Read A Dangerous Game of Love Online

Authors: Mercedes Taylor

A Dangerous Game of Love (22 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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“Nah don’t say nothing now, here I am coming over here checking on ya ungrateful ass and you got smart shit to say, so continue what the fuck you over here talking about.”

“I’m just saying I’ve been sitting here most of the night and you didn’t even bother to check on me before, the whole time you was sitting there watching that bitch right there.”

“Aye watch ya mouth.”

“No fuck that! I’m your girl and you play me to the left for a bitch that is paying you no damn mind,” she loudly stated before chugging the rest of her drink back.

“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you but you are not my chick and why you worrying about her? Sounding like you mad and shit.”

“Fuck HER
, ain’t no one mad at that whack bitch! She wish she was as bad as me! You know I’m the best you ever had that’s why you can’t leave me alone!” Jayla yelled back at him, gaining everyone’s attention.

“No you ain’t bad
, you just know how to suck a mean dick! That’s why I keep coming back!” by now the music had stop and everyone had heard Gavin’s last remark. Hearing the commotion Aniya, Gia, and Nicole headed towards it. Standing off the side of them Nicole looked at the girl Gavin was arguing with like really looked at her and something about her was familiar. Aniya was about to go and tell them to take it outside but Kendrick pulled her to the side telling her he needed to speak with her.

“Whatever Gavin I don’t hear you complaining, you just mad cause ya old hoe couldn’t do it like me. I’m that bitch and shorty wish she could be me.”

“Why you keep bringing her up? You want her or something?”

“Nope fuck that hoe Aniya! Fuck her life!”

Hearing her name being thrown out there Aniya was getting ready to go approach the girl but Nicole stopped her.

“Niya, look at her, don’t she look familiar?”

Staring at her for a second Aniya remembered her as the girl she fought in the mall.

“Oh hell no, why the hell is that hood rat here?” she asked

“That’s Gavin’s date!” Nicole confirmed.

Walking up to them, Aniya asked, “Why is my name in your mouth no wait how do you even know my name? That ass kicking I gave you before wasn’t enough for you?”

“You know her?” Gavin asked surprised.

“No I don’t know her but remember that time I fought this was the little hoe I fought,” she said finally acknowledging Gavin for the first time that night.

“Fuck outta here bitch if anyone got an ass kicking it was you and I’m the bitch that took ya man from you since you wasn’t woman enough to keep him,” Jayla snapped.

“Oh no the fuck she didn’t,” Gia yelled as she made a move to attack but only to be pulled back by Kaiden who whispered in her ear to calm down.

Comprehension clicked in Aniya’s head, turning her fury to Gavin she asked while pointing at Jayla, “
is the bitch you cheated on me with? This whack ass hoe right here?”

“Niy….how many times do I have to tell you I didn’t cheat on you.”

“Yup he did and what you gonna do? You can’t be mad at no one but ya self, not my fault you couldn’t keep ya man,” Jayla stated.

“Ayo Jayla shut the fuck up and stop with the lies!”

Enough was enough, this bitch was bold, Aniya was done with talking plus she owed her an ass kicking. Making a move towards her, Gavin caught her just in time as she was about to knock Jayla’s head off.

“Niy chill….she’s not worth it I’m telling you don’t even bother.”

“Gavin get the fuck off of me! I told you, let me find out and I’m fucking her up! I don’t care how long it’s been I owe her an ass whooping so let me go.”

Realizing they were making a scene in the VIP, Gio announced on the mic that the party was over and everyone had to leave.

“Bitch please I wish you would touch me, I will mop the floor with ya ass,” Jayla yelled as she hopped up off the stool. Aniya fought hard trying to break out of Gavin’s grasp to get to Jayla but he wasn’t budging.

Getting up in Jayla’s face, Gio told her “Look shorty I don’t care if you with Gavin but you got to go and now. You can either leave on ya own free will or I’m going to throw you out.”

“Nigga fuck you! Gavin you really going to let him kick me out? Huh? You going to sweat that bitch instead of me?” Jayla yelled over Gio’s shoulder, but Gavin was paying her no mind as he focused on trying to calm Aniya down.

Not trying to go out like a punk she told all of them to fuck off and that she would see them in the street before walking out. Not having a way home she stood out front trying to figure out who she could call, as she was approached by the same guy from the bar…




Inside of the building world war three was about to go down as Gavin and Aniya went at it. They had to be broken up as her fury switched from Jayla to him, she was on one side of the room being held back by Nicole and Gia as Gio and Kaiden stood on the other side talking to Gavin. All Aniya saw was red, they tried to get her to calm down but she wasn’t hearing anything. All the past event came back to mind pissing her off even more,
so this Jayla was the same chick who was playing on her phone, that’s who those panties probably belonged to that she found in the car. And that day in the mall, Jayla knew who she was that’s why she said all of that shit. Gavin had her walking around like some damn fool acting like he was madly in love while he had a side bitch. A whack ass one at that,
Aniya thought.

“Nic just let me go, I swear I just need to hit him one good time and then I’m going to be good I promise.”

“No Niya, what would that solve?”

“It would solve a lot so let me go!” Aniya yelled.

“No Niya, she’s right, just let it go! Forget about it you moved on so you don’t have to worry about it, matter fact, where is Kendrick?”

“He had to go to work…Gavin I fucking hate you I swear, you ain’t shit and you lucky they won’t let me go because I would fuck you up!” Aniya yelled across the room.

Pushing away from Gio and Kaiden Gavin begin walking towards the girls, “Um G I wouldn’t go over there if I was you,” Gio called out but Gavin ignored him.

“Get away Gavin before she hurt you,” Nicole warned.

“She’s not going to do anything I just need to explain everything to her.”

“Fuck you and you can shove ya explanation up ya ass because I don’t want to hear it.”

“Too bad you’re going to listen,” Gavin said as he got a couple of inches away from Aniya. Once he got in arm’s length Aniya swung at him but he caught her fist, and spun her around pulling her into his body and holding her arms folded tightly across her chest.

“Get off of me Gavin, I don’t want you touching me!”

“Nah lil mama I need you to listen to me,”

“Well I’m not trying to listen to ya bullshit that you spitting, so save it!” she said as she struggled against him.

“Aniya let me…”

“No fuck you! And I mean that, now let me go I don’t have shit else to say to you I swear I don’t.” With that her tears started falling, that’s when both Gia and
Nicole walked back over to them telling Gavin that it would be best if he let her go. He didn’t want to but he wasn’t getting nowhere, by now Gio and Kaiden was by his side telling him to let her calm down and to try again. Looking at her one last time he let her go before walking to the exit. Gio quickly followed behind him as Kaiden told him he would get each of the girls home safe.

Aniya stood off in the corner with her best friends as they said comforting words to her but at this moment her feelings were numb, she told herself that she cried her last tears for him. Wiping her eyes she apologized to Gia for ruining her party but Gia told her that she didn’t ruined it she was ready for niggas to leave and she helped kick them out. Laughing loudly, only Gia could make a joke out of a moment like that. Knowing Gia and Kaiden wanted to spend as much time as together as they could before he had to leave tomorrow night Aniya grabbed her things and told them to drop her off home…







Will you…


Her twenty-third birthday was her best birthday yet even with all that happened. She still couldn’t get over the fact that somehow Gio was able to get Kaiden to show up. She found out that Kaiden told his general that he had a family emergency and they gave him a two-day pass to come home. Once they dropped Aniya and Nicole home, he took her to the hotel suite that he had reserved for them. He surprised her with a dimly lit room with rose petals scattered all over the floor, walking into the bedroom the petals were spread out in the middle of the floor spelling out will you marry me. At a loss for words Gia turned around to find Kaiden down on one knee with an engagement ring in his hand.

“Baby girl I love you more than words can explain, you are my life line, and you mean more to me than anyone in this world. The moment I met you was the greatest day of my life. You the Bonnie to my Clyde and forever I will be grateful. Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man in the world and becoming Mrs. Kaiden Ricky Jones?”

Tears streamed down her face as her hands shook, she imagined this day so many times in her head but never did she imagined it would come true.

“Gianni will you marry me?”

“Yes! Yes baby I will or course, I will marry you!”

Placing the ring on her finger he got up off the floor and pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. Pulling back slightly he looked down into her eyes and told her, “I love you baby girl.”

“I love you more.”

Taking her hand he led her over to the bed. Sitting at the foot of it he pulled her in between his opened legs and began rubbing his hands down her body. Letting his head rest against her stomach he inhaled her scent, as she rubbed her fingers through his short cropped hair. Pulling his head back she stared into his eyes. This man before her was her world, he was her God, no one could compare to him. He stood six foot even, with skin the same color as caramel. Gorgeous hazel eyes, his facial hair was always cut low making him looked rugged but she loved it. His body was cut up
from always working out. Bending down slightly she grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, taking in his body. The only tattoo he had was the one of her name on the left side of his chest.

She was getting ready to get down on her knees but he stopped her telling her that tonight he was catering to her. Standing up to where he toward over her, he turned her around and unzipped the cat suit and slowly begin to roll it down her body. As the piece of clothing rolled down her body his lips followed suite, placing kisses all over her exposed body. Behind her on his knees he bent her over to wear she was touching her toes and he was face to face with her ripe ass. He planted a soft kiss on it before pulling her soaked thong down, spreading her cheeks he attacked her pussy from the back. Licking and nibbling away at her exposed core.

She let out a cat light screamed as his mouth locked onto to her swollen clit.


Slurp….slurp…slurp… was all you heard from Kaiden. Right before he brought her to a knee weakening orgasm he turned her around and placed both her legs onto his shoulders.

“Sssss….yes, baby….yes!!!! Damn I missed this,” Gia cried out. Once he felt her legs start shaking he laid her on the bed and quickly stripped off his clothes before thrusting deeply into her.

“Fuck!!!!!!!!” His baby girl was so wet and tight, she had him wanting to explode already. Being the guy he was he knew he couldn’t go out like that, he quickly got himself together and being making up for lost time. Placing her legs on his shoulders, he felt her nails scratching his back indicating he was doing the damn thing. Feeling her walls gipping him tighter he
knew she was on her way to climax, he begin to thrust harder inside of her intensifying her climax.

Fuckkkkkkkkk!!!!!” Gia screamed out as she let go, but he didn’t stop there, they went at it round for round until he felt she had enough. By the time they were finished the sun had come up, looking down at Gia who was snuggled up in his arms lightly snoring in a deep sleep, he knew this was who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Leaving her once again later that day was going to be hard but at least he would be going back overseas with a fiancé and not a girlfriend.



Later that day was a sad one for both of them, no matter how strong she tried to be she couldn’t stop the tears from falling as they stood in the airport waiting for him to board his plane.

“Baby girl I need for you to stop crying, you told me you would be strong, you know I hate to see you cry.”

“I know and I’m sorry but I can’t help it, I don’t want to see you go,” Gia pouted.

“You know I don’t want to leave you, but I have to. Look at it like this the sooner I go back the sooner I can come back home to you.”

Flight 488 is now boarding, again flight 488 is now boarding…”

Hearing his flight being called he pulled Gia close and whispered in her ear expressing how much he loved her before kissing her lips once more.

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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