Read A Dangerous Game of Love Online

Authors: Mercedes Taylor

A Dangerous Game of Love (31 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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“You bitch…” Kendrick said before lunging at her, but Aniya was quick on her feet and ran outta the room into the bathroom, locking herself in there.

He bang
ed on the door, and yelling out, “Open up the damn door, I swear I won’t hurt you I’m sorry I didn’t mean to react like that. Just open up the door and let me explain it to you. I promise I will never hurt you pretty lady I love you!”

“No!! Get out before
I call the police,” Aniya yelled with her back against the door. Every time he kicked the door her body would jerk off of it.

“KENNY STOP!!!! Just go….please,” she yelled as tears fell from her eyes. Her hands badly shook to the point where she could barely remove her phone outta her back pocket. Luckily she had Gavin’s numbered store on speed dial. She tried to drown out the sound of him yelling and hitting the door as she prayed for Gavin to pick up.

“Lil mama I’m just finishing up. I’m on my way,” Gavin said as he answered.

“Baby!!!!! Please hurry!”

Hearing the panic in her voice he knew something was wrong, he continued to talk to her as he raced outta the building to his car.

“Where are you?”

“I’m at my house.”

Now that he knew where she was he headed to her, “What’s wrong what’s going on?” he asked as heard the commotion in her background.

“He’s here...he’s in the house with me…he’s trying…trying to hurt me, Gavin I’m scared,” Aniya stammered into the phone.

“Fuck!!!!” Gavin yelled as he pressed harder on the gas. “Where are you at ma?”

“I’m in the bathroom…I locked myself in here.”

“Open up this got damn door Aniya! I’m trying to tell you how much I love you. Why won’t you believe me when I told you I would never hurt you?”

“Ma don’t open up that door for nothing…I’m in route to you now.”

“No Kenny just go away…I called the police on you and their on the way! They are going to lock you up.”

“Gavin please hurry up,” she cried in the phone.

“I’m driving as fast as I can baby.” He bit the inside of his cheek, his anger was on a thousand that nigga really crossed the line breaking into her house.

Five minutes later he was about to get off at her exit, he didn’t hear nothing in the background beside Aniya’s sobs.

Standing back up, she tried to silence herself as she put her ear against the door trying to see if she could hear any movement.

“Gav…baby I don’t hear anything anymore. I think he left.”

“Don’t trust it, stay right in the room until I get there. I’m pulling up now. I’m going to hang up but do not open the door until you hear me call out to you. Not a minute sooner you understand?”

“Yes I understand…”


By the time he got there Kendrick had already vacated the premises. The moment Aniya mention she had called the police and they were on their way was his cue to go. Gavin searched all the rooms but Kendrick was nowhere to be found. He quickly went to the bathroom door and called out to Aniya. The moment she opened it she fell into his arms and cried her heart out.

Every night since then she would always wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. In each of her dreams, Kendrick would always come back and finish the job, not only raping and killing her but killing Gavin also. Gavin had been by her side each and every night and somehow he managed to help her get through everything. Her nightmares reduced to once or twice a week but she knew the moment he was caught they would end all together…








Let’s forget the What If’s & Make it do what it do…


When Gio arrived back home he walked in the living room to both Gia and Nicole sleep on the couch and love seat. He took a moment to watch Nicole sleep, not on no creep like shit but to really take in all her of in. She must’ve felt someone staring at her because she slowly began stirring awake. Opening up her eyes slowly her eyes instantly connected with his. He only broke the stare to look his sister’s way, before bringing his attention back to Nicole. Nodding his
head and looking at the stairs, which was his way of signaling Nicole to meet him upstairs in his room. She nodded her head confirming to him that she got the message.

Before meeting him in the room, Nicole made a stop in the bathroom to brush her teeth real fast. The minute she walked through the bedroom door he was on her. It all happened so quick to her, all she remembered was her walking through the door, then as if he glided to her, she didn’t even see him take any steps before being pulled into his arms and his lips capturing her lips. She kissed him back for a while until she remembered Gia was downstairs on the couch, she pulled her lips away from his only for him to recapture them. Getting lost up in the kiss she forgot her train of thoughts up until a car alarm going off. Collecting herself and thoughts she slithered out of his arms and crossed the room putting enough space in between them.

Looking at her with his head cocked to the side he asked, “Baby girl what’s wrong?”

“We can’t do this, your sister is right downstairs, this isn’t right!”

“Why isn’t it? We are two consenting adults, so who said this is wrong?”

“Giovanni, I’m your sister’s best friend, I don’t feel this is right.”

“So are you saying you don’t want me? Is that what you’re saying Nicole?”

Looking at him with a raised eyebrow, she didn’t like when he called her Nicole, she enjoyed being his baby girl. She didn’t want to admit it, but the more time she was around she felt her feelings coming back for him. When they were younger she always felt Gio was cute and she had a crush on him but she never acted out on
it one because he always called her his little sister, two she didn’t know how Gia would react to it and three she never thought she stood a chance with him.

“Baby girl, I asked you a question,” Gio said breaking her out of her thoughts.

“No that’s not what I’m saying but…”

“But nothing, there shouldn’t be
in that sentence. Let me make this clear to you if you haven’t already figured this out, I want you and I want you badly. It’s not just about sex either, I’m attracted to you all around, physically and mentally. I don’t just want a piece of you either I want all of you. I don’t have a problem with anyone finding out about us either and I could bet my sister wouldn’t have a problem with us seeing each other.”


“All I need for you to do is admit it to yourself, why deny ya self of what you want? Especially if what you want might be exactly what you need?” Gio asked.

Nicole stared off into space taking in everything he said, she knew she wanted him but she wasn’t sure. The thought of Gia being mad about them being together is what was holding her up.

“I need time…I can’t just make a decision now, if that’s what you want I’m sorry but I just can’t.”

Although that wasn’t what he wanted to hear he nodded his head. It was a start and she didn’t say no which meant he still had a chance.

“You got it but you can’t expect me to wait forever…”

“And I don’t…I wouldn’t want you to,” Nicole replied.

“Iight good, but look come sit over here with me we need to talk about something else…”

“What else could there be for us to talk about?”




Use what you got to get what you want…


After Gio left Aniya and Gavin sat at the table arguing back and forth about plan b. At first Gavin wasn’t even trying to hear anything about plan b, he had his mind made up but Aniya had to approach the situation differently. She knew there was a way to get him to actually hear her out, she stopped arguing with him and gave him that look, but he was too heated to catch on. Walking out in the middle of the conversation had Gavin slightly confused but he thought she had gave up and was going to see things his way.
Little did he know...

Going back into the living room he went to play Call of Duty to relive his tension. Not bothering to check up on Aniya, figuring once she cooled down she would come back downstairs and join him he got wrapped up in the game.

Walking into the living in nothing but a matching bra and panties set with a silk robe and heels, Aniya seductively walked over and stood in front of the screen, blocking the game. Taking all of her in, he dropped the controller, “What you doing ma?”

Never speaking a word to him she made her way over to him until she was standing in front of him. “Sit back,” she demanded. Doing as he was told he sat back and Aniya sat on his lap. Taking his hands she held them over his head while she assaulted his neck with light bites. Gavin couldn’t help but to moan out. He was so caught up in the pleasure from her kissing on his neck that he didn’t feel her slip the handcuffs around his wrist. She begin rocking softly against his
growing erection. Once she had him right where she wanted him she abruptly got up off of his lap leaving him staring at him in bewilderment.

“Where you going ma? Get back over here!”

“No can do…”

“Seriously Niy stop playing with me, look what you did, you’re going to leave me like this?” Gavin asked while looking down at his bulging manhood.

“If I have to yeah…but first we need to talk.”

“Forget talking, matter fact we can talk with just our bodies.”

Twirling around on her heels, Aniya let her robe fall off of her shoulders giving Gavin a front display of her backside.

“You playing and you know that.

He reached out to her only to hear a clanking sound, as the handcuffs wrestled against his wrist.

Looking down he gasp in bewilderment, “What the fuck? Niy when the hell did you do this? Unlock me and get your ass back over here.”

“No, not until we talk.”

Sighing he knew it was nothing he could do, she had him stuck between a rock and a hard place. Trying again to loosen the handcuffs only for it to go unsuccessfully. Throwing his head back in frustration, he looked at her with an intense yearning in his eyes. She began walking closer to him ever so seductively.

“Gav…baby…we need to talk.”

“Talk about what lil mama?”

“About…plan b…”

“Oh hell no there’s no reason to talk about it I told you I’m not…” His breath caught in his throat as he watched her remove her bra and throw it his way. She wasn’t playing fair and she knew it.

“Lil mama look…I’m not comfortable with you going in and doing that and you know that why can’t you understand me?”

“I do understand it, but y’all need me to handle this and as much as you don’t want to it admit it, you know I will be a great asset to this plan, so why can’t you just admit that?”

She lifted her right foot and rested it in the middle of his lap right next to his penis and ran it up and down his thigh causing shivers to run throw this body. She then ran massaged her breast with her hands before continuing, “Baby…we need to put an end to this and by allowing me to do this then we can. Don’t you trust me?”

“You know I trust you but…”

“No but baby…we got this, we can have it set up that you’re not too far away from me so if anything goes wrong you can come to my rescue.”


Resting her foot back on the floor, she shimmied her panties down her legs while throwing his a sexy look. Standing back up with her hands on her waist, “Yes baby?”

“Fuck…you not playing fair…at fucking all,” Gavin groaned out as his eyes traveled all along her body.

“All is fair in love and war baby.”

He couldn’t even think straight at the moment, her standing before him in nothing but her sexiness caused all the blood to rush from his bigger head to his little one. At that very moment he would give her anything she wanted as long as she put him outta his misery.

“Look ma, can we talk about this later? I swear I will take in consideration to everything you saying before I
make my decision. A nigga can’t think when you’re standing in front of me ass naked.”

“No we
will discuss this now and then we will take care of business,” Aniya responded as she placed herself back into his lap, carefully lifting his cuffed hands out the way.

“Un cuff me,” Gavin asked as he lifted his hips, pushing himself up against her exposed goodies.

“No, tell me that you will let me be a part of the plan first.”

Niyyyyy,” Gavin moaned out.

“That’s not what I want to her,” Aniya replied back before licking that spot on his neck.


He had enough of this shit, he tried to lean down to her but his arms prevented to it, and he was dying to taste her, to touch her, to be inside of her.

“Iight fuck it you can be down, I’ll be down but we are going to have to go over everything but not now! Take these shits off of me right now! I gave you what you wanted so give me what I want,” Gavin demanded.

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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