The Sea Maiden (9 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“I thought you said they don’t get along”

“For business purposes they do but they are on the chilly side. Captain Drake was only invited to the party because he was already scheduled to come deliver the documents on Saturday, his ship leaves next week, also Lord Harmon knows that Captain Drake is a social favorite, admired by the ladies and respected by the gentlemen.”

Lynnette wanted to get a feel for Captain Drake to report to Karina what she thought the chances were that the Captain might allow her to travel along.

“So he’s handsome?”

“Well he is popular with the ladies, and is considered a capital fellow by the gentlemen.”

“I see so Captain Drake is well liked?”

“Yes, and he’s considered a just man.”

“Would you say the same of Lord Harmon?”

Clifton remained silent, then, changed the subject and said,

“It would be best if you put on your hood. There is a tavern up ahead; seamen can be a bit rough this time of the day.”

Lynnette did as he suggested, obviously Clifton didn’t view his employer as favorably as he did his younger brother and would not comment any further regarding his employer.

“So is Captain Drake a friendly fellow?”

“Yes, well liked by his crew and his business associates. He’s considered firm but fair.”

“I see, well I look forward to meeting him then.” An unpleasant combination of smells caused Lynnette to crinkle her nose as they reached the harbor. Lynnette changed the subject; she turned toward the ships anchored by the dock. “Is that
 the Sea Maiden?” She pointed.

“No, that’s
 the Lark; the Sea Maiden is too large to come into these shallow waters she’s anchored off shore. I will show you in a little.”

“Then how does one get on or off of it?”

“They use a row boats to go back and forth; that’s the Sea Maiden over there.”

Clifton pointed to a large ship with the figure of a woman on the bow coming into view as they passed more ships. It was early dusk and the sunset made the sky glow red. Lanterns now lit up the ships Lynnette sat up, her eyes big with curiosity and a grin.

“He’s a lucky man.”


“Who ever the lad is aboard the Sea Maiden that drove you to come to the harbor so late.”

“Don’t be silly you drove me.” She said trying to hide the obvious truth. Clifton just smiled to himself, “Alright, I admit it; I have a friend by the name of-”

“Peter De Marco?” Clifton interrupted.

“Yes! You know him?” She gasped.

“No, you mentioned him earlier.”

“Oh, yes of course. Alright…I confess I came here hoping to see him.”

“Well we will be meeting with the Captain in a little; perhaps he knows his whereabouts tonight.”

“Are we going aboard the ship?”

“I don’t think so, Captain Drake is likely to be on shore at this hour at one of the…um…” He turned away in search for alternative words, “ …establishments nearby.”

“What kind of establishments?”

“Places where seamen go to drink and…..visit with ladies of the night.” Clifton blushed.

“ a tavern?”

“Ah…yes something like that.”

Clifton worried about having to leave her outside while he went inside to look for Captain Drake. They came to a stop in front of
 The Siren’s Call, a local bordello and tavern. 

“Please keep your hood on and don’t speak to anyone until I return.”

He came out almost as fast as he went in. They rode to three more establishments until they reached The Red Dawn, another local tavern and bordello at the far end of the harbor. There were some disturbing characters outside the tavern and this time he decides not to leave Lynnette alone.

“C’mon, stay close and don’t speak to anyone.”

“Am I going inside with you?”

“Yes, just inside the door. Keep your hood on and your face down.”

They stepped inside there was singing and loud laughter, profane talk and a strong smell of rum and spirits. Lynnette peaked out from beneath her hood just enough to see women sitting on men’s laps drinking and laughing together, some got their bottoms slapped as they served drinks. Suddenly she was yanked back by a dirty looking, bearded drunk reeking of spirits.

“Hello pretty lass give us a kiss.”

Lynnette was startled and jumped back but the man snaked a dirty arm around her waist and pulled her toward him when another man stepped in and punched him square in the face causing him to fall back pulling Lynnette down with him, she screamed and suddenly everyone’s eyes focused on them. Lynnette was whisked up by Clifton who had delivered the powerful blow. As they turned and hurried to leave the click of a pistol was heard from the floor, the disgruntled drunk raised the barrel of his pistol and was about to fire upon them when a second click was heard and a deep masculine voice said,

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you Wilkes.”

The barrel of the second man’s pistol was cocked directly at the scorned man’s head.

“Captain Drake! I was just defending me’ self, did you not see? The man attacked me, struck me he did!” Remus Wilkes, a seaman aboard
 the Sea Maiden, claimed.

At the mention of Captain Drake’s name, Lynnette spun around to look at the man holding the second pistol in complete shock. It was
 him, Lord Gunther’s half-brother, Peter’s employer and the Captain of the Sea Maiden, Lynnette was in aw of his striking appearance so unlike his half-brother, she was mesmerized.

“You assaulted his lady companion and he defended her, I would have done the same! As of this moment you’re no longer a part of my crew, I will not tolerate murderers aboard my ship, now put the weapon down and get out!”

Remus hesitated. The room went silent.

“Get out or be carried out.” He repeated in a low menacing voice.

Rebelliously Remus didn’t put down the pistol. Captain Drake fired his pistol just past Remus’s head; Remus jumped up and ran out the door dropping his pistol. Lynnette and the other women screamed at the gun fire. Captain Drake picked up the pistol and looked up, all eyes on him and the gun powder lingering in the air.

“My apologies to everyone for the disturbance you can all go back to your drinks now.” He told the crowd.

Frustrated at the unwanted attention he shouted,

“I said get back to your drinks! Melanie! Pass a round of spirits for everyone…on me!”

Cheering, clapping and crashing glass sounded through the tavern. “To the Captain!” They cheered. While the crowd cheered and lifted their mugs in the air in appreciation, Captain Drake turned his attention to Lynnette who was still visibly shaken.

“My apologies Miss are you alright?”

“Y-yes I’m fine thank you.” Lynnette stuttered.

The truth was she was as stunned by what just happened as she was at the unexpected encounter with
 the Captain of the Sea Maiden who was also Lord Harmon’s half-brother and Peter’s employer, all the same man. Then Captain Drake turned to Clifton.

“Clifton what the devil are you doing here so late with this young woman?”

“Looking for you Captain.”

“What the hell for?”

“The documents sir.”

“The documents? Good Lord Clifton I told Gunther I was delivering them tomorrow!” Captain Drake shook his head in dismay and turned to a nearby serving girl. “Melanie bring us wine and some tea and biscuits for the young lady over to the back booth.” The serving girl escorted them to a booth at the back of the tavern. Once seated Captain Drake began to question Clifton, “Now why would Gunther send you for documents he knows I will not entrust to anyone, especially when he knows I planned on bringing them to him on Saturday? And what possessed you to bring this young woman along at this hour?”

Before Clifton could answer, Captain Drake realized he was ignoring the young woman, and turned to Lynnette.

“Please forgive me Miss I didn’t mean to go on as if you weren’t present.” He extended his hand to her. “I’m
 Eric Drake, Captain of the Sea Maiden, at your service and who might you be?”

“She’s Lord Harmon’s guest.” Clifton answered.

“I asked her not you!” Captain Drake snapped.

“Pardon me Captain, I meant no disrespect and thank you for your intervention, my apologies for interrupting your dinner.”

Captain Drake turned back to Lynnette.

“My name is Lynnette Attoms, I am a friend and companion of Karina Pembroke, Lord Harmon’s betrothed. I am so grateful for your assistance tonight Captain, thank you so much.” Lynnette said still sounding a bit shaken.

The serving girl brought them their drinks and biscuits.

“Pleasure to meet you Miss Attoms, glad I could help. I did hear about the engagement...I was rather surprised. However this is a dangerous place for a young lady like yourself I suggest you not come here with Clifton or anyone else again, understood?”

“Yes Captain I will never come back here again.”


Captain Drake raised his mug to her and nodded then sat back and took a drink. He wondered if Clifton and Lynnette were romantic but didn’t want to pry. If this was Clifton’s idea of a courting her he was out of his mind bringing her on one of his late night errands. He turned to Clifton.

“Well after what just happened I cannot in good conscious let the two of you travel back to Harmon Hall at this hour. All my men are scattered or drunk; you will have to spend the night aboard the ship. In the future I suggest you travel lighter. If you were part of my crew I would throw you in the hold for endangering your lives like that.”

“Thank you Captain, my apologies for the inconvenience, I-”

“Stop with the apologies Clifton it’s a sign of weakness.” Captain Drake interrupted

“Excuse me Captain, but it was Lord Harmon who sent us, I believe his true intention was to be alone with my friend, Karina, his betroth. Clifton did warn me not to come but I insisted.”


“I was hoping to see a friend of mine, Peter De Marco who is a member of your crew.”

Captain Drake sat back in thought for a moment. How like Gunther to send them both out at this hour.

“Peter? Ah yes…. he did mention meeting a young woman fitting your description. I must say I’m impressed. As a matter of fact he’s on board right now. Today was his turn to be on night watch. I believe he will be pleasantly surprised. As for my dear brother Gunther, I will be sure to thank him for a delightful evening.” Captain Drake stood up ready to leave. “Melanie!”

Lynnette was smiling from ear to ear after that bit of information until she heard a woman say to the Captain,

“Good night Captain Drake, give my regards to Peter.” Said a passing serving girl.

Lynnette looked down in distress, of course she could not be the only girl interested in Peter; he was after all quite charming, as well. Captain Drake sensed her anxiety.

“Don’t be troubled over that, I assure you, Peter is quite taken with you.”

As the three walked out of the tavern another woman accosted the Captain, Lynnette kept her head down and continued walking with Clifton. The Captain was indeed popular with the ladies just like Clifton said, even with all the excitement she had not missed the details, tall, muscular build, light brown eyes, dark brown hair tied at the nape, and a smooth tanned jaw line, that contrasted with his white collar. The light colored breaches he wore fit like a glove over muscular thigh and black boots. Handsome indeed she thought but found no resemblance what so ever to his half-brother Gunther. Lord Harmon was older and heavier, although not necessarily fat, with less gray hair on his head than on his face. According to Clifton, Captain Drake resembled his biological father,
 Lord Edward Harmon now long gone. Then she remembered poor Karina alone with Lord Gunther and wondered how she was fairing.

“I’m terribly sorry I brought you here Lynnette, you could have been hurt…please accept my apologies.”

“Clifton I’m truly grateful for your assistance tonight as well but you really must stop apologizing, I insisted on coming remember?”

Clifton sighed in defeat and paid the night watchman to watch over his horse and carriage and the three boarded the small boat and were rowed over to
 the Sea Maiden by the boatman. Lynnette was amazed at how huge the ship appeared, as they got closer. With the chilly night air, Lynnette pulled her hood over her head and crossed her arms.

From the deck Peter could see the boat with four people aboard, one he recognized as the Captain, the other was the boatman and he didn’t recognize the third man but the fourth was obviously a female. It was not uncommon for the Captain to bring females on board. As the boat got closer to
 the Sea Maiden, the Captain called out,

“Peter we have guests this evening.”

As Lynnette started to climb up the ladder her hood fell back. She wondered what Peter would think, when he recognized her. She was almost afraid to look up. Lynnette’s dark hair spilled around her as she kept her head down making sure she didn’t lose her footing. Peter called out as she reached the top, not yet knowing who she was.

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