The Sea Maiden (36 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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A courier arrived at the Spices & More shop. A young man at the counter greeted him. The courier handed him an envelope addressed to Jonathan Williams.

The young man took the envelope and presented it to his father. Jonathan took the envelope and opened it.


‘Dear Jonathan


Your presence is urgently requested this evening at 6 o’clock at my home in River Oaks Court down River Oaks Road. I have recently arrived and have more to discuss with
you than a filled order….


Yours truly,

Captain Eric Drake’


The letter went on to give the address and directions to River Oaks Court. Jonathan’s interest was piqued. He sent the courier back with a note confirming the meeting and told his son to mind the store while he paid his business associate a visit.

Karina and Lynnette boarded a carriage toward Captain Drakes home. Peter and Captain Drake remained on the ship overseeing the unloading of the cargo. They were finally in New England; Karina looked curiously out the carriage window. She had succeeded she thought, not only had she avoided marrying Lord Harmon but had fallen deeply in love with his half-brother, the handsome Captain of the very ship that helped her escape thanks to Peter who by fate had become her best friend’s beau back in England after a chance meeting at the village market. Even more bizarre was the circumstances that lead to Lynnette’s appearance aboard the Sea Maiden and now sat next to her, married and expecting a baby. How things had worked out she thought. She looked over at Lynnette who was busy preparing a letter to her mother and brothers and let them know she was safe and married to Peter De Marco and was expecting their first child. She was going to send it on the next ship traveling back to England.

They arrived at River Oaks Court, Captain Drakes’ home. It was beautiful, Karina thought, large and secluded within the woods. The house was white with tall beams that seemed to support the house. The carriage stopped and both Karina and Lynnette stepped off the carriage with the help of the staff who were informed by the driver that Karina was Captain Drakes’ future bride. The staff welcomed them and showed them inside. Inside were two staircases; light marble floors and a beautiful chandelier adorned the entryway. Karina and Lynnette were in awe of the beautiful home. Captain Drake and Lord Harmon may have never been on good terms but they obviously shared the same good taste. Elliot the head butler had Captain Drakes things brought in, except for a few dresses, Karina didn’t have much to be carried. Elliot introduced her to the staff and they in turn greeted her back. Elliot informed them that refreshments were being served in the dining room as he showed them around the home. Finally he led them upstairs to the Captain’s bedroom where he had her and the Captain’s things brought in. Before Elliot took his leave he asked Karina if there was anything else she needed he would be downstairs.

The bedroom was beautiful and masculine in decor. All the furnishings including the floor were dark wood. There was a large bay window overlooking the woods, a four-poster bed with rich red covers and canopy and a large wood chest at the foot of the bed. There were also a variety of artifacts from the many places around the world the Captain had traveled to as well as a large dresser. Karina sat on the bed she would share with her future husband and ran her hand over the soft red material. She remembered her first passionate encounter with him at Harmon Hall; the memory of it still thrilled her senses. This time however it was infinitely better. Both girls admired the room they agreed that it was indeed masculine but beautiful. Then they went out back to view the smaller apartment where Lynnette and Peter would live. It was a small but picturesque cottage by a stream. Lynnette was thrilled over the new home that she would share with Peter.

Later Captain Drake and Peter arrived; Karina nearly knocked him down as he walked through the door. Playfully he swung her around the room happily admitting to her she was the best souvenir he ever brought home then they kissed passionately. Lynnette and Peter also happily rejoiced in each others arms and went off to their new home. Karina and Eric discussed their future plans. He informed her that Jonathan confirmed to be there at 6 o’clock. He told the staff they would be having guests for dinner. Eric was an experienced Captain in the shipping business; he would help his future wife, and father in-law get their shipping business back on track. They also discussed their meeting with Jonathan to involve him in the business as well as their impending wedding. Karina beamed with the happy knowledge that she was about to wed the man of her dreams, with a baby on the way, and how together they would rebuild her father’s business and merge it with Eric’s. She would finally meet her
half-brother Jonathan and her two closest friends Peter and Lynnette would be living nearby. She just needed her father to come to America to complete her circle of love.

At sunset there was a knock on the door. Karina nearly jumped with excitement to finally be able to meet her
half-brother Jonathan. She came downstairs with Eric following close behind. Jonathan Williams waited in the living room then Karina stepped in the room she was not nervous but fully exhilarated. Not knowing what the urgent meeting was all about. Jonathan stood up at once to greet the pretty young woman and his long time associate, Captain Drake. Jonathan had salt and pepper hair with a kind face and was of average height and weight.

“Captain Drake, good to see you again.”

“Welcome Jonathan it was good of you to come with such short notice.”

Jonathan and Eric shook hands then Jonathan turned to Karina who stepped forward and took his hand before Eric had a chance to introduce her and with a big smile she introduced herself.

“It’s such a pleasure to meet you Jonathan I’m Karina Pembroke…your sister.”

Jonathan froze in complete shock, his mouth dropped open. Karina smiled so did Eric who stood behind her. “Please take a seat.” Karina motioned. “Our father Lord Charles Pembroke, who is in England, recently disclosed your existence to me in this letter.” She handed the letter to him. “He wanted me to embrace you for him as my brother. Regretfully he grew up with a certain mindset that was engrained into him as a young child. I’m not here to make excuses for him he’s not a perfect man but his neglect of you deeply troubles him. Being older and ailing has made him more reflective I know that in my own life the challenges I’ve encountered have strengthened me and helped me become more understanding and appreciative of the people in my life who range from my butler Nate, my friends Lynnette and Peter to my wonderful future husband Eric standing beside me.” Karina reached for Eric’s hand and smiled at him. “What I’m saying is that father finally understands that blood has no price tag. Unfortunately he also believes you wouldn’t be receptive of such a late acknowledgment and believes you would turn him away but I believe different and took some life changing steps to reach you. Although I don’t know you from what he’s told me about you I believe that you’re not small minded and that you wouldn’t turn me away because I’m here to embrace you on behalf of both myself and our father…I hope I’m right?”

Jonathan sat stunned listening to her, his eyes grew moist, he was silent for a moment ingesting everything she said, then he read the letter.

“You traveled all the way from England to see me?”

“I did.”

“This is such a shock I must say I had no idea what this meeting was about, but I do want to say that I’m more than grateful to know I have such a wonderful, beautiful sister that would risk so much to seek me….I confess I did fault father for his disregard. For a long time I resented him but I live a life that’s closely guided by my belief in God and in time I came to forgive him. However I gave up hope in having a real connection with either of you. I must say that meeting you here today is surreal to me. Can I hug you?”

“Yes of course.”

Karina stepped forward and embraced her brother both grew a bit teary-eyed Karina for the first time felt what it was like to have a brother. Jonathan was a warm and kindhearted man.

“Jonathan you make up the missing piece in my life I’m now surrounded by the dearest people.” There was a knock at the door. Peter and Lynnette arrived Elliot let them in. “These are my good friends Lynnette and her husband Peter. If not for them falling in love back in England, I don’t believe I would be here or would have met this man…” She turned to Eric “… who I have fallen madly in love with.” Karina kissed him on the cheek then turned to Peter and Lynnette. “So Peter and Lynnette darling, I thank you both for your hand in my good fate.” Both Peter and Lynnette smiled back at her.

With Jonathan visiting they socialized through the dinner hour; Eric and Karina discussed their wedding plans as well as their plan to merge Eric’s shipping company with that of Lord Pembroke’s and propositioned Jonathan to join them as a business partner. Much was discussed throughout the happy evening. Later Jonathan told Karina of the additional family members she would soon meet, which consisted of his loving wife Rose, four sons, and 3 daughters ranging in age from 12-24 starting with Alan 24, Julienne 22, Jessica 20, Zack 17, the twins, Sophie and Jenny 15, and the youngest, Johnny who just turned 12. In addition there was his elderly mother Lavinia as well as Jonathan’s half siblings on his mother’s side by her marriage
to his step-father. Karina overjoyed to know of the many relatives she had in New England. At approximately 9:00 o’clock. Jonathan, Peter and Lynnette thanked them for dinner and bid them goodnight as they retired for the evening.

A Message from Lord Pembroke


Once alone, Eric swept Karina off her feet and carried her upstairs to their bedroom. Anticipating their first night together at his home with the woman of his dreams he kissed her passionately as he placed her down on the bed. Downstairs there was an unexpected knock at the door. Elliot answered the door, a messenger handed him a note and claimed it was a matter of urgency and required Captain Drake immediate attention.

The knock at the bedroom door came not a moment too soon. Once more Eric sighed in frustration at the interruption.


“You have an urgent message sir.” Elliot announced.

The door swung open. Eric took the note and read it.

“What is it my love?” Karina asked with concern.

“There was a disturbance on the ship, it doesn’t say what so I will have to go and find out what happened. I will return to you as soon as possible.” He kissed her once again and walked out the door. It was nearly 9:30 P.M.

“Your carriage is being brought up front sir.”

“Thank you Elliot but I shall be riding Taurine tonight.”

He opted to ride on horseback in lieu of a carriage in the hope of minimizing travel time.

The harbor was a good hour away so his return would be at least 3 hours minimum. Karina lied down on the soft bed eagerly awaiting her lover’s return. About 20 minutes after Eric left there was a second knock at the bedroom door; she quickly got up and answered it. It was Elliot with another note this one was for her.

“Yes Elliot.”

“Pardon me Miss Karina but this just arrived for you.”


‘My Dearest Karina


I have been waiting for your arrival. I was greatly troubled over your flight and had to ensure your safety. With the improvement of my health I decided to board a ship to America. It’s urgent that I see you tonight you’ll find a carriage waiting outside both Nate and I are here waiting for you. Please keep this private for now.


Your Loving Father

Lord Charles Pembroke.’


Karina was overjoyed knowing her father had traveled to New England. She immediately boarded the carriage and told Elliot she would return soon. A family member was requesting to see her.

Her father would love Eric and their plans to merge the shipping business she could not wait to tell him. She would need to keep her pregnancy a secret from him for now, being the protective father he was it would only upset him.

The carriage made its way through a city area and then into the woods. There was no reason to fear after all it was her father she was going to meet. The carriage came to a stop, they had arrived it was a large cabin in the woods. It seemed unusual but Karina got out of the carriage assisted by a somewhat unfriendly looking fellow. She was told they were waiting for her, Karina, who was still in her yellow dress that now looked worn from the continuous washings, walked through the door and gasped when she saw him then she blacked out and fell to the floor.

Sometime later she woke up in a strange room. A feeling of fear came over her when she remembered seeing Lord Harmon still alive. She was vulnerable in his presence once again. She was confused, her father had signed the note but would never set her up like this…yet it was his writing, she feared for him. What had he done with him? Where was he? She wondered. Lynnette mentioned how upset he had been after learning of Lord Harmon’s intentions; he had immediately broken the engagement. She felt sick at the thought that nobody knew where she was now. Eric would come home and find her missing and without any explanation or clue to her whereabouts. She blamed herself, what had she done. She got up off the bed and tried to open the door but it was locked.

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