but he was done they were back at it. After two days of making love, he finally decided to let her up out of the bedroom.



It’s the Little Things…


Aniya was lying on Gia’s bed waiting for her to finish talking on Skype with her boyfriend Kaiden. As she laid there her mind wandered to Gavin and what he was doing at the moment. She only spoke to him when he woke up that morning telling her, Gio was downstairs waiting for him and how he would see her later. It was now almost five and he had yet to hit her. Since they had that talk she thought he was trying, but maybe not. As if she thought him up, he started chiming Beyonce’s
, which she set as his ringtone. Excusing herself, she went into the hallway to answer.


“Hey lil mama, what’s good?” Gavin asked. Still to this day she couldn’t help herself, she smiled each time he called her that name.

“Hey Gav.”

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you sound happy to hear from me? I miss you ma.”

“Nothing’s wrong, just missing you.”

“So that’s why you sound like that huh?”

“Yes, I only spoke to you this morning and that was for like five seconds.”

“My fault ma, I know I should’ve called you, I just been kicking it with Gio and some of the lil homies, but just know you were on my mind.”

“I love you Gav.”

“I love you more Niy. Where you at?” Gavin asked.

“I’m at Gia’s.”

“What y’all doing?”

“Nothing really…why what’s up?” Aniya probed.

“How about y’all meet up with us at Fridays, we can drink, eat, and chill.”

“Okay that sounds good. I already know Gia’s down. What time though?”

“Umm…it’s almost five-thirty now, so let’s say round nine. That’s good for you lil mama?” He asked.

“Yeah that’s good babe.”

“Iight I’ll see you later than. Love you.”

“Okay…love you too,” Aniya said just before hanging up.

“Maybe he is trying.”
Aniya thought as she walked back into Gia’s room. Climbing back in the bed she reclaimed her spot at the end of the bed. By then, Gia had gotten off of Skype and was lying on the bed with a somber expression.

“You okay Gia?” Aniya asked.

“Yeah I’m okay. I’m just missing him that’s all.”

“Aww and I know he misses you too. I know this can’t be easy for either of you, but I commend you because through it all you still remain strong.”

“I have no choice but to remain strong because if I break, how is that going to help, you feel me? That man, he’s my everything and I would do anything to be with him. When he first told me, I was so mad because he didn’t tell me until after he had already signed up. He knew if he told me before he signed up, I probably would’ve talked him out of it. But after he explained to me why he didn’t tell me, how he wanted to better himself, and do all he could for his country I started to understand. So in order for us to make it, I got to suck up my feelings, put on my big girl panties and be strong for not only me but for the both of us,” Gia explained to her.

“I don’t know what’s it like to be in your shoes but I understand where you’re coming from. I say you need some cheering up and I have the perfect solution.”

“What?” Gia asked perking up some.

“The guys want to go out for food and drinks. You know going out with them means designated drivers plus unlimited drinks and free food. You want to go?”

“Free food and drinks? You knew damn well I was down. I don’t even know why you asked. All you had to do was tell me the time and place,” Gia said excitedly. “What time are we leaving?”

“He said to be there at nine, so we can head out around eight-thirty.”

“Okay. Damn too bad Nic feeling under the weather because she could’ve came too.”

“Word,” Aniya agreed.


Hours flew by with them just kicking back, basically doing nothing but lounging around. Before they knew
it, it was eight o’clock and Gia was rushing to get ready. Soon as she was done, they jetted out the house, got in the car headed towards
TGIF Friday’s.

Just as expected they got there before the guys. As they were being seated the made sure to let the hostess know they had two more people joining them. While they waited for the guys to arrive, they sipped on
Long Island Ice Teas
and chatted.

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