The Sea Maiden (19 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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Peter handed her a mop a bucket and some cleaning rags.

“What is all this?”

“Cleaning supplies, you’re the new cabin boy.”


“Did you lose your hearing? You’re the cabin boy and your new job is cleaning after the officers and running errands. My apologies my lady but that’s the only job the Captain saw you fit to do. You see he met with the real Aaron, and he wanted someone a bit bigger to be able to do what those men over there are doing.”

Peter pointed to a group of men carrying huge sacks on their backs. Karina blinked.

“So mopping, cleaning and running errands are a cabin boy’s duty?”

“You catch on fast!” Peter chuckled, “You
 look after the Captain and officers on the ship, you get their food, clean their cabins, run errands that sort of thing. I know you probably never done anything like that so it will probably take a little getting used to but I know you can do it, it’s only for a short time anyway.”

“So what do
 you do?”

 well I’m a mate…and working my way up to 1st mate, some day I plan to be Captain of my own ship.”

“What is a mate?”

“A mate makes sure the ship is supplied with all the ropes, pulleys, sails and rigging that it needs to get underway.”

“Sounds interesting, so what do I do today?”

“You can start with the quartermaster’s cabin, Roy Skinner; he’s already on the bridge. Just keep yourself busy. There are rags in the bucket to dust with and remember to keep your head low and your face hidden. I will try to cover for you as much as possible by telling them you’re busy with one or the other of the officer’s cabins. So for now eat and I will check on you later.”

“When do we leave?”

“It depends on the tide but we are scheduled for Wednesday at high tide, I have to go…you will do fine, make sure you eat we’re rationed.”

Peter winked and left. Karina went back in the small room to eat her breakfast even though she was not hungry.

Eric left Estelle, and was on his way back to the ship. He spent an entertaining evening with the playful serving girl but still couldn’t get Karina out of his head; she had bewitched him he thought. Once underway he would be back to his old self he assured himself. He arrived at the peer and recognized Clifton’s horse and carriage. He wondered if Gunther had sent him on another errand, what could his dear brother want now, he got the documents he so dearly wanted and now he had a gorgeous young bride. Well he would soon find out he thought. He boarded the rowboat then noticed under his feet were several strands of long blond hair. Instantly they reminded him of the sultry blond he met the night before. He picked up the strands; they were slightly wavy with more than one shade of blond. He shook his head, he needed to get some work done and get that siren out of his head. He called the boatman over to row him out.

Karina had just finished the grapes Peter brought her when she heard the Captain’s door open and close and heard footsteps walk across the cabin. He was back; she tensed then she heard the door open and close again. Ten minutes later Peter knocked on her door.

“Karina, the Captain is asking for you, I mean for Aaron to heat up some water for his bath.”

Karina opened the door took a breath and walked out.

“Come with me I’ll show you where to warm the water. I hope we can fool him until we’re way out to sea because he takes a lot of baths, says they relax him. Just remember what I told you, keep your head down and make sure your hair covers part of your face.”

Karina nodded and went with Peter, he showed her where the buckets were then went to the Captains’ cabin with her and showed her the tub and pulled it to the center of the room for her. Karina started the tedious duty of filling the tub with water; it took several trips of carrying buckets of heated water and pouring them in the tub and repeating the process till the tub filled. Once finished Karina hunched over to pick up the buckets and leave when Captain Drake stepped in.

“Hello Aaron, thank you for filling up the tub and welcome aboard.” Eric touched the water. “Wow! That’s hot. I will have to ask you to cool it down a bit.”

Karina nodded and almost ran out the door then came back with two cold buckets of water. She walked in and Eric had removed his shirt. She tensed and put down the buckets embarrassed that she had walked in while he was half undressed she was about to walk out when Eric said,

“It’s alright Aaron, go ahead and pour those two in.” Karina gave her back to him and poured in the water. Eric stood behind her and touched the water with his finger again. “Good.” Then he removed the rest of his clothes and climbed in; Karina only heard the clothes drop on the floor behind her and was about to walked out when she heard him say,

“Wow! Still too hot, bring another two buckets of cold water please.”

She practically ran out the door and came back with two more buckets of water, thankful that his back was facing the door.  She poured in the water and tried to keep her eyes averted from him.

“Much better thank you Aaron. I know it’s allot of work at first but you’ll get use to it. If you focus and apply yourself you will go up the ranks quickly, who knows you maybe captain of your own ship someday. Peter told me you lost your parents. I’m truly sorry to hear that, I myself lost my parents a long time ago. I didn’t mean to remind you of your loss I just wanted to acknowledge it. Can you hand me the soap over on the top shelf please?”

Karina fumbled around looking for the bar of soap on highest shelf she could reach.

“It’s up higher Aaron, top shelf….well looks like it’s out of your reach. Here let me get it.”

He stood up and climbed out of the tub and walked over to the shelf by Karina when he turned Karina was gone, Eric scratched his head.

Angus the Scotsman


Lord Harmon had dressed and prepared to leave when a local law official came to his door to let him know that two men had been found dead near the clearing of the road. They told him they appeared to be roadside robbers, and authorities were wondering if he had experienced any problems since he had several guests the night before. Lord Harmon assured them that they had not experience any interruptions and most of the guest had left before 10:00 O’clock.

After the official left, Lord Harmon began to wonder if Karina still slept in her room. He looked for the extra key but didn’t have it on him. He walked to the study and found it on the floor by his chair. He went upstairs and knocked on her room. She did not answer. Lord Harmon took the key and opened the door, then realized she was gone. He went over to Lynnette’s room and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Lynnette asked.

“Lord Harmon! Where is Karina?” He demanded.

Lynnette feared this moment. She got up and put her robe on and opened the door.

“Where is she?”

“I…I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie to me!”

Lynnette put her head down. Lord Harmon took her by the arms and shook her.

“Where the devil is she?” He yelled. Lynnette started crying.

“She…she left… her lover came for her last night and she left with him.”

“What? What lover?” Lord Harmon said obviously agitated.

“Angus, a tall blond Scotsman, she fell in love with back home. Karina told me she left him a note about the engagement, and he came for her last night and took her away to the Scottish highlands!”


“That’s all I know.” Lynnette cried

Most of the servants had gathered around including Nate.

“Leave her alone. She’s telling the truth. None of us could stop her she was determined to leave with the Scotsman.” Nate lied.

Lord Harmon stormed out of the house determined to find her; he wasn’t going to be made a fool of. He went to round up his men and send them to search the surrounding countryside.

Knowing they would outlive their welcome once the news of Karina’s absence broke out, Nate was a step ahead, and had packed his and all of Lord Pembroke’s belongings and prepared the carriage in advance. He advised Lynnette early that morning to prepare as well. Nate informed Lord Pembroke of Karina running away and assured him, she was probably safer. He told him of the incidence with the sedative, after learning what Lord Harmon had planned; Lord Pembroke shifted his anger from Karina, to Lord Harmon and declared that they leave immediately. Nate then informed his master that they were quite ready to leave.

As planned, Lord Harmon gathered his men and set out to search the surrounding countryside. Not only was he not going to be made a fool of but also meant to recover the ring she took which was of a considerable value. When one of the servants approached him and advised him that Lord Pembroke was leaving, he simply said.

“To hell with him!”

Lord Pembroke, Lynnette and Nate started their journey back home. Once in the carriage Lord Pembroke began questioning Lynnette about what really happened.

“Lynnette, I need you to tell me the truth.” Lynnette looked at the floor.

“Karina was very unhappy sir….and she said she wouldn’t marry Lord Harmon, a while back she met this other man who she fell in love with.”

“The Scotsman.”

“Yes. The Scotsman…. and he came for her in the night.”

“Rubbish! That’s the most ridiculous story I ever heard. If she had met anyone I would have found out. There is plenty of gossip back at Pembroke Hall, look how fast word got around regarding her engagement, like quick fire. There is something you’re not telling me Lynnette. You’re her closest friend you know what she’s up to. She had requested we travel to New England in search of her half-brother Jonathan, a preposterous idea, I should have never mentioned him to her.”

“Then why did you mention him to her…sir?” Lynnette asked.

“So that’s where she’s really gone…in search of Jonathan!”

Lord Pembroke stated coming to his own conclusion. Lynnette looked the other way and remained silent a moment than said:

“Lord Harmon is a villain he put something in her drink, last night we believe he put your medication in it.” Lynnette looked at Lord Pembroke.

“Yes, Nate mentioned it to me and that’s why I broke the engagement.
  I wish Karina would have just talked to me.”

“She tried sir but you wouldn’t listen and now…she’s gone.”

“I just wanted to ensure a good quality of life for her I never thought this would happen or that Gunther would be such a cad.”

“I’m sure you did sir…but something seemed not right with Lord Gunther, we all felt it.” Lynnette said, then turned and looked him in the eye.

Lord Pembroke’s knew she was right, his eyes grew moist he was so anxious and fixed on getting Karina married off to someone of wealth and power that he refused to see Lord Harmon for what he really was and set the most precious asset in his life at his feet.  He blamed himself, he had always put wealth and power first beginning with Jonathan who he basically ignored most of his life and now he tried to force his beautiful only daughter to marry that villain for the same reason.  A tear streaked down his cheek now he had condemned Karina by leaving her with no other option than to runaway.  They rode back mostly in silence. Lynnette who was at first very distraught over Lord Harmon’s harsh treatment of her, was happy they left she concentrated instead on Peter and looked forward to his return.

Aaron you can stay


A few days later the Sea Maiden got under way. Karina tried to stay out of sight as much as possible but Captain Drake and other officers kept her busy running errands, preparing their baths, and bringing their meals. She kept her head down and hair forward, providing only a shielded view of her face; keeping the top of her lip and tip of her chin dusted slightly with dirt to make it appear as if she had stubble…it was working. The first few days at sea she felt nauseous not being use traveling on a ship. Peter had teased her about looking a bit green and got sick time off. More than once she had to spend time lurched over the side of the ship. Some of the crew made fun of her or of Aaron the new cabin boy. After a few days it cleared and she started feeling better.

A week after the party at Lord Harmon’s, she was cleaning the Captain’s cabin while he was on the bridge, when Captain Drake and Peter walked in. It was unusual for Eric to spend time indoors during the day but he and Peter came in and sat at his desk. Karina was dusting and was using a chair so Peter took the end chair by the bookshelf back to back with Karina, and sat across from the Captain. To give them privacy she turned to leave but Captain Drake said,

“It’s alright Aaron you can stay.”

Karina nodded and resumed her cleaning removing books and dusting them off, replacing them in alphabetical order. Then Eric asked Peter,

“Peter I have been meaning to ask you something since last week but we were all so busy getting underway.”

“Go ahead Captain.”

“You miss your lady?”

“Plenty, she’s what keeps me going.”

“Just make sure you don’t lose focus, you have an important job on this ship and you know I’m building another ship back home. I’m considering you as 1st mate.”

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