The Sea Maiden (7 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“Father I believe we have arrived.”

“Thank goodness. I hope to get into a soft bed as soon as possible I fear this trip has aggravated my condition.”

Harmon Hall


The carriage slowly came to a stop, a line of servants waited for them to emerge from within the carriage. Lord Harmon who had just been informed of their arrival began approaching ready to greet them. In a moment of panic Karina pushed Lynnette before her but Lynnette withdrew also intimidated by the line of servants awaiting them outside. Karina took a deep breath and boldly stepped out first. A footman took her hand and helped her off the carriage. Lord Harmon stepped up and took her hand after and greeted Karina by placing a kiss on the back of her hand.

“My dear Karina, you look stunning, I’m very happy to see you, your father and your lovely companion.” Lord Harmon turned toward Lynnette. “You must be…?” Gunther asked.


Lynnette placed her hand over her growling stomach. Gunther chuckled.

“Lord Harmon this is my good friend Lynnette Attoms.” Karina quickly added.

Gunther placed a kiss on the back of Lynnette’s hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you my dear, I knew you would all be famished so we have refreshments for you inside while dinner is being prepared.”

He smiled at Lynnette who was also a striking beauty, with dark hair, vanilla skin and brilliant green eyes, in contrast to Karina’s golden tone. He marveled at the thought of having two beautiful young women in his home.

He directed his staff to lead the girls inside. Charles appeared ill; Nate and a footman assisted him off the carriage. Gunther turned to greet him.

“Charles my old friend I’m glad to see you here but it seems the trip has been hard on you.”

“Hello Gunther, yes it was a lengthy trip and I am a bit winded.”

“I did anticipate this and have prepared a room for you downstairs. If you would prefer to go there now I can have refreshments brought to you?”

“Thank you for you hospitality Gunther. I think I would very much like to rest on a proper bed to recover if you don’t mind, please forgive me for not being better company.”

“Understandable my friend”

Gunther signaled a red haired young man to assist Charles while Nate removed the carriage. Clifton, his 19-year-old errand boy and bodyguard, came at once.

“Clifton, take Lord Pembroke to the room prepared for him across the study.”

“Yes sir.”

Clifton, a mild mannered, young man, tall, strong and capable of lifting the old man should he need to came to assist. Meanwhile, Karina and Lynnette admired Harmon Hall. The floors and staircase were a light marble and an enormous chandelier hung over the entrance. Unlike the dark and gloomy Pembroke Hall, Harmon Hall showed bright and inviting. The windows were dressed in heavy gold satin drapery over translucent white ones for the daylight hours. Servants carried their belongings up the stairs to the rooms prepared for them. The girls followed behind them and ran their hands up the mahogany wood banister that felt warm and smooth as butter, in sharp contrast to the cold hard iron rail along the stone staircase at Pembroke Hall. Karina felt genuinely impressed with Lord Harmon’s obvious good taste.

The staff showed the girls to their rooms. Karina’s room had an endless ceiling, cream-colored walls, and a contrasting dark fireplace with a large bay window, light satin drapes, plenty of light and a beautiful view of the ocean. Unlike the entrance and hallway the room had warm wood floors. The canopy over the bed was of sheer white curtains and the bed looked soft and inviting with thick fluffy pillows that had matching white covers and tiny hand embroidered gold Fleur De Leaf throughout the material.
  She fell back on the bed, the power of this place was overwhelming, crazy for even thinking of leaving, if not for the fact that she would be living here with Lord Harmon instead of her father. She shuddered at the thought, like a golden web she needed to get away soon or be trapped forever. She went over to Lynnette’s room next door. Karina knocked.

“Lynnette! Are you there?”

“Yes, come in”

Lynnette lied sprawled across the floral covers of an apparently very soft bed that also had a canopy with lace curtains; her room too had creamy walls, a fireplace and a smaller window with a balcony, with a partial view of the ocean.

“It’s so beautiful here I have never seen anything like it …not that it’s more appealing than Pembroke Hall but…” Lynnette said than tried to amend her outburst. Both girls looked at each other and laughed.

“Yes it is.”

“Oh how I wish mother was here to see this she would die. I almost rather stay here and never go back now.”

“Yes it’s beautiful but to live here means I will lose my freedom and endure a life with a man I find totally unacceptable.”

“True but it would make life easier to bear.”

“Oh really well how would you like it if it were you locked away here never to see Peter again…” Karina whispered in her ear, “And have to kiss Lord Harmon, sleep with him and bear his children?”

“Ewe…no thank you I much rather go back to Pembroke Hall.”

“Good then you see my point. Even if the cage is made of gold it’s still a cage.”


“Well for the time being we must go join Lord Harmon for some refreshments.”

“You never told me what your plan is, do you have one?”

“Of course I have one but we will talk about it later. Right now let’s go eat, I’m famished.”

“Yes, so am I.”

Both girls went downstairs to meet with Lord Harmon but briefly went to check on her father. Lord Pembroke slept soundly in the guest room prepared for him, downstairs, down a long hallway across from the study near the kitchen. The room’s decor suited male guests with dark drapes and bed covers. A fireplace and a window on each side of the bed provided the room’s greatest appeal; the drapes were drawn so that Lord Pembroke could rest. A tray with fresh corn biscuits and pot of tea were on a small table near the bed.

“Don’t worry Miss I will be checking on him.” Nate said.

Karina felt a new found appreciation for this quiet, mild mannered man, always at her father’s beck and call. It was fortunate to have him at her father’s bedside.

“Thank you Nate, what would we do without you?”

“You’re welcome Miss”

They all quietly left the room. Karina and Lynnette went to join Lord Harmon for refreshments on the other side of the house. They needed to show their appreciation. As they entered the hallway the intoxication aroma coming from the kitchen fueled the girls hunger. The clock struck 3:00 O’clock; it would be an eternity till dinner.

“I see you have honored me with your presence please have a seat. These corn biscuits are freshly baked and are simply delicious with some butter and honey. There is also lemonade and hot tea. The staff is busy preparing dinner I was unsure of your arrival time so I had them start early but you arrived much sooner than I anticipated, they are now preparing dinner but in the mean time I hope this will hold you over.”

“Thank you Lord Harmon you’re a most gracious host.” Said Karina

“It smells simply delicious, thank you very much may I take a biscuit?” Said Lynnette

“Why yes of course my dear, whatever your heart or should I say your stomach desires.”

Lynnette’s eyes seemed bigger than usual; she selected two golden biscuits with a slab of butter and dripped some honey over her biscuits. Karina also took a biscuit, and lemonade, when she reached for a second biscuit Lord Harmon said,

“Karina my dear, perhaps you should wait to have a second biscuit at dinner. Arlene has prepared grilled salmon in lemon butter it will be simply delicious. I wouldn’t want you to lose that slender figure I admire so much.” He chuckled.

Karina withdrew her hand instantly, feeling scolded.

“Yes of course, I can wait.”

“So tell me about your trip.”

“Well there really isn’t much to tell it was quite tedious, father mostly slept. Lynnette and I chatted and enjoyed the scenery. The countryside is breathtaking it reminded me of my horse, Thunder. Lynnette and I go riding almost daily if the weather permits it. Perhaps tomorrow Lynnette and I can go riding early?”

“Hmm…riding horses that’s quite a masculine practice and can be dangerous for young ladies like you, I must confess I’m not partial to the idea.”

“Well, Lord Harmon I can assure you Lynnette and I are experienced riders for 5 years now. My father-”

“I’m afraid most of the horses here are work horses and are not accustomed to being ridden for sport. In time I would prefer that you become more familiar with the arts and home decor which is more becoming for a lady. Also after we are wed we will be traveling right away and we will be home very little.”

“I see.”

Karina and Lynnette exchanged glances as they sipped their drinks. A knock on the door alerted them; the butler announced the arrival of Dr. Carrington who Lord Harmon had summoned earlier to the house to check on Lord Pembroke after he reported feeling ill.

“If you will excuse me ladies I have some business to attend to.”

Gunther left the girls to their thoughts, which were not pleasant ones for Karina.

“So not only do I get my food monitored but now I’m to give up riding my horse too. He’s out of his mind if he thinks I shall humbly be his showpiece content with decorating!” Karina said angrily. She took a deep breath, “But for now I will simply be agreeable and smile a lot. He must not sense me to be a rebel.”

Then she deliberately reached for another biscuit and gave it a large bite but was too upset to finish the rest. Lynnette quietly listened to her vent then said.

“Karina now that we’re alone can you please tell me what exactly is your plan?”

Too distracted and upset, Karina tried to repeat what she had gone over in her mind during the trip but told Lynnette she first needed to be filled in on her father’s condition. Since nobody addressed her she decided to go find out for herself.

“I will tell you later Lynnette let me check on father first. It bothers me that Lord Harmon summoned a doctor but didn’t feel it necessary to inform me of my own fathers care.” 

Dr. Carrington examined Lord Pembroke, he told Gunther that Lord Pembroke was very ill and should not have traveled.

“He’s in a lot of pain and discomfort I will give him a sedative to help him sleep and numb the pain…he will likely sleep through a hurricane tonight.” Nate was standing nearby and saw the vile Dr. Carrington gave Lord Harmon. “You can give this one to him tomorrow night if necessary.”

“What if one, more night is not enough?” Gunther asked.

“Very well I will write you a prescription. Don’t exceed more than one vile per night. You know where to reach me if you need me?”

Dr. Carrington picked up his medicine bag and declined Lord Harmon’s invitation to stay for dinner on account of several more house calls he needed to make. Karina approached Dr. Carrington in the hallway before he left wondering why Lord Harmon had not involved her in her father’s medical care. She introduced herself to him.

“Dr. Carrington I am Lord Pembroke’s daughter, Karina, how is my father?”

“Pleasure to meet you my dear, your father is sleeping for the time being, but he’s very ill the best I can do for him now is make him comfortable, with the medication I gave him, he will be more rested tomorrow. Now if you will excuse me my dear, Lord Harmon, I must be on my way, have a good evening.”

A servant helped the doctor with his coat and escorted the white haired doctor to his carriage. Karina worried over her father’s condition it disturbed her that Lord Harmon called the doctor without consulting her. Perhaps she was being too hard and should be grateful Lord Harmon called the good doctor. At least her father received medical attention and was resting. Her plan required leaving her father in his present condition; however, according to Lord Harmon after the wedding, which would take place within 30 days, they would be traveling immediately so either way she would be away from him. More determined than ever Karina knew she only had a small opportunity to get away from such a controlling man and find her brother Jonathan and intended to take it.

Lynnette joined Karina in the hallway and both made their way to Charles bedside who was snoring gently. Karina pulled the covers around her father and kissed his forehead. Nate had dosed off in a comfortable looking chair nearby. The sun started to set, and Karina wanted to distance herself from Lord Harmon as much as possible. She and Lynnette made their way up to the guest room so Karina could finish telling Lynnette her escape plan. Once inside the room she closed the door and checked the room to make sure they were alone.

“Lynnette it’s very important you don’t tell anyone my plans, understood!” Lynnette nodded, “After dinner tonight, I will tell Lord Harmon that you and I need to get some alterations and some sewing supplies and that you need to visit a tailor shop as well to get some clothes altered for your brothers and we would like to go to town very early tomorrow morning. This way we could be back before dinner tomorrow evening.”

“But we don’t know where anything is?”

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