The Sea Maiden (39 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“Gentlemen I have been expecting you, glad you’re here. This is the address it’s known as River Oaks Court, deep in the woods about an hour east of here. Are you familiar with the area?”


“Good you shall need to clean up, shave and look gentlemanly, I have been informed that Captain Drake has been released. Simply knock on the door and ask to speak to Captain Drake regarding news about Karina. When he shows himself, you know what to do.”

Lord Harmon handed the man an envelope.

“That’s part of the payment; you shall get the rest when Bart receives confirmation of his death. Now go to Bart’s office he has a change of clothes for you and you shall bathe and groom there. Any questions?”

“No, good doing business with you Lord Harmon.”

“Very well gentlemen my lovely bride and I have unfinished business to attend to I look forward to your success.”

“You will be happy to know…that I never miss. Enjoy your afternoon.”

The men grinned at each other and left. Captain Drake and Peter got a good look at the two men. Lord Harmon went inside the other man remained at his post on the other side of the cabin.

The cabin was large it appeared to have at least 2-3 rooms inside of the cabin. Captain Drake and Peter moved toward the rear of the cabin. Lord Harmon closed the door. Karina was with her father who was heavily sedated.



A day before Karina’s arrival, Nate who was not with them, had been made to re-board a ship to England. Lord Harmon had given orders that he be thrown overboard once out to sea. Sensing danger Nate had been able to get off the ship. Once on land he had spent several days searching for Jonathan Williams, not knowing anything more than his name and that he owned a spice and fabric store. He had located Jonathan’s shop through a vendor who was familiar with one of the shops locations and Nate went to pay Jonathan a visit. However he didn’t find Jonathan at the shop due to his involvement in the disappearance of his newly found sister. Upon hearing this Nate had decided to wait while he requested the young boy to go home with an urgent message for is father. Upon arriving he gave his father Nate’s hand written note. The message was from Nate, his father’s caregiver, who informed him of some alarming circumstances regarding his father’s visit and urgently requested his help especially since his father was under medical care. At once Jonathan set out to meet with the man who had written the note. The situation was growing, he knew time was of the essence and prayed for both Karina and his father’s safety.

Jonathan entered the shop, where Nate was already coming toward him with his hand stretched out to introduce himself as Lord Pembroke’s personal assistant and caregiver. Nate relayed the story of the false message that brought them to New England. He explained that he was not aware that Lord Harmon was involved until arriving at the cabin in the woods. He was there three weeks then a week ago he was told his services were no longer required and would be returning to England on the next ship but Nate sensed that his life was in danger and managed to escape off the ship when a fight broke out among the crew and a shot injured the man that held him. After hearing this Jonathan decided they needed to go to the authorities and have Nate make a statement implicating Lord Harmon in what now sounded to be more than one kidnapping.

Rescue in the Woods


Back in the cabin Lord Harmon came into the room Karina was with her father still asleep.

“Well my dear looks like we have some time to spare.”

Karina tensed. “What do you mean?”

“I think you know exactly what I mean. I’m your husband and you’re my legally wedded wife.”

“Only because you black mailed me! Leave me alone.”

“Regardless, you have put me through enough and as your husband I have certain rights. After all you had enough wanton time with Eric. Now it’s my turn.”

Karina moved away but he reached for her. She screamed, they struggled,

“Be still and you won’t get hurt.” He growled as he tried to kiss her.

Karina spit him in the face and he slapped her to the ground, she screamed. Gunther picked her up dragged her down the hallway to his room and threw her on the bed where he continued his assault. Karina fought furiously trying to remove him off her.

Upon hearing Karina scream, Captain Drake and Peter sprung into action. Peter came up behind the man guarding the cabin and hit him over the head, knocking him unconscious. Captain Drake kicked down the door and went into the room where he yanked Gunther off Karina who continued to struggle from under him on the bed.

“Get off her you slime!”

“Eric!” Karina screamed in relief.

Outside Peter was making his way inside the cabin when the semi-unconscious man on ground fired a shot at him hitting Peter behind his left knee. Peter yelled in pain. Inside Captain Drake struggled with Gunther as they continued to fight.

“You made a mistake in coming here dear brother because now you will die much sooner!”

“Worry about yourself!”

Karina frantically looked around for something to hit Gunther with. Then she saw Peter come inside the cabin limping and bleeding across the room. Peter drew his sword as Karina came toward him; the man had re-loaded his pistol and aimed it at Peter but Karina miraculously pulled Peter out of the way as the bullet embedded itself on the wall behind his head. Peter was bleeding heavily from behind his left knee. The shot had apparently hit a major vein. He needed to stop the bleeding immediately. Peter was getting faint.


He spoke her name rather than yell it out. Karina saw his pale face and knew at once he was not well. Karina took the sword from him and began lunging at the man before he had a chance to reload his pistol, and blocked her attacker’s blows as best as she could. He then took a pick from the fireplace but saw that he was no match for her excellent sword skills so he reached for a wood log and threw it at her, hitting her in the stomach. Karina fell back in pain, dropping the sword, which the man picked up to stab Peter already on the floor in a pool of blood. Then a shot rang out from doorway. The shot hit the man with the sword about to pierce Peter.

Karina knew something was wrong, she was on the floor and she was bleeding too. The man who fired the shot from the doorway ran across to the room where Captain Drake and Gunther were fighting. Captain Drake had suffered a blow on the head from Gunther hitting him with a stool, which partially dazed him. Gunther ran to open a closet door and reached for a musket as he turned to fire it at Captain Drake, the man at the door drew a second pistol and a single shot was heard from the doorway, Gunther fell on his knees. Eric turned toward the doorway stunned to hear that the man who shot and killed Gunther and saved his life; identify himself as Officer Jacob Moore who was ordered to keep him under surveillance.

“Eric!” Karina yelled.

Eric stepped over his dead half-brother’s body. Officer Moore checked Gunther for a pulse but didn’t find one. Eric ran to Karina and was shocked to find both Karina and Peter sitting in a pool of blood.

“Darling your head, you’re bleeding.”

“I’m fine sweetheart, were you shot? Where is the bleeding coming from?”
“No, it’s internal. The man threw a log at me and I began to bleed…I think I lost the baby!” She cried.

“Sweetheart don’t think like that I will get you to a doctor.”

“Help Peter he’s so weak. He got shot in the leg.”

Then Officer Moore came to assess Peter’s wound.

“He needs a tourniquet. How is she? Was she shot as well?” Eric immediately removed his belt and handed it to Officer Moore, who placed it around Peter’s leg and secured it tightly.

“No.” He hesitated for a moment. “She was hit with a log in the stomach…she’s with child, my child.”

Officer more finished putting on the tourniquet, then looked up at him and then at Karina. He looked away; he didn’t want to cause Karina any embarrassment regarding her condition.

“You looked like you took a pretty good blow on the head yourself Captain Drake. There could be swelling so you need medical attention as well. We need to get you all some medical attention right away. I shall get the carriage in the back.” Moore said as he went out the door.

“I lost the baby!” Karina cried. Eric embraced Karina she was heartbroken.

“You must not think that Karina! Everything will be alright!” He took her chin in his hand, “I want you to be strong and positive like I know you to be. I’m going to get you and Peter to a doctor and you’re both going be fine. Just remember that I love you.” Eric went to fetch some blankets for Karina and Peter,

“Peter stay with me my friend we're getting you some help. Lynnette will be anxious to see you.” Eric hoped to keep Peter awake; Peter was drifting in and out consciousness.

Officer more brought the carriage from around the back. Eric lifted and carried Karina to the carriage, then helped Officer Moore carry Peter to the carriage, who was now semi-unconscious. Finally they both carried Lord Pembroke who was still sedated. They rode off at full speed to get them medical attention. Eric sat next to Karina, trying to console her and talked to Peter trying to keep him awake. Officer more drove the carriage and arrived for medical help. Lord Pembroke who was still sedated was placed in a room as well and Eric himself was seen for the cut on his head then waited to hear from the doctor regarding Karina and Peter. Officer Moore was making his report. Eric described the two men Gunther hired to kill him and would be going to seek him out at his own home today. Officer Moore wrote it down in his report and added the two dead men left at the cabin in the woods. Finally Eric thanked him for all his help and Officer Moore assured him he would dispatch officers to his residence and wished him and his family good luck. A young doctor came out to speak with Captain Drake.

“Captain Drake I’m Dr. Luther Ross. Are you the young lady’s husband?”

“I will be.”

“She has been through a great deal of trauma?” He paused. “Were you aware of her condition? She was with child.”

“Yes…she was taken under false circumstances and held hostage.”

“I’m sorry to hear that Captain and to say she has lost the baby.” Eric clenched his jaw at the confirmation of what he already knew.

“How is she?”

“Very emotionally distraught…I gave her a sedative so she can sleep for a now.”

“And Peter? How is he?”

“He’s very weak due to the loss of blood but is slowly recovering. There is a chance he may lose his lower limb. He has been asking for his wife.”

“His wife does not know yet. I will bring her. Is there anything I can do?”


Message for the Captain


The two men, Lord Harmon hired to kill Captain Drake arrived at River Oaks Court. The man assigned the task of shooting Captain Drake had bathed and shaved and changed into gentleman’s clothing. The other waited in the brush nearby. He knocked on the door and when Elliot answered the door he asked to see Captain Drake regarding important information concerning Karina. Elliot informed him that Captain Drake was not available but was welcomed to wait for him. The man said he would return later.

“What time do you expect him?”

“That would be hard to say sir; he has had pressing business to attend to. Would you care to leave a message for him?”

“Thank you but that shall not be necessary.”

The man left. Elliot wondered about him to be on the safe side he decided to send a message to the ship in regards to the man.

After talking to the doctor Eric went to see Karina. Eric’s presence greatly comforted her, she had been through so much and the loss of her baby was still heavy on her heart. Upon seeing him enter the room, her eyes welled up with tears they embraced.

“How is Peter?”

“He’s recovering like you darling.”

Eric didn’t say more regarding Peter, he didn’t want to place any more worries on her. They would both need to remain under observation for a few days. Karina asked about her father, Eric informed her he had been placed in another room and was so heavily sedated he had not awaken yet and was totally unaware of what happened. After spending some time comforting Karina, Eric kissed her and promised to come back to her soon.

“Darling I have to go to the ship and inform James Caleb, my 1st
 mate, of what has happened. He needs to know that neither Peter nor I will be available the next few days. Then I need to go get Lynnette, Peter is asking for her.”

“Oh Eric please don’t be long and please be careful!”

“I will darling; I shall be back as soon as possible…. I promise.”

Captain Drake left the hospital and headed toward the peer. Once on the ship he was given Elliot’s note regarding the man who came looking for him at home with news of Karina, but had not left his name or a message. Elliot mentioned the man would be returning later. Captain Drake then remembered the conversation where he overheard Gunther talking with two rough looking men and how he instructed one of them to clean up and shave. They were his late
half-brother’s hired hit men still under orders.

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