The Sea Maiden (20 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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Peter smiled.

“I can handle that for you Captain I assure you, you won’t regret it.”

Eric reached for a bottle of wine and poured each of them a glass then asked.

“In your contact with Lynnette did you ever meet Karina?”

Karina froze behind Peter then continued cleaning but paying close attention.

“Ah yes just couple of times really.”

“Did she seem or did Lynnette happen to mention if she was happy about marrying Gunther?” Peter would have preferred to tell him that Karina could not tolerate to be in the same room with Lord Gunther let alone be in the same life with him but because of the present situation he didn’t want to risk tipping off the Captain that she might be a potential runaway meanwhile Eric continued prodding for information regarding Karina. “I mean…she didn’t behave like a typical bride-to-be, as a matter of fact she seemed uncomfortable during the announcement. I wonder if she’s even fond of him.”

“Oh yes, she’s crazy about him.”

Karina gasped in silence.

“Is that so…well I guess I’m mistaken then, Gunther’s luck in finding such a woman really surprises me.”

“She’s a dish ay Captain? You like her?” Peter asked with a chuckle

Eric smiled, “Just curious Peter, being such a beautiful woman she probably has several admirers, I’m puzzled how Gunther managed to get engaged so quickly.”

“Well he’s loaded that help’s.”

Shocked to hear that, Karina hit Peter on the head with her elbow in protest.

“Ow!” Peter exclaimed rubbing his head.

“My apologies mate, there is something sticky here.” Karina stated using a deep voice.

Eric ignored the incident and continued talking.

“It’s not important really I just wondered if you knew if she was happy about marrying Gunther.”

“Yep, she’s counting the days.” Karina cringed thinking ‘Ewe’ and elbowed him a second time.

“Ow! Damn Aaron! Are you cleaning or pulling teeth?” Peter snapped, rubbing his head.

“No, just an old rusty nail, pardon me Peter.” Karina claimed in a deep voice.

Eric, deep in thought and holding his glass of wine, ignored Peter and Aaron’s comments to each other.

“Well I guess I won’t find out since I can’t attend the wedding, I’m sure he’ll be very happy.” Eric said meaning Gunther would be happy about him not attending the wedding.

Peter, angry at Karina for elbowing him twice, interpreted the Captain’s meaning as Lord Harmon being very happy about marrying Karina and commented,

“We’ll see after the first night, I heard she
 snores!” Peter exclaimed getting back at Karina for elbowing his head.

Karina clenched her fist fuming. Then there was a knock on the door.

“Sir, Mr. Davis requests that you come to the bridge.” A messenger advised.

“Tell him I’m on my way.” Then turned to Peter, “I better go see what’s going on, we’ll chat later.”

The minute Captain Drake walked out of the cabin Karina started smacking Peter on the head with her dust rag, filling the cabin with dust.

“Why did you say those things about me?
 Snoring, counting the days and implying I’m marrying him for money!?” Karina demanded in a whisper.

“Well what did you want me to tell him that you hate Lord Gunther so much, you ran off and stowed away aboard
 his ship!?” Peter whispered back sarcastically.

“What about telling him I snored?” Karina protested.

“That was for elbowing me…twice!” Peter held up 2 fingers, “I have to go see what’s going on. Keep cleaning!” Peter snapped back at her. Karina shrieked in frustration.

Return to Pembrook Hall


Lord Pembroke, Nate and Lynnette arrived back at Pembroke Hall. The staff greeted them. Lynnette’s mother and two brothers were happy to see Lynnette back. They all began asking questions about Karina who was not with them. Lynnette and Nate explained of the change of plans. They would have to wait until Lord Pembroke said something possibly after reading Karina’s letter. The staff was only partly surprised to hear a change of plans; they all knew Karina was not a willing bride they would just have to speculate until Lord Pembroke said more. Once settled in his bedroom Nate brought him the letter Karina had left by his bed. It confirmed his suspicions of her running away to find Jonathan in America.

Lynnette told her mother the whole story including meeting Peter. She conveniently left out the incident at
 The Red Dawn and about her staying overnight on board the Sea Maiden in the company of all men including Peter. Her mother would probably only speculate the wrong idea anyway.

Two weeks passed since
 the Sea Maiden’s departure. Karina was adjusting to her new role and position as a cabin boy. She had become more comfortable around Captain Drake and the officers who didn’t pay much attention to a cabin boy or Aaron as she was known. She wrapped a piece of sheet around her breast to flatten them and wore the loose vest over her white shirt to hide her feminine figure. She also had to stuff rags into Peter’s old boots since they were too big on her. She kept her hair wrapped under a scarf worn under a three point hat or a floppy hat that one of the crew gave her; and pulled out the chin length hair from around her temples to shield her face. She only had two changes of clothes so she was constantly washing them.

She got familiar with each officer’s schedule especially the Captains so she could clean and prepare their baths well in advance and leave before they arrived. Their cabins were always neat and tidy and their clean clothes were left neatly folded on their bunk. This scored points with all the officers including the Captain who regularly patted her on the back for a job well done as did some of the other officers. During down time, she asked Peter to show her how to do some of his work, and he started showing her how to splice and do different kind of knots he also showed her all the ropes and pulleys and what to look for that might need repair.
  Karina enjoyed Peter’s company. His charismatic, character made him a ship favorite with his winning smile, curly bronze locks and hazel eyes which seemed always at play; and because of his connection to Lynnette and Karina he and Captain Drake were becoming close friends?



A few weeks later they pulled in to a Florida port. Everyone was anxious to get off the ship they would only be there a couple of days and the crew was ready for a break. Peter told Karina,

“You have worked hard and done a great job as a cabin boy so now you get to go out on the town as one of the mates and have a little fun so get ready.”

Arriving in Florida was exciting for everyone as well as Karina, she was ready for a break like Peter said and looked forward to getting off the ship. It was a warm day when they anchored off the bay. The Sea Maiden slowly emptied except for the man on watch and a few others. Captain Drake invited Peter to have a drink in town with him and the other officers but Peter told him he would have to meet up with them later because he first wanted to break Aaron in and cheer him up a bit, since he was still morning over the loss of his parents.

Peter and Karina got along well and they had become good friends. While aware she was female he got use to her as one of the men.
  Life as a man was very different she thought, she had to do everything herself and endure the most indecent cursing and jesting, but men left her alone or ignored her except for Peter who constantly played tricks on her and was even showing her how to fight. He was the only one she could trust and feel free to show her face fully to. Captain Drake, on the other hand, always caused her a certain amount of uneasiness; and her heart seemed always to beat faster when he was around.

They went to a local tavern known as the,
 Seven Seas. As they walked in a redheaded woman in a tight red dress showing an indecent amount of cleavage came right up to Peter and kissed him on the lips.

“Hello Peter long time no-see.” She looked over at Karina. “You baby-sitting tonight darling, or are you going to let me show you a good time?”

Karina’s mouth dropped, than looked away.

“Jill…hello! What a surprise to see…so much of you.” Peter flirted looking down her deep cleavage, “I’m afraid I’m not up to that tonight beautiful. This here is my friend Aaron he’s new on the ship and he recently lost his parents so I’m keeping him company and showing him around.”

“Aw what a good ship mate you are.” She flirtatiously toyed with a curly lock of his hair. “Too bad you look so appetizing we would have such a good time...” She sighed, “…anyway if you change your mind I will be right over there.” She said suggestively and pointed to a booth in the rear, then left pulling at his hand as she blew him a kiss and winked before disappearing in the crowd. Peter watched her walk away and sighed, then remembered Karina next to him and took a more serious tone.

“Sorry about that.”

“Who is that woman?”

Peter was looking for the right words but figured he better just be honest. He cleared is throat.

“She’s a…she’s a…lady of the night, a prostitute.”

Karina glared at him.

“Stop looking at me that way…alright so I’m not an angel but it’s in the past…alright.” Peter tried to reassure her. “I do mean to marry Lynnette but unfortunately, for now you’re going to see a side of me and the other men that a typical lady doesn’t get to see so be a good sport and I promise I will behave but some of these ladies can be a little direct.”

Peter ordered drinks and a serving girl promptly delivered two mugs of spirits to their table. He enjoyed watching Karina crunch her face as she took her first taste of spirits.

“This is awful how could you drink this, why would anyone drink this?”

“Makes you loosen up.” Peter chuckled

Peter watched her and laughed. It was loud in the tavern and some of the customers played fiddles and harmonicas and sang. Karina was certainly more at ease after a few drinks but Peter was keeping a close watch on her. Peter himself was getting a buzz. They started playing dice at one of the tables and even Karina joined in. Under the influence of rum and spirits she got so involved in the betting that she didn’t notice that a woman put her arm around her. Peter was in stitches, laughing at her till she pushed the woman away. The crowd at the table was getting pretty rowdy by late evening, when a man angry he lost his money to the boy pushed Karina in disgust, Karina now fairly drunk pushed the man back.

“I will run you threw boy!”

The man threatened. Peter tensed ready to step in,

“Be warned mate, he maybe small but he’s an expert swordsman, he slew the last man that crossed swords with him.” Peter warned, stretching the truth.

The drunken man heeded his warning but continued pushing and angering the others. With a brawl in the brew Peter decided to get Karina out of there. He pulled her outside and when the air hit her, Karina passed out, Peter caught her and threw her over his shoulder and began walking toward the peer but her hat and scarf fell off and a tangle of blond hair spilled out. He stopped and put her down on a bench and went back to gather the scarf and hat. He tried to put them back on her but it was an impossible task. Her long blond hair was all over the place. In defeat he sat down next to her but she slumped sideways into his lap with her head tilted back over his arm. Peter admired her loveliness while he cradled her in his arms, what a beauty she was, something inside him started stirring. He tried to brush it off, but under the rums influence a compelling desire to kiss her came over him and he did what came natural to him and pressed his lips lightly against hers. Her lips where soft and pink and warm, he caressed her face and removed a strand of blond hair off her face he wanted to kiss her again suddenly he remembered, ‘This was Karina, Lynnette’s friend and his new employer and she was intoxicated, good grief! What was he doing?’ He took a deep breath, shook his head to try and clear it then attempted waking her again. He couldn’t take her up on deck like that. He shook her gently.

“Karina! Wake up!” He held her face in his hand she mumbled something incoherent, with the help of the cool night air she started coming to a bit. Then she opened her eyes slightly. “Help me put on your scarf and hat dear I can’t take you back to the ship looking like this.”

Slowly she sat up with his help everything looked surreal to her. Peter gave her the scarf and three point hat. Karina composed herself somewhat and wrapped and tied the scarf on then tucked her hair under the scarf as best she could and put on the hat.

“Good girl…I knew you could do it.” Then unaware to Peter, one of the crew came out of the tavern and headed toward the rowboat to go back to the ship. Peter was preoccupied with Karina trying to keep her awake and didn’t notice the man; Karina kept trying to lie down on the bench so Peter pulled her to her feet. “Now look at me.” Karina slumped into his arms again, in an effort to keep her standing Peter took both her arms and put them over his shoulders, not realizing how this looked to his shipmate on the rowboat. “Karina! Look at me!” He ordered.

Karina opened her eyes and seeing his handsome face so close she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him instead. Once again it was a provocative moment and Peter kissed her back. From the rowboat the man blinked and his eyes grew two sizes when he realized it was Peter and ‘Aaron, the cabin boy’ engaged in a passionate kiss. Peter heard a noise and opened his eyes suddenly noticing the man on the rowboat watching them, alarmed he broke the kiss.

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