A Dangerous Game of Love (2 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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Laughing, “I feel you but what's up? I know you didn't call to hear my voice.”

“Yeah you right I rather hear a females sexy voice than your shit, nah but I'm having a little something at my crib tonight, you down?"

“Word! You know I'm in there, who else is coming?”

Pausing briefly Gavin told him, “Gia, Nicole, and Aniya.”

It was quiet on the phone after that and Gavin already knew why. He knew that Gio was putting two and two together figuring out the real reason for the get together.

“So you're really going after her huh? I thought it wasn't that serious,” Gio finally said.

“Yeah G, I want her I told you I wanted her and I was dead serious, I won't stop until she gives me a chance.”

“I feel you, but you already know that Niya isn't like these basic hoes out here, she in a different league. So make sure you really want her, need I say more?”

“Nah you don't, I hear you! But when have I ever gone this hard for a fuck? Never! So that should say more than enough!”

“I feel you. Niya is like my little sister so make sure you treat her like you would want someone to treat your sister or your daughter, feel me?”

Laughing lightly Gio then threw out, “I mean that's if she even give your ass a chance.”

“Hahaha, you got jokes huh? Man listen I got this but where little sis at?” Gavin questioned.

Holding the phone with one hand, he mushed Gia in her head making her fall on the couch. Laughing he said, “Her nosey little ass right here.”

Gavin heard Gia tell her brother, “Nigga please! Ain't any one being nosey, I was in here first then your loud ass decided to sit next to me and have a conversation about my girl, so shut the hell up!”

“Man y'all bugged the hell out,” he said.

“Let me speak to her before y'all keep at it.”

“Little girl take this phone before I hurt you,” Gio warned while handing her the phone.

“You may be bigger than me, even older than me but you aren’t hurting anyone my man. You and I both know it. Now play with me if you want......hello?” Gia said into the phone.

“Mini G what's good sis?”

“Aye Big G, what's up yo?” She asked.

“Nothing really....” He figured instead of dragging it out, he might as well get straight to the point, "look mini G, I need your help."

“Yeah I knew it was a reason you needed to speak to me, but what you need my help with?”

“Nah not even you already know what it is so don't think like that. It isn’t anything big, but I'm having a little something at my crib tonight. I want you and your girls to come through, especially Aniya!”

“Hmmm...Especially Niya, huh?” She asked slightly surprised, but then she remembered the conversation she heard between her brother and him.

“Yeah...especially her! That's what I need you do for me, make sure she shows up tonight. If you do that for me I got you and that's my word!” He told her.

“Let me find out you feeling my girl or something,” Gia said while trying to feel him out.

“Yeah you can say that.”

“That's my girl and you my brother and all but if you hurt or try to play her

I'm going to fuck you up! That's my word!” She warned.

“Yo you and your brother both warned me, I got this I wouldn't even do that!

But make that happen, y'all slide through round eight you heard?” He asked.

Looking at the clock she noticed it was only five. She figured that was more than enough time
to let the girls know the plans.

he then told him, “Yeah I got you. I’ll let you know when we're on our way.”

“Cool, tell G he can come th
rough whenever and I'll holla at you later. Thanks again Mini G,” Gavin said before ending the call.



On the other side of town Aniya sat in her living room bored as hell trying to figure out what she wanted to do for the night. It was Friday
and she didn't have class until Monday. She wanted to enjoy her weekend, being bored just wasn't an option. Trying to figure out what her next move was going to be a text came through on her iPhone.


Picking up the phone she noticed it was from Gia.

Gia: aye mama! What you doing girl?

Aniya: nada! Absolutely nothing -_-

Aniya: what you doing?

Gia: same chilling with my bro. Want to go to a get together? You me & Nic?

Aniya: umm...whose? But yeah I'm down anything to get out of this house!

Gia: Iight cool! Be ready by 7:30 I'm coming to get you.....oh & it's Gavin's! Ttyl!

Aniya: oh ok cool & I’ll be ready!


Gia: Nic, we're hanging out with my bro & Gavin tonight. Me you & Niya. Be ready by 7:30!

Nicole: Iight cool say no more!


All the girls took their time showering, picking out an outfit, doing their hair, and applying the very little makeup they used. Even though they weren't trying to holla at Gavin or Gio, they still felt the need to look their best; Mainly Aniya and Nicole.


Gio sat in Gavin's living room watching him move around like a mad man, fixing and moving things around. He sat thinking about the conversation they had earlier about Aniya. Gavin was going out of his mind trying to make sure everything was perfect for tonight. Laughing at himself he thought “
in all my years of living I never had to try and impress a girl
.” He was so used to girls throwing themselves at him, but not Aniya she was much different, she barely paid attention to him. Pulling out a bottle of Hennessy, Patron, and a bottle of Ciroc peach along with five shot glasses and five cups he placed them on the table.

Noticing his mans was quiet a little too quiet, he looked over at Gio.

“Aye G, what's good? You good over there, why you so quiet?”

“I'm good yo, just thinking,” Gio responded.

Walking over to the love seat he sat across from Gio and asked him

“About…what? Speak ya mind G.”

“It isn’t really anything, but I'm thinking about the bigger picture.”

“Huh? Explain because you aren’t saying much,” Gavin said puzzled.

“Nah I'm saying you trying to get Aniya right, but what about shorty you fucking with now?” Gio asked.

“Who Jayla?”

Nodding his head yes.

"Man she isn’t nobody special! You just said it; she’s someone I'm fucking now! Nothing else!" Gavin told him.

“But does she know that, that's the question?” Gio countered back.

“Who gives a fuck if she know it, she not my bitch! She knows that and I know that, so it isn’t about nothing. If Aniya don't front I'm going to make her mine and stop fucking with Jayla simple as that!”

“Aye G listen I don't give a fuck about the Jayla hoe, I'm thinking about Niya.

I told you, that's like my little sister so I'm thinking about her part in this.

You got to have all this extra shit done with. Feel me?” Gio said.

“Yeah I hear you, but let me actually get her, and then I’ll worry about the rest later.”

Shaking his head Gio told him, “Iight cool, but just know no chick is going to be cool with getting played to the left for no new chick. Drama will come, Heed my warning!”

Before Gavin could respond the conversation
he was interrupted but an incoming call on his phone.

“Aye mini g, what's the word?” He asked as soon as he picked up.

“We'll be there soon I'm on my way to pick them up now.”

“Iight cool, we’ll be here! One”

“Bye,” Gia said before hanging up.

“Aye my shorty on her way G let me go freshen up.”

Laughing “You a sucker ass nigga,” Gio cracked.

“Whatever Yo, stop hating!” Gavin told him while walking upstairs.



After picking up Nicole and Aniya, Gia headed toward Gavin’s house. Listening to Tamar’s song
Love & War
Aniya turned the music down and said,

“Let me ask you something Gia.”

“What’s up?” Gia answered.

“This get together was unexpected, so what’s the 411 that we’re missing.”

Not trying to reveal the real reason she shrugged her shoulders and played clueless.

“Don’t get me to lying; I guess the guys were bored so they wanted to include us. Why you complaining? We are about to get drunk and fed for free.”

“I’m not complaining, hell I wasn’t doing nothing anyway. I just thought it was strange,” she stated.

From the backseat Nicole told her, “Relax Niy, everyone doesn’t have an ulterior motive. Maybe they just wanted to chill with a bunch of cool pretty chicks instead of the hoes they’re used to.”

Laughing, “I guess, but y’all know how I am,” Aniya said, before turning the music back up.


Gavin came back downstairs about thirty minutes later looking fresh. Donned in some true religions jeans, a black with red writing true religion shirt, black, red and white Jordan’s on his feet and a black and red falcon’s snapback on. Gio saw his boy and was about to get on him but the doorbell stopped him. Walking to the door, Gavin took a deep breath then let the ladies in admiring all their beauty. But nobody stood out more to him then Aniya.



In the beginning Aniya barely said two words to him unless he initiated the conversation. She talked mostly to Nic and Gia while he and Gio played the game. That was cool with him though; he didn’t really care if she spoke to him or not
, as long as he got to look at her and he was in her presence. All of that changed though, after a couple of drinks she started loosening up towards him and played a couple rounds of Call of Duty with him. No matter how many times she died, she would laugh it off and tell him to start it over; something Jayla wouldn’t have done. By the end of the night she was comfortable with him and when he asked for her number she was shocked to say the least but she still gave him it and took his.




Give Me a Try…


About two weeks later, Aniya and Gia were in Aniya’s living room talking about the matter at hand.

“So, Gavin hit me up asking to take me out.”

“Okay so what the problem?” Gia asked.

“Don’t you think it’s too soon for me and him to be going out?” Aniya asked.

"No! Y’all been talking for how long now? I thought he would’ve been asked.”

“Niy just go out with him, at least give him one shot."

"I don't know I mean he was cool and all at his crib but, for some reason I feel we won't connect when it's just us two," Aniya voiced.

“But y’all been talking and texting right?”


“So obviously y’all are connecting.”

“But it’s different when talking on the phone and being face to face. Man…I don’t know,” Aniya sighed.

"You won’t know till you give him a chance! Oh and keep this between us
; he's been checking for you for a minute now," Gia told her.

Smirking, she asked "How you know?"

"Because I overheard him and my brother talking one day. He was telling Gio that he feeling you. But Gio said unless he trying to come correct then do not even bother trying to mess with you because you're like his little sister and he would hate for you to get hurt."

Laughing, "I swear only him!"

"You already know Gio is protective over you, shit all of us. You know he told my boyfriend Kaiden the same speech.”

“Wait, if you knew all this time why you never said anything?” she questioned.

“Because I wanted to see him handle it on his own.”

“You not right”

“Yeah…yeah…yeah…so you say! Just go out with him it’s not like he asked for your hand in marriage," Gia told her.

Aniya sighed then reluctantly agreed, “Fine I’ll give him a chance"

"For real Niy give him a call and tell him you accept his offer to go out with him. I mean what can it hurt, either y'all click or y'all don't and if not you keep it moving," Gia told her.

"True...but I don't know man."

"Girl please, you over thinking for nothing," while walking to the door Gia said, "Put the poor guy out of his misery and give him a call! I'm out I’ll check you later."


Later that day, Aniya finally decided to take Gia's advice and give Gavin a call. Sitting in her living room she dialed up his number. She was nervous for some reason, she started biting her nails.

"Hello?" Gavin said as he answered.

"Hey Gavin, this is Aniya."

"I know you’re acting like I don’t have your number in my phone, but what’s up?"

Feeling silly, for saying who it was, but her nerves were getting the best of her.

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