The Sea Maiden (40 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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After speaking with James Caleb at length he instructed that under no circumstances should anyone give any information regarding his whereabouts.

Before returning to River Oaks Court Eric stopped at the police station and gave his account of what happened at Gunther’s Cabin and about the hit man now on his trail. Jacob Moore, the officer assigned to keep watch over Captain Drake, had also made a similar report earlier, which confirmed the Captain’s story. Eric was advised that officials had been dispatched to the cabin in the woods and to River oaks Court.

The hit men hired by Lord Harmon to kill Captain Drake remained in the woods near River Oaks Court awaiting his return. Not knowing what Captain Drake looked like they only had a general idea. Officers dispatched to Captain Drake’s home, Joseph Glover and Alan Fogerty had also made their way to River Oaks Court and were on the lookout for suspicious characters. They decided not to travel through the common road to River Oaks instead they made their way through the brush and woods. Once in the area, the younger man, Officer Fogerty stayed in the woods lying in wait while Officer Glover made his way to the house. Once inside the house he informed Elliott of the man looking for Captain Drake was a potential hit man hired by Lord Harmon. Elliot gave the officer a brief description of the man who came looking for the Captain.

Barnabas Cox, the hit man hired by Lord Harmon had been waiting in the brush several hours when he saw a man enter the house and assumed it was Captain Drake. He scolded himself for missing his arrival; he had not expected him to take a different path. Barnabas readied his pistol under his coat waited a few minutes then approached the house to call on Captain Drake.

Officer Fogerty, Glover’s backup, was also hidden in the woods and noticed the activity and reached for his pistol as well and came closer. Unaware of the official across the road Barnabas partner, Courtney Wheeler, also moved closer. Barnabas knocked on the door. Elliot looked over at Glover, who showed him his pistol as re-assurance. Elliott nervously answered the door. Glover reached for his pistol.

“Yes?” Elliot asked.

“Hello I was here earlier may I speak with Captain Drake please?”

Lynnette who was unaware of the situation made her way across the side of the house from the cottage. Upon seeing a man in the brush she screamed, setting off the chaos that followed. Courtney turned toward her; Lynnette began running back to the cottage


Upon hearing the scream Barnabas pulled out his pistol and assumed the man standing inside the house was Captain Drake, and fired hitting Glover who moved but the bullet still struck him on the arm. In turn Glover countered back by firing his own weapon at Barnabas hitting him in the stomach. Barnabas who sustained a more serious wound fell on the floor.

The staff screamed and scattered, hiding throughout the house. Once Courtney saw his partner down he tried to escape by heading toward his horse. Officer Fogerty then charged Courtney who decided to use Lynnette as a hostage to ensure his escape. He quickly caught up to her and pointed his pistol at her head. Lynnette screamed and tried to fight him off her.

“SHUT UP IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE DEAD GIRL!” He threatened. Terrified Lynnette obeyed. Using her as a shield he moved toward his horse.

“For the love of God please don’t hurt me! I’m with child.”

“QUIET I SAID!” He shouted at Lynnette. “COME ANY CLOSER AND I’LL SHOOT HER!” He shouted at Fogerty hiding behind a tree.

 Fogerty shouted back, as he tried to get closer and to see if he had a clear shot. Courtney was sweating and scared, he continued pointing his pistol at Lynnette.


Courtney got them close enough to mount his horse, he needed her alive until he got out of the area, then he would shoot her to keep her from identifying him. Officer Fogerty lost sight of them among the trees.

Inside the house when Barnabas fell on the floor, Elliot took no chances and broke a vase on his head. Joseph Glover’s arm was bleeding; Elliot helped him wrap a cloth around the wound then helped Officer Glover tie Barnabas hands behind his back. Glover reloaded his pistol then went outside the back way. He met up with Fogerty still trying to get a shot at Courtney without endangering the young woman taken hostage. They moved quietly through the woods but could not see them.

Fogerty grabbed a rock and threw it across the road in an effort to startle the man and get him to reveal his location. Still threatening her with his pistol, Lynnette mounted the horse. At the sound of the rock hitting a nearby tree the man was momentarily distracted and Lynnette who was already mounted kicked the pistol out of his hands. Being an experienced rider she took off like the wind. While the man fumbled around looking for the pistol on ground, cursing and swearing he would kill her. Both Glover and Fogerty ran toward him. Courtney found his pistol on ground and fired it at them but didn’t hit anyone. Fogerty and Glover fired back at Courtney still on the ground. Fogerty who was younger and lighter quickly caught up to him and pressed him down in the dirt both men were able to subdue the man once on the ground and tied his hands behind his back.

Lynnette was scared to death and kept riding at full speed for some time until she saw the shadow of a man on horseback approaching. Not sure if he was friend or foe she slowed her pace. She was about to ride away when she heard her name called. She instantly recognized the deep masculine voice as that of Captain Drake’s. Relieved to see a friendly face she sped toward him.

“CAPTAIN DRAKE!” Seeing her on horseback and alarmed he knew there was trouble.

“Lynnette are you alright? What’s happened? Where are you riding to?”

“Yes, there are men on the property with pistols I got away from one of them we have to get out of here! Where is Peter?”

Then they heard the voice of a man approaching on horseback. Lynnette became newly alarmed and was about to ride away when the voice said,

“I’m Officer Glover, put your hands over your head where I can see them and identify yourself!” Glover ordered pointing his pistol at Captain Drake. Captain Drake did as ordered and raised his hands above his head.

“I’m Captain Eric Drake I own this property and the lady is Lynnette De Marco.”

“Excuse me sir, I can attest to that, he’s the owner of River Oaks Court and Captain of the Sea Maiden.” Lynnette added

“My apologies Captain but the last hour has been quite eventful. I’m Officer Joseph Glover and my partner Alan Fogerty, is just a few feet behind me holding down the unpleasant fellow who threatened this young lady. It seems you had a price on your head tonight Captain.” Turning toward Lynnette, “Ma’am are you alright?”

“Yes thank you officer.” Lynnette answered.

“Thank you officer, I hope nobody was hurt. I was notified while aboard my ship of some suspicious man looking for me.”

Officer Fogerty came into view along with Courtney Wheeler, whose hands were tied behind his back.

“You must be Captain Drake?”

“Yes I am, thank you both for all your help. I feared coming home to find someone hurt on my account.”

“Well the hired hit man is dead at the hands of Officer Glover, who unfortunately did sustain an injury to his left arm during the disturbance caused by these individuals on your property.”

“I’m truly sorry to hear that you’re hurt officer. Please come back to the house so that we can tend to your wound, it will be at least an hour before you can get medical help. I’m at your service.”

“Thank you Captain, it would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with a carriage to transport the dead man and this individual.” Glover requested

“Absolutely officer, let’s head back to the house.” Captain Drake said.

Captain Drake was glad to help. Then he turned to Lynnette who was still mounted on her assailant’s horse.

“Captain Drake where is Peter?” Lynnette asked again.

Captain Drake dreaded telling her Peter was shot. He told the officer he needed to speak to Lynnette, the officers along with their prisoner, Courtney Wheeler headed toward the main house, both questioned Wheeler regarding the attempt on Captain Drake.

“Lynnette, you should not be riding a horse in your condition, come let me help you off it’s only a short walk to the house.”

He dismounted and helped Lynnette to dismount as well. Lynnette began to get tense, sensing some bad news.

“Captain Drake this disturbance has been a real nightmare? Why is Peter not with you? Is something wrong with him? What is wrong with Peter?” She asked with increasing agitation. She was obviously terrified. He took her hands and asked her to calm down.

“Lynnette, dear relax, take a deep breath for me first.” He hesitated for a moment searching for the softest words. “Yes Peter was hurt….”

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Is he dead?” She interrupted and started crying.

“No! Nooo…Lynnette! Look at me! He’s not dead! But…he’s hurt.” Captain Drake said in a low voice trying to calm her. “He’s strong young man he will do better once he sees you. So you need to come back with me. I want you to be strong and a little more positive alright?”

Lynnette nodded her agreement.

“What happened?” Lynnette asked.

After a brief pause he said, “He got shot.”

Her eyes went wide than she went limp. Captain Drake caught her before she hit the ground. He scolded himself for being so blunt…she had been through so much trauma already. Pregnant but still light, he mounted his horse with her and rode back to the house with her. Once back at the house Officer Fogerty had some smelling salts with him and woke her. Lynnette came to. She saw Captain Drake, she remembered.

“Captain Drake, please tell me the truth is he hurt or is he dead?”

“No dear you have to believe me, he’s not dead but he’s hurt.” He lifted her chin with his hand. “He needs to see you and needs a change of clothes too. I need to get some clothes for Karina as well.”

“You found Karina? Is she alright?”

“They are both in the hospital…tragically Karina lost the baby.” Lynnette put her head down and wept.

“Lynnette honey, we need to leave please go and get clothes for Peter so we can go.” She nodded. “Helen please accompany Mrs. De Marco to the cottage and help her get some things for her husband.” He told one of the staff. The elder lady quickly put her arm around Lynnette in motherly way to help her gather the things she needed to take.

“Come now dear everything is going to be fine.”

While Lynnette went to get clothes for Peter, Captain Drake helped officer Alan Fogerty get Barnabas Cox’s’ body into the carriage.

Lynnette returned promptly with a change of clothes for Peter. Captain Drake also got Karina’s long sleeved burgundy dress, perfect for the chill in the air. It was the dress Karina had originally left Pembroke Hall with so many months ago and now the only other dress she owned beside the faded red garment she had on when she left and some peasant frocks she purchased in Yucatan, which were not suitable to wear in New England. They all set off in two carriages, Lynnette and Captain Drake in one and the officers and the assailants in the other.

River Oaks Court


Once in town, they separated; Alan Fogerty took Courtney Wheeler, who was unhurt, to the police station. Captain Drake, Lynnette and Joseph Glover who himself needed medical attention as well as the dead man headed to the hospital. The Captain and Lynnette requested to see Peter and Karina. Dr. Ross who was the attending physician greeted them. He gave them a brief overview of Peter and Karina’s condition. Both would need time to recover. It was difficult for Lynnette to decide who to see first, she had been so worried over Karina, she was thankful that they were both alive. Dutifully, she went to see her husband first who was semi-conscious. As Lynnette approached his bed Peter lifted his hand toward her and gave her a weak smile. Lynnette took his hand and leaned over and kissed him. His heart quickened, her visit was obviously of great benefited to him.

Captain Drake went to Karina’s bedside, who had been crying. He took her hand in both of his and kissed it then sat on the edge of her bed. Upon seeing Eric’s face, her spirit lifted as well.

“Eric is it true I lost our baby?” She asked teary eyed.

Eric looked at her and hesitantly nodded. Karina turned her head away, tears streaming down her face. She had become so attached to her impending motherhood, now suddenly and cruelly taken from her, ‘Was losing her baby a punishment or a consequence of her behavior she wondered?’ In her limited understanding of a loving God she could not accept this as punishment more likely a consequence of her own behavior she concluded. God’s principles made so much sense to her now. Her talks with Gail told her His wisdom and logic were for our protection…but it was up to us to use it or not.

Earlier, while Officer Jacob Moore was making his report at the station regarding the incident at the cabin in the woods, Jonathan and Nate arrived to make a statement regarding Lord Harmon’s involvement in the kidnapping of Lord Pembroke and the possible involvement in Karina’s and Lynnette’s kidnapping as well. Upon hearing Lord Harmon’s name, Officer Moore related the events involving Lord Harmon and the young woman they mentioned as Karina now in the hospital. Alarmed Nate finished making his statement then he and Jonathan headed to the hospital.

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