Read A Dangerous Game of Love Online

Authors: Mercedes Taylor

A Dangerous Game of Love (21 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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All the girls had to do was take a quick shower and throw on their clothes. Instead of getting dressed at home Nicole had brought her clothes to Gia’s earlier so she could get dressed there. Walking in, they noticed the guys sitting on the couch doing the usual; drinking and playing the game.

“Y’all do know that my party is in a little, shouldn’t y’all be getting dressed instead of playing the game?” Gia asked.

“Chill mini g we got this, it don’t take us long to get dressed,” Gavin replied never bothering to take his eyes off the screen as he was talking to her.

“Whatever, what y’all drinking?”

“Henny…what else? Hey Nic!”

“Hey Giovanni. You sharing?”

He looked Nicole’s way real fast before bringing his eyes back to the screen, “Umm yeah of course but that’s if you can handle it.”

“I can handle anything,” Nicole said.

Mumbling to himself,
“Yeah iight anything but me.”

“What was that?”

“Nothing baby girl, I said help yourself,” Gio replied.

“Come on Nic, let’s go get ready.”

The guys were so into the game that they didn’t realize Gia pick up the entire bottle and bring it with her. Laughing, Nicole followed her upstairs.

While they got ready, they had their little pregame party, music blasting and liquor, all they were missing was Aniya.

Sipping on her cup as Nicole did her makeup, Gia couldn’t help but to express herself to her best friend.

“I should be so excited and happy but Nic I can’t even front, I’m not. I wish my baby was here with me.”

“Aww and I know he wish he was here with you, did y’all Skype today?”

“No, hopefully I get to talk to him tomorrow. It would make my birthday that much better, if I don’t I will be so disappointed.”

“Aww Gia, you can’t think like that, you know he’s going to do everything to call you so you don’t even have to worry about that. It’s almost officially your birthday no more sad talk we got to be living it up,” Nicole shouted.

“You’re right. I say we take some shots!”

“Pour it up!!!”

Downing two shots each, the girls looked themselves over in the mirror, Gia had on a black one piece cat suit that had cut outs in the chest area and the entire back was out. On her feet she had tan
Manolo Blahnik boots, that resembled timberland boots but with a heel. Nicole being her reserved self, had on tight army fatigue skinny jeans, a black bandu, studded vest and combat boots. They went downstairs and had the guys snap pictures of them before they all piled into Gio’s hummer and headed to the party.






It’s my party…I get fly if I want to…


Pulling up to Lucky Strikes, the outside was packed, the line wrapped all the way around the building as people waited to get in. Pulling up in front, the cameras started flashing. Aniya had Gia feeling like a superstar, she went all out; there were photographers, lights, she even had a red carpet for her. You couldn’t tell Gia nothing as she strutted down the carpet as if she was on the runway, it didn’t help to have people calling and shouting her name as she walked by them. Gio just shook his head at his sister. Walking in Gia was blown away, she loved everything she couldn’t believe they really put together this extravaganza for her. Making their way to the VIP section, it was on after that.

The party was in full swing, Gia was everywhere, one minute she was bowling then the next minute you seen her on the dance floor with a bottle in her hand getting down. Gio had got word that his surprise was ready but he wanted to wait until twelve to give it to her. Looking at his watch again it was almost eleven and Aniya still haven’t arrived yet he didn’t even see Gavin anymore. He had told Gio he would be right back but that was over a half hour ago and he still wasn’t back. At the exact time Gavin and his date were making their way upstairs. Gavin was a couple feet in front of her paying no attention to the men drooling at her as they parted for them to get through but she took in everything the hungry stares from men and the envious glares from the females. She knew she was the center of attention; dressed in a nude almost see-through short cocktail dress with the matching nude heels.

When Gavin picked her up he just shook his head at her and was actually tempted to leave her there. He had told her about his mini G’s birthday celebration at the bowling alley and she had the nerve to walk out wearing that as if she was going to a strip club or something. He noticed the lustful stares from the guys when they thought he wasn’t paying attention and truth be told he couldn’t care less. They made their way to the table where Nicole and Gio were seated. Gavin sat down with them without bothering to introduce his date to them. Following his lead she sat in the booth with them as she looked at them look at her.

Breaking the silence she introduced herself, “Hi I’m Jayla…Gavin’s girl friend.”

Snorting loudly at her statement, Gavin poured him a drink from one of the many bottles at the table and took it to the head.

“Hello,” was Nicole’s response and Gio just sent her a head nod not bothering to speak.

The confidence that she once possessed was long gone as she sat at the table feeling like an outcast. They all sat at the table talking and joking never bothering to include her, not even Gavin. Then who she assumed to be the birthday girl came over and rudely asked, “Who the hell is she?” Jayla was about to reply but Gavin cut her off telling Gia she was just one of the homies not making her feel any better either.

The night before when Gavin first told her they were going out she was so excited. They were actually having their first date, well second if you count the night at the hotel, but as she sat at the table with them her excitement changed to anger.
When it was just them two he didn’t treat her like this so why was he showing out for his friends? Since when was she just the homie, he needed to let everyone know that she was the love of his life and they were official, it was time to let the world know. He had one more chance to get it right or else
… Jayla thought.

She didn’t want to ruin the night so she excused herself telling Gavin she was going over to the bar and without so much of a response he just shrugged her off.



Shut it down…


“Where ya girl going?”

“Fuck outta here, y’all know damn where that is not my damn girl,” Gavin spat.

“Not what she said when she introduced herself, if I’m not mistaken she said hi I’m Gavin’s girlfriend,” Nicole joked.

“And as you see I didn’t pay her simple ass no attention.”

“Oh whatever enough about the hoe, where the hell is Aniya?” Gia asked.

Looking down at her phone before answering, Nicole replied, “I texted her a while ago and she said her and…” throwing a glance at Gavin and just like she thought he was hanging onto every word she said. “She said she on her way, so she should be here any minute now.”

“Well she need to hurry up, I thought the birthday girl was supposed to make the grand entrance not the best friend.”

“Looks like y’all spoke her up,” Gio interrupted.

Wasting no time Gavin quickly turned around to look at her. There she was heading towards them, beauty at its finest. She was the epitome of sexy, unlike Jayla she didn’t have to try hard to be sexy because it came naturally. Like now she commanded everyone’s attention even being dressed in a simple halter top peached color baby doll dress. The dress was simple but the way it fit her body made it appealing. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, he didn’t even care that she was on the arm of another man either, he continued to gawk at her as she made her way to the table.

“Hey guys, this is my date Kendrick for those who don’t know,” Aniya greeted them. Everyone greeted her back and said hello to Kendrick besides Gavin, he just continue to stare at her as if he was in a trance. Gia had to be the
one throw out a smart remark, “About time ya damn ass got her, miss I want to show up all late and shit.”

“Hush up, being how I had to be up all early with ya ass my ass needed a nap, but I’m here now so it’s time to party.”

Sitting at the table, everyone conversed with Kendrick except Gavin and Gio, something about him didn’t sit right with him but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Gavin didn’t give a fuck about his existence and continued to blatantly disrespect him by keeping his eyes locked on Aniya. She felt his gaze but ignored him on purpose, never bothering to look his way and to add salt to his game she would flirt with Kendrick on purpose. Blowing him kisses, winking at him, falling on him as she laughed, just to piss him off and it was working. Hearing her song, Rihanna’s
Rude Boy
, she got up out of the booth pulling Kendrick to the middle of the floor with her.

Gavin sat with a pissed off look on his face as he watched her dance up on him. She stood with her back against Kendrick’s whining along to the beat.
Dropping down low she looked at the table, eyes connecting with Gavin’s. Never losing the hold, she popped her butt and bit her lip before taking it back up. As she continued dancing with him, she and Gavin kept each other’s gaze. Little did Gavin know he wasn’t the only one watching someone, sitting at the bar with her drink in her hand Jayla watched the entire thing. Fuming Jayla threw deadly looks at both Aniya and Gavin.
Who did this hoe think she was? Trying to put on a show to keep Gavin’s attention, she just didn’t get it, Gavin was hers.
For the first time, Jayla was actually mad at Gavin.
Who in the fuck do he think he is? The moment she walk in here he can’t take his eyes off of her but I’m his date and he don’t even pay me no mind. I’m his girlfriend yet he still on that bitch! I got something for him…
Jayla thought as she turned her attention towards the guys who been sending her drinks since the first sat at the bar……



As the night went on everyone lived it up, after dancing with Kendrick for a few songs Aniya pulled her girls to the middle of the floor and danced with them. They even got Gio to dance with them, Jayla was living it up at the bar with her new guy friend Ralph. Everyone was enjoying themselves except for Gavin who never moved from his seat. Nicole and Gia tried to get him out on the floor but he refused to move. Before anyone knew it was five minutes to twelve, grabbing a mic Gio commanded everyone’s attention. He started his speech by thanking everyone for coming out to celebrate his little sister’s birthday with her before calling Gia to the front of the room. Once she stood next to him he wished her a happy birthday, “Gia my sister, I love you with all the air in
my lungs, you are more than my sister you are my best friend, no other girl will be able to take your place. I watched you grow from a teeny little girl to a young lady into a fully grown beautiful woman. There are many times that you get on my last nerves but I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. Today is all about you. I love you and happy birthday. This party is only the first part of your birthday. Your real birthday gift is in this box,” Gio said as two men rolled in a box that was bigger than her and pushed it right next to her. She couldn’t imagine what was in it, she just stood next to it staring at it.

“Go ahead pulled the ribbon off of it,” Gio said. Doing as she was told, she pulled the ribbon and all four of the sides fell down.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh oh my god,” Gia screamed as she rushed into Kaiden’s arms.

“Oh my god baby what are you doing here?” Gia asked as she hugged onto him for dear life with tears rapidly falling out of her eyes.

Hugging her back just as tight, “It’s your birthday, I know you didn’t think I would miss my baby girls’ birthday.”

Go, go, go, go…Go, go, go shorty
It's your birthday, we gon' party like it's yo birthday, We gon' sip Bacardi like it's yo birthday

The deejay played 50 Cent’s
In da Club
as everyone screamed happy birthday to Gia but she was in her own world wrapped up in Kaiden’s arms.

Switching it up to Justin Timberlake and Beyonce’s
Until the end of time
, the deejay yelled into the mic, “This one is for the lovers.”

Pulling Gia into the middle of the floor he wrapped her up in his arms as they swayed back and forth to the music. To the left of them Aniya was wrapped up
in Kendrick’s arms even Nicole was in the middle of the dance floor dancing with Gio.



It’s about to go…DOWN!


By this time Gavin finally come to realize that he didn’t come to the party alone, looking around for Jayla he spotted her at the bar and begin making his way over to her. He noticed the guy sitting next to her being extra friendly but paid it no mind.

“Aye ma you good over here?”

Feeling the drinks, she sucked her teeth at him.

“Hell is your problem Jay?” he asked with much attitude.

“I don’t have a problem, I’m just surprised you remembered who the hell I am.”

“The fuck you talking about?”

“Nothing…” She replied hearing the bass in his voice.

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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