Read A Dangerous Game of Love Online

Authors: Mercedes Taylor

A Dangerous Game of Love (30 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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“I need you to be strong Nic, just hold on a lil while long it’s almost over. I just need you to continue to have faith in me, that’s all I ask.”

“Ok Giovanni…I’m sorry how I reacted I just couldn’t shake…” cutting her off “Nah don’t even apologize it was my fault you didn’t nothing wrong, I should’ve been mindful of the situation.”

They stood staring at each other for a moment before they heard Gia calling out from downstairs “Nicole Aaliyah Walker hurry ya ass up before you get left.”

“I’m coming now…chill out damn.”

She was about to step around Gio but he pushed her back against the wall with his body.

“I can’t front there’s something about you that’s just drawing me in, I know I’m playing with fire but I can’t help it I have to do this.”

“Do what?” Nicole asked.

He looked at her for a second before bringing his face closer to hers, knowing what he was about to she met him half way. At this moment in time she didn’t care about anything but what was right in front of her, the thought that Gia could walk upstairs in catch them didn’t faze her either.

They stayed locked lipped until they needed to take in air, Nicole softly groaned once their lips separate. Running his fingers gently down her face, he told her “Get going ma before Gia has a heart attack and comes upstairs and I know that’s not what you want. We’ll figure something out later. Be safe and call me if you need

“Ok…I’ll see you later then…..”



A lil Understanding goes a long way…


After the girls left, Gio headed out himself, he was on his was to Gavin’s crib. He knew Aniya was still there which was perfect because he needed to talk to her also. When he arrived he knocked on the door and Gavin came to the door with a pissed off look on his face.

“What’s wrong with G?”

“This girl don’t listen, she getting me tight. Always want to go against what I say when I’m only trying to look out for her. I swear I be wanting to knock some sense into her, I would never put my hands on her but I swear she be testing me. I’m beginning to think she’s doing it on purpose.”

“Yo calm down G, start from the beginning.”

“And the day you put your hands on me will be the last day you’ll be breathing. You’re being your usual over protective, overbearing self like normal. FYI you are
my father you’re not even my man, so therefore I do not need your permission. I can do whatever I please.” Aniya said startling them both.

“You see the shit I’m talking about G?” he asked Gio before turning his attention to Aniya, “Lil mama cut the theatrics, you not leaving this house without me and I’m not in the mood to go nowhere s
o guess where yo ass is staying? I’m not ya man huh? Stop with the bullshit…keep testing me Aniya and watch what’s going to happen and I can promise you, you’re not going to like it. You belong to me and only me, I told you we’re in this forever so all that fuckery you talking is just that FUCKERY.”

“You done? Because I’m getting ready to go,” Aniya said. She knew she was pushing him over the edge but at this point she didn’t care, lately he’d become more
than her man he was like her father and as much as she loved and adored him she didn’t need another father. He was overstepping his boundaries.

“This that shit I mean!
” Gavin yelled as he took a step in Aniya’s direction but Gio intervene and pulled him back. “Niya cut the shit, I know you’re doing it on purpose and G calm the fuck down before you do something you’re going to regret later. I’m not here to break shit up we got other matters at hand so I need y’all two to get y’all selves together so we can handle it. Now I’m going in the kitchen to get me a drink, when I come back all this unnecessary shit better had be handled,” Gio said looking at both of them before making his way outta the room.

Aniya stood a couple feet away from Gavin with her arms folded across her chest, while Gavin stood staring at her with a look that could kill. Neither of them wanted to budge. Knowing she was being just as difficult Aniya gave in.

“Gavin I don’t want this, I didn’t come back to you for this shit, I have one father and only needed one father and you are not him. So I’m going to need you to back the fuck up and stop trying to be one. I need for you to go back to being my loving and caring boyfriend, I mean yeah I know you’re trying to look out for me but all you’re doing is pissing me off and pushing me away. You never want to hear what I have to say about things. I’m a big girl I can take care of myself, no I’m not saying I don’t need you or want you, but sometimes let me handle shit, let me have an input in shit. It’s always whatever you say when we’re supposed to be a team. It’s no longer an “I” matter it’s a “we” and if you can’t understand that then maybe I should go stay at Gio’s until all of this is over.”

“You’re not going nowhere I told you that before, I told you I need eyes on you at all times, so you’re staying here and that’s the end of it. But…”

Sucking her teeth loudly, “See you don’t hear me.”

“Let me finish, you didn’t even give me a chance to say everything I had to say. I understand what you are saying and maybe I went a lil overboard.”

“Tuh a lil?” Aniya said interrupting him again.

“Aye lil mama I need you to chill and stop cutting me off so I can finish. I let you speak ya peace without interrupting you one time. I deserve the same respect,” He ignored her rolling her eyes at him as he continued. “Like I was saying I know I can be a lil overbearing and I don’t do it on purpose nor do I do it to try to be a father to you. I do it because I love you with all of my heart, you’re everything to me and I be damn if I let something happen to you. I can’t let anything happen to you, my world would end. I need for you to get that, to understand you’re my air I need to breathe, the beat to my heart. Do you understand Niy? You’re my reason. So until
we handle this I need you to work with me, I need for you to be patient with me and I will try to stop being so controlling, I will stop always making the decisions and allow your input.”

“Fine Gav, just as long as you’re trying also then I’m willing to try.” Hearing her call him Gav instead of Gavin let him know her attitude was slowly evaporating.

“C’mere lil mama, give me a kiss.”

“Hell no, I don’t know what you think this is, you can’t sweet talk me and expect for everything to be ok. Nah it don’t work like that.”

“C’mere lil girl stop playing with me,” Gavin said as he rushed her, pulling her into his arms and taking the kiss.

“Good the gang is all made up, great!” Gio sarcastically said, “Now that all of that is handled let’s get down to business. Here drink this y’all might need it,” he said handling them a glass of henny straight.



Let Me Introduce to you….Plan B…


They all sat at the dining room table, Gio had his poker face on, so it was hard to what exactly it guess was that he had to say.

“Ok so you know the lil plan we first tried didn’t get us what we wanted so it’s now time for plan b.”

“Wait, why Niy here? She don’t need to hear this,” Gavin said.

“Actually we need her more than you think, she will be our star player in this.”

“Nah you talking in circles, I need you tell me exactly what the plan is and why we need her, because the feeling I’m getting I know I’m not going to like this.”

“In all honesty you’re not going to like it, but things are that crucial. We have no other choice. This is our last and final resort.”

Aniya sat in silent looking back and forth between the guys.

“Yeah iight, let me hear what this great plan of yours is,” Gavin said mockingly.

“Baby calm down, don’t do that. Let’s just hear him out, you know he would never involve me if it wasn’t truly needed.”

“Word up G, but listen here…let me fill you in on everything….” Gio said.

Twenty minutes later

“Ah hell no yo, hell no! I’m not down with that. You better think of something else because that right there is not happening,” Gavin yelled. Gio remained calm, he knew this was how Gavin was going to react so he prepared himself it. No matter how much he protested, bitched and complained he really didn’t have much of a say so in it. It was all up to Aniya, but he kept that to himself not wanting to add fuel to the fire.

“At this point, that’s our only choice and you know it. What other choice do we have? Hmmm.”

“We can make a couple of phone calls and have the lil homies handle it.”

“Now you and I both know that wouldn’t be smart, as much as I know they respect me I don’t know if they would remain loyal if they got caught and I’m not trying to go down that path. Niya what are you thinking after everything I said? Would you be willing to...”

“It doesn’t matter if she’s willing to do anything because I said it’s not happening. Nope I won’t allow it. We would basically be feeding her to the damn wolves yo. I know you and that mind of yours could put something else together without involving her.”

“Gav, you can’t speak for me. He asked me and to be honest I don’t want to do it,”

“See there you have it she’s not down. So find a plan c,” Gavin stated.

“You didn’t even give her time to finish because I heard I but coming,” Gio argued.

“Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted I don’t want to do it but I will. I know it’s really the only choice we have if Gio has involved me.”

“Fuck that I’m not letting that happen. I just told you what you meant to me, I’m not allowing that. If I got to lock you in this crib and keep you prisoner then so be it.”

“Look how about I give you a day or two to sit and mull over it and if you don’t change ya mind then I’ll come up with something else, but let me say this the longer that nigga is walking around the better chance he has of retaliating.”

“You might as well come up with another plan because I’m not down.”

“Baby just think about it!”

“I thought it about it and I’m not down for it so just let it go,” Gavin replied.

Shaking his head, “I’m up I’ll holla! Niya try to convince that nigga to be on board,” Gio said before abruptly leaving the table and exiting out the house.





Hearing the door slam Aniya could do nothing but shake her head at Gavin. She understood his feelings towards everything but now wasn’t a time for feelings, they had to put them aside so they could handle things. She wasn’t all that sure that she wanted to actually go through with this, but then the thought of Kendrick raping Nicole made the decision for her. The moment this was all said and done they all could go back to living there normal lives. Having always to go out with Gavin acting like a body guard was annoying. So was having to always looks over ya shoulder because he could be somewhere in the shadow lurking.

Didn’t he want to go back to how things were? Wasn’t he tired of her waking up and crying from nightmares about Kendrick? They all started after the night he
broke into her house.
Aniya was on her way home to pick up a couple more outfits to bring back to Gavin’s house. He only let her go by herself because him and Gio were finishing up a meeting regarding their new dealership and as soon as he was done he was going to meet up with her there. Kendrick had been M.I.A since the day they intervene on him about to attack another girl so she wasn’t worried much. Before exiting the car she scoped out her entire surroundings, a habit she picked up lately. Rushing in her house, she locked all the locks and reactivated the alarm behind her before making her way upstairs into her bedroom. She didn’t turn on any lights until she made it in her room, if she did she would’ve noticed the person sitting on the couch waiting for her.

She quickly pulled out the outfits with the matching shoes that she was taking with her.

“Going somewhere?” he called out scaring her half to death

Spinning around quickly… “Uhhh…yeah…how did you get in my house and what are you doing here?”

“Is that all you have to say to me? You haven’t seen me in a while and you’re worrying about how I got in here. No I missed you, where you been, nothing huh?”

“Kendrick how did you get into my house?”

“You gave me the alarm code, remember?” he asked sinisterly.

“Not for you to use at your own convenience. I need you to leave, you’re no longer welcomed here.”

“Why not? I thought we were together.”

“Not anymore I thought you would’ve figured it out when I changed my number on you, I brought all the things you left here and brought them back to your house I even left the key…”

“Why all of a sudden you trying to leave me?”

“Kendrick you left me! You disappeared on me! You stopped calling and everything! The more time I had to think about it, I realized it was a mistake dating you?”

“A mistake?” Kendrick asked in astonishment.

“Yes, a mistake…I’m sorry but I was never in love with you, I still love Gavin. In fact I never stopped loving him. He’s everything you are not! I can’t waste my time on you anymore. Now do me a favor and leave!”

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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