A Dangerous Game of Love (27 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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Banging on the door until Gia came and opened it. Sleep and crust still in her eyes as she looked at him as if he was crazy.

“Big G, why in the hell are you banging on my door so early in the morning like you done lost ya mind?”

“My fault mini g but we got stuff to handle. Go get showered and wake everyone up too. Oh and while you’re at it call Niy and tell her to come over here too.”

“Why? What’s going on?”

“C’mon man…I know you just waking up and all but I’m sure Gio filled you in on everything that took place last night. It’s time to let the cat outta the bag. So get going,” Gavin told her.

“Fine…but what am I supposed to tell Niy? What’s the reason I need her to come over so early?”

“I don’t know and I don’t care, just as long you get her here.”

“Eww you don’t have to be so damn snappy, it’s too early for the attitude.”

“Whatever just go do like I asked…please?”

Gavin couldn’t help himself, last night when he got back in the house he looked at the video and you could see Kendrick walking through Nicole’s house. Once Aniya seen that and heard Nic’s version of the attack she was sure to believe them.


Everyone sat in the living room on edge as they waiting for Aniya to arrive. When Gia called her, she could hear that something was wrong all in her voice but when she tried to get it outta her Gia stressed that they would talk about it once she got there.

“Umm…are y’all sure y’all want to tell her this?” Nicole asked.

“Of course we want to tell her…why…you don’t?” Gio questioned.

“No I’m not saying that…I’m just scared, you know? Scared of the outcome. This is going to kill her, I don’t think I’m ready for this.”

“Aww mamas, it’s going to be ok, we’re all here with you,” Gia said.

Gavin and Gio looked at each other at the same time, with knowing looks covering their faces. Without having to say a word they knew each other thoughts.

“Iight ma, how about you just go to school like you planned and we got it from here. Gia can tell her everything you said along with her watching the video.”

Wiping away the few tears that had fallen, “don’t think I don’t want to help because I do, but I…”

“You good Nic, no one thinks a way. We know this is just as hard for you as it’s going to be for her so we’re taking ya feelings in consideration.”

“Thanks Gio, thanks all of y’all.”

“No problem baby girl, go get yourself together while I call one of my homies to drive you to school.”




Back where you belong…


Sitting in the living room with Gia, Gio and Gavin, Aniya couldn't do
nothing but cry. She felt horrible, and started thinking maybe Nicole getting raped was her fault. She brought Kendrick around and if she didn't maybe he wouldn't have raped her.

The moment she walked into the living room she knew something wasn’t right, especially since Gavin was there. At first she caught an attitude thinking that maybe he set this up in hopes of trying to get her back but he told her that wasn’t the case. His cocky arrogance was so appealing to her though, he told her he would never set up an intervention because he could get her back on his own. Gia pulled her down next to her on the couch gently rubbing her back. She was so lost, she demanded that they tell her what was going on. Wordlessly Gavin pressed play on the TV and let her see for herself. Noting the surroundings and things in the house she could tell it was Nicole’s
house, but why were they showing her this? Her question was quickly answered as she seen the guy walking around the house looking as if he was looking for someone. His posture was familiar but she couldn’t make it out. On the edge of herself she quietly demanded he turned towards the camera, as if he could hear it. A moment later he did and what she saw blew her away. It was Kendrick….what? Why? She didn’t understand. Gavin then turned off the TV and started explaining everything to her and he let Gia speak in Nicole’s absences. She started thinking was that the real reason he left because he knew they finally caught on?

"I feel so bad like this is my entire fault," Aniya cried.

"Stop ma, it's not your fault…you didn't know that nigga was foul and would pull some crazy shit like this!" Gavin told her.

"Yeah girl, how could you have known, I know Nicole doesn't blame you, so don't blame yourself either," Gia stated.

“Where is she?”

“She’s at school, she knows we’re telling you but she just couldn’t go through it again, she couldn’t relive it. I think this is still too hard for her also.”

Sitting there wrapped up in Gavin arms felt right, but everything was wrong.

"Why is it I always choose the wrong guys, first you now him?" She asked.

At that moment Gia and Gio knew the conversation was about to get intense so they excused themselves from the room.

"Yo Niy, you didn't choose the wrong guy with me, I put that on my life I didn't cheat on you," Gavin replied.

"Oh please the proof was there, the late nights, the not checking on me, the birds playing on my phone, not answering my calls all of that," she said

"I swear I didn't cheat on you, that’s my word, someone was playing you and when I find out who, they will get dealt with!"

"Oh please, so you are trying to tell me that you were framed? Someone set you up? And you have no idea who it is? Nigga please! Do I look like booboo the fool to you?" Aniya asked getting mad all over again.

Every time she thought about him cheating she got angry, she gave this man her heart. The first man she loved and he played her to the left.

"I know you heated, but please believe me baby I loved you ... No I still love you with all my heart. I would never cheat on you, none of these hoes can compare to you, so why would I fuck it up?"

"So the late nights, the not coming home and all the other things, if you weren't cheating what were you doing?" She asked.

Sighing deeply he knew it was now or never to come clean.

"Ma I was working ..." Before he could continue she interrupted him.

"Working! Working my ass you own a few barber shops a Laundromat plus the car dealership, why the hell would you have to stay there till mid-morning?" She asked getting loud.

"Calm down, baby!"

"Fuck out of here, do not tell me to calm down you sitting in my face trying to run that shit with me, run that bullshit elsewhere!"

"Yo," he said getting loud himself, "don't ever say I'm lying to you, I told you plenty of times I'm all me! I'm
real I don't have to lie. I was
; I was hustling," he said barely above a whisper.

“What did you say?” Aniya asked. She heard him but she needed to make sure she wasn’t tripping.

Looking in her eyes he repeated himself with more volume, “I was hustling lil mama…”

That revelation shocked the hell out of her, sitting there with her head in her hands she was scared to ask him why.

Sighing deeply....she asked, "Why though, why Gav, you make
than enough money, so why take the risk?"

"Opportunity presented itself, I couldn't turn it down."

"I'm not understanding at all first you cheat, then keeping secrets and now selling drugs," she stated while shaking her head.

She just broke down crying, all of this news was too much for her to deal with. Kneeling in front of her he spoke from his heart

"Baby girl listen everything I did I did for us, I held that from you because I wanted to keep the street life separate from our personal life. It was only for the moment, I wasn't planning on staying in long, just long enough to flip my money and that's it. I don't know how to get you to understand that I never cheated on you. I love you more than life itself so why would I risk losing you? You're my heart lil mama; you give me reason to live. Now when you left I was heartbroken and I did my thing to keep my mind off of you, but I never stopped loving you. I told you before you're mine for the rest of your life and I’ll do whatever it take to get back right with you."

He wiped her tears from her face, pulled her close and just held her. She let him comfort her knowing only he could make her feel like this…safe. It was him that
held her heart and him that she loved. But even with those thoughts she didn't know if she believed him or could forgive him so easily.

"Gavin I want to believe you; I do, but I don't know if I can," she told him.

"Understandable ma but I won't stop trying till I get you back, I let you walk away once and it ended with you in another nigga’s arms, but I refuse to let that happen again," he said before kissing her.

Sitting there in between her legs he kissed her deeply trying to convey his love for her with that kiss. That kiss alone ignited a fire in Aniya. Instead of thinking she let her feelings take control of her. Pulling him in closer she deepened the kiss.

"Mhmmmm," Aniya moaned as he brought his lips to the side of her neck.

Letting his hands roam her body they found their way to her butt. Grabbing her ass, he lifted himself and her and switched positions. Gavin was now sitting on the couch with Aniya straddling him. Right as Gavin was about to remove her shirt Gia and Gio entered the room.

"G, are y'all good?" Gio asked before he saw what was going on.

"Oh shit my mad bad yo," he said while laughing.

Aniya could do nothing but laugh with her face hidden in Gavin's chest.

"Oh my God," she exclaimed.

"Get it girl, that's my motherfucking dog," Gia laughed.

"Hell up Gianni," Aniya told her.

"Nah it's all love, glad to see that smile back on your face baby girl." Gio said to Aniya. Turning his attention back to Gavin, "Aye G we are going to handle this."

"We sure are," Gavin said agreeing with him.

“I don’t know if y’all know but he called me in the middle of the night telling me that someone was ill in his family and that he was going outta town,” Aniya told them.

“Did he say when he’s coming back?”

“No he just said he’ll keep me updated.”

“Umm iight…cool,” Gavin said.

“I already set it up that Niya is going to stay here with me and Gia, Nic is already here and that way I can have eyes on them all the time," Gio told everyone.

"Wait what? Why I have to stay here you think he would actually hurt me?" Aniya asked.

The thought of him raping her spooked the hell out of her.

"Honestly I don't know what he would do that's why you going to stay here with us to be on the safe side," Gio suggested.

"Nah, Niy staying with me," Gavin responded.

"Um I’d rather stay....”

"Listen…” Gavin said cutting her off, “I really don't care what you rather do you're staying with me and that's the end of it. I will lose my mind if something happens to you and I'm not taking any chances I'm keeping you near me at all times," he basically demanded.

"Gavin you cannot tell me what to do!" She exclaimed.

"Umm Aniya maybe he said he wrong but I think Big G is right maybe you should just stay with him until Kendrick is handled. It would be a lot easier for Gio to look after two girls instead of three and you know you're safe with him," Gia suggested.

and I'm not going because you told me, I'm going to be better safe than sorry," she told them.

"Whatever you say Lil mama; let’s go get you some clothes," Gavin said while grabbing their things.

"Aye G" he said while looking at Gio, "I’ll get up with you tomorrow to finish this."

"Cool, you know where I'll be," Gio replied.

"Y'all be safe and call me later girl, don't worry everything will be okay," Gia said in Aniya’s ear after giving her a hug goodbye.

She just nodded her head before walking to Gavin's car. Before pulling off Gavin looked at Aniya and saw the distress in her face, he pulled her to him while whispering "I got you ma, I promise I won't nothing let nothing happen to you." Tilting her head up, he kissed her lips then said "I love you lil mama."

Smiling slightly she couldn't help herself "I love you too."

With Gavin and only Gavin she had no problem telling him she loved him back because even if she had doubts about them her heart still belonged to him.



Can we go back? All the way back?


Moving back into Gavin’s house was awkward at first, because they weren’t back together Aniya refused to sleep in the same bedroom with him, so she camped out in one of his guest rooms. Which Gavin wasn’t at all pleased about but since she was actually staying in the same household as him he was willing to put up with it for right now. The first few nights she barely spoke to him and kept her distance, he figured she was adjusting to everything she was told about Kendrick so he let her be. Two weeks later she was still acting like a stranger in his home and that wasn’t sitting well with him, he planned to get to the bottom of things and soon.

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