The Sea Maiden (28 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“What about Captain Drake?”

“That’s very different, I’m nervous around him and each time he kisses me I feel things I shouldn’t feel, I scold myself and tell myself I won’t let it happen again and each time I fail.”

“You better be careful then because that’s exactly what I was feeling and look what happen to me.”

“Yes, but it could not of happen with a better man. You’re truly lucky Lynnette and I’m going to make sure Peter gets to be 1st
 mate and some day he will be captain of his own ship.” Lynnette smiled.

“Now let’s get you ready for your wedding.”

Karina helped Lynnette into the white summer dress she had given her and Karina put on the pale blue one. She told Lynnette that she could have it after the wedding since she planned to wear men’s clothes on the ship.

Peter bathed and prepared himself as well wearing his nicest pair of black breeches and black shirt and boots. He combed his damp hair off his face and looked in the mirror and nodded to himself then went looking for Captain Drake.

After Karina and Lynnette finished dressing Karina went looking for Peter to give him the ring. She saw him walking toward the bridge and called him.

“Peter, wait! My you look handsome today!”

“What? Just today?” Peter joked.

“Especially today, might you be getting married today by any chance?” Karina joked.

Peter smiled, “As a matter of fact, I am my lady.”

“Well then I have something for you, give me your hand.” Karina took out the ring and put in his palm. “This is for you to put on Lynnette’s finger and seal your vows, it was one of my mother’s rings but I want you to have it Peter, you earned it.”

“Oh my God Karina, it’s beautiful, I was just thinking that I didn’t have a ring for Lynnette, are you sure I can have this?”

“Yes, of course I am.”

“You’re awesome Karina!”

Peter gave Karina a playful hug and swung her around the deck, she screamed.

“Aah…Peter! You’re making me dizzy!

“Alright, alright sorry! I’m just so happy, I can’t wait to see the look on Lynnette’s face she’ll be amazed. Thank you Karina! You’re the best!”

“You’re welcome Peter…make my friend very happy!”

“Yes ma’am.”

Peter looked at the ring he could not wait to put it on Lynnette’s finger. Karina walked back to get Lynnette, feeling proud of herself. It was a beautiful day for a wedding and Peter and Lynnette made a handsome pair. Who would have thought Lynnette would be married on a ship.

Karina wondered if she would ever experience such a day with the man of her dreams, with Captain Drake, but he was not the marrying kind…yet, and the more liberties she allowed, the less likely the chance of it. With their proximity on the ship the only thing she could do is be more aloof. He had rescued her off that island and she would always be grateful but she needed to create some tension and some emotional distance to keep him from believing she would be so easily conquered with his suave seductive caresses.

Peter headed toward the bridge. On the bridge Peter approached Captain Drake and greeted the other officers. The officers greeted him back and congratulated him for his wedding.

“Good morning gentlemen, thank you very much! Good morning Captain Drake!” Peter said.

“Well-well if it isn’t the groom? All ready for his wedding vows and I didn’t even need to point my pistol or sword at you.” the Captain chuckled

“No sir, I’m ready Captain.” Peter smiled brightly.

“Good, let’s go meet the bride and her maid of honor then.”

Both men and other officers made their way to the front of the ship. A few minutes later Karina led the way, with her hands folded in front of her. A few delicate wavy strands fell around her crown and two softly twisted golden strands of hair tied in the back, the rest fell in long waves to her waist. Karina looked beautiful in the figure flattering blue pastel summer dress. It had a square neckline with white lace trim and elbow length sleeves also trimmed with white lace around the elbows. Captain Drake took a deep breath; even in such simplicity Karina looked stunning.

Peter stood next to Captain Drake then Lynnette came out wearing the white dress Karina gave her. It was light thin material worn off the shoulders with small puffy sleeves, a body hugging bodice and a pleated skirt with a ruffle at the bottom. Her green eyes complemented her silky dark hair delicately worn on the side and falling to her waist with one of Karina’s hair ornaments and pearl earrings. Around her neck Lynnette chose to wear the sterling silver locket her mother gave her. Peter for the first time was not smiling but seemed intensely serious he was actually counting his blessing at finding such a sweet and delicate beauty like Lynnette.

The crew gathered around as the Captain began the wedding ceremony.  Peter and Lynnette stood face-to-face as they took their vows. Then Lynnette gasped when Peter placed the ring on her finger; she had not expected a ring, it fit her perfectly.  A tear streamed down her cheek as the Captain concluded the ceremony

“You may kiss the bride.”

Peter and Lynnette kissed and everyone clapped, cheered and congratulated the happy couple.  Since the wedding was a total surprise nobody really had gifts for them but they contributed with money or whatever special items they could offer.

“I’m the happiest man on earth right now.” Peter whispered in her ear and placed his hand on her stomach.

“And I am the happiest woman.” Lynnette and Peter kissed and hugged again.

“The Captain told me earlier I’m to be the 1st
 mate for his new ship, the Lady Dorothea.”

“Oh, Peter that’s wonderful…it’s like a dream come true, but what about Karina, she wanted you to continue working with her as well?”

“Don’t worry about that, the Captain has his own plans for her but don’t say anything.”

Then the Captain congratulated the couple and made an announcement.

“We have been experiencing many unexpected events on this ship but this one I commend and brings me great pleasure to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Lynnette De Marco.”

Everyone cheered and clapped. “And now Emmett has prepared a special meal for us to celebrate our happy couple. Unfortunately not everyone fits in the dining room but there are plenty of hands to help out.”

Peter and Lynnette led the way to the dining room; Captain Drake extended his arm to Karina as they made their way to the dining room along with some of the officers.

“You look stunning Karina; I hope you’re recovering from your injury.”

He looked at the top of her head where he could still see a bruise.

“Well it was a bit tender when I washed and brushed my hair earlier but it’s not bothering me anymore. If I may say so Captain you look very handsome as well.”

“Glad my lady approves.”

Was she
 his lady or his entertainment? She wondered but decided to let the thought go for now, she didn’t want any conflicting feelings at Lynnette and Peter’s wedding. She could never repay Captain Drake for rescuing her from those pirates and Lord Harmon but that was not a reason to allow him to take liberties with her. She had to set boundaries with him she decided or risk becoming a convenient toy for him. Karina joined in small talk around the dinner table and distanced herself from the Captain as much as possible. As the celebration wore on some of the crew brought out fiddles and began playing music and danced and sang. Everyone was enjoying and celebrating Peter and Lynnette’s nuptials. After a long day of the merry festivities, Peter and Lynnette bid everyone good night as they made their way to their newly converted honeymoon suite. Previously Lynnette’s and Karina’s quarters after Roy left. Karina now needed to stay in the guest quarters with the broken door. She would simply brace the table and chair against the door, she thought.

Captain Drake approached Karina and led her away from the others to the side of the ship.

“Now I would like to know why you have been so cold toward me all night.”

“Cold? I hardly consider my behavior cold Captain I have shamefully accommodated your indulgences with me.” He was about to kiss her when Karina purposely interrupted by placing a hand to his chest. “Captain Drake regarding my passage, I am fully prepared to-”

He was not listening to her and kissed her before she could finish her sentence. This was exactly the kind of behavior she needed to stop. She could not deny her attraction to him or the pleasurable sensations she felt when they kissed. What bothered her was how he simply took liberties with her and worst of all was how he affected her. Even Lord Harmon’s comment about doubting she would remain a maiden for long in his company made her both uncomfortable as well as undeniably heated, she cringed ashamed of her obvious desire for the man.  Karina knew that if she didn’t set some boundaries with him soon her fate would be like that of Lavinia’s, discarded by her father years before. Karina decided she would set it straight now.

“Captain Drake I truly appreciate everything you’ve done for me but I think we need to clarify something. First I must deeply thank you for your assistance in rescuing me from those pirates, for that I’m truly grateful but I find it disrespectful that you take liberties with me at will and I am not comfortable with that, and will no longer permit such behavior from you.” Eric having drunk a few glasses of wine was not listening to her and attempted to kiss her once again but Karina stopped him. “Very well captain, since you’re apparently not in a listening mood then I bid you good night!”

Karina turned and started to walk away from him. Captain Drake reached for her arm.

“Where are you going?”

“To the guest quarters.”

“The door is still broken.”

“Yes, but I will lodge the table and chair against it for now, I trust tomorrow you will have that repaired for me.”

“Yes of course but tonight you can sleep in my bed.”

Karina gasped and slapped him for the offending suggestion.


“I’m not one of your riff raff serving girl floozies you’re so accustomed to, thank you!”

“Forgive me Karina I didn’t mean for it to sound that way!”

Karina walked away in a huff and went directly to the guest quarters. She had forgotten to bring her sack of clothes from Lynnette and Peter’s new honeymoon suite however she didn’t need the sack, it only had her dresses, the male clothes and boots she took from Roy’s drawers were in the crate in the guest quarters and that was all she needed for the moment.

Lady or Buccaneer


The next morning Karina got up and put on the black breeches she took from Roy’s drawer. They fit her snug compared to the previous breeches. She then put on the black extra shirt Peter gave her which was also snug and tucked it in then put on the boots, intended for Roy’s son, which fit much better than the ones left in New Providence. She finished by making one long braid.  Today was a new day and she was going to stick to her decision not to allow Captain Drake any more liberties. Feeling empowered for finally putting her foot down with the Captain and happy she set boundaries with him she felt confident she wouldn’t be toyed with again. She picked up the blue dress to give to Lynnette and walked out of the room.

Karina was about to go toward Lynnette’s room to leave her the dress but ran into her on the deck. Being that Lynnette was on her honeymoon, Karina was surprised to see her so early. Lynnette was on her way back to the cabin looking weak and pale from apparently having to get to the side of the ship in hurry again.

“Lynnette, are you alright?”

“Better, for the moment.” Lynnette paused and scanned the male outfit. “You’re looking very buccaneer today all in black.” No longer having her vest, which hid her feminine figure and full bosom, Karina was a bold statement with the snug fitting breeches and tight shirt, “Are you sure you should be wearing that Karina? I don’t think Captain Drake-”

Karina’s heated response was instant.

“Frankly I’m not concerned Lynnette!” Karina snapped.

“My, you’re sensitive today; I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Forgive me Lynnette; I’m just not myself today.” ‘Obviously’
 Lynnette thought. “Here take the dress…I won’t be needing it anymore.”

“Thank you Karina….well I’m going to lie down now I will talk to you later.”

Lynnette took the blue dress and walked away sensing something was bugging Karina but she was still nauseous so she decided not to pursue the subject for now.

Karina only grew further irritated and thought, what she chose to ware should not be up to Captain Drake. She was grateful for his heroic rescue of her of course but he was not her employer or her husband, and up until now there was no defined relationship between them other than the heated moments they exchanged and liberties he continued to take with her whenever they were alone, she hated herself for allowing them; she was incensed at the thought that she was merely a convenient source of entertainment for him. She became even more frustrated thinking how men, including her father, regarded women as mere objects making decisions in their lives without even consulting them, and expecting them to follow through. She remembered Aunt Dottie’s words ‘Don’t let others dictate your life to you because you’re the one who has to live it.’ The truth was she liked her new independence. She would no longer allow any man to dictate to her especially regarding something as trivial as clothes.

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