A Dangerous Game of Love (10 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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ping her eyes, she got out of her seat and went to hug Debra. “I would love that so much and thank you. Thank you.”

“No problem, now let’s wrap it up here so we can get this girls day going,” Debra stated.

Once they left I-hop, they headed to the nail shop. Aniya didn’t feel like, making a trip all the way to her usual spot all in Harlem only to have to drive back to the city. They stayed local and went to the nail shop Debra usually went to “
New & Lovely’s Nails.
” There they both got fill-ins but couldn’t leave without getting a fresh pedicure too. They both ended up leaving, with French tips on their hands and feet.

Making their way back to the car they head towards 34
street to do what was supposed to be light shopping. They spent all of their time in Macy’s since it had everything. Working from the top to the bottom, they covered all floors. Aniya brought Debra the matching Michael Kors pocketbook and wallet, she also got pops some Sean John cologne and since she found out he was a NY Giants fan she got him a pair of NY Giants slippers with the matching robe. She even picked Gavin up some outfits from the shirts down to the socks in the Ralph Lauren section. She got herself a couple of outfits and a new pair of boots along with some household items including a new comforter for their bedroom. Debra brought Aniya a necklace with a pink diamond pendant to go with the earrings she was wearing.

After spending more than six hours in Macy’s they were ready to leave. Throughout the entire shopping trip Aniya face was adorned with a smile. No, Debra wasn’t her mother, but she enjoyed her girls’ days out with her. She didn’t realize how much she missed the mother and daughter shopping day, but now she had someone to go with. Yet again she was thankful for Gavin coming into her life, not only did she find the love of her life she found what she’s been missing; a family.

Dropping Debra off at home, she helped her carry in all her bags. She stayed for a few to speak with pops and show him the gifts she brought him, after promising Debra that they would have another day like this she made her way home. Too tired she left the bags in the car, reminding herself to have Gavin get them out later. Noting that he wasn’t home she made her way upstairs to take a much needed nap.



Ready, Set, Go!!!!


Incoming text message: I’m in yo city….

Outgoing text message: Perfect timing! Put ya name on it! OWN it! Picture is attached…

Incoming text message: Damn….on it!

Outgoing text message: Don’t mess this up I’m depending on you.

Incoming text message: You know who you talking to, I got this, easily!

Stronger with Time…



Time progressed, days turned to weeks, and weeks turned into months. 6 months in and Aniya and Gavin’s relationship was still going strong. Throughout the weeks somehow Aniya moved into Gavin’s place. It started with her leaving a few things here and there, then he purchased her a wardrobe to go in “her” closet there and it went from her staying over a couple of nights out of the week to her rarely going home. But neither of them was complaining Aniya loved having someone to cater to; she didn’t mind the cooking, doing laundry, and cleaning. Anything she wanted or needed no matter if it was big or small Gavin always made sure to get it for her, so catering to her man was nothing. Gavin loved the fact that Aniya would be in his bed waiting for him to come home with food always waiting in the microwave for him. Plus being able to roll over whether in the early morning or late night and slide into something wet and warm was a big plus. She always made sure to take care of her man, so he wouldn’t have to go look for it elsewhere. There would be times she decided to spice it up. She would call him and tell him to come home and she’d be dressed in the skimpiest outfits. They both shared the same freakiness and passion, so the sex between them was always BOMB.

Even with both of them being so strong minded they rarely argued and the few times they did, they would make sure that whatever the issue was handled before they went to bed. With Aniya, Gavin learned that some battles he couldn’t win, so he would just back down. If Gio knew how much of a sucker he was for her he would never let him live in down, but he didn’t care if that’s what made and kept Aniya happy then so be it. With Gavin, Aniya tried to avoid confrontation as much as possible, she knew handling all his businesses on a daily basics was enough stress for him, so his home life should always be peaceful for him.


Aniya’s mom’s birthday was in a couple of days and Gavin wanted to do something nice for his baby girl. As the days grew closer her mood started to dwindle, and with what he had planned, he figured it would cheer her up. He hated to see her hurting and unable to do anything to fix it. He made plans that would take place after they visited her grave site. They would have a dinner with Gio, Nicole and Gia and later that night they would catch a flight for a three-day get a way to the Bahamas. She didn’t know he had this entire thing planned for her, so he enlisted Nicole and Gia to help him. Nicole handled packing her bags and Gia handled hiring a chef to cook all her favorites for the dinner and keeping Aniya busy. The night before, he planned to stay close to her and be there if she needed him.


Knowing Gavin’s plans Gia took Aniya out on what she called a “girl’s day out” telling her it would cheer her up. They were on their way coming from getting their hair done, Gia got her regular wash and set with her ends trimmed while Aniya on the hand decided to change it up she got her hair cut into a bob that framed her face and went lighter on her hair color. Her once streaked hair was now fully blonde with black in the back. She couldn't wait to see the look on Gavin's face once he saw the difference.

Gia was ticked off because earlier she couldn't find parking anywhere and had to park five blocks away and now they had to walk back in the dark. No matter the day "
Jasmine's Salon
" was always packed, they were in there for the whole day getting the works. The plus side to the salon was it had nail technicians and people to do eye brows. While they waited to get their hair done, they were able to get manicures and pedicures plus their eyebrows waxed.


As they were walking Aniya kept turning back and looking all around, she could feel eyes on her but couldn't find exactly who was staring at her.

"Girl what's wrong with you? Why are you looking around all crazy?" Gia asked.

"Because someone's staring at me, I feel it."

"Who? Maybe they like what they see."

"I don't know, I can't see them but I feel them, it's giving me the creeps," she responded as she glanced around one more time.

"It's probably nothing; it's just dark so you could be imagining things," Gia said, brushing her off as being paranoid.

"I know what I'm feeling but maybe you're right, look just hurry up and let's get to the car."



Secured behind his dark tints he watch
ed the two females speed walk pass his car, when he saw them walking a few blocks back he followed them, but once he saw one of them looking around he parked his car and just watched them walk. The one with the blonde hair was a killer, even in the dark he could see she was gorgeous and her body was sick, her friend wasn't bad either she was thick as hell but something about the other one captured his attention. As they walked further and further away he leaned forward in his seat trying to get the last glimpse of them before they disappeared into the night. As he pulled off he told himself he would see her again he would make sure of it.



Nothing Like Losing What You Love Most…


After being dropped off Aniya made her way in the house, walking in she was greeted by soft music playing with the lights cut down low. Kicking off her shoes by the door she went in search for her boyfriend. Searching throughout the entire house she couldn't find him anywhere, she was getting ready to make her way back downstairs to her phone to call him, when she felt him walk up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. At first she tensed from being scared but once she smelled his favorite cologne by YSL she knew it was him.

"Hey lil mama," he greeted her, as he kissed her neck.

"Hi baby, what are you up to?" She asked as she rolled her neck around enjoying the feel of his lips on it.

Turning her around, instead of answering her he kissed her deeply, while running his fingers through her freshly did hair. Coming up for air they smiled at each other.

"I like your hair, I like it a lot it makes you look exotic."

"Thanks Gav, but don't ignore me. What are you up to mister?"

Grabbing her hand he led her to the bathroom.

"Nothing, I just wanted to spend some time with you, I know you're feeling down or whatever so I just wanted to cheer you up, that's all. You're going to let ya man do that for you right?"

She was speechless, the entire bathroom was so intimate, he had the Jacuzzi filled with bubbles and candles were all over. Smiling up at him she nodded her head.

He slowly begin to strip her naked. After he removed her last piece of clothing he took a step back and stared at the beauty in front of him. He would never get tired of looking at her. Walking up to him she rubbed her hands across his chest then proceeded to get him naked.

"What you doing Niy?"

"I know you didn't think I was going to get in here by myself. I want you to join me…please?" Aniya asked, looking at him with puppy eyes.

With a face like that how could he tell her no? Laughing he told her to fix her face.

Settling in the tub behind her, he pulled her close as she rested against his chest. Not knowing what to say, he just held her tightly.

Breaking the silence,

"Thank you."

"Thank you for what? Why are you saying thank you?" He asked.

"For being my strength and understanding everything I'm going through, I know I can be difficult by shutting down but regardless your still here."

"I told you I got you and that I'm here for you, so no thanks necessary ma."

"I love you..."

"I love you more Niy."

They stayed in the tub awhile longer before washing each other down. They ended the night wrapped in each other arms curled up in bed watching movies until they both drifted to sleep.


The next morning Aniya moved extra slow, as much as she looked forward to going to her mom’s resting place she hated the fact she could only remember her and not get to touch her, smell her, or talk to her. She laid in bed until Gavin woke her up with a light breakfast knowing she probably wouldn’t be able to hold it all down, he cut up some fresh fruit with two slices of toast and tea.

“Baby girl wake up…c’mon I made you something to eat.”

“I’m not hungry Gav,” Aniya moaned as she turned onto her side. Sitting the tray of food down, he sat next to her pulling the covers from over her head.

“Look at me. Look at me Aniya,” he demanded. Hearing the seriousness in his voice she rolled over. Noticing he got her full attention he began to speak.

“Look ma, I know today is going to be hard for you, but don’t do this. Don’t make yourself sick. Let me be your strength let me take care of you ok? So you need to eat and you know it. I didn’t make you anything big but something to put in your stomach. Even if you’re not hungry just try to eat a little ok. Do it for me lil mama…please?”

“But baby….”

Picking up a slice mango he brought it to her mouth. “Please?” He asked again.

Reluctantly she opened her mouth taking in the fruit and eating it.

“See that wasn’t bad was it?” Gavin questioned, while scooping up more food off the plate.

“No I guess not.” As she ate she never lifted a finger, he fed her the entire time.

Today was dedicated to her; he would cater to her every need and make sure she was ok. After she finished eating he went to the bathroom to start her shower, as she laid back she started thinking about her mother. She was truly her mommy’s princess.

Maybe six or seven years old, she sat in the middle of the living room playing dolls with her father Carlos, as they waited for her mom to return from shopping. Hearing the door close Aniya jumped up leaving her father on the floor by himself and rushed to meet her mom.

“Mommy…Hi I missed you,” Aniya yelled as she ran into her.

Dropping the bags at her feet, she bent down and hugged her daughter tightly.

“Hi princess, I missed you too,” her mother Tiffany said. Walking up to them Carlos wrapped Aniya up in his arms.

“Hi baby doll,” he said as he greeted his wife with a kiss.

“Hi honey.” Breaking up their loving moment, Aniya wiggled out of her father’s arms onto the floor and tried to look into her mother bags. Seeing this Tiffany moved one bag out of her reach.

“Mommy did you get your princess something?” She asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Of course I got you something baby. You know how I call you a princess right?” She asked smiling at her.

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