A Dangerous Game of Love (7 page)

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Authors: Mercedes Taylor

BOOK: A Dangerous Game of Love
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Rushing to the bathroom she took a fifteen minute shower then entered her closet looking for something to throw on. Mulling over all her clothes she decided to keep it simple; ripped jeans, a white & black shirt that said “hotter than your girlfriend” pink Uggs and a pink over the shoulder bag. She brushed her hair into a high messy ponytail leaving the bangs out. Spraying on her Burberry “
” perfume she applied her Mac lip gloss then rushed back downstairs.

“See…told you I wouldn’t take long.” Picking up her car keys and jean jacket she headed to the door with Nicole following


The girls shopped for hours hitting up almost every store they walked past, they had at least one bag from every store they went in: Nordstrom, Hollister, True Religion, American Apparel, Victoria Secrets, Steve Madden, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Armani Exchange. All the bags in their hands were making their arms hurt.

More than ready to go home they
decided to hit up Bath & Body works before they left. As they were entering the store three girls were walking out, one girl bumped into Aniya so hard she dropped some of her bags.

“What the hell? Watch where the hell you’re going I know you seen me with all these damn bags in my hand,” Aniya snapped.

“Fuck out of my damn way hoe, you should’ve moved out of my way Bitch!”

“Tell her girl…she should’ve moved!” the girl friend instigated.

Dropping her bags Aniya headed in the girls direction, she was annoyed tired and ready to go home, the way the girl was talking to her pissed her off.

“Niya!!! Chill she’s not worth it! C’mon forget her let’s just go,” Nicole told her.

Knowing she was right she turned around and started grabbing her bags off the floor.

“Yeah listen to ya friend bitch, you don’t want it I will fuck you up!”

Never one for many words, Aniya stopped picking her bags up, headed back in the girl’s direction punching her dead in her face as soon as she was in arm’s length.

Shocked and unprepared the girl stumbled back a couple of steps from the blow. Before she could even gather her footing Aniya was on her, delivering repeated blows to her face. Refusing to lose the girl kicked Aniya making both of them fall on the floor. They began going toe to toe, throwing blows. Nicole decided to let Aniya teach the disrespectful girl a lesson, ready to jump in at any moment if the girl’s friends tried to. Noticing they were making a scene it was a matter of time before the mall security came to break it

“Aye Jay, let’s go! Mall police is coming,” one of her friends yelled, as they were trying to pull Aniya off of her.

“Uh uh, get the fuck off my friend!” Nicole said while pulling the girls off her Aniya.

“ANIYA! That’s enough we got to go…Now! You showed the hoe, get ya bags c’mon!”

After separating them, Jay and her friends took off running right before the mall security showed up. Before they left Jay yelled to Aniya “This isn’t over bitch….I’ll see you again.”

“Anytime time ma! Never scared! I’ll beat ya ass all over again!”

‘Ma’am are you okay?” Mall security asked while grabbing her arm.

Snatching away, “Yeah…I’m fine!” she said while picking up her bags. She held
her head high and walked away like nothing happened with her hair all over the place.

By then a small crowd had form, “Okay people shows over keep it moving!” the security directed.


“Damn Jay, she got you good. Look at ya face!”

“Shut the fuck up Ty, the bitch caught me off guard. That’s why!” Jayla yelled as she examined her face in the car’s mirror. She hated to admit it but Aniya got her good; she had a black eye, her lip was busted and she had a big knot on her forehead.

“Let’s go I need a drink.”

Shaking her head at her friend Tyeisha pulled off in the direction of the nearest liquor store.

Mumbling to herself Jayla stated “Hmm she think it’s over…I got something for that ass. Watch!!”


“I can’t believe it yo, I was really out in public fighting like some damn hood rat.”

“Shit you? Me either but you gave it to her Niya. Did you see her face when she was leaving? But that’s what she gets for talking though. Wait till I tell Gia about this.”

Groaning “Ugh…I’m never going to live this down am I?”

“Nope…” Nicole said while laughing.

Aniya said nothing; shaking her head she continued driving. After dropping Nic home, Aniya was going to head back to her house until Gavin called and told her to come to see him at his house. Turning the car back around, she headed to his place.

Opening up the door for her, he took her in. her hair was all over the place, her clothes were wrinkled and all over the place, he would’ve thought she just rolled out of bed, but the long scratch on her face told him otherwise.

“What the fuck happened to you? Why you look like that and how you get that long ass scratch on your face? Someone put their hands on you?”

Pushing pass him she went to look in the mirror, Nic never said anything about having a scratch on her face. Looking at it she begins to get mad, wishing she could beat the girl’s ass all over again.

Following behind her he turned her around. “Answer me ma, what the hell happened to you yo?” He started seeing red; if someone put their hands on her he would kill them.
“Why the hell didn’t she say anything about it on the phone?”

“Stop yelling at me Gavin and calm the hell down!”

“Don’t tell me to calm down, tell me what the hell happened!”

“It’s not even that serious. You should see the other girl!”

“Other girl…What other girl yo?”

Sighing she knew she was going to hear it, “Listen I got into a fight with some girl today at the mall. She was talking shit and I handled it…Simple!”

Wrapping his arms around her waist he placed kisses all over her neck as he calmed down.

“You too are old to be fighting ma. That’s not cute and you know it. Don’t stoop to these hoes level you above that. You know better.”

“Yeah I hear you, but I’m not going to let no one disrespect me and think I’m going to be cool with that. Fuck out of here with that! She talked shit, and I taught her ass a lesson bet you she won’t talk again.”

“Ok…I hear it gangster.”

Laughing, “Oh shut up Gav!’

Becoming serious he stared into her eyes, “I missed you lil mama.”

“Aw I missed you too baby.”

Smiling hard
at her he placed another kiss on her lips and led her to kitchen, walking behind her with his arms still around her.

“Aw what’s all of this for baby?”

“Nothing…I need to have a reason to cook for my lil mama?”

“No. this is so sweet, can I help?”

“Let’s go baby, let’s see if you any good in the kitchen.”~~~~~

Joking around and laughing with each other, the
y prepared a simple meal cooked by the both of them: Aniya making the fried chicken and Gavin making the Shrimp stir fried with vegetables. They also made yellow rice and biscuits for the sides.

The night consisted of sweet conversation, lots of little kisses between the two, laughing and cuddling by the fire place watching movies to end the night. The altercation Aniya was in earlier was the furthest thing on her mind, th
at no longer mattered as she laid wrapped up in the arms of the man she was falling in love with.





ughout the passing weeks Aniya and Gavin love blossomed. They went from barely knowing each other to becoming friends, now they were lovers. He became an important person in her life. He was now a priority, she made sure she checked on him daily. Just like how she appreciated the little things so did he, she loved that about him. Each time they saw each other she would always get butterflies in her stomach, she looked forward to spending time with him. No matter who they were around or what they were doing he always made her feel special like she was the only girl in the world. He was very attentive too, whenever she talked he listened no matter what it was about, if she was sad he would go out of his way to make her happy again, he took care of all her needs. The day she gave him her body they didn’t just have sex, he not only made love to her body but also her mind and soul. Although she knew she was falling for him she tried to play it cool, but the heart wants what it wants. Him being so persistent didn’t help matters either; the wall that she had protecting her heart was slowly tumbling down. He did what no other guy was able to do, she questioned if this was love.

She knew it was only a matter of time before she was head over heels in love with him, she just hoped nothing went wrong.



Let the Games Begin….


Outgoing Text Message: I need you here. I have a job for you.

20 minutes later…

Incoming text message: When and What?

Outgoing text message: ASAP! When you get up here let me know! I’ll have everything ready.

Incoming text message: I’ll touch down soon…




The Meeting….


Aniya was a nervous wreck; she was going with Gavin to his parents’ house to have dinner. Today was the first time meeting them in person, she spoke to his mother once or twice when she called Gavin’s house. Today was a big deal she needed to make a good impression. She needed to get up and get ready but she couldn’t her nerves were getting the best of her, her stomach was turning and she was sweating. She told herself to relax but it wasn’t working. She wasn’t so much as fearful of meeting them; she just didn’t know how it would feel to be around them, an actual family. She only had Gia and Nic as friends and neither of their families we’re around. Gia and Gio’s mother abandon them with their grandma. Their grandmother got sick when Gio was seventeen so he had to step up and take care of his family. Robbing, stealing, and hustling he did anything to make sure his sister never needed for anything while continuing to go to school. Once their grandma passed Gio became more than a big brother he was basically Gia’s father figure. Nicole still had her father, her mother passed away while giving birthed to her, but her father was never around he was a workaholic; which left Nicole to fend for herself most of the time. Once she turned twenty-one her father moved to Miami but he continued to pay the rent on the house and put money in her account every couple of weeks.

niya’s parent’s death still takes a toll on her to this day; she hoped she would be able to make it through the dinner without losing her cool. She knew this would be slightly uncomfortable for her but this meeting of the family was big to Gavin. He told her he never thought he would find a girl he wanted to introduce to his parents. That changed once he met her. If this would make him happy she was willing to put her feelings aside for the night, just for him.

Walking in the room he saw Aniya sitting on the bed still in her pajamas deep in thought.

“Lil mama…..you good? I can already see you sitting here thinking too much,” he said once he sat down next to her.

“No I’m not, I’m fine. Just trying to see what I’m going to wear.”

“So you’re really going to sit here and try to lie to me?”

“Baby…I’m not lying. I’m serious.”

“Ma, stop it! I know you well enough to know when you’re not being honest with me.”

“Alright, fine Gav! I’m nervous. I don’t want to mess this up; I want things to be perfect. I know how much this means to you, but I can’t help but to feel a way.”

Pulling her close, he rested his chin on top of her head while encircling his arms around her.

ma? Talk to me, why you feel a way?”

“I don’t know Gav, I just do. I can’t help but to think about my parents.

“Aw damn baby, I didn’t think about that. I can cancel dinner, we don’t have to go,” he said remembering what Gio told him.

“No I’ll be okay. I don’t want to disappoint you; I know how much this means to you.”

“You can’t disappoint me! Are you sure though? We really don’t have to go I’ll understand and I know they will too baby.”

“No…no…no I’m fine I promise, we’re going and that’s the end of it! Plus I need to meet the lady who raised my baby,” she said as she looked up to him with a little smile.

Seeing her pucker her lips, he leaned down and kissed her. What should’ve been a short kiss turned in a deep long passionate French kiss. Lying back he pulled her on top of him. Full of desire for each other, they slowly removed each other clothes. He protected himself then pulled her down onto him, sliding into her wet valley.

They let their love making convey their feelings. She sat on top of him matching him stroke for stroke, when he lifted up she slammed her body down, when he pulled out she tighten her walls pulling him back into her. Feeling herself about to climax she yelled out telling him to cum with her, flipping her over he pounded harder, stroked deeper. Letting out an animalistic growl they release at the same time. Shivering they held onto each other trying to catch their breath.

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