Read A Dangerous Game of Love Online

Authors: Mercedes Taylor

A Dangerous Game of Love (12 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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“Oh whatever mama,” she said brushing them off.

While everyone was busy filling up their plates with food, Aniya sat and waited for Gavin to finish making theirs. He made one large plate with enough food on it for both of them and they shared it.


Once the food was finished, the game was over, the kitchen cleaned and everyone went home, Gavin told Aniya they had to take a quick shower so they could make their plane. She became excited and in that moment Gavin was happy he decided to take her away, the smile on her face let him know he did good. She asked him where they were going and as he was walking into the bathroom he pointed to the envelope sitting on top of the dresser. Running to it she hurriedly opened and it saw two tickets to Montego Bay.

“Oh my god really?’ she said to herself. She couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face.

“Aye lil mama, get in here and shower with me. We got to go!” Gavin called out from the shower.

Stripping her clothes off, she joined him. Knowing they were on a time limit, she couldn’t help the naughty feeling that came over her; she wanted to please her man. Kissing from his lips down the middle of his chest she didn’t stop until she was down on her knees face to face with his growing member. Gripping it just enough, she slowly moved her hands up it down its length. He was getting ready to tell her to stop, but once he felt her lips around the head all the thoughts left his head. With her lips wrapped around him, she moved her tongue like a snake all around it. He could only throw his head back as he played in her hair.

“Sssss…just like that Niy just like that.” He moaned as she took him deeper in her mouth. Between her jerking him off with her hands and sucking on his head, his climax was fast approaching. Refusing to get off without her, he pulled her mouth off him by her hair. Pulling her to her feet her turned her around and bent her over while sticking a finger deep inside of her to test her readiness. Feeling her juices on his fingers he pulled his hand out then rammed his member in, filling her up with one stroke. He deep stroked her until he felt her legs begin shaking. Pulling out he pushed her back against the wall, lifted her up while placing her legs around his waist and reentered her. He only stopped once he felt her love come down and she was screaming, shaking and hollering. A couple seconds later he pulled out letting loose in the shower.

They spent about ten minutes more in the shower washing up before getting out. While getting dressed
it clicked in Aniya’s head that she didn’t pack anything.

“Gav, how much time do we have until we have to leave? I just remembered I didn’t pack and how many days are we staying so I can know how much I need to pack?” she asked while walking to the closet. Following behind her he stopped her and pulled her back to him.

“No need, I got that covered. Your bags are in the trunk along with mine.”

Smiling up at him she held him around the waist.

“So you just have everything taken care of huh?”

“Yup I did, but let’s go, grab a jacket it’s time for us to head out.”

Before releasing him she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him. Pulling back and looking in his eyes she told him.

“I love you so much Gavin Christian Daniels. I can’t say it enough.”

“And I love you too Aniya Tiffany Martinez.”

After double checking to make sure everything was off except the kitchen light, they got into his car heading for the airport, never paying attention to the guy in the car watching them across the street from their house.





The days in Montego Bay seem to go by too fast for Aniya’s liking. Once she really began enjoying herself it was time for them to go. But leaving she would take back the new experiences and memories. During the day Gavin and Aniya went out to enjoy the many activities the hotel offered. They went jet skiing, scuba diving, swimming with dolphins, they even went parasailing. Gavin wanted to go swimming with the sharks but Aniya was terrified even though they were going to be protected by the cage she still wouldn’t go.

During the night, they lived it up and got to party the Jamaican way. They explored the many clubs that were along the strip. Aniya fit right in with the island ladies and danced the night away. Gavin sat and her watched mostly except for the couple of times she pulled him onto the dance floor with her. On the very last day Aniya was sad their getaway was coming to an end. That morning instead of going out, they shared breakfast on the balcony which had the perfect view of the ocean. Later they went around town to get souvenirs to bring home for them and their loved ones. They shared dinner at a nice restaurant which had the best oxtail and curry goat on the island. After dinner they took a walk along the beach, before resting in the sand with Aniya resting comfortably in between Gavin’s legs. Before speaking they sat listening to the crashing of the waves.

“Thank you babe for bringing me here, this trip was everything and more. I had the time of my life.”

“I’m glad lil mama and you know you don’t have to thank me I’m just glad you enjoyed yourself,” Gavin said, resting his chin on top of her head.

“I’m kind of sad we have to leave tomorrow though. It’s just so peaceful and relaxing here. It makes me never want to go home.”

“Yeah it is, but we can always come back, maybe sometime in the summer. Ok?” He asked.


They headed back to their room a little while later. Gavin went to get the hot tub ready while Aniya went
around the room double checking everything, making sure everything was packed along with the gifts they purchased. Being how they had an early flight she did it all tonight instead of having to rush and do it in the morning. Once she was sure everything was packed except for the outfits they were wearing to the airport, she joined Gavin in the hot tub.

The following morning Aniya walked around the room taking mental pictures of everything. Overwhelmed with sadness, but she knew they had to get back to the real world. Besides Gavin told her they would come back in the summer and maybe they would stay longer and bring their friends that time. The entire flight she stared out the window taking in the beauty. Gavin on the other hand slept the whole way.



Back in New York for over a week, they fell back into their daily routines. Gavin would check on his businesses while Aniya finished up with school, studying for her finals. He would still pick her up and take her to lunch daily. During their down time they would either be relaxing in the house together or hitting the town. Every two weeks Aniya would meet up with Debra and go shopping. Between all of that, they still made time to spend with their friends Gavin would go hang with Gio while Aniya would hang with her two best friends.







What’s a Girl to do???


In the last three months; the relationship between Gavin and Aniya started to change. She didn’t want to complain too much but she needed to know what the problem was and what was going on with them. As of lately he stopped doing everything he used to do, the random texts from him went from every day to maybe once or twice a week. He began to come home later and later each night, most times way after midnight. They barely went out anymore and whenever she did ask he would give her some lame excuse like he was tired or not today. She was far from insecure but she couldn’t help the thoughts that started to pop in her head. Their sex life declined also. Gavin was just as bad is not worst when it came to sex, he wanted it whenever, wherever, and however, if she didn’t initiate it he would. As of now it no longer existed, maybe once in a blue moon. He would come in shower, then go right to sleep. Before he would always put her to sleep, but now by the time he came home she was sleep and almost all the time he was gone by the time she woke up. They only reason she knew he came home was she would see his dirty laundry all over the floor and she would feel him wrap his arms around her in the middle of the night.

If that wasn’t bad, lately she’s been getting random phone calls from unknown numbers, most of the time the girl wouldn’t say nothing, she figured out it was a girl because she would laugh before she hung up. The last call she received a few days ago the caller got bold asking her if she knew where “her” man was, Aniya being  herself tried to hold her tongue but couldn’t. “Obviously if you knew where he was you wouldn’t be calling me playing on my phone, what he let you smell the dick or something and he got tired of you and now you going through withdrawal or something? Stop playing on my phone little girl!” she told her before she hung up.

"Earth to Niya, are you even listening to me? I'm telling you what happened with that nigga and you’re not even listening," screamed Nicole.

"Wait what happened girl? My bad, my mind is all over the place, start again," Aniya responded.

Aniya was in the living room with Gianni and Nicole. Not paying any attention to them, she was zoned out in her own world.

Before Nicole could respond Gia caught her off, “See I knew something was wrong, yet you tried to tell me differently when I know you better than you know yourself. Speak girl, tell us what's up!" Still not knowing if she was actually ready to speak her problems Aniya sat and stared at Gia. After debating for a few moments she told them the issue;

"To be honest Gia I think Gavin is cheating on me," Aniya sighed.

“What? Girl why the hell you sitting here you should be out beating his ass, let’s go!" getting hyped Gianni started gathering her coat to head out while mumbling

"No one cheats on my girl! I will beat his ass and whoever the hoe is for you!" exclaimed Gia.

"Gia chill!" She yelled, "You know I need no help when it comes to handling mine, I haven't done anything yet it's just a gut feeling," Aniya stated.

"Well obviously it's a reason you're feeling this way, you just don't suspect your man is cheating out of nowhere so what gives Niya, what are you not telling us?" She countered back. Still debating whether she wanted to let them know she slowly let out a deep breath and sighed.

"Man, where do I even begin?’

“Shit, you better begin somewhere before I go and find out my damn self,” Gia told her.

Sucking her teeth Nicole told her, “If you shut up long enough maybe she can tell us something. You’re always overreacting over nothing!”

“Oh I’m always overreacting? But you was about to have a meltdown because she wasn’t listening to you,” Gia countered back.

“I was not, so shut the hell up!”

“Oh my god can you two chill? I already have enough on my plate, I can’t sit here and break you two up,” Aniya yelled.

“Girl…my bad!”

“Yeah I’m sorry, but back to the matter at hand. Why do you think he’s cheating?”

“Because he’s not the same guy I fell in love with. I mean he doesn’t do what he once did. We barely go out, I don’t remember the last time he wasn’t tired and we had an actual conversation. Now a days if we’re not arguing, we barely speak to each other. Plus he’s been coming home all late like three sometimes four in the morning. If I say something to him he says I’m blowing things out of proportion and it’s nothing.”

“Did you ask him if he’s cheating?” Nicole asked.

“What nigga you know that’s going to admit they’re cheating?” Gia asked.

“None!” She said answering her own question.

“No I mean all the signs are there. But I can only trust him even though some little hoe keeps playing on my phone.”

“How you know it’s a hoe?” Nic asked.

“Because she will sit and breathe on the phone, she never say much only little shit like it’s only a matter of time or where your man at. Then she laughs and hangs up.”

“Oh no fuck that and you haven’t said nothing to him about it? What the hell you waiting for? Do you need to walk in and catch him in the act?” Gia asked heatedly.

Shaking her head at Gia’s bluntness she knew everything she was saying was true but she still wanted to believe Gav wouldn’t really cheat on her. She felt they were better than that, she knew he wouldn’t do her like that; well at least she hoped he wouldn’t.

Nicole being the voice of reason told her, “Well why, don’t you and him have a heart to heart sit down and tel
l him how you’re feeling. Ask him questions to see if he’s going to lie, being how long y’all been together you’ll be able to tell if he’s lying or not.”

“Or you can just take his phone and find out yourself or beat his ass. Fuck that brother or not you don’t cheat on my sister and think you’re going to get away with it,” Gia said, “Shit if I ever for one second thought Kaiden was cheating on me it would be bust ass first and ask questions later.”

“Don’t listen to her Niya, you know how she is just do what your heart tells you to,” Nicole stated while giving Gia the side eye.

“Man Nic, do not start with me!”

“I’m not starting, I’m being rational when you’re telling her to go check the man’s phone and fight him and the chick,
and mind you
she doesn’t even know the chick or
there is even a chick.”

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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