A Dangerous Game of Love (16 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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Sighing some, “Listen Nic, don’t start, not tonight! I’m okay, at times I miss him and I’m still hurting; I’m fine! I promise you if I start feeling bad I will tell ya’ll, but I don’t need y’all to keep bringing it up. So can we drop it and just enjoy me being out with y’all?” she asked.

“Yeah you’re right. I’m sorry for bringing it up, but you know I love you and just want to make sure you’re okay.”

Pulling out a bottle of Patron, Gia shouted, “Pour up Dran
k, let’s get this party started!”

Taking a big gulp straight from the bottle she handed it to Aniya after. Getting the bottle back from her after she took two gulps, she looked at Nicole
, “Since you can’t drink and drive, I’ll do like drake asked and take a shot for you.” All the girls burst out laughing at Gia’s silliness.

Pulling up to
Club Amnesia
Aniya realized that tonight would be nothing short of a good time. As the girls waited for valet, they all checked themselves out in the mirror. Aniya glanced at her friends’ outfits; Gia wore a red blazer and matching short set, with a gold studded bra underneath it, pulling it all together with cheetah wedge heels. Nicole was laced in a black sweetheart corset, tight fitted jeans and studded silver bootie heels. She knew that her and her girls would be the show stoppers in there.

Once the valet came around and helped them out they made their way to the V.I.P entrance, after giving their names they were handed wrist bands and escorted inside to their section. The V.I.P section was located on the second floor of the club; it had its own balcony that looked down to the rest of the club. It had about eights sections that was off in its own little space, with wrap around couches and tables also a curtain in case
you wanted privacy. Noticing the approving looks they received as they made their way throughout the room. Not even ten minutes after sitting down, a large bottle of Peach Ciroc and a bottle of Ace of Spades sitting on ice, along with cups and juice was sent to the table. “From the guys over there,” the waitress pointed before heading off. Raising their glasses as to say thank you, the guys nodded their heads.

“Damn they were on it,” Nicole said while making drinks for all of them.

“I mean, look at us then look around Nic, not only are we the cutest chicks in here, we’re the ONLY chicks in V.I.P with their own section,” Gia told them.

Feeling someone staring at her, Aniya tried to look around and figure out who without being too obvious. Locking eyes with a guy sitting far off at a table in the corner, she noticed his stare was intense. The fact that he got caught didn’t seem to faze him; he winked his eye then turned his attention back to the people sitting at his table.

“What’s wrong Niya?” Nicole asked after noticing her looking around. Looking in the same direction she tried to find out what she was looking at.

Before answering she gulpe
d the rest of her drink down “Nothing, come on I’m ready to dance.” Something about the way the guy stared at her sent chills down her body, and she wasn’t prepared for it.

Getting up with her, Gia poured each of them a shot of Peach Ciroc.

“Here, let’s do this before we hit the dance floor,” she said while handing them their cups.

“Bottoms up,” they all said.




Third Time is the Charm…


The moment she stepped into VIP, his attention was drawn to her. Looking her over the saying was true; just like fine wine one gets better with time. Shorty was looking spectacular, the way that dress hugged each and every one of her curves was speaking his language and her body was calling her softly. At the very moment all he wanted to do was take her in the corner and answer its call. He pictured her standing in front of him with her dressed hiked up around her waist with him on his knees and his face buried between her thighs. Bringing his attention back to her, he watched her every move, he noticed her looking around the room probably trying to find out where the intense gawk was coming from. Waiting for her eyes to find his, he looked at her full pouty lip and pictured them wrapped around his… The moment her eyes found his, his gaze never altered. He continued to hold her gaze long enough to let her get the hint that he was interested but once he noticed the look on her face he turned his attention elsewhere. He wasn’t about to risk his chance before he actually got it.

He stood at the balcony watching her. There in the middle of the dance floor her and her two friends held every guys attention as they danced to Chris Brown’s
Sweet Love
. The way her hips moved had him in a trance. His eyes were stuck on her. Biting on his bottom lip, he watched her take it to the floor then bring it up slow. That girl was in her own world dancing as if she was the only one in the room, eyes closed, and hands in the air she moved along with the beat. Opening her eyes, Aniya looked up and once again locked eyes with her mystery guy. Instead of breaking the stare she continued taunting with her body as she danced. Seeing him biting his lip, gave her the signal to continue. Smiling, she slowly turned around while making her butt bounce up and down. With a smile now plastered on his face, he nodded then walked away. Glancing back up Aniya expected him to still be there watching her show, only to be disappointed when she didn’t see him standing there anymore.

Looking at her friends she could tell they were having a ball. Gia was dancing with some tall dark skin guy; Nicole even loosened up and was dancing with someone. Feeling kind of left out, she was about to make her way off the dance until someone grabbed her arm stopping her. Turning around she noticed it was her “mystery guy” smiling he asked her to dance, which she happily agreed to. Turning her back to him she started dancing with him. Grabbing her waist he fell in rhythm with her. After dancing for a couple songs, Aniya told him she was going to sit down.

“Mind if I join you?” He asked.

“Sure!” T
aking his hand, the headed back upstairs only stopping long enough for her to tell Gia and Nicole where she was going, receiving thumbs up from them she laughed and continued. Once they were seated the conversation flowed.

“What’s your name?” Aniya asked. While looking him over; he had smooth brown skin standing about 6’1 with short black wavy hair. He had tattoos all over his body and was dressed in a black and gold YSL shirt with dark blue jeans and tan colored construction boots.

“It’s Kendrick, what’s yours pretty lady?”

“Aniya,” she said shyly.

“Uh, Uh don’t be acting all shy now, you dam sure wasn’t shy while you were dancing all over me.”

Laughing, “Oh please, are you complaining though?”

“I am damn sure not! I would be a fool to complain about having probably the sexiest woman here dancing with me,” he stated.

She didn’t know if it was the liquor or what, but he seemed like a really down to earth humble kind of guy and she liked that.

“How old are you?”

“I’m twenty-seven. I know I’m never supposed to ask a woman her age but you mind telling me anyways?”

“No I don’t mind and I’m twenty-two,” she answered.

Pouring herself another drink she asked him,

“Would you like for me to make you one?”

“No thank you, pretty lady but I already have bottles at my table,” Kendrick responded.

“But you’re not at your table so here,” she said while handing him one.

Sitting next to each other, they talked a little more but mainly sat and enjoyed each other company. Before they knew it, the DJ was calling Last Song and Gia and Nicole were making their way to come get her.

“Before I let you go, you think I can get your number. I would really like to pick up where we leaving off?” Kendrick asked while flashing his sexy smile.

“Yeah, take it down,” Aniya said all too willingly, mainly because of the liquor.

“I’m going to make sure I call you, be good pretty lady.” After walking her and her friends to the entrance he hugged her and wished them a goodnight. Once the valet brought the car around, they loaded in and made their way to drop Aniya off first.

“Oh my god! Go girl! Who would’ve thought your first night in forever you would bag a guy. I see you still got it,” Gia started.

Laughing, “Oh please, but yes he is too cute. But I’m not looking for a man,” Aniya replied.

“Umm…but wait, did I say anything about you looking for a man? I don’t think I did.”

“Nope you sure didn’t,” Nicole said throwing her two cents in.

“Oh shut up, you didn’t have to say it I already knew what you were implying,” Aniya told her.

Her response back was, “Yeah ok. Just don’t hurt anybody.” Cracking up laughing she just shook her head.

Shortly after they pulled up to her house, she thanked them got out and went upstairs. After taking a quick shower, she head to bed it was almost 4am, but before she could lie down a text came through.


: Hey pretty lady it’s Kendrick. I just wanted to give you my number and let you know I enjoy what little time we got to spend together. Hopefully we can do it again soon. I’ll be in touch! Goodnight!

Not bothering to reply she saved the number then drifted off to a peaceful slumber.



If You Can’t Have Who You Love Then...


How did he end up here is what he constantly asked himself and each time he could never come up with an answer. He had everything all figured out or at least he did but everything went all wrong. Lying in bed…well his body was in bed but his heart and mind was elsewhere. As much as he tried to keep her out of his mind somehow someway she invaded his thoughts on the daily. He wasn’t a weak ass nigga or anything but the day she walked out of his life was the day his world ended. Business was booming he had money coming in from left and right all his investments were looking up even his new ones. Everything was going so good that he and Gio were in the process of opening up another dealership. They also partnered up on another matter to make more money. Life should’ve been great for him but it wasn’t something was missing and he knew what it was…..ANIYA.

She stood in the doorway of Gavin’s bedroom staring across the room at him. His eyes were closed and he had a weird look on his face, she knew he wasn’t sleeping because of his breathing. She stood there taking all of him in, the way the light from outside glistened against his skin turned her on, and his manhood standing at full attention didn’t hurt either. There wasn’t anything about him that she didn’t love; she loved it all from his face to his tattooed covered body down to his dirty draws. The moment they got back together was one of the happiest days of her life. The hoe finally got the hint and backed off and she was glad she did. Stripping off her clothes she made her way to the bed.

Feeling soft kisses on the inside of his thighs snapped him out of his thoughts. Opening up his eyes, he stared down at Jayla who rested in between his parted thighs on her knees. He was so caught up in his own world that he forgot that he wasn’t alone.

“What you doing ma?” he asked.

“I’m helping you to relax baby, just lay back and enjoy.”

“Nah Jay I’m good I don’t need help to relax,” he said as he tried to push her up but she was too slick for him. She grabbed his hands and threw a smirk his way before taking his manhood in her mouth. She showed
him the true definition of
no hands
. He tried to throw out a weak protest but loss his train of thoughts as she went to work. Twenty minutes later after a well needed nut he laid back in bed puffing on a blunt fully relaxed as Jayla was in the kitchen cooking him something to eat.

He laid back against the headboard thinking about everything him and Jayla been through. At times she irked the hell out of him but then there were days like today
, where he really appreciated her. She would throw her little fits here and there but it didn’t take much to please her all he had to do was dick her down some, show her a little attention and she would go back to being fine. He know he probably did her dirty but it never matter to her each and every time he disappeared on her when he finally made his way back she would be there to welcome him with opened arms. That’s what he loved about her. As of right now she was doing everything right but he knew it was only a matter of time before she got to acting crazy again. No he didn’t love her but if he couldn’t have wait he loved then maybe he should just stick with what he liked…for the moment.













Just kicking it…


When it came to Kendrick, Aniya decided to take things extra slow, even though the night they met she willingly gave him her number she put a hold on their progress. About two weeks had passed and they still hadn't seen each other since that night but they would talk constantly on the phone and text each other. He tried many times to get her to meet up with him but she held her ground and told him she wasn't ready. At first he didn’t pay much attention to what she was saying so he kept trying, but when he noticed her still refusing to see him about a month later he had to find out the reason why. She didn't tell him exactly why, but she did tell him that she recently got out of a bad breakup and she was still in the beginning stages of minding her heart. He figured he could get in her good graces by helping her, so whatever feelings and urges he had for were put on the back burner.

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