A Dangerous Game of Love (14 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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All Eyes on Me…


Sitting at the bar, he noticed them as soon as they walked
in the place. Even though it had been over a couple of months he could never forget her face. The night he first saw her it was dark, he saw everything he needed to see and it had been embedded in his mind ever since. He thought she looked good then, but seeing her in a lit room showed how truly beautiful she was. Shorty was banging, an all-around ten. From the face, to the body, to her hair, to the walk, even down to her attire. Every time she laughed at something her friend said her face would light up. Her smile was so big it could light up the entire room. Biting his bottom lip, he had to take his eyes off of her because his little friend that begin to throb in his jeans, but he couldn’t. Chugging the rest of his drink, he planned on making his way over to the table to introduce himself, but as he was getting up off the bar stool he noticed the hostess back at their table. She began placing two more menus on the table which caused his eye brow to rise. He sat back on the stool, as he seen two guys walk up to the table. The taller one sat next to the girl with the honey blonde hair that he was eyeing and the other one sat next to the friend. Looking at them closely, those two could pass for relatives. Sucking his teeth at his missed opportunity he motioned for the bartender to bring him another drink. When she placed the mixture of Hennessey and pineapple juice in front of him, he took out the straw and threw the drink back in one gulp.

Bringing his attention back to the table,
because of their interactions he figured the guy sitting next to her was her boyfriend. She sat leaning close to him with a big smile plastered on her face as if she just won a million dollars. He had his arm draped across her shoulders and every few seconds he would run his fingers through her hair. He continued to watch them until he wasn’t able to take it anymore. Paying his tab, he headed towards the exit only after he stole another glance at her. As he left he thought
third time’s the charm. Next time I see her, I will make my move...


During the course of dinner Aniya felt like someone was staring but she didn’t let it bother her, she brushed it off and focused on enjoying her night. At their table was nothing but laughs, Aniya couldn’t tell who the bigger comedian was; Gia or Gio. They had both her and Gavin cracking up. When the guys first showed up she was ticked off because they were over an hour and half late but once he placed a mind blowing kiss on her lips and whispered how much he loved her in her ear, the attitude she was prepared to give him vanished.

“Yo, be discreet but look at the chick to my left. Who in the hell told her that pink, green, and black hair was popping? Never mind the fact that she looks old enough to be my grandmother,” Gia said.

One by one they all looked at the lady without being obvious and burst out laughing. Aniya was laughing so hard she had tears rolling down her face.

“Oh my god, I hate you Gia. I swear I do,” Aniya stated as she cracked up.

Laughing herself, “Nah don’t hate me; hate her for coming out in public like that.”

“You ain’t shit mini G; she thought that shit looked right. Somebody probably told her that too,” Gavin said.

“Well somebody lied,” Gio threw out.

“Y’all are acting up. I can’t take y’all anywhere,” Aniya exclaimed.

“Oh whatever Niya, that shit is a hot ass mess. You know it, I know it…shit even the person who did it, knows it.”

Twenty drinks, eight shots, four appetizers later, Friday’s were closing which indicated it was time for them to roll out. Both Gia and Aniya
were faded out of their minds, while Gavin and Gio were lightly tipsy. Every drink they ordered, they would only get a few sips before the girls would take it and finish it for them. Being how Aniya rode in Gia’s car and Gio rode in Gavin’s, they knew they had to switch passengers. With the help of Gavin, Aniya got her things out of Gia’s car and went into Gavin’s. Knowing his sister was too drunk to drive, he decided he would. He took the keys out of her bag, while strapping her in the passenger seat. Waiting for Gavin to start his car, he didn’t pull out of the parking lot until Gavin was right behind him. Pulling up to next to each other at the light they beeped their horns before turning in opposites directions.

The ride home Aniya was talking her head off, telling Gavin everything she was going to do to him once
they made it to the house. He liked when she drank because her untamed side would come out, but tonight she drank a lil too much so he knew that wasn’t going down. Not even five minutes later he looked over at her and laughed. She was knocked out in the seat, head against the window with her mouth slightly opened. Pulling up to a stop sign he leaned over her to put her seat back. He turned up the radio and continued driving home.

When he arrived he pulled into their garage, got out and opened the side door before going to Aniya’s side. Calling out to her, he tried to wake her up,

“Niy…ANIYA…aye lil mama. Wake up!!” Getting no reply he unsnapped her seatbelt, lifted her out the car and carried her throughout the house upstairs to the bedroom. Stripping her down to her bra and panties, he tucked her into bed afterwards. Before joining her, he went to lock the door and jumped in the shower. Once he was done, he entered the bed dressed in nothing but his boxers and pulled his lil mama close to him before drifting off to sleep himself.



Enough of No Love…


It was now five o'clock in the morning and Gavin still didn't make it home. To say Aniya was pissed would be an understatement! She dealt with it long enough. Enough was enough she couldn’t go through this anymore. At first things were looking up, Gavin was doing better he went back to his old self. They started going out again, they started making love again and he started checking on her more. That only lasted for but so long, not even months more like weeks later it went back to them being strangers. His coming in late
started again. She would call him and get nothing but the voicemail. The date nights…the only date nights she had been with either Nic or Gia. A couple times she planned dates with him, which either got postponed or he stood her up. When she actually did speak up about it he would feed her bullshit. She dealt with it for as long as she could. She warned him that if this was to happen again then that was the end of them. He didn’t heed her warning but she would make sure he realized how serious she was.

She sat in her bed drinking a glass of Ciroc and pineapple juice. Softly singing along with Keyshia Cole’s song
trust & believe.

“You pushed me far, you brought me to this you had my heart but then you blew it."

It was as if Keyshia wrote the song especially for her. Taking a gulp from the cup, the questions begin to rotate in her mind.

"How did we get here? What went wrong?"

"I did everything I was supposed to, I held him down it was me who was there when those bitches weren't! It was me who cooked, cleaned and took care of him…but yet that wasn't enough? Fuck him, fuck this relationship!” with that she threw the glass at the wall.

As if suddenly someone took over her, she began breaking pictures that sat on the night table. Taking a snow globe that held a picture on their first date she threw it at the sixty inch TV. In a matter of minutes the room was wrecked! But she didn't stop there, she went down stairs to the kitchen grabbed a handful of garbage bags. Aniya went to his closet; grabbed his clothes off the hangers, out the drawers then began to stuff them inside the bags, next his prize possessions; his kicks, all the limited edition Jordan's, red bottoms, Gucci’s even his Prada’s. Making a couple of trips
from the bedroom to the garage she brought all the bags there. Grabbing two bottles of bleach, she poured it into all of the bags while laughing.

"He wants to know how I feel, I bet he will know now," she smirked.



After being out all night with Gio, Gavin went home to get the shock of his life. Pulling up in his garage he was overwhelmed with the stench of bleach. Noticing a couple garbage bags sitting there he jumped out and opened them, “What the fuck?” he shouted after seeing his sneakers soaked in bleach. Rushing, he hurriedly opened the other bags and noticed that that too was more of his sneakers along with his clothes. Pissed off he headed in the house, stopping once he saw his living room in shambles. His couch was cut up and broken glass picture frames all over the floor. His bar was knocked over and all the liquors he owned covered the floor. At first he thought someone broke into his house until he remembered his things soaking the bleach.

What the fuck is wrong with this girl?
” He thought. Trying to think back to see if he missed a birthday, anniversary or something important to make her react like this he came up with nothing. Making his way throughout the house he noticed everything was destroyed.

“ANIYA! ANIYA! Where the hell you at? Hell wrong with you?” He yelled though the house.

Making his way upstairs to his bedroom he heard Jazmine Sullivan’s
Bust Your Windows
playing. As soon as he entered he saw it wasn’t in much better condition than the downstairs area. His sixty inch flat screen that was once mounted on the wall now lay cracked and broken on the floor. Looking around he didn’t know what to think until he seen suitcases half-filled on his bed as Aniya exited the closet with a handful of clothes. Throwing them into the suitcases she ignored the fact Gavin stood before her.

“Yo what the fuck is your problem? And why you fuck up my shit? No wait where in the hell do you think you’re going?” He asked
, all in one breath.

Glancing his way she sucked her teeth then went back to the closet. Her ignoring him sent him over the edge; he was beyond pissed with her. How dare she tear his things up then choose not to tell him why.

“I know you heard me, don’t fucking ignore me. What is your damn problem?” He questioned while blocking her from leaving the closet.

“Gavin move out my way. I don’t have anything to say to you.”

“Why not can you explain to me what the hell is your problem.”

“Tuh…move so I can finish packing my shit,” she told him.

Knocking the clothes out her hands, “You’re not going nowhere!” he told her while trying to grab her only to get smacked. Aniya tried to get past him before the tears she was so hard trying to keep at bay, fell.

“Nah shorty come here, what’s wrong? Why you are you trying to pack up and leave me? I don’t even care about the crib all that is replaceable; just tell me why you want to leave me.”

Crying so hard her body shook to where she would’ve crumbled to the floor if he wasn’t holding her. Seeing her crying in his arms broke his heart and at the same time confused him. He honestly didn’t know what was wrong.

“Lil mama look at me,” he
said while lifting her head, “Tell me what’s going on, what’s wrong? And please stop crying. Talk to me please!” he begged while wiping her tears. Being held so close with him seeming so sincere had her caught up in the moment until the anger and hurt returned. Yeah she loved him, but she wasn’t going to play fool for no one.

“Get the hell off of me Gavin. I’m tired of you and your shit. I’m leaving you! Once I’m finished you can call the bitch you’ve been creeping with to come clean your damn house,” after she said that she pushed him off her and picked her clothes up.

“Bitch? What bitch? I haven’t been creeping with no one. What the hell are you talking about Aniya?”

“Yeah okay, the same bitch who kept you from coming home. The same one who keeps you so tired to the point when you do actually make it home all you do is shower, sleep then head right back out the door. That one! But you know what I don’t care no more, you want to be with her; she can have you!” Tossing the clothes to the floor, she left them and went to her suitcases. Whatever she didn’t have she could always replace. Zipping them up, she grabbed them and made her way out the door.

Running after her, “Wait, I wasn’t with no bitch. I was always with Gio that’s my word, I know it’s not any reason for me not coming home but I wasn’t cheating,” he tried to explain.

Snorting loudly, “Yeah I thought that too but then you started changing up on me, and I got chicks playing on my phone. I even gave you the benefit of the doubt after I found those panties in your car, like nope he wouldn’t. I kept it to myself and continued to trust you. I never accused you of anything, but I’m done; I
don’t want this no more. I’m done!” she told him as she continued downstairs.

She remembered like it was yesterday,
she had taken his Porsche that day and was headed to get it washed after noticing how dirty it was. While waiting on line she started to clean the inside out, throwing out all the garbage. While lifting up the mat on the floor she saw a green material sticking from under the seat. Pulling it she noticed it was a pair of green and yellow polka dot panties. She was pissed off, first because she knew they didn’t belong to her they were a size too small for her and secondly that would mean Gavin hand another chick in his car and could have possibly been doing her


Turning her around at the bottom of the stairs he held her arm keeping her in place “Wait you found panties in my car? When? That’s my word if they’re not yours then I don’t know whose they are. I’m not cheating on you,” Gavin said truly shocked at what she just told me.

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