The Sea Maiden (15 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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Eric embraced them. Dottie’s eyes grew moist.

“It has been so long dear.” Dottie said.

“My boy it’s so good to see you.” Mathias said.

“It’s been three years darling I thought I would never see you again, how I have missed you.” She whispered to him. “Eric we only came here because we heard you were coming dear.” Dorothea confessed.

“I have missed you both very much also. I have traveled all over the Atlantic, Africa, India, Panama, and the West Indies; please forgive me for being such a stranger. You know
 the Sea Maiden is at last all mine and I have built a home in New England. You must come and visit me soon.”

“Oh darling, I’m afraid these old bones of mine are not up to traveling such distances these days.”

“Well Aunt Dottie I want you to know that I am building a new ship which is almost complete and I am naming it, The Lady Dorothea, after you, so you must come for the Christening in a few months.”

“Oh my darling, really? You’re naming a ship after

“Absolutely, you have been a mother to me my whole life….so you must come!”

“Did you hear that Mathias? Eric is naming a ship after me!”

“Indeed…and you deserve it dear!” Mathias said.

“Then we shall make our plans darling how could I not. You have made me so happy!” Dorothea wiped her eyes and embraced Eric. “Now tell me dear is there a special young lady in your life yet?”

“No, not yet Aunt Dottie, but when there is you will be the first to know.”

“Such a handsome Captain and no special lady, how could that be?” She whispered, “I cannot believe that Gunther has found such a beautiful young bride, I rather she was your bride. Have you met her?” Dorothea asked.

“No but I look forward to. For now you’re the special lady I came here to see.” Eric smiled at her. Dorothea reached into her purse and brought out a small white box with blue ribbon.

“I have something for you too dear; this is for all the birthdays I have missed and so that you don’t forget me or your Uncle.”

“Aunt Dottie you shouldn’t have!”

“Go on open it.” Dorothea prompted

“Go on my boy.” Mathias added.

Eric removed the blue ribbon and opened the box inside were two helm shaped gold cufflinks with a small diamond in the center.

“They’re beautiful! Aunt Dottie, Uncle Mathias, thank you both.” Eric kissed his Aunt on the cheek.

“Well put them on.” Mathias told him.

“Oh let me.” Dorothea offered.

They sat and while they focused on putting on the cufflinks, Lynnette went to get Karina surrounded within a circle and in deep conversation with an elder lady guest. Lord Pembroke had just joined them and Lord Harmon was also occupied speaking to an associate of his. Lynnette made her way through and took Karina by the arm.

“Come and meet Captain Drake, he’s here!”

Karina readily excused herself from the older woman she had been speaking with.

“He doesn’t look anything like Lord Harmon; wait till you see how handsome he is.” Lynnette whispered in her ear.

Gunther noticed as Lynnette led Karina away from the circle of guest he had purposely placed her in, and had avoided introducing her to Eric, knowing the usual effect he had on the opposite sex he wanted to prevent them from socializing. Captain Drake was facing his Aunt and Uncle; one of his cufflinks had fallen and he and Aunt Dottie were busy trying to secure it in place again.

“The eyelet in your sleeve is too large dear.” Dorothea claimed.

“Captain Drake, this is my friend Karina.” Lynnette proudly announced.

Eric turned to meet her. He had expected a pretty face but he was literally stunned by possibly the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. He stood up at once and kissed the back of her hand. Karina’s heart skipped a beat when his lips pressed against her skin.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Captain Drake.”

“I assure you the pleasure is all mine.” Eric said in a low seductive voice

Dorothea elbowed Mathias; she didn’t miss the look on either face they were definitely captivated by each other. Dinner was announced and everyone began making their way to the dining room. Lord Harmon, who had been closely watching them promptly, came to claim his bride. Karina and Captain Drake couldn’t keep their eyes off each other.

“I see you have met my lovely bride.”

“Yes, thanks to Miss Attoms.” Eric said sarcastically.

Lord Harmon ignored his brother’s comment and turned toward his Aunt and Uncle and Karina.

“Well let’s all go to the dining room…Karina, shall we?”

Lord Harmon offered Karina his arm. She took it hesitantly. Captain Drake offered his arm to Lynnette and Dorothea took her husband Mathias arm. They all walked to the dining room.

Nate was seating Lord Pembroke at one end of the table, Gunther took the other end and Karina sat to his right.
  Lynnette sat on Lord Harmon’s left next to Captain Drake and two other couples. Across the table sat Karina, next to Mathias and Dorothea, Henry his wife Deidra and another couple also sat on the same side.

Lord Harmon stood up and thanked everyone for coming and announced his newest business venture, a hotel in France, which was the original reason for the dinner then added the fact that he wanted to take the opportunity to present his new bride-to-be and had Karina stand then he placed a kiss on her hand.
  He made reference to Lord Pembroke who under his present circumstances had favored a speedy wedding and in accordance to that they had decided for the wedding to take place in four Sundays and they would all promptly receive wedding invitations. Everyone clapped and toasted the new couple.

The staff began serving dinner. Captain Drake and Karina exchanged glances throughout dinner. Dorothea kept her eyes on her beloved nephew and Lynnette kept her eyes on Karina who she smiled at in a mischievous way. Deidra also noted the exchange between Captain Drake and Karina. After dinner Lord Pembroke announced he would be retiring and bade everyone a goodnight including his daughter. Nate helped him to his room. Lord Pembroke had only briefly mentioned to Lord Harmon his plans to leave the next morning as advised by Dr. Carrington but Lord Harmon had insisted they remain at least until Wednesday so Karina could get her ring properly sized or perhaps have Nate take Lord Pembroke back to Pembroke Hall Sunday and then he would arrange to have Karina and Lynnette escorted back once she got her ring sized. Lord Pembroke, however, didn’t like the arrangement and decided he would rather they all travel back together so he then agreed to leave on Monday instead and simply leave the ring with Gunther to be sized.

After Dinner Lord Harmon called Eric to the study so they could finalize their paperwork. Eric would receive the deed and title to the Sea Maiden as partial compensation and the rest in monetary value. In exchange Lord Harmon would get full ownership to Harmon Hall. Lynnette and Karina joined Dorothea, who aside from being charismatic and cheery also had a great sense of humor. Other guest joined them as well. After a short time Lynnette excused herself and went to the kitchen and prepared another plate, of delicious seafood and biscuits.  She left the dish on the counter ready for when Peter showed up. It was early sunset she walked around but no sign of Peter. She went back inside and upstairs to her room to put on the bracelet that Peter had given her back in Pembroke Hall. Then she went to the balcony opened the glass door and leaned on the railing. She waited there for a few minutes then noticed how easy it would be to climb down the balcony if she needed to since there were vines that ran up the side of the house all the way to the roof. Lynnette thought of Romeo and Juliet, she daydreamed of herself as Juliet, after approximately 15 minutes she grew tired of waiting and closed the glass doors, and then she realized that by going down the stairs she would direct unwanted attention so she decided to go down the balcony vine instead. Lynnette opened the glass door and climbed over the railing and onto the vine. She started climbing down then panicked when she started to lose her footing.  This did not happen to Juliet then she reached for a branch that came loose and let out a small scream as she came crashing down the last few feet landing on Peter who saw her climbing down and wanted to surprise her.

“Peter! Oh no, are you alright? I’m so sorry!”

“Yes…why where you climbing down the balcony, were you locked in or something?”

“Ah-no I-ah…well you see I ah… I’m so happy to see you Peter!” Lynnette said feeling tongue tied and too embarrassed to tell him she had been pretending to be Juliet.

“I been looking forward to seeing you all day…you look beautiful?”

They kissed; Then Lynnette quickly changed the subject.

“Are you hungry?”

“Famished, what’s for dinner beautiful?”

“The most delicious seafood, I will bring you a plate and some wine. I will be right back. Oh by the way Captain Drake is here, don’t let him see you.”

“Thank you for the warning, please give these clothes and boots to Karina…And Lynnette?

“Yes darling?”

“I would come back through the door if I were you, I mean I would prefer to eat my dinner, not wear it.” Peter smiled.

Lynnette took the clothes and boots hidden in a sack and gave him a sarcastic smile, then blew him a kiss.

Once inside Lynnette motioned Karina to come and gave her the clothes and boots, which Karina hid, under her dress.

“Tell Peter there is a large sack with my belongings behind the trees if he could please place them in the carriage for me.”

Karina hid the sack of clothes and boots Peter brought her under her dress and made her way upstairs to leave them in her room. Meanwhile, Lynnette brought out a plate of food and then went back to get two glasses of wine, making sure no one saw her go to the back. She and Peter sat behind a stone bench enjoying each others company until they heard voices coming from the kitchen; some of the guest wondered out back to talk business and smoke cigars. Lynnette grabbed Peter’s hand and led him around the corner to the side of the house to the vine that led to her room and told him to climb up and she would let him in through the balcony upstairs into the room she was staying in. Peter did as he was told. Lynnette went upstairs and let him in through the balcony. Once in the room she locked the door, closed the curtains and lit a candle.

“Did anyone see you?”


“We will need to wait here until the guests go back in the house.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” Peter winked

The convenient privacy gave Peter the opportunity he needed to increase his seductive advances on Lynnette. The sweet kisses they shared outside turned into passionate ones and Lynnette realized she had made a mistake in being alone in the room with him. She tried to suppress his caresses but backed herself into the soft bed behind her till her own resistance began to falter. Peter pressed her down onto the soft mattress where Lynnette’s senses where lost to Peter’s seductive caresses and passionate embrace.

After leaving the sack containing the male clothes and boots under her bed, Karina came back downstairs to visit with Dorothea, who insisted she call them Aunt, Dottie and Uncle Mathias.

“There you are dear and where is Lynnette?”

“Oh ah, she’s out back speaking to a lad she met here.”

“Mm…I see.” Dorothea winked.

Some of the guests were starting to leave and came by to say goodnight to Karina, Dorothea and Mathias. Then Captain Drake and Lord Harmon emerged from the study. Lord Harmon went to thank his departing guest for coming.

Captain Drake went towards Karina and his Aunt and Uncle. He was angry that Gunther had detained him so long purposely keeping him from socializing with Karina. She was stunning he thought but she was taken and he had to get over her, after all he had planned to spend the evening with a playful serving girl and needed to leave.

“I regret not being able to stay longer but Gunther managed to use up all my time. Aunt Dottie, I love you, I will make it a point to come and visit you more often.”

“Is that a promise?” Dorothea asked.

“You have my word.” Eric said

He kissed her on the cheek and embraced her.

“Remember, I look forward to you coming to the Christening this summer.”

“Yes dear we shall start making our plans, I promise.” Dorothea answered.

“Uncle Mathias, it was great to see you again I look forward to beating you at chess next time we meet.”

“Well then I will have to sharpen my chess skills.” Mathias chuckled

Eric embraced his Uncle. Then he turned to Karina who he would prefer to throw over his shoulder.

“It was a pleasure to meet you Karina, my brother is a lucky man.”  He kissed the back of her hand.

“It was short visit but I’m grateful I had the opportunity to meet my future brother-in-law. I wish you a safe trip Captain Drake.”

“Thank you. I regret that I cannot come to the wedding but I’m sure we will see each other again soon. I wish you and my brother much happiness.” He looked around for Lynnette but did not see her. “Please let Miss Attoms know I’m sorry I missed saying goodbye.”

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