The Sea Maiden (12 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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Then Peter turned to Clifton who was still silent. Peter extended his hand out to Clifton.

“I apologize for coming down on you so hard was wrong of me.
  I understand you were simply following your employer’s instructions. I suppose I owe you my thanks for defending Lynnette and punching out that maggot for me.  I will have to thank Captain Drake for his involvement as well.”

After a moment Clifton shook his hand and nodded accepting his apology.

“You’re welcome.”

After more awkward silence Karina finally spoke.

“Well I really need to get to the jewelers Clifton.” Karina said breaking the silence.

Clifton had stopped on the way during Peter’s outburst.

“It’s just up ahead.” Clifton told her.

“Good…I need to take care of several things today.”

They stopped in front of Charley Hanson’s Jewelry Shop, Peter helped Lynnette off the carriage and Clifton helped Karina off. The girls went inside the jewelry shop. Peter and Clifton waited outside both feeling a little awkward with each other. Karina changed her mind about getting the ring sized she didn’t want the jeweler to know who she was in connection with the ring. It was more important for her to trade in Melissa’s jewelry so she could secure her expenses. As for the engagement ring she would simply ask for something to keep a ring from falling off, after all it was not her intention to keep the ring. Charley the jeweler attended her.

The door opened and another customer, a woman, came in she waited in the background while Karina conducted business with the jeweler explaining her urgent need to trade in the jewelry because she expected to travel overseas soon. They came to an agreement and Karina traded an earring and necklace set that had belonged to Melissa. The jeweler recognized that it was a rare piece and offered her only half of the original value; he would get much more for it and eagerly accepted the piece. Karina knew little about jewelry but was satisfied to know that the amount they agreed on was enough to live on for a few months so she accepted the jeweler’s price.

“Oh before I leave…” She brought out a pearl ring that had belonged to mother. It was a bit lose on her, “I have this ring that’s loose do you have something I can place on it until I get it sized down, I do not have time to leave it.”

“I have this ring guard that you can wear with it to keep it from falling off.”

“Oh that’s perfect what do I owe you?”

“No worries Miss it’s on the house.” Karina turned and smiled at Lynnette.

“Alright now I need to stop at Celia’s Dress Shop to get measured for the dress” Karina cringed.

“Why? If you’re not planning to get the dress?”

“It’s just a formality in case Lord Harmon checks if I got measured for the dress.” She whispered.

They walked past the woman customer waiting her turn to speak with the jeweler. With Peter’s assistance, they climbed back on the carriage and Clifton drove them to Celia’s shop two blocks away. Karina and Lynnette got off the carriage.

“We will wait here.”

“Lynnette perhaps you can wait here with Peter and Clifton so they will not get so impatient…I won’t be long, I promise.”

Karina went inside the shop alone and rang the bell at the counter. Celia, a middle aged woman, immediately came out.

“Hello can I help you?”

“Yes, I’m here to get measured for a bridal gown.”

“Alright my dear and what is your name?”

“Karina Pembroke.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you my dear. What is the date of your wedding?”

“Four Sundays from this Sunday.”

“Oh no that’s quite impossible for me dear. I have several orders ahead of you but I will see what I can do. What is the groom’s last name please?”


Celia looked up at her in amazement.

“Not Lord Gunther Harmon?”

Karina nodded with a smile. Celia gasped, after finding out the bride of the richest man in town was in her shop.

“Don’t worry Miss Pembroke your bridal gown will be my first priority. Do you have a specific fabric in mind?”


“Very well let me get you some samples, I have some beautiful fabrics.”

Celia rushed around looking for a pad to take notes and then went in the back to get fabric samples. She returned with a stack of fine white fabrics and printed dress designs, she anticipated spending a great deal of time getting all the details and answering questions. Karina picked up the top fabric then briefly scanned some of the designs.

“I like this fabric and that design. Can I get measured now?”

Celia’s mouth dropped open, new brides tended to spend hours and even days and weeks deciding on a gown. It was so out of the ordinary.

“Oh yes…this is a beautiful fabric dear, but the design calls for a lighter fabric.”

“Very well then you pick one.”

Celia blinked, Karina’s answers continued to surprise her.

“Very well than I suggest this fabric over here because it would work much better with that design unless you rather choose a different design?”

“No that fabric is fine. Alright now I’m ready for my measurements, I don’t mean to rush you but I have friends waiting outside and we’re very hungry.”

“Oh yes at once.”

Celia was puzzled with Karina’s casual attitude but she obeyed and began taking her measurements.  Once she wrote them all down, Celia said,

“Now I will show you some beautiful styles for the headpiece.”

“There’s more?”

“Why yes…I will show you some samples and the most beautiful designs.”

“Very well but please hurry.”

Celia hurried to the back once more. Lynnette came in,

“What’s taking so long? I thought you were just getting measured?”

“I was trying to hurry but now she wants to show me headpieces.”

The door to the shop opened, it was the same female customer that was at the jewelers. Deidra Wood a long time customer of the shop.

“Hello Celia I’m here for my measurements.” Deidra stated.

“Hello Deidra I will be right with you.” Celia answered from the back room.

“Good afternoon ladies.”

“Good afternoon.” The girls answered.

Celia came out with several sheer veils and headpiece styles and placed them on the counter for Karina to look over. Celia picked up one of the headpieces.

“This one is simply gorgeous!”

“Yes it is! Wonderful choice! Well looks like we’re done.
 Thank you so much Celia, you have been a great help; I’ll be back in touch with you soon. Well I have to run along now so you ladies have a good afternoon.”

“But won’t you try it on first?”

“No I trust your taste more than I trust mine. It was a pleasure doing business with you Celia, thank you so much, see you soon!”

“Well thank you for stopping by dear....and yes please be sure and come back for a fitting two Fridays from now.”

Celia wrote down the appointment on a sheet of paper and gave it to her

“Oh, thank you Celia, I will see you soon, have a pleasant afternoon.”

Karina and Lynnette smiled and walked out the door.

“You will be the most beautiful bride in town.” She told her as the door closed. “That was the oddest young bride I have ever met.”

“Who is she?”

“She’s Lord Gunther Harmon’s bride-to-be.”

In shock, Deidra turned at once toward Karina outside.

“Are you serious? My goodness she’s certainly a young beauty.” Deidra walked over to the window for a better look. “She was also at the jewelers; she seemed to be trading in some jewelry. I overheard her say that she was going on a long voyage over seas….Hmm.” Deidra said sounding suspicious.

“Well, she was probably referring to the honeymoon.”

“Yes. That’s probably it.”

The two women went about their business but Deidra remained unconvinced. Karina, however, was happy that part of her plan was accomplished. Now she just needed to secure her passage on a ship and hire Peter as her guide.

“Well it’s nearly half past 5 o’clock Clifton is there a quiet, clean Inn were we might dine without riff raff drunk seamen?”

Karina gasped placing her fingers over her lip upon remembering that Peter was a seaman and apologized immediately.

“Forgive me Peter, I meant no offense.”

“None taken.”

“By the way Peter, I need to speak to you in private before you go back to the ship tonight.”

“Fine, I’m not due back on the Sea Maiden until 6:00 in the morning.”

“Excellent!” She turned toward Clifton. “Very well Clifton shall we?”

Clifton took them to the home of an elderly couple, who served simple but appetizing meals for the locals in their beautiful garden, no one else was there. It was perfect she thought.

“Lynnette I need your help. I need to speak to Peter but I don’t want Clifton to be aware of my plans.”

“You don’t have to worry about Clifton, Karina. He’s as good as gold; you can trust him I promise.”

“Are you sure?”

“Absolutely, he might even help.”

“Very well then, but let’s eat first I’m famished.”

The elderly attendants brought them tea, hot chicken soup, warm bread, baked fish, steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. Then after they finished eating Karina turned to Clifton.

“Clifton I’m going to talk to Peter about something sensitive that I had not planned for you to hear; but Lynnette assures me I can trust you not to say anything especially to Lord Harmon.
  Do I have your word?”

“Yes of course Miss Karina.” He nodded.

“Very well.”

Karina turned to Peter waiting patiently sitting back with his arms crossed. He lit up with a warm smile and raised his head eye brows.

“Peter perhaps Lynnette mentioned my dilemma…that I am here because I am to be engaged to Lord Harmon tomorrow evening.”

“Well she only mention you were in trouble and needed help…she didn’t say what…but I’m guessing you don’t want to marry the old pervert.”

Peter said it so casually even Clifton let out a chuckle, as did Lynnette. Karina herself couldn’t help smiling.

“Well it’s not how I would say it but yes you’re right about the rest, I don’t want to marry him.”

“So you want me to help you escape, is that it?”

Karina hesitated for a moment and nodded her head.

“Yes. I will compensate you well for your troubles of course. Will you help me?”

Peter sat back and scratched his head.

“What do you have in mind?”

“Well originally I thought you could ask your Captain to allow me to be a passenger on board his ship but now that I learned that Lord Harmon is Captain Drake’s
half-brother I think it would be a conflict of interest. So I wanted to ask if you could help me find another ship and captain traveling to New England or the American coast and help me reserve my passage….and be my personal guide and companion the entire journey.”

Peter raised his eyebrows in amazement, a beautiful woman wanted to pay him to be her companion, if only his friends back home were here. If he had not already fallen madly in love with Lynnette he would surely not pass this up, however he didn’t like the idea of transferring to another ship.

“Well the other ships are not going directly to New England they’re going to South America, West Indies, India, and France. Why do you want to travel to New England?”

“My brother lives there.”

“Does he know that you’re coming?”

“No. Actually I don’t even know if he’s alive. My father only disclosed him to me a few days ago. Father told me he lives in New England.
  He wanted me to know about him in case I might need his help. Perhaps he’s not totally comfortable with me marrying Lord Harmon and thought I should know about his existence.”

“I see. Well unfortunately,
 the Sea Maiden is also not traveling directly to New England; she is headed to the Yucatan Peninsula to pick up a load of cocoa and other spices.  There was a ship that was traveling to the Chesapeake Bay but it already left anyway the Captain is a crook; most of them are to be honest with you.  I signed on to the Sea Maiden, because I heard the Captain was a fair man, I have been sailing with him over a year and so far no complaints. I don’t know everything about the Captain but we get on well and he has been gradually assigning me more responsibilities. He’s building another ship and he told me he wanted trustworthy crew members like me to run it. I would like to own my own ship some day so I would like to stay where I am.”

“Then you will not help me?”

Peter leaned forward.

“Look I have an idea, the Captain dismissed that slime, Remus Wilkes yesterday, he’s going to need to replace him and soon because we sail out next Wednesday. I can get you some boots and some men’s clothes and-”

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