All Girl

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Authors: Emily Cantore

Tags: #Erotica, #Lesbian, #Fiction

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Blind Date

Emily Cantore

Copyright 2012 Emily Cantore. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

Emily Cantore


[email protected]

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues in this book are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

Blind Date

As a divorced woman in her mid 30s, I am sure you can imagine the voracious sexual appetite that I might have. Having been shackled to a deviant, lying scumbag for over a decade, I finally freed myself nearly two years ago. The separation was extremely messy, and involved me moving out of the house we had shared for the entire duration of our marriage. Finding a new place wasn’t too difficult – I came across a wonderful apartment in the suburbs that suited me perfectly. It was close to my friends and not too far from my workplace. It was a dream come true, in fact, and I quickly settled in. I could eat what I wanted, when I wanted, watch whatever TV shows I wanted and was no longer obligated to entertain his annoying misogynist friends. My husband’s work schedule, dietary requirements and his insistence on watching the most inane drivel imaginable, was now somebody else’s problem. That said, living alone did leave me with a hole inside my heart. With no one to hold me in bed, to talk to me at dinner or walk with me along the beach as the sun set, I felt empty. It wasn’t just the lack of companionship, either. My loins were burning hot on an almost constant basis as I went weeks and then months without any physical contact.

My friends started to set me up on dates, sending me to dinner with their work colleagues, cousins and in one case, my best friend’s brother. Suffice to say, most of these encounters were a total bust. They were either rude, unattractive or just plain dull, and eventually it got to the point where I had nearly given up on the idea of ever having sex again. My trusty vibrator came out much more often as I lay on my bed at night, fantasising about being ravaged. I would regularly search for pictures and videos of people having sex. Each week seemed to present a new niche that I found myself interested in. One week it was watching couples fucking on webcams, other times I took a fancy to rough gangbangs. I thought I might wear my toy down to a nub with the amount of use I was getting from it. My sex life during my marriage had always been steady, but ultimately quite stale. We had sex in a few different positions, but reverse cowgirl was about as experimental as it got. Seeing all these strange and twisted fetishes on the internet had opened my eyes, and while I avoided some of the really bizarre stuff, I could help but be sucked in by the allure of, for example, gay porn. I had never even thought about it before, but the idea of two men having sex with each other really turned me on.

One night in particular, I was browsing a streaming video site and happened into the gay section. I watched a few videos, but none of them really enticed me. Then I noticed a similar category – lesbians. This was definitely new to me
A video began to play on my laptop as I rolled my fingers tips over my clitoris, with my bath robe spread at either side of my body. The curiosity was almost as exciting as the sexual content of the movie, and as I watched I began to get really turned on, and masturbated myself to a powerful orgasm.
I closed the laptop and drifted off to sleep.

The next day my friend Suzie was coming over for a glass of wine or two in the evening. She arrived in something of a tizzy, and after taking off her coat, she asked if she could quickly check her email. It turned out she was waiting for an online auction to close, and was hoping her bid had won. Thinking nothing more of it, I handed her the laptop and curled up on the sofa with my glass of wine. Suzie rested the laptop on her seat and frantically typed in the website address. I couldn’t see the screen, but I wasn’t particularly interested anyway. She began to type and then froze, glancing over at me with an odd smile. I took no notice as she tried to contain her implausible excitement.

“Did you win?” I asked, wondering what the fuss was about.

“Uh... no, I... erm... no, I didn’t win
” she stuttered. There was something fishy about her manner, but for the fear of her telling me more about the ornament she was bidding on, I let it rest. She put the laptop away and had a drink of wine, but wouldn’t stop staring at me all night. Eventually I gave in and asked, “What’s the matter with you?”

She giggled, and said “I think I might have another blind date for you...”

“Oh no, not another one. I can’t take any more disappointment!” I replied, cutting her off as she spoke.

“No no, I think this one might be a little more up your street.” She insisted, grinning like a crazy person.

I sighed, realising she was never going to relent. “Does this person have a name, then?” I asked.

“Yeah, it’s Casey” she responded, but I noticed the pitch of her voice wavered a little as she said it. I looked at her with an inquisitive stare, but she maintained her best poker face.

“Oh, go on then. Maybe this one won’t be completely useless in bed” I joked, and Suzie gave me a knowing grin, as if she was hiding something. The conversation veered into other areas for the rest of the night. The next day I received a text message asking if I was free the following Saturday. I said yes, and the date was set.

The Saturday came around quickly as I dre
aded wasting an entire evening o
n yet another dud. Still, on the vague off chance that it might be someone handsome, I spent hours picking out a dress, taking a long shower and applying the perfect amount of makeup to hide the odd wrinkle forming around my cheeks.
The dress was elegant and
velvety black with a large silky band around the waist. I stood in front of the mirror and admired my curvy hips and impressive cleavage – I still had it! I pushed my dark hair aside to attach my finest diamond earrings and stood in the kitchen with a small glass of wine as I waited for the buzzer to sound. While I lingered by the kitchen counter I wondered about the name, Casey. It seemed like a young person’s name. Has Suzie set me up with some young strapping lad who would bestow upon me the title of cougar? Only time would tell. I heard a car pulling up below, but as I lived on the third floor I could only see patches of the car park from my window. It was shielded by the canopy of trees in the gardens. The buzzer sounded and I supped the last of my wine as I darted out of the door and down to the main entrance.

When I arrived at the front door, I stepped outside and looked around the car park. A young woman was standing at the side of the door, and a couple was walking to their car at the far of the forecourt. The girl was nervously smiling and looking directly at me. She was quite beautiful; probably in her early 20s, maybe a college student. She had long, dirty blonde hair and was elegantly clad in a strapless navy blue dress that reached down to her ankles. She held a small purse in her left hand and reached out with her right, offering to greet me.

“Hi, I’m Casey.” She said. I stood in stunned silence for a moment as I thought about murdering Suzie. She must have seen some trace of the lesbian websites when she used my laptop, and assumed that I leaned that way.

“Uh... Helen.” I said, meeting her hand with mine as we shook. As I got closer I was struck by just how pretty she was. Her cute little smile was infectious and instantly the thought of calling Suzie in protest vanished from my mind. I was dressed up for the evening and had spent a little extra on getting my hair done, so not wanting to let that go to waste I decided to go on the date anyway.

I had booked us a table at the classy Pearl Beach restaurant, and as our taxi pulled up to the front, we stepped out into the chilly late evening breeze. The
maître d' showed us to our table and took our orders. The table was next to a large window which overlooked the ocean. It couldn’t have been a more perfect night as the bright full moon descended below the horizon, casting a bright sheen across the black sea water. The white sand was deserted and perfectly flat as the tide was just receding. It looked like a romantic postcard. We chatted for a while, talking about our interests and hobbies, but as our main course arrived the conversation turned a little more personal.

“So, Suzie told me you are divorced?” she said.

“Yes, I was tied down for twelve long, miserable years.” I responded, and she chuckled at my self-depreciating tone. Her long, freckled arms glistened in the moonlight, which cast a shadow between her perky breasts, emphasising their roundness. I tried not to stare, but
naughty thoughts were whispering in the back of my mind
. We began to talk about our exes, and as I listed mine a look of confusion crossed her face.

“So, are you bisexua
l, then?” she asked.

“No, I’ve always been straight.” I said, “Maybe that’s where I’ve been going wrong!”

She laughed as she tried to hide her disappointment. She was so adorable, trying to look as if it hadn’t fazed her, but she was clearly upset. I don’t know if it was because I empathised with her, or because I wanted the night to go further, but I suddenly decided to reveal a secret about my past that I had kept since I was in college.

“Well, I say always...” I said, “There was this one time in my college days...”

“What happened?” she said as the sparkle returned to her eyes.

“Well, my roommate and I got a little drunk one night and... well, we kissed.” I admitted.

She let out a burst of laughter, mocking my supposedly sordid revelation.

“Is that all?” she asked, “I was expecting something really filthy!”

I frowned and opened my mouth in pretend shock. She tried to contain her amusement, but as she looked at me again she erupted into a second giggling fit. I lifted my leg under the table and gently kicked her shin, adding “Hey! Well, I’m sorry if I can’t compete with your depraved sexual history!”

As my leg struck her she looked up and stared into my eyes as her laughter subsided. I watched her lips wrap delicately around the rim of her glass as she sipped some wine, and her gaze remained fixed on me. Her eyes lowered down to my cleavage as she lightly bit her bottom lip. I felt something brush past my leg and she threw me a sultry smile. I looked down under the table to see that she had slipped her shoe off, and her foot was resting in the air near my leg. A nervous excitement crept into my body. This was entirely new territory for me, but I had an undeniable urge to explore it. I kicked off my shoes and ran my right foot over her leg, looking around to make sure nobody was watching. The large cloth draped over the edges of the table, nearly touching the floor, so our activities were hidden from sight. A mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as I moved my foot gently up to her knee and then back down again. I made a few passes as we gazed longingly into each other’s eyes. My heart was racing and my hands were becoming clammy as we played footsie under the table. She placed her foot between my shins and ran it up the inside of my legs, sending a wave of goose bumps over my body. As she got to my knees she circled around the end of my inner thigh, and then pushed further towards me. I spread my legs a little wider as her foot rested on the seat between them, and placed my hand under the cloth. She pushed her toes up to my crotch and started to wiggle them around, rubbing them on my pussy. I felt the tickle of moisture forming around my labia as she pressed her toes against me, and ran my hands over the smooth skin of her ankles.

A waiter appeared out of nowhere to serve our desserts. Casey kept her foot in place, wriggling her toes around as I tried to compose myself. He laid the dishes on the table and left us alone. Casey had ordered a chocolate sundae, and as she held a spoonful of the cold ice cream to her mouth she stretched her tongue out and nudged at it suggestively. I smiled as she continued to play with my pussy under the table, holding her ankle with my left hand as I picked up one of my profiteroles with a fork.
I bit down into the soft
choux pastry, prompting a spurt of thick cream to shoot out over my cheek. Casey exploded with laughter again at the ridiculous innuendo, and I couldn’t help but titter along with her. I wiped the cream onto my finger and placed it onto my tongue as I sucked it off. It seemed that every move we made had some sexual connotation, although, with her foot wedged between my legs it would be hard not to see everything sexually. I was really getting turned on by this point, and it was getting beyond mere playing around. I had never felt those feelings for another woman before, let alone one so much younger than me, but I couldn’t deny that I wanted to go to bed with her. As we finished our desserts and kicked back with a cup of coffee, I asked “So... would you like to come back to my place?”

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