The Sea Maiden (37 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“Open this door!”

Lord Harmon summoned a man to open the door and bring her to the dining room.

“Ah you’re finally up I see, I thought you would sleep forever. Well you and I are finally together, my dear. I have waited a long time. We can now at last consummate our marriage. We
 are married remember? I have all the paperwork with me,” he said as he held up some documents, “Which you stupidly left behind in New Providence. You’re out of your mind? Eric and I will have that marriage annulled. He and I are in love and we shall soon be married!”

She was about to say she was expecting their child but knowing the madman he was, she refrained from mentioning it fearing he might cause her some harm.

“What do you want? I don’t love you and I will never be with you…Ever!”

“No, of course not, I wouldn’t dream of having an unwilling bride and lover, but I believe that once you hear me out you will be more receptive.”

Karina feared the tone of his voice, it sounded too much like the tone he had used to force the wedding on her by using Lynnette as a hostage. What did this mad man have in mind now she dreaded. She waited in silence trying to hide her fear.

“Where is my father? Who wrote the note signed by my father?”

“He did.”

Karina was stunned. “When?”

“Yesterday. We have been waiting for the Sea Maiden to arrive. Yes, he’s here.”

“Where is he? What did you do to him? He’s very ill?”

“Don’t worry he’s fine, that nanny he had for a butler took excellent care of him. Regrettably, we no longer required his assistance and is currently…floating back to England.” He chuckled.

Karina gasped. “Oh good Lord!” Karina began to weep.

Lord Harmon had given orders that Nate be forced on a Ship and thrown overboard.

“Your father wrote the note after hearing some harm might befall on you. I’m afraid he’s no longer happy with me as a choice for a husband but he does love you very much and had no choice but to obey to write the note or not see you walk again. He traveled here after he received a note from you asking for help.”

“You murderer! You’ll pay for your crimes of that I’m sure! Why can’t you leave us alone? Is it that diamond ruby cross you want? I’ll get it for you, just leave us alone!”

“Well it’s not that easy my love…yes of course I want the cross, but there are other things as well, you know damn well that you’re ruined and your father cannot run his business, so why let it go to waste when I can take over and create a shipping empire. Naturally I will need you as my legally wedded wife to ensure a smooth transition. Then of course I will surely need heirs to carry on the business, which you will provide for me.”

“I rather die than be with you!”

“Oh please don’t be so melodramatic…you do love my dear brother Eric do you not?”

“With all my heart.”

“Good then I expect you will agree to my proposition. I have some forms for you to sign indicting our dear Eric of kidnapping you and confiscating a very expensive diamond engagement ring. Unfortunately your father and my dear brother will only get in the way…unless you cooperate.” Lord Harmon maliciously hinted of their demise as he tilted his head while raising both his eyebrows and his wine glass.

“Oh please don’t harm them I beg you!”

“Not if you do as I ask.”

Lord Harmon knew that by threatening to kill them she would do his bidding. Karina feared for both Eric and her father it was clear Lord Harmon was a greedy dangerous man who would stop at nothing to get his way.

“By signing you shall keep both your father and Eric alive.”

“Are you insane? How can you ask me that? I cannot accuse Eric of doing something so dreadful!”

“Well then the question is do you want your father and Eric dead? Because
 THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DON’T FULLY COOPERATE!” He yelled. “Now you will tell Eric that now that you have arrived in New England, you will no longer need his company.”

Karina knew she was dealing with a deranged man she needed to be agreeable with him until she had an alternate plan. Gently she asked,

“How am I supposed to sign this and know that no harm will come to either Eric or my father?”

“Well I guarantee you this…if you don’t do as requested Eric will be dead tomorrow! Your father needs to travel back to England with us, so he’s safe for the time being.”

Karina’s eyes grew moist she was trying hard not to show her distress. He shoved the documents in front of her.

The Note


Eric returned a little after 12:40 A.M. Upon arriving Elliot his butler informed him that the young lady had received a note bearing good news and had left in a carriage to urgently meet a family member shortly after his own departure to the harbor. She didn’t mention where she was going or when she would return. She only took her hooded cape. Alarmed, Eric went to Peter and Lynnette’s quarters requesting any information regarding Karina’s sudden departure. Peter and Lynnette were not aware of Karina leaving. Lynnette assured Captain Drake that Karina didn’t know anyone in New England beside Jonathan and themselves. All three were alarmed especially Captain Drake, who together with Peter left to search for her. Captain Drake sent a messenger to Jonathan’s storefront early the next morning. Jonathan immediately came to Captain Drake’s home to offer his assistance. Captain Drake also sent several of his staff to make inquiries in the nearby vicinity to inquire regarding a carriage leaving his property at approximately 10:00 o’clock the night before. Since Karina was new to the area no one knew her. On the second day he went to the authorities where he reported a missing young blond woman.

The authorities assumed she was simply running away from him and were not overly concerned. He left his information with them anyway requesting to be notified immediately of anything regarding his future wife who was also with child.

After forcing her to sign the papers indicting Captain Drake with her kidnapping and theft charges, Lord Harmon allowed Karina to see her father. Knowing that Eric would be promptly executed at the hands of hired assassins, she did as he ordered for Eric’s sake. Karina’s only bargaining piece was the diamond and ruby encrusted cross, if Eric was harmed she threatened back, he would never get it. Lord Harmon agreed to it. Karina foolishly believed that at least for the present she, her father, and Eric were safe.

Lord Harmon’s plan was to have Eric believe she had callously used him and had no intentions of remaining with him. Karina cried herself to sleep. The next day she and her father were reunited. Under the circumstances, seeing her father in New England so recovered, was a great source of support and comfort, like a young child she ran to embrace him.


“Karina, darling are you alright?”

“Yes…I’m so happy to see you father, you look so much better.”

“Yes, my health has much improved.”

Lord Pembroke went on to explain how he had received a letter that he believed was from her asking for his help. Since he was in recovery he didn’t hesitated to travel to America unaware that the whole thing was a setup. He told her that he and Nate had been greeted by a messenger and escorted by carriage and brought here under false pretense. Nate had been taken to re-board a ship back to England only two days before her arrival.

Karina then explained to him that Lord Harmon planned to have her press full charges against his
half-brother, Captain Eric Drake, who she was now engaged to, and then the three of them, would be boarding a ship back to England to ensure that she was the sole heir on his will and to get the ruby encrusted cross.

“He’s the lowest form of villain, father. How could this happen to us?” Karina said in tears.

They embraced each other.

“This will pass my dear! I’m sure of it! Please don’t cry, but now you must tell me about you and Captain Drake’s plan to marry, I wish to know all about the two of you and all that has happened since you left England.”

Lord Pembroke was less than pleased at the thought that Karina was involved with such a rogue like Captain Drake. Although handsome and well liked he knew Captain Drake had quite a reputation with lose women. He would have never consented for his daughter to associate with such a rogue. But there was little he could do now. At the moment he just wanted to get her mind off their present situation by having her talk about her relationship with Captain Drake and at the same time learn about their plans to marry, after all he was a rising star in the shipping business.

After Lord Pembroke fell asleep, Karina spent all night trying to figure out how to get word to someone and communicate what happened. She knew Lord Harmon’s intentions were criminal; she had to figure out a way to get away from him. Lord Harmon had left for the evening to make all the necessary arrangement so that his plans would work smoothly and be able to board the very next ship back to England with Karina and her father. Karina spent a restless night in her father’s company, clinging to him much like she did when she was young child, which greatly comforted her for the time being.

They were in a cabin deep in the woods then she thought of something. She was still wearing the yellow worn dress she had been forced to wear almost continuously due to lack of clothes aboard the Sea Maiden. Everyone on the ship saw her in it. She tore a piece of it and found a piece of carbon and wrote a small note and addressed to Captain Drake. She explained that Lord Harmon was holding her and her father hostage in a cabin in the woods. They had both been tricked in response to messages they each received from one another requesting an urgent meeting. She mentioned they would soon board a ship back to England. She wrapped the piece of cloth around a rock for weight.

The next day Lord Harmon returned and told them they would be traveling to town where she would be pressing full charges against Eric. Lord Harmon brought her a dark red dress and told her she was to wear it the next few days while they were out making preparations to return to England. She was to cover her head with the dark hood on all outings. Her father would remain at the cabin. He didn’t want Karina and Lord Pembroke talking too much outside his presence.

“Say anything outside of what we discussed and your father will be severely hurt.” Lord Harmon threatened.

“And just what are you planning once everything you want is done?”

“You will go back to New Providence and wait for my return. It will be your new home.”

Karina looked away in disgust.

“And my father and Eric?”

“They shall be unhurt so long as you cooperate.” He lied; he had full intentions of killing both of them at the earliest convenience.

They arrived at the station, ready to file charges against Captain Drake. Lord Harmon introduced Karina as his wife, Lady Karina Harmon, who he had recently rescued from the clutches of his depraved half-brother, Captain Eric Drake. Karina was to explain her ordeal to the authorities. She cried for being forced to tell lies against the man she was so profoundly in love with. The authorities interpreted her emotional state as simply being traumatized.

Karina clutched the small cloth wrapped rock and tried to look for someone who she could entrust it to, to take to
 the Sea Maiden, where it had the best chance of reaching Eric. While at the station she overheard a messenger boy mentioning that his next stop was the Spices and More Shop. She tried to get his attention but Lord Harmon’s henchman, was watching her. Then Lord Harmon was escorted into an office just past the young man down the hallway. After Lord Harmon disappeared down the hallway Karina stood up claiming she had to speak to Lord Harmon and followed him into the hallway. Meeks, the man watching her allowed it since she could not possibly get away. Hidden from sight in the hallway she signaled the young man. The young man came toward her in the hallway, out of Meeks view.

“Excuse me did you see what office the gentleman who just walked past you went into? He’s my husband.”

“Yes Miss, he went into the last office on the right.” The young man pointed.

The young man blocked Meeks view and Karina stuck the cloth wrapped rock into the young man’s hand; Suspicious of the activity, Meeks came toward them. Karina smiled then said in a whisper,

“Would you please give this to Jonathan at the Spices and More Shop, it’s very urgent!”

Young man was baffled but nodded in agreement. Karina put her finger over her lips to be quiet then turned and walked toward the office Lord Harmon went into. The young man hid the object Karina placed in his hand and walked away. Meeks followed Karina toward the back and waited in the hallway while Karina went into an office.

Surprised to see her Lord Harmon looked at her, with a questioning look.

“I don’t like to be in that man’s company.”

Lord Harmon took this as a complement, thinking she preferred his company to that of Meeks, and was flattered.

The young man looked at the wrapped parcel, and did as he was asked and delivered it to the shop where he handed it over to Johnny behind the counter since Jonathan was not in.

“Very well, have seat.” Lord Harmon said.

The young man approached the counter at the Spices and More shop.

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