The Sea Maiden (33 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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Now what was she suppose to do? Behave wantonly at his beck and call? Limit it to once a week…no wait! How would that solve anything…perhaps just leave before it happened again and lock herself in the guest quarters tell everyone she had a religious experience and would be joining a convent upon arrival. She was confused; she looked at him sleeping peacefully. Peter was probably right about him being frustrated. The memory of his caresses was arousing her again. She needed to leave, before he awoke, even though she desired him again. She didn’t want to be just his mistress what respect was there in that. She carefully slid her body from under his bare leg, which lay sensually over her torso and removed herself off the bed as gently as possible. Then she realized her clothes lay in a wet heap next to his breeches. She opened a drawer and pulled out one of his shirts and put it on then opened the door and walked out in it, thankful that everyone had remained on the island except for the man on watch, around the corner and Peter and Lynnette, who had passed by arguing the night before. She took down the clothes she had washed and she promptly went into the guest quarters and locked it, unfortunately the mattress was still out drying, she lied on top of the clothes and went over the details of her sensual encounter with the most alluring and intriguing man she ever met.

After a while Karina fell asleep having been up with him most of the night. She began to dream; she saw her father smiling at her, children playing and saw Captain Drake take the hand of young boy with dark hair of approximately 3 years of age. The child ran toward her and called her mommy, she felt her heart leap in anticipation of the child jumping in her arms. She felt his small arms encircle her neck. She tried to hug and kiss his sweet little face but he vanished leaving her with a sense of loss.

Then she woke up to yelling and the sound of running on the deck. Over the commotion she heard the Captain’s cabin door open and close. She sat up then jumped off the bunk and looked out the small porthole but the sounds were coming from the other side of the ship she would need to open the door. She quickly donned a pair of fresh washed breeches she had been sleeping on and went outside barefoot. Everyone was looking over the side of the ship including the Captain. She came up next to Lynnette.

“What happened?”

Lynnette didn’t answer her and moved away. Karina remembered her behavior with Peter the day before, apparently Lynnette was still affected by it. Karina looked over the side of the ship. There was a boat and inside she saw a nearly unconscious woman apparently in labor and about to give birth there was also a little girl approximately 4 years old and a young lad of 15 or 16.

Dr. Tibbs had come down into the boat with his medical bag. A few minutes later the sound of a crying infant rang out then she heard someone say, “It’s a boy!” There was a lot of blood and the woman looked like she was not going to make it. The little girl was apparently terrified and cried for her mother. Everyone was tense. Captain Drake was also watching, as was Peter. Dr. Tibbs ordered they send down a plank to lift the woman up to the deck. One of the crew came up with the newborn; he turned the infant over to Lynnette who was standing nearby. Then they brought up the little girl who went directly to Karina whose long blond hair resembled that of her mother. The child clung to Karina’s side. Her touch seemed almost familiar and the feeling of her small body against her stirred a deep need to protect her as she tried to comfort the teary eyed child.

“Is my mommy going to be alright?” She asked Karina.

Karina didn’t know what to say so she merely smiled and nodded her head, trying to reassure the child. The young boy on the boat climbed up next.

“Is that your brother?” Karina asked the little girl, she shook her head. “Where is your father?” She asked. The little girl shrugged and sucked her thumb.

“What happened?” Captain Drake asked the lad.

“We were caught in the storm our ship,
 the Mist, went down. Captain Thomas put us on the boat and he ordered me to stay with her and her daughter Amelia. My name is Heath Copley. I’m the cabin boy.”

“How old are you Heath?”

“Fifteen sir.”

“Who is the lady that gave birth?”

“Gail Barrette.”

“And her husband?”

“I don’t know sir, they’re missionaries.”

“Was he on the ship?”

“No sir, she was alone with her daughter. Then the storm hit and the Captain let down boats and he ordered me into the one with her and the little girl. We have been floating for a long time luckily I brought some water with me. But she started moaning since yesterday I didn’t know what to do. She started praying out loud and then I saw your ship and I started rowing toward it. I think it helped.”

“How many were aboard?”

“75 I believe.”

“Where were you headed?”


“How are you doing?” the Captain asked the boy.

“Fine sir, hungry and thirsty, that’s all.”

“Don’t worry lad we have plenty of food and water.”

They brought up the woman and they took her to the infirmary, where Dr. Tibbs attended her. Captain Drake and Karina barely exchanged glances, he turned toward the child.

“Is your name Amelia?”

The child nodded and lifted her arms to Karina indicating she wanted to be picked up. Karina picked her up and the child encircled her little arms around her neck. Karina was suddenly reminded of her dream except that this was a girl not a boy.

Lynnette held the baby and followed Dr. Tibbs and the ailing woman to the infirmary. The birth of the child was a humbling experience for everyone especially Peter and Captain Drake who had never witnessed a birth before. They looked at Karina and Lynnette each holding a child, for Peter it was sobering reality of his own impending fatherhood, for Captain Drake a graphic possibility. Although the dance of love and seduction was a powerful stimulant it was also the path to a new and complex life.

Karina followed Lynnette close behind carrying the older child who held onto her tightly. They could not all go inside the small room so they waited outside. Dr. Tibbs came out and shook his head,

“Is she…?” Karina asked fearfully.

“No but it won’t be long. She has lost too much blood. She wants to see her children.”

Karina and Lynnette went into the infirmary with the children; Lynnette placed the baby on the woman’s chest. Lynnette could not hold back the tears. Karina put the older child down. Amelia placed her head on her mother’s side and sucked her thumb while the baby nursed at her mother’s breast bonding with his mother. Dr. Tibbs asked both Karina and Lynnette to step out and let the woman be with her children for as long as she could. The day went on. Captain Drake sent out boats to look for more survivors but the boats came back empty except for crew. Near sunset Dr. Tibbs came out of the infirmary. Everyone tensed ready for bad news.

“I don’t know what is happening in there, all my medical training indicates that she could not possibly survive the blood loss…but she’s stronger than I thought and seems to be recovering. I’m not a religious man but I believe we are witnessing a miracle.” Dr. Tibbs eyes grew moist, as did both Karina and Lynnette’s. “All of us have been through some challenging moments on this voyage perhaps today should be a day of reflection of our own good fate and be more grateful and forgiving.”

Karina approached Lynnette, Lynnette was about to move away but after Dr. Tibbs speech she stayed and remained quiet.

“Lynnette I just wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday, please forgive me?” Karina said as she touched her shoulder, “You know you’re like a sister to me, I was angry at Captain Drake but I never meant to hurt you.”

After a long pause,

“I know Karina and you know I can’t stay mad at you, and it was not just you, Peter and I talked about it and he has apologized profusely. You both mean so much to me but wine can make even the wisest people behave badly. For your own good please don’t drink like that again…promise me?”

“Yes, I promise with all my heart. I’m sorry.”

Karina and Lynnette embraced. Then Dr. Tibbs came out.

“Karina, I need to ask a great favor from you. Mrs. Barrett will be in need of much rest if she is to fully recover and the infirmary is inadequate…would you be willing to let her have the guest quarters for her and the baby? I know that means you would have to stay in the Captain’s cabin, so I will speak to the Captain regarding that. Karina sighed realizing what that meant for her…
 to become the Captains mistress in everyone’s eyes. Her dream of a story book wedding was fading fast but she nodded her head in agreement.

“Yes of course Dr. Tibbs. I shall make arrangements for her immediately.”

“Thank you Karina, I’m sure Captain Drake will be a gentleman and allow you to stay in his cabin.”

Dr. Tibbs turned, feeling guilty for having to place Karina in the Captain quarters, knowing his attraction for her. Karina knew this new predicament would only fuel the,
 already, inappropriate relationship, no chance of gentleman behavior anymore.

“Oh… Karina! Little Amelia will need to keep you company. The bunk in the guest quarters is not big enough for the three of them. I’m sure Captain Drake will be a gentleman about this as well.” Dr. Tibbs added, feeling less guilt hoping the child might deter romantic activity.

Karina smiled thinking the same thing perhaps the child’s presence would serve as chaperone and help curb the Captain’s sensual appetite.

They got under way again. Karina went to see Mrs. Barrett and her children.

“Hello Mrs. Barrett, how are you feeling?”

Gail Barrett was an attractive woman in her mid thirties with long blond hair much like Karina’s, which was the reason little Amelia gravitated toward her.

“Thank you all for helping us. I know God placed all of you here. We were the least likely to survive in that storm and in my condition and the Lord in His great mercy placed this ship equipped with a doctor in out path. He never ceases to amaze me.” Karina smiled. “I’m feeling much better thank you for asking and please call me Gail. What is your name?”

“My name is Karina, Karina Pembroke a pleasure to meet you ma’am. Is your husband in Panama?”

“Yes. He left before he found out I was with child we are missionaries and he left several months ago.”

“Does he know you’re coming?”

“Yes, it was pre-planned but he will be expecting us aboard the Mist. Dr. Tibbs tells me you’re traveling to Yucatan. Are you and the other young lady…passengers?”


Karina hesitated and smiled hoping she wouldn’t ask any more questions. Knowing she was talking to a Christian missionary, Karina suddenly felt ashamed. Captain Drake knocked on the door, Dr. Tibbs let him in.

“Captain Drake this is Mrs. Gail Barrett.” Dr. Tibbs introduced the Captain to his patient.

Karina put her head down when Captain Drake stepped inside the infirmary.

“Mrs. Barrett I’m only too happy to know you and your children are aboard my ship and that we were able to provide assistance. Dr. Tibbs tells me you and your husband are missionaries but your husband is waiting for you in Panama.”

“Yes Captain that’s correct and I cannot thank you enough for all your help the Lord has favored us by placing us within your reach.” Captain Drake turned and looked at Karina who kept her eyes down. Gail noted the Captain’s sweeping gaze of Karina. “My husband will only be expecting my daughter and I on the Mist. He was not aware of my condition. He left before I found out I was with child. I was to join him once he notified me he had located the village we are to live in.”

“We will do everything possible to get word to him and assist you in traveling to Panama once we arrive in Yucatan.”

“Thank you Captain, I truly appreciate all your help, may the Lord bless you.”

“Thank you madam and welcome, I will leave you now in the care of Dr. Tibbs and…Miss Pembroke. She and the other young lady are my passengers.”

Captain Drake hesitated momentarily, not wanting to sound too familiar by using her first name only. But to Karina his introduction of her as a mere passenger was disturbing and disconnecting. A confirmation that his familiarity with her was no more than pass time…except now the familiarity was by more than a kiss. To add insult to injury, she would now be staying in his cabin. She tightened her fists in anger, and avoided looking at him. Captain Drake glanced at Karina once more before walking out.

“Miss Pembroke?” Karina momentarily lost in her own thoughts didn’t hear her. “Miss Pembroke!”

“Oh I’m sorry Mrs. Barrett…this voyage has been so eventful, but please call me Karina.”

Gail did not miss the Captains’ heated glances at Karina.

“Thank you Karina…you and the Captain are….romantic? Am I right?”

Karina blushed and lowered her head was it that obvious she thought.

“Oh I’ve made you uncomfortable, my apologies dear, I didn’t mean to pry.”

Dr. Tibbs came back in. Karina was thankful.

“Karina my dear can you step outside for a minute?”

“Yes Dr. Tibbs, if you will excuse me a moment Mrs. Barrett.”

“Yes of course dear.”

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