A Dangerous Game of Love (3 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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“Nothing really, what’s up with you?”

"Same with me, just chilling; hoping you're calling to tell me you finally stopped fronting and decided to let me take you out."

Playing hard to get she countered, "Hmmm I don’t know Gavin, I don't know if I want to go out with you."

"Seriously ma, what are you scared of? I'm not going to hurt you, nor am I just trying to get in ya pants. I just want to chill with you and get to know you better."

Sighing she replied, "Hmm I guess, ok I’ll give you a shot and let you take me out!"

"That's what's up, you got a nigga feeling like he won the lotto, word up."

Laughing, "Oh please whatever, don't be trying to gas my head, I already agreed to go out with you so you don't have to lie...”

Cutting her off, "Word up ma, I wouldn't even lie to you, when I speak I say what I mean and mean what I say remember that! Anyways you have a place in mind you want to go?" He asked.

"Nope this is all on you, your idea to take me out. You pick the place and what we're going to do."

"Hmmm…like that? Iight I got you, are you free this Saturday, what you got planned?"

Thinking about it before she answered, "Hmmm nothing that I can think of."

"Iight Cool! We out on Saturday and you're mine for the day," Gavin told her.

"Yours for the day huh?" She asked.

"How about you're mine for the rest of your life?"

"Whoa buddy, I don't even know you like that and you're already trying to lock me down. You're pushing it."

"Nah ma, I'm not pushing nothing I'm just telling you like it is, you don't see it now but you will mark my words.”

"Yeah iight I hear it, but anyways I got to go handle something I'm going to talk to you later," Aniya lied, he had her head all messed up with that statement she needed to get her thoughts together.

"Yeah iight, I’ll text you later baby girl," Gavin said before hanging up.


All week Aniya was on edge, as much as she didn't want to admit it she was actually looking forward to going on a date. Crazy thing is she couldn't even remember the last time she went on one. They texted and talked on the phone a little every day. He would make her feel special because every morning he would send her a "
good morning beautiful
" text and end the night with a "
sweet dreams baby girl
" text.

Lying in bed Friday night she was just about to call it a night when she got a text message on her iPhone.

Gavin: sup ma

Aniya: hey Gavin

Gavin: what you dealing whit baby girl?

Aniya: nothin
g much just lying down…soon go to sleep

Aniya: w
hat you doing?

Gavin: goin
g to sleep so early on a Friday? Oh you trying to get ya beauty rest for 2mrrw huh? & I'm chilling with Gio ma!

Aniya: lol boy please, I'm just tired & oh ok!

Gavin: you know I was just playing; ya ass already fine!

Gavin: but I was just checkin
g on you, I'm looking forward to seeing you 2mrrw

Aniya: I can’t even front me 2

Gavin: :) that's what a nigga likes to hear, but sleep tight.....I’ll call you 2mrrw

Gavin: Sweet dreams baby girl!

Aniya: goodnight!

After re reading the conversation over again Aniya placed the phone on the charger and rolled over with a
smile on her face. Drifting off with sweet thoughts of Gavin....




What you do to me?


Gavin was in Gio’s living room listening to Fabolous mix tape while drinking Hennessey. Gio was trying to start up a game in NBA2K13 but Gavin was too caught up in his phone. Once he saw him put the phone away he started.

“Aye! You done phone caking? I’m trying to take your money yo,” he teased.

“Yeah whatever, you already know you can’t beat me. I’m the King of 2k and I wasn’t phone caking so chill! Ya old hating ass mad you don’t have no one to cake with,” Gavin said, laughing.

“Hahaha, you got jokes, but don’t worry about who I talk to, you better be worrying about losing ya money. Let’ go!”

“Nah, it’s going to have to wait, I got to talk to mini G about something real quick,” He told him while heading upstairs.

Yelling after him, “You just keep finding ways to not play me, I’m taking that $500 before you leave!”

Ignoring Gio, he knocked on Gia’s bedroom door while calling her.

“Aye mini G, can I come in?”

“Yeah boy you know you don’t have to ask.”

Walking in he noticed she was on her computer on Skype. He knew most likely it was her boyfriend Kaiden, who was overseas in the army serving his country.

“Oh my fault, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I can come back when you done.”

“Gavin, my man you can’t speak?” Kaiden said jokingly.

Sitting now, “Nah it’s not even like that, I just know you and her probably needed y’all privacy. But what’s up? You good over there?”

“I feel you, but I’m good hanging in there, I’m still alive so I can’t complain. Can’t wait to come back home though.”

“Did they tell you when you can come home yet?”

“No not yet, I don’t know for sure but it’s soon hopefully. I got to go, take care of my girl, that’s my heart right there.”

“I got you that go without saying and iight.”

“I love you baby and I’ll hit you when I get a chance. No Tears!” Kaiden told her.

“I love you too baby,” Gia replied then slowly shut the computer down.

After wiping the few tears that
fell from her eyes she gave Gavin her full attention.

“You okay mini G?” he asked while hugging her.

“Yeah I’m okay, I just hate that he’s over there you know? Never knowing if this is the last conversation we’re going to have.”

“I understand but you can’t think like that baby girl, you got to stay positive.”

“Thanks, big G. But what’s up?” she asked.

“Not much, I just came to see if I can get some info.”

“Info on what or shall I say whom?”

Laughing, “Iight you caught me, I need some on your girl. What she likes dislikes, all of that.”

Thinking about it briefly, “She likes Italian food, she’s not really a party person the big crowd isn’t her thing but she loves to dance. She reads a lot also and shopping she loves to shop, but I mean what girl doesn’t. That’s all I’m telling you though, the rest you got find out on your own!” she told him.

Taking in everything she told him, it wasn’t much but it was enough to start with. Getting up he kissed her and thanked her then headed back downstairs to Gio.

Joining Gio on the couch he poured him another glass of henny before saying,

“Let’s go! Start it up! Let me kick ya ass real fast. I can use that money tomorrow on my date,” he said half-jokingly.

Getting excited Gio paid his comment no attention and turned the game console on.

“It’s about damn time my nigga! Had a nigga waiting forever yo! My OKC niggas about to whoop some ass.”

“Never that! Wade and BronBron about to put some heat on that ass. I mean the same exact way they did in the finals,” Gavin said sarcastically.

A couple games later, Gavin headed home with his pockets a couple hundred richer.

Once he showered he climbed in his bed with thoughts of what was to come with Aniya. He had to laugh at himself, he felt like a true sucka.



Saturday morning around eleven, Aniya was up and looking through her closet for something to wear while talking to her best friend Gia on the phone.

"Girl I don't even know what to wear because I don't even know where we're going," Aniya said while pouting.

"Umm wear something cute, sexy and laidback all in one," Gia suggested.

"What the hell does that even mean? How am I going to find an outfit that has all of those in one?"

"Do a cute top, jeans and heels."

"Nah that's kind of plain and way too simple...."

After searching her closet for a couple more minutes she found an outfit.

"Gia I got what I'm going to wear," she said excitedly.

"What?" Gia asked

"That dark yellow YSL dress I brought that time we went shopping, remember the backless tight fitting dress I fell in love with?" Aniya asked.

"Oh yeah that dress is cute. Wear it with ya beige and blue
Steven madden wedges with the blue bag to match," Gia suggested.

“I knew you were my BFF for a reason and with gold accessories and wild curly hair, yup that's the look."


"Hold on, someone on my other line," Aniya told her before clicking over.


"Hey ma what’s up?"

"Who's this?" She questioned

"Don't act like you don't know my voice, it’s Gavin Shorty!" Gavin responded.

"Oh, it’s you! Hey Gavin."

Sucking his teeth he said, "Oh it's you? You trying to be funny?"

Laughing some she answered, "Nah I was just playing gosh, what’s up though?"

"Just calling to make sure you not trying to back out of our date." It was Gavin's turn to laugh.

"Oh hush, of course I'm not backing out I said I would go with you right?"

"Yeah you did I give you that, but I'm coming through to get you at two so be ready lil mama," Gavin said

Aniya was so wrapped up in the conversation that she forgot she had Gia on the other line until she heard the click indicating she hung up.

"Shit," she whispered.

But Gavin heard her.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing really I just forgot, I had Gia on the other line and she hung up."

"Oh iight lil ma, I won't hold you. I’m going to let you go call ya friend back.

Just make sure you ready when I get there. Later lil mama."

"Ok and bye!" Aniya told him while hanging up.

Instead of calling Gia back she sent her a text and started to get ready for her date.....



First Date…


Two that afternoon, Gavin pulled up in front of Aniya's house in his spanking new red 2012 Mercedes Benz. Walking to the door he checked himself out in the front windows. Dressed in a white polo Rugby shirt, faded true religion jeans, with fresh orange and white Jordan's to top it off. His waves were on spin underneath his orange Snapback. Ringing the doorbell he waited patiently for her to answer. Nervous that the moment had finally come, Aniya tried to calm herself while walking towards the front door, but not before checking herself out in the mirror. Opening up the door, they stood there staring at each other, both having similar thoughts.

Damn she looks good enough to eat
," Gavin thought.

Damn if only he knew how good he looked
," Aniya thought.

Standing before her was something similar to a god; he stood about 6’2 with
the physique of a running back. Not to big but not too small, she could tell under his clothes laid a nice perfect fit body. What looked to be the smoothest brown skin she ever saw, then his gorgeous eyes; they stood out the most, they were a prettiest color of a greenish brown and his smile was a killer, his one dimple showed whenever he smiled.

After a few minutes Gavin finally broke the ice.

"Wow hey ma, you look gorgeous!"

Slightly embarrassed for gawking at him she finally greeted him.

"Thanks Gavin, you don't look too bad yourself."

"Thanks ma, but you ready to go yet, or you got to go and spend some more time in the mirror?" He asked while laughing.

Laughing herself, “Oh please, whatever! You trying to hint to me that I need to go back in the mirror?" Aniya asked.

"Nah not even, I just know how you girls are, but you look good. Damn good to be exact."

"Umm hmm! Nice save. But nope, I'm ready when you are," Aniya told him while locking her front door.

Walking to the car, he opened her door, waited until she got comfortable then got in on his side.

Aniya blushed while saying "Awe chivalry is still alive huh!"

"Hahaha you got jokes. I was taught how to treat a lady, I don't
know what kind of guys you're used to, but baby I'm my own breed," Gavin replied.

"Your own breed huh? I hear it. I’ll believe it when I see it though," she smirked.

"And you will see it, trust and believe that."

Not having a comeback she dismissed the whole topic and asked, "So umm yeah you haven't even told me where we're going, I hope I'm not overdressed."

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