Read A Dangerous Game of Love Online

Authors: Mercedes Taylor

A Dangerous Game of Love (19 page)

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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“Don’t be nervous baby, just let go. I got you.”

Biting her bottom lip, the feel of his hand and lips on her body had her lost in ecstasy. He let his kissing trail down to the top of her breast, giving her nipple a quick lick then kissed his way back up top to her lips. Softly pecking her lips a few, he let his tongue spread her lips and captured hers with his. The way he kissed drove her crazy, she had her fair share of kissers but something about the way he took lead had her memorized. Pulling back slightly he pecked her lips with soft kisses a couple more times then looked down at her. Gazing into her eyes he watched her stand before him full of passion. She looked up at him trying to catch her breath. Running her tongue over her lips she licked away the remnants of his taste. Leisurely sliding her hands up his chest, she flicked her nail over his nipple.

Gasping his breath got stuck in the back of throat. Gripping her backside he pulled her to him letting her feel the evidence of his arousal. Her hand clasped together behind his neck, trying to pull his lips back down to hers but he stopped her. Never speaking a word he unclasped her hands and pulled her towards the bed. Standing in front of her he pushed her on to it, falling onto her back. Rising up she rested on her elbows while watching his every move.

The atmosphere was heavily clouded with sex overpowering the candles that were burning. The soft sweet sounds of Floetry singing filled the room enhancing the mood. She ran one head over her body, while never breaking their gaze. Breaking the gaze, his eyes roamed her entire body, he unconsciously begin stroking his manhood through his pajama pants. Her eyes automatically zoomed in on his erection.

“Damn! Where is the rest at?” she asked herself.

Mistaking the look on her face for something else he gave her a sexy smirk.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll be gentle.”

“Turn over!” he told her.

Giving his package one more glimpse she unhurriedly rolled over onto her stomach.

“Got damn,” he whispered, squeezing his throbbing penis trying to calm it down.

The negligee barely covered her full ass and the G string was lost in between those fat cheeks. Teasing him she made one cheek jump then the other.

“Ssshhhhit…” she heard behind her.

Turning around at the same time he spread her legs and kneeled between them. Grabbing both cheeks he shook them, loving how they moved in waves. Planting kisses on both of them.

“Damn ma…”

Leaning down more he grabbed her legs spreading them a little further apart, starting on the right legs; planting kisses from her inner thighs to her covered lips.

Breathing harder, she tried to steady herself while waiting for him to put her out of her misery. He had her leaking with anticipation, but he switched and did the same to the left leg.


His face only inches away from her pussy, he settled between her thighs. Her panties barely covered her fat pussy and were soaked with her juices. Pulling them to the side, he ran a finger down the middle.

“Yes!!!! Oh yes!!!!” Practically screaming while trying to grab at the bed sheets as he pushed a finger deeply inside of her.

He then pulled it out and watched the juices run down onto his hand. Watching him lick his finger clean she was on the verge of exploding. She tried to lean up, but he pushed her back down and inserted two fingers. Pushing them in and out or her, she rocked her body to the same rhythm.

“That’s it baby, work that ass!”

Slapping it he loved how she shook like jello. Giving it a soft bite she purred out loud. Inserting a third finger her movements became faster, he could tell she was almost there he removed them all.

“No…baby no I was almost…”

Not giving her time to finish, he quickly entered his middle finger back inside her.

“Ugh!!!” she cried out.

Searching for that spot, he moved his finger inside of her then position it to as if he was using his finger to say come here. He pressed his finger against the small rigid spot, he moans grew louder.

“Fuck Kenny!!!! FUCK!!!!!”

Applying a little more pressure her legs begin to shake.

“That’s it; let it go pretty lady…let it go!”

“Baby…oh my god! Baby I’m cumin,” Aniya cried out.

He moved his hand at a rapid pace, bringing her to a climax.

“OH MY GOD!” she screamed as she squirted onto his hand.

Not giving her a chance to catch her breath he entered another finger, rubbed his thumb on her clit, bringing her to another orgasm: one that brought tears to her
eyes. Lying on the bed she unclenched the streets and tried to stop her body from shaking while deeply in taking heavy gulps of air. Placing a kiss right on her jumping clit he laid on the bed next to her, holding her tightly while running a soothing hand down her back.

She tried to talk but she couldn’t her body wouldn’t cooperate with her; she didn’t even feel herself drifting off to sleep. He continued rubbing her back until her breathing lightens. He threw a cover over her then walked to the bathroom to shower, he didn’t get to experience all of her but this was good enough. He stood under the water while taking care of his problem. Jerking off he brought himself to an intense climax while picturing Aniya and her sexy ass moans.



Always Lurking…


Once she woke up the next morning, she glanced around the room strangely until she remembered she was at Kenny’s house. Her mind wandered to what took place only hours before. At first she was slightly disappointed because he wasn’t that well-endowed, but what he lacked there he made up with his tongue. She decided not to think too much of it because he still might be able to give her the business, small penis and all.

“Finally, the pretty lady has awaken,” Kendrick said as he walked back into the room dressed in nothing but basketball shorts and socks. Aniya took in the heavenly man standing before her, letting her eyes travel his entire body before answering him.

“Yeah I’m up. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you. That seems to be my favorite thing.”

“Right but it’s cool, I followed behind you not too long after.”

“Oh ok…umm you was working out or something?” she asked curiously.

“Yeah I was downstairs burning of all the extra energy I still had. I planned on going for a good work out last night but someone couldn’t handle the pre work out,” he said in a joking manner.

Blushing Aniya couldn’t think of a comeback for that without saying something wrong but all the while thinking “
Tuh...I seen what you working with I doubt you would give me a workout.”

“I told you I was sorry….don’t rub it in.”

Laughing, “Oh my bad, but what you have planned for the day pretty lady?”

“Umm…probably just go home and catch up on some reading and homework…you know the norm for me.”

“I don’t want to let you out of my sight yet…it’s too soon,” Kendrick said.

“Aww well what do you have in mind Kenny and don’t forget I didn’t bring a change of clothes with me.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do, let’s go shopping that way you can pick out something for you to wear tonight when we go out to dinner.”

“We don’t need to go buy me anything, I can just go to my house and find something there,
I have a closet full of clothes.”

“You might not need me to but I want to buy you something, so will you let me please?” he asked as he gave her a face similar to a sad puppy.

“Fine, but I still want to shower and change before we go. So I can go home and do all those things then I guess meet back up with you.”

“Or you can wait for me to shower and change then I can follow you to your house and wait for you, that way you can park your car and you’ll be riding with me.”

“Ok that will work, well before you go shower and stuff let me go wash my face and brush my teeth, do you have a new toothbrush and an extra washcloth I can use?”

“Yeah I had it already set out and waiting for you.”

“Thanks,” she said as she was about to get out of the bed until she remembered she wasn’t wearing any clothes. Looking around she couldn’t find her negligée either.

“Umm you think I can have one of your shirts to throw on?”

“Or you can just walk around naked…I won’t mind at all.”

Throwing him a look that said “you wish” he pulled a shirt out of his dresser draw. Walking over to her he told her to get up outta the bed so he could put it on her. Shyly she stood before him watching his eyes travel down her body. Taking her in he immediately got hard which didn’t go unnoticed by Aniya, who hurriedly took the shirt out of his hand, threw it on then exited the room.

Kendrick got showered and changed before sharing a light lunch. After; Aniya drove to her house with Kendrick following behind her. When they got to the house Aniya ran inside to the bathroom before she peed on herself. Immediately the alarm started going off, so she called out the code to Kendrick to have him turn it off. While she was upstairs getting ready he wandered around her house being nosey. It wasn’t his first time over but it was his first time paying attention to the pictures that was scattered around the living room. He looked each one of them over. He saw a couple pictures from Aniya’s childhood, pictures from a couple who he would presume as Aniya’s parents. One picture in particular caught his attention: it was Aniya and two other girls, he remembered them from the party where he met Aniya. They were in front of a store smiling brightly at the camera, the smile that adorned the girl’s faces was priceless; they looked like they were the happiest people alive.

She stood out more than the others. She had this look about her that differed from everyone else, a look that read pure innocence.

“That day, I remember it like it was yesterday, Gia’s brother surprised us with a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive for Gia’s birthday. We were so excited, not only did he take Gia he took us too and told us we had no limit. I swear we all hit the floor. I bet he regrets telling us that now, because he was stuck carrying all the bags,” Aniya said as she laughed remembering the look on Gio’s face when they dragged him all throughout the stores. He didn’t even hear her come into the room, when she started talking, she startled him but he played it off.

“You must’ve had fun.”

“Did I…we probably thanked him over a million times and he would keep cool and be like nah no thank you necessary, if I got it y’all got it.”

“Oh he seems nice.”

“He is. You will meet him for Gia’s birthday. I don’t know what we’re doing for her yet but leave it to Gio and it’s going to be something big but I’m ready you are. All of a sudden I’m in the mood to shop,” Aniya said as she smiled up at him.

“Aww man what did I get myself in? You know what we can always stay into,” Kendrick joked.

“Nah uh…you wanted to go shopping, so let’s go you can’t back out now.”

“I know I’m just joking pretty lady, but right after you,” holding the door open for her before following behind her.


By the time they got to the mall Aniya was more than ready to shop until she dropped and Kendrick was along for the ride, he loved seeing her smile. Just as they were walking into
Joyce Leslie’s
his phone begin to ring.

“Excuse me babe, I have to take this. It’s my job,” Kendrick said with a forced smile.

“Ok, I’m going in here so just come in here when you’re done.”

“Ok.” Kendrick ignored the continuous ringing until Aniya was inside of the store.

“What the fuck do you want? I told you not to call my fucking phone anymore. Why don’t you listen?” He angrily asked.

“I wouldn’t talk to me like that if I was you. You better check your tone before lil Miss Aniya finds out some stuff about you,” the caller said.

“You wouldn’t…”

“I would so don’t test me….oh and by the way y’all look cute together.”

That had him on froze, he frantically begin looking around trying to see if he could spot them out.

“Where are you?” he anxiously asked.

“Don’t worry about it, just know that I’m around. How is everything going? Is it all going accordingly?”

“Everything is fine, like I told you before. I got to go…I’ll call you don’t call me!” Kendrick said before hanging up the phone.

He took another glance around the mall but he had no luck in spotting them so he made his way inside the store to Aniya.



Standing in the distance, they looked on as Kendrick looked around trying to pinpoint their exact location. He could try all he wanted but with the disguise they wore it was nearly impossible to notice them unless they were up close. Walking to the store Kendrick went in, they stood outside the huge window looking in on the couple. They watched how Kendrick interacted with Aniya, how he held every item she picked out while following behind her like a lost puppy. Shaking their head in disgust at Kendrick, they made their way to the exit of the mall then to their car. Getting comfortable they took off their disguise throwing it in the backseat. Fixing the stray hairs, they winked at themselves in the mirror before pulling outta the parking lot.

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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