A Dangerous Game of Love (33 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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As he lifted his hand she flinched, rubbing his index fingers down her face he told her

"Don't be scared my pretty lady! You're going to enjoy this just as much as I am."

“Kenny you don’t have to do this," she said looking in his eyes for an ounce of humanity. Feeling his hand continuously molest her body she knew there was none left.

Aniya looked around and spotted the lamp, she grabbed it and hit him it in his head. Kenny stumbled backwards and fell to his knees clutching his head, dropping the keys. Aniya spotted them and made a dash for them. Kenny grabbed her by the wrist stopping her in the process.

"I wish you wouldn't have down that!" He said ever so calmly.

His voiced never rose but that statement sent chills through her entire body, scaring the living day lights out of her.

Kendrick noticed the look in her eyes;
! That was all he needed. He really didn't want to hurt her but he couldn’t control it, his inner beast thrived off of fear, he SNAPPED. He threw her against the door roughly, knocking the wind out of her, then
, He backhanded her so hard she tasted the blood in her mouth immediately. Knowing this was her end she refused to go down without a fight. Looking up at him with fire in her eyes she tried to charge at him with all her might but was delivered a vicious blow to her head throwing her equilibrium off. Aniya went down but not before banging her head on the edge of the table and blacking out.

Picking her up, he threw her unconscious body over his shoulder and carried her downstairs to his basement. He never wanted to get to this point but she
made him! Now she had to suffer. He handcuffed her to the chair, but not before he tore her pants off. Even with her sitting face down in only her shirt and panties, she was the most beautiful girl he ever saw. He was hers and she was his. After he got it through her head that they were meant to be he knew she wouldn't turn him down. He couldn't help himself he had to have her.

The urge he felt to taste her was out of this world. It was almost as if he craved her essences more than his next breath. Kneeling down between her legs he licked from her feet to her covered pussy. Placing his tongue in the middle of her panties, he gave it a rough lick.

"Mhmmmm".... He moaned.

That little sample was not enough to quench his thirst. Yearning for her wetness, he wanted to devour her. He had to devour her. Pushing her panties aside he feasted on her feminine lips.

Experiencing an oncoming orgasm she slowly came about. Not really remembering where she was, her head throbbed and she felt pains throughout her body, but nothing compared to the pleasant feeling overtaking her. She looked down and saw Kendrick's head between her legs and everything came back to her. Anger filled her body, using all her strength she tried to push him away but her arms were bound behind her.

Tears of frustration rolled down her face. She wanted to get him off her but couldn't, she wanted to deny the pleasure, but she couldn't ignore the wave of pleasure threatening to come. Her frustration seemed to intensify the orgasm.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME! Stop! Oh my god, HELP ME PLEASE" she yelled.

Stopping briefly he quickly told her
, "Scream all you want NO ONE can help you!"

"Mhmmmm....oh my god," shaking her head back and forth ferociously she tried to fight the feeling.

With his mouth still connected to her bottom lips he told her, "That's right pretty lady, let me have it give it to me! Let me taste what belongs to me!"

"Stop fighting it!"

Releasing a gut wrenching scream the same time she came. After he licked every nook and cranny he looked up at her, with the tears steady flowing she tried to catch her breath.

"I hate you!" she managed to push out. That wasn't what he wanted to hear.

Standing up he paced back and forth. He looked at her with a scorned glare. Then hauled off slapped the shit out of her.


Caught off guard by the force, her body would've flown out of the chair if the restraints weren't in place.

Crying more than ever now she hoped it would save her from this torture. Seeing the tears did the exact opposite than what she wanted, she needed him to feel sorry for her, but he didn't. He got off on her weakness. Leaning towards her he whispered in her ear, "that’s right; cry your little heart out."

Moving closer to her face he traced his tongue along the outline of her tears. She trembled at the feel of his hot breath and wet saliva covering her face which only seemed to entice his craze desire to taste the very flesh of her entire face. He reached her lips but took this time to look at the fear in her eyes; he gazed in her eyes searching for the fuel he needed to make his next move. Feeling beyond violated and disgusted she gathered all the spit and phlegm she could manage
and spit in his face. Laughing he wiped the spit off his face then licked each of his fingers then told her; "You're going to regret that pretty lady!" Then plunged the knife deep in her.......


Pacing the room, Gavin had a bad feeling. Aniya still didn't call him and she was in Kendrick's house for over forty-five minutes.

"Yo G something's wrong! I feel it, why she didn't call yet? It doesn’t take that long for the pill to work!" he told Gio.

"Calm down! Maybe she didn't give it to him yet! Let’s give it fifteen more minutes and if still nothing from her we going to go in! Sit ya ass down in the meantime you getting me dizzy looking at you walking around in circles!"

They were both strapped in bullet proof vest and had an assortment of guns, knives and other goodies for tonight's torture. To be on the safe side and since Gavin wasn't comfortable with Aniya being part of it they had her carry a small .22 gun with her for protection.

“Fuck that I’m going in something doesn’t feel right.” Gavin said as he opened the door and ran to the car. Jumping up Gio followed out the after him.



She screamed loudly as the knife tore through the flesh in her thigh.

“Oh My God, Kendrick please…please just stop I’m sorry, please it hurts take it out PLEASE,” she begged.

“I didn’t want to do it but you made me do it, you never loved me. It was all a lie. I know you went back to that nigga, you didn’t even wait for me.”

“No Kenn…”

“Don’t even try and lie to me I seen it with my own eyes, I seen y’all two together, I bet I didn’t even cross ya mind did I?”

Moaning out in pain, she tried to come up with an answer but the pain was too intense.

“Answer me damn it!!!!! I bet this was a setup up huh? You probably was supposed to sweet talk me and woo me then he was going to come out of nowhere and attack me huh? But guess what I got wind of your lil plans. Now I have a plan of my own,” Kendrick said with a sadistic smile on his face.

Aniya felt herself dozing off, but she tried to fight it. The knife was still deeply embedded inside her thigh with blood continuously gushing outta the wound.


This isn’t how things were supposed to go, the night after Gavin agreed to go through with plan b, they called Gio back over and devised a plan together.
They sat in the middle of Gavin’s living room going over everything and how they wanted things to go. They even had Aniya call Kendrick right in front of him and sweet talk him into letting her come over.

When he answered the phone for her she had to let him know who it was because she had changed her number.

“Hello?” Kendrick answered.

“Hey Kenny.”

“Pretty lady?” He asked.

“Yes it’s me.”

“Wow…long time no hear. I thought for sure I would never hear from you again. Listen about that night I’m really sorry.”

“Hey let’s not talk about that night, it’s in the past so it’s forgotten.”

“See that’s why I fell in love with you. I swear you are the most perfect woman ever,” Kendrick said.

“Aww thank you. How are you though? I missed you.” Aniya said as she ignored the look on Gavin’s face.


“Yes really! You sound surprised I told you I forgot about the bad things and only remembered the good. I want to see you so we can catch up and make up for lost times.”

“You don’t know how long I waited to hear your voice again and to hear you say you missed me makes it that much better because I missed you also. When and where do you want to meet?”

“Umm…” she said while looking mouthing to the guys asking them what to say.

“Tell him on Friday,” Gio whispered, which was two days away.

“How about Friday and at your house is fine.”

“Ok Friday it is, I can’t express to you over the phone how fortunate I am to have you back in my life, I’m truly grateful but I will show you how much the day I see you.”

Looking at Gavin, Aniya grabbed his hand and looked into his trying to read him. Bringing he hand to his lips he kissed it as if to say that everything was cool on his end.

“You there pretty lady?”

“Yes I’m here…I just…I just had a couple flashbacks that’s all. I’ll see you Friday ok?”

“Yeah ok but you know we don’t really have to get off the phone. I would love to keep talking to you,” Kendrick replied.

“Yeah I would love to stay on the phone but I’m about to start driving to go meet the girls. We will see each other soon and we can talk then.”

“Yeah I don’t need you driving and talking on your phone, I couldn’t fathom something happening to you. I’ll be home all day Friday so you can come any time.”

“Ok talk to you later.”

“Ok later pretty lady and I love you.”

“Me too
,” Aniya replied before hanging up.

From there and the next two nights following they got everything ready. They went over what was supposed to take place while she was at Kendrick’s, they even managed to take her to the Gun Range. Gavin wanted her to be comfortable with shooting a gun in case she had to use the one they gave her.

Now here she was, nothing had went according to plans. Never did she imagine she would be here right now… never did she expect him to bug out the way he did either…

Guess you’re supposed to always the unexpected, that way everything is expected,
Aniya thought.



The End??


“Don’t go drifting on me pretty lady. I need your full attention and for you to be here with me. Now I asked you a question and I expect an answer!” Kendrick demanded snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Kenny…why are you doing this to me?”

Ignoring her question, he asked her again, “Are you setting me up? You have people watching me? Waiting to come into my house?”

“No I swear I don’t. I told you I wouldn’t do that to you. I only came because I missed you. I told you that over the phone, why you don’t believe me?” she asked through gritted teeth trying to ignore the pain she felt from her wound.

“You really expect me to believe that?”

“Yes…can you please just let me go?”

“Now you’re trying to leave me? I thought you came to see me. You know what let me show just how much I missed you, pretty lady.”

Walking up to her with a strange look on his face, he swiftly pulled the knife out of her and watched the blood leak out the wound. Her suffering in agony brought a smile to his face. His excitement grew, licking the blood from the knife Kendrick moaned in delight.

Mmhhmmm…” Taking a finger he took a sample of blood off her leg and licked his finger clean.

Disgusted Aniya tried to keep the bile that had risen to her throat down but once he licked away at the blood again caused her to lose the battle. She barely got the chance to turn her face to the side before it came rushing out her mouth. Ignoring her heaving he brought the knife to her shirt and cut it open from the middle.

No matter how much she struggled she couldn’t break free from the restraints.

He then used the edge of the knife to lift her bra from her chest, applying a little pressure it snapped the thin strap keeping it together.

Her cries for her grew louder and louder. Looking at her body caused his dick to reach its full length. Hard and aching, it pushed against the zipper of his jeans.

“Calm down boy, I’m about to grant your wish.”

“Help!!!!!! Someone help me!!!! Please!!!!!” Aniya screamed out as she sensed what was about to happen.

Tired of hearing her voice he went got a piece of duct tape from off the wall and walk back to her. Before applying it to her mouth he gripped her chin tightly and stuck his tongue inside of her mouth savoring the taste. She tried to turned away but his hold was too strong, he slapped the tape on her mouth and moved back. The guy that stood before her had switched up right before her eyes. This wasn’t the sweet, fun loving Kenny she was accustomed to. This man was the sex crazed, twisted mind, sadistic Kendrick. His appetite for sex was through the roof and at that very second needed to be filled.

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