The Sea Maiden (4 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“Karina, Karina, open the door!”

It was now close to sunset as viewed through the large balcony window. Karina missed dinner and was ignoring the knocking. Lynnette continued to knock until she got a response from Karina.

“What is it? Is something wrong?” Karina asked in a sleepy voice.

As Karina opened the door, Lynnette bolted through closing and locking the door behind her, and then pushed Karina against the bedside, forcing her to sit.

“I have something to tell you!”


She thought it was probably something to do with Peter.

“After you left the table this afternoon, Darlene overheard something while she was cleaning the kitchen.”


“She heard Lord something, who visited your father, say that the social gathering he was having next Saturday was perfect timing for announcing the engagement.”

“You mean Lord Harmon?”


“What engagement?”



“He’s announcing his engagement to YOU! Apparently your father has given your hand in marriage to him.” Lynnette declared.

“ME! That’s ridiculous Lynnette, that man is three times my age, father would never do that to me. Why do you believe they were referring to me? Was my name mentioned?”

“Well, I don’t know, I wasn’t present, but Darlene was!”

“Darlene is a gossiper; she probably said this to get attention.”

“Well then why not ask her yourself?”

“Very well I shall.”

Both girls went looking for Darlene in the maid’s quarters downstairs. Darlene was a middle-aged woman prone to gossip and nearly dismissed because of it once. After Gunther left, Charles dined alone in his study; Karina slept through it so most of the serving staff finished early and had retired to their rooms. A few fluttering candles lit the dim hallway to Darlene’s door. Karina knocked.

“Darlene its Karina, please open the door.”

“Yes miss?”

“Darlene, I’m sorry to disturb you but I need to ask you something. I need you to tell me what you heard this afternoon when my father had a visitor.”

Afraid of saying anything that would cause her dismissal, Darlene denied having heard anything.

“I didn’t hear anything important Miss.” Darlene lied.

“Darlene, I heard you tell the others that an engagement would be announced next Saturday, who were they speaking about?” Lynnette demanded

“I don’t have to answer to you girl.” Darlene smirked.

“But you do have to answer to me Darlene.” Karina stated flatly.

Darlene regretted having opened her mouth, feeling scolded she looked down and answered meekly.

“I believe they spoke of your engagement to Lord Harmon Miss.”

Karina blinked.

”Did you hear my name mentioned?”

“No Miss.”

“So you’re not sure it was me they spoke of.”

“No Miss.”

“Then why did you tell the others they spoke of me?”

“Because Lord Harmon said, ‘she will make a stunning bride with such beautiful long blond hair, and your father agreed and said you resembled your mother.”

After hearing this, Karina became very distressed and decided to confront her father it was the only way to be sure. Darlene, fearful that she would lose her position begged Karina not to tell her father what she overheard. Karina assured her that her name would not be mentioned and told Lynnette to stay downstairs while she talked to her father in private and find out the truth. Lynnette anticipating her meeting with Peter at sunset decided to stay just a few minutes besides she didn’t want to be the first to arrive. Karina knocked on her father’s bedroom door but he didn’t answer, then she pushed opened the door, but he was not there. She returned to the study and found him sitting in his chair starring out the window at the sunset. The sky glowed red orange and clouds appeared violet purple, it was quite a spectacular site.

Piqued with curiosity Lynnette followed her to the study to try and listen.


“Isn’t it a beautiful sunset? Like a beautiful painting, God is a great artist.” Charles said.

“Father, I have a question about what is going to be announced at Lord Harmon’s next Saturday.”

Charles dreaded this moment but he had to tell her sooner or later. He turned to face her and in his firmest voice he said,

“There are some things you need to know first. They are all difficult to speak of so I was waiting for the right moment but it seems there is never a right moment. The doctors have advised me to get my affairs in order.”

“Why? What’s wrong father?”

He was silent for a moment.

“As you already know my health has been declining and the doctors told me that I have a deteriorating medical condition rapidly advancing from organ to organ. According to these medical experts I’m not expected to live past Christmas” Charles informed her.

Alarmed, Karina raised her hand to her lips and tears began streaming down her cheek. She had been aware of her father’s failing health but not to such an extent. Outside the study Lynnette covered her mouth with her hand in shock.

“Father there must be something that can be done! I-”

“Karina please! Let me finish there is something more I need to tell you. Last summer pirates intercepted two of my best ships carrying a great amount of supplies to the American coast. The losses were staggering. I have not been able to fully recover financially due to my poor health. My creditors, clients and suppliers are demanding payment but Lord Harmon has agreed to help because we are nearly ruined, with my advancing illness I have an easy way out but you who I most wanted to protect will be the one left nearly bankrupt if we don’t make certain plans or the eager vultures will be circling in wait…so I had to make a hard decision that I fear, you as a young girl, will not understand. I only hope that in time you see the logic in my decision and forgive me. Lord Harmon came here today because he has agreed to marry you. He plans to announce the engagement next Saturday. We have agreed for the wedding to take place in four Sundays. That’s why we must go.”

Karina, stood there stunned, her teary face stared at him in disbelief.

“Father I cannot marry that man!”

“The decision has been made! You will be Lord Harmon’s wife!”

“No father, I will not marry him!”

“YOU WILL!” Charles lost his temper and slammed his fist down on the desk. Karina began sobbing uncontrollably as she knelt at her fathers’ feet sitting in his chair. “I told you we are nearly bankrupt! Gunther is a successful business man who knows the shipping business well, he will provide for you and save you from ruin. He’s our only hope.”

Karina sobbed quietly for a moment then said,

“God please let me wake from this nightmare….father I don’t want to lose you or go against you but please don’t make me marry a man I don’t love or will ever love. There has to be some other way.”

Charles expected this kind of reaction from her and had to be firm and resist any tears that might weaken his resolution he needed to be away from her so he stood up with some effort.

“I’m sorry Karina, but there is no other way I’m an old man whose life will soon be over but you have a future.”

“A future with a man I don’t love? Father how can you do this to me?” Karina nearly shouted.

“I will not have my only daughter living on the street at the pray of criminals. Gunther is the richest and most successful shipper I know. He can keep us from losing everything. You are young and he is old! You will outlive him soon and then u will have your freedom but as a woman of title, wealth and power!” Charles started moving away from her. “Without this arrangement you will not only condemn yourself to a life of misery and poverty but also that of Lynnette’s, her mother, brothers as well as the rest of the staff. Some of them are too old to be re-employed. Are you so selfish that you would allow this to happen?”

In tears, Karina knelt as father turned away from her wanting to put distance between them. In truth she had not thought how this would affect Lynnette and the others whose lives depended on their employment at Pembroke Hall. Karina’s lower lip pulsed in anguish; slowly she rose to her feet looking for a sign of sympathy from her father but didn’t find one.

Charles also felt troubled and needed to hide from his daughter. He rang for Nate his long time butler and caregiver.

“Nate, if you can please escort me to my room I’m not up to the challenge of climbing those dreaded stairs on my own.”

“Yes sir.”

With a heavy heart he walked passed Karina aided by Nate and his walking stick. Karina followed her father out of the study sobbing behind him, her hand shielding her eyes, then stood and watched her father and Nate climb the stairs to his room hoping for a change of heart. Once in his room Charles collapsed into his bedside chair, with his breathing labored from the climb up the stairs. Nate prepared his bed. Charles told him he preferred to sit a while and requested some hot tea. Karina went to her room wanting to be alone.

Sunset Encounter


Upon hearing Lord Pembroke ring for Nate, Lynnette bolted from the door to the study it was now half hour past sunset and she went to meet Peter as agreed who was probably already waiting for her. She was upset for Karina but excited to meet with Peter, she told herself she would only allow a short conversation with him.

Lynnette went to tell her mother Karina was not well and would be spending time with her in her quarters then she put her black hood on and left to meet Peter by the trees behind the stable.  She saw the blue scarf tied by the fence. She looked around to make sure no one was watching and went toward the trees.  She walked a little and was about to call for Peter when he surprised her by pulling her up against a tree and kissing her passionately.


“I’ve been waiting forever….my time is short. Kiss me!”

Peter slowly brought them both down to a kneeling position until they lied flat on the soft grass.
  Lynnette was lost in the passionate kiss, so much for a short conversation, she thought but she was still determined to leave before things escalated, after all she might never see him again except in her dreams.

Charles Secret


Charles hated himself for causing his child so much distress by forcing a marriage on her, and he had not told her everything yet but today’s drama was enough for one night. He had yet to tell her about her half-brother Jonathan living in America, the illegitimate son, he had kept secret.

Jonathan Williams was born as a result of brief affair Lord Pembroke had with a serving girl at a local Inn while traveling to America. Charles was 25 years old at the time and engaged to be married to his first wife, Melissa, upon his return to England. Melissa came from a very wealthy family. Charles knew he had to keep his illegitimate child in complete secrecy. After his marriage to Melissa, they found out, she was barren, Melissa was heartbroken. They had been married nearly 30 years when she died. Charles had hoped to have strong sons by her to help him run the business and leave behind a legacy but had given up this fantasy instead Charles began frequenting the boy he fathered in America. He provided for both the boy and his mother in the early years and ensured the boy got an education; but due to the distance and circumstances surrounding his existence Charles visited the boy less and less as the years passed. Even after Melissa’s death he continued to keep Jonathan a secret in fear that his wife’s family members would break business ties with him if they found out he had been unfaithful to his wife. Charles decided to keep things as they were after all Jonathan was across the sea. Jonathan grew up grateful for his father’s low-key influence, it helped open many doors for him but felt a personal rejection by him for failing to acknowledge him as his son. Jonathan now in his 50’s had a family of his own. He became successful businessman, and considered a fair man in his community. Charles had his regrets over not being a better father to him but he could not change the past.

Inconsolable, Karina still dressed lied down on her bed and curled up in a fetal position. She wondered how she might manage to live through this, prayed she might only be having a bad dream and wake up soon. This was surreal to her like it was happening to someone else. Her eyes grew moist and she clutched her pillow close to her wishing it would all go away. About two hours later, she heard a knock on her door. The door opened and Lynnette stepped inside the room and gently closed the door behind her. Karina didn’t acknowledge her.               Lynnette lied down next to her, and tenderly removed a long strand of hair off of Karina’s face. Aware of her friend’s distress; she wished she could help in some way but for now remained silent and didn’t press her for details, nor tell her about Peter’s visit. She would just wait until Karina was ready to open up to her. She hated seeing her this way; Karina was normally cheerful and enthusiastic. After Karina fell asleep Lynnette quietly left the room.

The Letter

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