A Dangerous Game of Love

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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A Dangerous Game O

Mercedes Taylor

This novel is a work of fiction. Any references to real people, event, establishments, or locals are intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, as those fictionalized events and incidents that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name of a person who is an acquaintance of the author, past or present, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person.













Copyright © 2013 Mercedes Taylor

All rights reserved.



I’m going to keep this short and sweet, I’m not a big spiritual person but I have to give thanks to the man above, without him NONE of this would have been possible. My Family; My Sister Shauna, and Brother Mikey. A big shout out to the woman who made me, My Mother Benita if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be here. From the moment I told her I was writing a book she had my back and supported me! Hearing tell the world that she’s proud of me let me know I’m actually doing something right.

Pookes, Toya, Mel, Casey, Ki, Shay, Nette, Tennielle, & Ricky; I thank y’all for remaining true and supporting me on this book writing. Richard aka Mumaaaa, big thanks to you for helping me get my ideas together and supporting me through this whole entire process. Tamskiiii big thanks to you for gracing my cover with ya beauty lol! Also to all of my Family that told me they would buy a book regardless! That’s Love!

Tiff aka My PIC aka My Edit
or aka MY poem writer… YELLO! You say Get em and I Got em! I am truly blessed to have you in my life, it’s actually crazy how we became friends’ lol and till this day we haven’t met face to face but that’s neither here nor there! You showed ya loyalty plenty of times and I know what’s real! You’ve been my motivation, you pushed me harder than I pushed myself, when I showed you good you made me go back and make it great. Words honestly can’t say how thankful I am for everything…WE HERE lol!

Jas aka
My bro…I thank you for putting up with my late night texts and inbox asking questions and all. Any and everything I needed if you knew you helped me without a problem. I couldn’t ask for a better Bro! Lol

MY Facebook
Fam- all the groups I’m in, tajana Sutton Deja group, A forever kind of love, and Eclipse Room – A Big shout-out to all of y’all from riding with me. Y’all have been a great support system.

To ALL the people who I inbox and you’ve allow me to ask a numerous amount of questions, Big thanks to you guys also.

MC Crew; Niq, Dani, Le, & Leesh, If it wasn’t for y’all I honestly don’t think I would have wrote a book, so I thank y’all for helping me jump start it all.

Last but not Least – A BIG THANK YOU goes out to ANY and Every one that supports me and my writing. I truly thank and appreciate y’all from the bottom of my heart.

Oh and special thanks to my test readers; Nasi, Jade, Tafara, & Symba for taking the time out of y’all busy day to read samples for me.

If by chance I forgot you, just know it wasn’t intentional;
My mind might’ve forgot you but my heart didn’t.
















This book is dedicated to EVERYONE who believed in me and have been riding with ME from the beginning! <3


A dangerous game of love, involving many players

he kind of thing you dream of, the answer to your prayers

Beginning with a kiss and ending with a promise

An equation with no rules or easy way to solve this

What appears to be beauty is tragedy in a dress

You stress but yet they never see you sweat

Come here Lil Mama, I’m everything you need

Your heart is saying “
” but your legs won’t take the lead

So you walk away from him still in search of love

Conflicted if what you have is better than what was

I’m here Pretty Lady, I’m all that you deserve

This one feels right, something about his words

A dangerous game of love, involving many players

You’ll remember next time to be specific with your prayers………


Written by: Tiffany Mason











The Beginning….


Shorty what ya Name Is???



Aniya woke up, not really wanting to start her day. She just continued to lay in her bed thinking about her parents. She missed them terribly. A few years ago, Aniya was coming home from class when she received the devastating news that both her mother and father died in a car crash. At first it was reported an accident but she later found out it involved an on duty police officer who was heavily intoxicated. Being how she was the only child she was left to do everything on her own. If it wasn't for her best friends; Nicole, Gianni, and Gianni's older brother Giovanni, she doesn’t know how she would've made it through. They were right by her side with the preparations for the funeral and the emotional trials that followed. With the police officer being at fault, Aniya received a payout that would leave her set for life financially. Snapping back into reality, she got up and started getting ready. In a couple of hours she was supposed to meet up with the girls at Gianni's house.

After showering she stood in front of the mirror admiring herself. She was nowhere near cocky, always humble, but she knew she looked good. Standing at 5’5, she weighed around 125lbs, long black and blonde hair, which stopped just below her shoulders. She had slanted gray eyes that were always mistaken f
or contacts and full pouty lips, nice full perky breast, thick thighs and a nice size ass that sat right in a size seven jeans. After checking herself out she went and threw together an outfit. After checking her hair one final time she headed out to Gianni's and Giovanni's house.



“Why are y'all still here? I told y'all Nicole and Aniya were coming over here, so that's was the cue to get out,” Gia said to Gio and his friend Gavin.

Laughing Gio looked at Gavin then said, “How she kicking me out my crib though? Last time I checked I was the one footing the bills up in here.”

“Yo I don't even know bro, but she wants us gone,” Gavin replied while making himself comfortable on the couch.

“Ugh, y'all get on my nerves! Y'all just want to be around and bug the hell out of me,” she screamed while stomping off.

Arriving at their house about fifteen minutes later, Aniya rang the doorbell and waited.

“Yo G, can you get that? That's probably Nic or Aniya!” Gio called out from the kitchen.

Walking to the door, not bothering to ask who it was he
opened it only to be astonished by the beauty standing before him. He just stood there staring at her. Aniya began to become annoyed with him just gawking at her; he didn’t even try to cover it up by saying something.

“Um hi…
are you going to stare at me all day or are you going to let me in my best friend's house?” She asked.

“Oh my fault Shorty, I'm Gavin, Giovanni's friend you must be Aniya,” he said while moving aside. Walking pass him she barely acknowledged the greeting. He couldn't help but stare at her ass as it swayed to its own beat.


Smirking she knew why he said that without having to turn around.

Ding dong…ding dong....

Stealing another quick glance at her backside he turned back around to answer the door.

After letting Nicole in, they joined Gio, Gia and Aniya in the living room.

Throughout the whole time Gavin couldn't stop himself from looking Aniya's way.

She had him mesmerized and didn't even know it. Gio picked up on it but decided to wait until they were alone to question him about it. The girls headed out while Gia ran up to her room to grab something, leaving Gio and Gavin in the living room alone.

“So are you going to tell me why you kept staring at Shorty?” Gio asked.

Laughing “I don't know what you’re talking about yo.”

“Yeah ok tell that lie to someone else, the whole time she was here your eyes barely left her.”

“Nah I can't even front, shorty is a dime,” Gavin confessed, “I want her! Put me on.”

“Nah no can do, you want her you got to get her yourself. But if you going after her come correct. Don't try to play my little homie that right there
, is like my sister,” Gio said with a serious face.

Sitting back thinking on ho
w he would approach her he nodded his head, not knowing their whole conversation was overheard by Gia. Waiting a couple minutes she came from the stairs, told them goodbye and headed to the front door keeping that little secret to herself......




You remind me of…


“Fuck Jayla.....move to the left ma,” Gavin yelled.

“I can't....damn I can't,” she cried out.

“Chill out ma,” he groaned.

“Oh my god oh my god it's coming.”

“Well…shoot it then.”

“I'm trying man, you know what! Forget this shit,” Jayla told him while throwing her controller down.

They were in Gavin's living room playing Call of Duty.

“I'm trying to teach you, how you going to get mad and quit on me?” He asked.

“This damn game is stupid, that’s how.”

Laughing, “You don’t know what the hell you’re doing, that’s why you say it’s stupid.”

“Oh shut up, I know what I would rather be doing,” she smirked.

Looking at her, he could already tell exactly what she was talking about, turning his attention back to the game

“Nah ma, chill out! I just gave you some.”

Sucking her teeth she got up and left out the room. Ever since she miscarried, she’s been hinting to Gavin that she wanted to try again, but he started noticing a change in her that he hadn't seen before. She became needy always wanting his attention and to be around him. Don't get him wrong he was feeling shorty, but they weren't exclusive like that. He started to distant himself from her little by little. Listening to her rant in the kitchen while banging pots and pans he thought back to how they met.

Jayla and Gavin started messing around when she was eighteen (she's twenty-one now). He remembers it like it was yesterday,
he was riding through the projects to pick up his cousin when he spotted her. Shorty stood out in her bright red short shorts and ripped wife beater. She had a cute slim waist with thick thighs that were tempting him. Pulling over next to her and her crew he called her to the car.

“Aye cutie let me talk to you for a minute,” Gavin called out.

“Who you talking to?” the big boned friend asked.

“Shorty in those shorts, she know it she looking at me all hard,” he said jokingly.

“Oh please, do not sweat yourself,” Jayla replied while walking to the car.

“What can I do for you?”

“Nah it’s not what can you do for me, it’s what’s I can do for you. Put my number in your phone and we take it from there,” he told her.

“Oh you the take charge type huh? I like that.”

After doing as she was told she asked,

“There now what, what’s going to happen now?”

“What’s your name Shorty?” he asked.

“It's Jayla, what’s yours?”

“Gavin and don’t even worry about what’s going to happen next just know when you see me calling you better pick up!”

“Oh I better?” she questioned.

Putting his car back in drive he told her, “Yeah you better! I'll holla at you later cutie.”

Turned on by his aggression she told him ok and walked back to her friends while watching him until he turned the block.

She waited for a week for him to hit her up, when he didn’t she went ahead and hit him first, but he didn’t get back to her until another week later after that. She could’ve got mad but she was so excited he called she didn’t care that it took him forever. It didn’t take him too long to get in her pants either, the second day they chilled he had her bent over his couch banging her back out. From there she became his steady “fuck buddy.” They didn’t get serious until a year later; one day she showed up crying talking about she was pregnant. He felt it was only right he step up to the plate and take care of her and their unborn kid. When he met her she was a regular chicken head but now that she was going to be his baby mother he wanted better. He sat her down and told her if she wanted to be with him she had to get her act together, so she enrolled in school. Gavin even went as far as paying for her entire tuition so she wouldn’t stress herself about covering her finances. She stopped drinking, well he thought she did she just wouldn’t drink around him but whenever she was with her friends she would and even smoke. She got pregnant with what would have been their first child which would've been a boy, but shortly after finding out the sex she miscarried and he later found out about her doing those things behind his back. So she went from being his main chick to just his fuck. But as of lately she’s been irking the hell out of him.


Snapping back into the present, he heard her still going off in the kitchen. Everything he used to be able to put up with annoyed the hell out of him. Lately every time he was with Jayla, his mind would wa
ndered to Miss Aniya, yeah she was beautiful but it was something about her that called to him and he had every intention on answering.

The fact that she had his head gone without even acknowledging him really made him more anxious to be done with Jayla so he could find out what it was about Aniya that made him want her so bad. Turning
the game off he headed to the kitchen, his whole mood changed. He needed her gone!

“Yo ma, get your stuff I got moves to make so I’m going to drop you off home.”

“But…why? I thought we were spending the day together. Look I even started cooking for you,” she whined while pointing to the raw chicken sitting on the counter.

“Yeah but plans changed, put all that shit back and get your stuff, I’ll be in the car. Hurry up!”

Not waiting for a reply he grabbed his keys and fitted and left the house. Sucking her teeth she threw the chicken in the fridge and slowly made her way to get her pocketbook.

The whole car ride she tried to convince him to take her with him or drop her back to his house and let her wait for him to come home, but he wasn’t trying to hear it. The sooner he got her home the sooner he could deal with the other matter at hand; Aniya.

Once he pulled up to her building she hesitated on getting out,

“When you’re done you’re going to come back and get me right?”

Deciding not to lie to her, “Nah, I doubt it! I’ll hit you up though.”

Sucking her teeth, “What’s wrong with you? Why you acting all shitty now?”

“I’m not acting no way I told you I got moves to make and you holding me up.”

“Fine! Can I at least get a kiss?”

Pecking her quickly, he told her he’ll hit her up. Taking that as her cue, she got out the door and slammed the door with an attitude.

Shaking his head while pulling off,
Yeah it’s time for me to let her go,
he thought.


A week later…


Gavin wanted to let Aniya know he was feeling her but without coming on too strong and risk the chances of turning her off. He figured he could throw a little get together and invite her, Nicole, and Gianni, that way she would be chilling with him but still comfortable because her girls were there and of course his partner in crime Gio. Even though he already knew Gio would be down for it he decided to call him up and let him in on his little plan.


“Yo!” Gio answered.

“Aye G, what's good son?” Gavin asked.

“Ain’t shit G, I'm chilling what’s up with you?”

“You already know, mackin' how I Mack,” he said joking around.

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