The Sea Maiden (11 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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Lord Harmon kissed the back of her hand. Karina forced a smile than walked away, she never felt more relieved to walk away from someone than now, hesitating at first then rushed in the house fearing Lord Harmon might call her back. Once at her father’s bedside she noticed he was sound asleep. Confused, she turned to Nate who had come in quietly behind her.

“I thought you said father called me?”

“I just thought you might like to end your tour early.” Nate smiled.

Karina smiled conspiratorially

“Thank you Nate.”

Karina kissed her father on the cheek and left.

aboard the Sea Maiden


The crew’s loud talking and crude jesting awakened Lynnette. Sunlight seeped in through the cracks on the porthole door. Still in her own clothes, she sat up, when she stood up she felt slightly off balance, then she remembered that she was on a ship floating off shore it was a strange feeling. She checked herself in the mirror and unlocked the door from the inside, but the door wouldn’t open, it appeared to be locked from the outside. She opened the porthole cover and looked out and called for Peter.

“Peter! Peter, Captain Drake! Is anyone there?”

After a few minutes Peter came by.

“Lynnette! Are you awake?”

“Peter, the door is locked from the outside.”

“Yes I noticed. I will be right back.” Peter went looking for the Captain who had likely put the lock on the door. It was nearly 6:00 in the morning, the crew was busy loading supplies and the Captain was on the bridge. “Captain Drake, good morning sir.”

“Ah good morning Peter.”

“Captain, Lynnette, our lady guest seems to have a lock on her door; I was wondering why and also if I can get the key to let her out.” Peter said with an edge of sarcasm.

“Is she up?”

“Yes sir.”

“Well good she can join us for breakfast.”

Captain Drake walked over to his cabin and came back out with the key then walked over to unlock Lynnette’s door.

“Miss Attoms are you decent? I’m unlocking the door now, Peter is anxious to see you. Looks like he’s all scrubbed up for you too.”

Peter’s hair was still wet after bathing in the ocean; he gave Captain Drake a questioning look in regards to the lock.

“Captain Drake I’m insulted.”

“Why is that Peter?”

“I thought you said I was a trustworthy member of the crew?”

“You are! Just not with my pretty female guest.” They chuckled.

Lynnette straightened up her hair, there was a small mirror on the wall and she always carried mint leaves to freshen her breath. She opened the door.

“Goodness how bright it is. Good morning gentlemen.”

Peter, Captain Drake and Clifton who, had just joined them, stood outside her door.

“Good morning” They greeted.

“You’re a popular guest this morning Miss Attoms.” Said Captain Drake.

“That’s because she’s so beautiful.” Peter said proudly.

“I can’t argue with that.” Replied the Captain Clifton smiled and stood behind them. It was a fresh morning and the sun was shinning. “I hope you both got some rest. I had Emmett my ship’s cook prepare us breakfast. So if you will now follow me to the dinning room, you too Peter.”

“Thank you Captain.”

After finishing breakfast and some morning conversation with the Captain and other officers, Clifton said,

“Excellent breakfast Captain my regards to Emmett. I hate to eat and run but I do have some errands to run for Lord Harmon this morning so we must be going. Once again thank you Captain for your hospitality.”

“You’re welcome Clifton, now get this young lady back to Harmon Hall or a certain member of my crew will not get any work done today. Miss Attoms, it was a pleasure to have you as my guest. I trust we will see each other again this Saturday.”

“Yes Captain I look forward to it and once again thank you for everything.”

Lynnette and Clifton walked over to the side of the ship escorted by Peter and the Captain and they climbed down the side of the ship and boarded the rowboat. Peter rowed out to the peer with them then he and Lynnette hugged and kissed, and made plans with Clifton to meeting later at an agreed location with Karina and Lynnette.

They arrived at Harmon Hall just before 8:00 am. Lynnette told Clifton they would be ready at 1:00pm to ride back out to town and meet Peter. She had so much to tell Karina; she rushed upstairs to her room and knocked briskly, she tried the door but it was locked. Finally Karina answered.


“Karina it’s me, Lynnette, open the door!”

Karina bolted out of bed to open the door. Lynnette had been gone all night and Karina was anxious to hear her report. Lynnette burst in, smiling ear to ear. Full of excitement she pulled Karina to her bedside and began to tell her everything that happened. Karina listened intently and was happy to hear that neither Lynnette nor Clifton had been hurt during the scuffle at The Red Dawn, but was shocked to know that the Captain of the Sea Maiden was Lord Harmon’s half-brother. This presented a conflict of interest; a bump in the road she would need to step around. Karina also told Lynette about her night with Lord Harmon, but Lynnette reminded her she would soon be free of him. Now she just needed to sail to America aboard a different ship that’s all.

The first thing to do was trade in some of Melissa’s jewelry pieces to cover her expenses and passage and hire Peter. Of course she needed to persuade Peter into becoming her personal guide and companion and find another ship that would take them to New England.

It was Friday and Karina confidently picked out four simple dresses to take with her and a few grooming articles and supplies. She had to travel as light as possible. Both girls were alerted to breakfast downstairs. Lord Harmon had left early, Karina was thankful for his absence. Having already had breakfast aboard the Sea Maiden, Lynnette only meant to accompany Karina at the breakfast table but having a big appetite for a slender girl she decided to join her, besides the banana nut bread smelled delicious. They spent the rest of the morning discussing Peter and the dashing Captain Drake.

Lynnette told her that during breakfast Captain Drake disclosed that he and Lord Harmon were not close and the only reason he was coming to the dinner party was to deliver the document regarding the transfer of his half of Harmon Hall to Lord Gunther and Lord Harmon was to give him title to
 the Sea Maiden as part of the payment. The other reason was to see his Aunt Dorothea who he referred to as Aunt Dottie and his Uncle Mathias. She was his father’s younger sister. Dorothea had taken the place of his mother and Aunt Marie. She had been the main caregiver during his father’s travels sometimes for months at a time. He was only three when he met his Aunt Dorothea who was then in her forties her own two children were already grown with families of their own and lived far away from her so she had connected with Captain Drake in a motherly way.

Out On the Town


At 1:00 pm the girls were ready to leave. Karina and her father had spent some time walking in the garden earlier he was doing much better. He encouraged his daughter to go get measured for her wedding gown. She hated having to lie to him. Clifton waited for them in the carriage. Both girls got on with his help and rode off to town.

“I’m sorry for the inconvenience Clifton, you just got back and now you need to drive us back to town. You will be so happy when we’re gone.”

“Not at all it’s my pleasure.”

“Clifton how long have you worked for Lord Harmon?” Karina asked.

“18 months Miss.”

“You can call me Karina you know.”

“He’s such a formal and proper gentleman.” Clifton just smiled. “Clifton I meant to thank you for defending me last night, you gave that awful man such a blow. I’m so glad to have you with us today.” Lynnette stated.

“I feel safer already, Clifton are you familiar with some of the other ships in the harbor? Are they all just trade ships?” Karina asked.

“Most are, some are military and some are both trade and passenger ships.”

“I see. Would you take us down by the harbor today before we return?” Karina asked.

“Yes, if it’s early enough, it gets a little rough in the evening.” Clifton answered.

“So I heard.” Karina said.

“First we need to meet with Peter.” Lynnette reminded them.

“Of course, then we shall go to the jewelers and then to Celia’s Dress Shop. You do know where they are right?” Karina asked.

“Yes of course.” Clifton said.

“Good.” Karina said.

Peter was waiting for them at where he and Clifton agreed to meet. He saw them approaching.

“Hello Beautiful, I been waiting to see you all day, it looks great on you.” Peter told Lynnette.

Lynnette remembered to wear the bracelet Peter gave her.

“Thank you Peter I missed you too.” Lynnette replied.

“Hello Peter, it’s good to see you again.” Karina said.

“It’s good to see you as well, what brings you out from Pembroke Hall?” Peter asked.

“Oh…just a silly engagement party?” Karina said.

“Really, who’s?” Peter asked.

“Oh um…just a business associate of my fathers.” Karina said.

“Oh pardon me I didn’t mean to pry.” Peter apologized.

“No it’s quite alright.” Karina said.

Peter climbed on to the carriage and sat next to Lynnette they embraced and kissed. Karina moved up front and sat next to Clifton.

“So where are we headed?” Peter asked changing the subject.

“To the jeweler’s then to a seamstress shop to take care of a couple of errands. However; I would like to speak to you in private later.”

“When ever you’re ready.” He smiled at her. Peter remembered Lynnette’s words that she was in trouble. Clifton began to drive away. “Well it’s good to be with the two most beautiful girls in town. We will surely get in a fight today ay Clifton?”

Peter joked. Karina and Lynnette laughed.

“No we don’t want you to get in another fight last night was enough!” Lynnette said.

“Really what happened last night?”

“Well it’s a long story.”

Lynnette realized she probably shouldn’t have said anything.

“Well we have a long ride, what happened?” He insisted.

Lynnette hesitated, smiling slightly,

“Well,” She looked at Karina, who gave her a concerned look, “This awful man got a little frisky with me and Clifton hit him and he fell so the man pulled out a pistol but Captain Drake was there and cocked his pistol at him and fired a shot just past his head and the man ran out the door.” Lynnette said with a shrug of her shoulder.

“Where was this?”

“At The Red Dawn.”

“The Red Dawn! That’s a seedy part of town,” He turned to Clifton, “Why did you take her there?”

“We were looking for Captain Drake.” Lynnette offered.

“Are you out of your mind? She could have been hurt!”

Lynnette and Karina looked at each other. Lynnette turned to Peter to try to calm him.

“It’s quite alright Peter it’s in the past,” Clifton was silent. “Beside Captain Drake dismissed the man and scolded Clifton, when it was entirely my fault. Then Peter remembered Clifton asking where Remus Wilkes slept and mentioning that Captain Drake dismissed him.

“It was Remus Wilkes, that slime, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, how do you know?” Lynnette asked.

“Don’t ever take my lady or any lady to a whore house like that again!” Peter fumed. “They say that slimy rat is responsible for the death of a local serving girl!”

Peter was visibly agitated. Karina kept silent so did Clifton. Lynnette intervened again.

“Peter please! He was only doing what he was told. He tried to make me stay but I insisted on coming because I was hoping to see you. It was Lord Harmon who arranged for me to come so he could be alone with Karina. Be angry at him!”

After seeing Lynnette upset, Peter recalled Clifton mentioning that the night before, and mellowed down.

“Forgive me darling, I didn’t mean to raise my voice and make everyone uncomfortable…it’s just that the thought of you being in danger triggers something deep inside me.”

Lynnette smiled at him and they kissed. Karina blushed, sitting next to Clifton’s large frame. Clifton remained silent.

“Alright, well I think we need to walk around and stretch.” Karina stated.

Lynnette and Peter were so involved with one another the words barely registered. They were obviously very much in love. Karina missed having someone like that who was obviously protective and concerned for her safety as Peter demonstrated, and not like Lord Harmon but someone she could love back. Peter and Lynnette finally composed. Peter turned to Karina first,

“Please forgive me Karina.”

“There’s nothing for me to forgive Peter. You’re concern for Lynnette’s welfare is justifiable. I think she’s very lucky in that regard, I’m happy for both of you.”

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