The Sea Maiden (22 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“Captain, perhaps you should go back to your cabin have a glass of wine and calm down.” One of the officers suggested.

Captain Drake heeded the officer’s advice straightened, spit on the deck and entered his cabin, slamming the door behind him.  Her belongings stills scattered in the room sent another wave of emotions through him, and then he heard a knock on the door. It was James Caleb, his second in command. Caleb was an older man in his mid forties with a wife and five children he had previously served as a military officer for the Royal Navy and was new aboard the Sea Maiden. He knew the Captain to be a controlled man but apparently this situation had thrown him off balance.

After an hour back in the guest quarters Karina sat on the bunk thinking and regretting the events of the day.
  She was still wearing the Captain’s shirt but was missing her scarf, hat and vest. Karina braided her hair and walked out of the room. All the men looked at her with disgust. She felt their eyes blaming her for Peter’s situation, more than likely, Peter was dismissed now. She went to look for him. When she saw him in irons she started weeping.

“I’m so sorry Peter, I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’m going to get you out of here.” She told him, tears running down her face.

Peter usually happy and good-natured didn’t want to look at her and remained silent.

“I just want you to know that the Captain didn’t do anything to me beside kiss me and to ask you for forgiveness. I know that in your heart you were protecting me and for that I’m truly grateful.”

She went on to explain the details, which led up to the conflict but upon moving to the side she saw bloody gashes on his back. She gasped in horror; enraged she turned and went directly to the Captain’s cabin and burst through the door without knocking. The Captain now calm was drinking a glass of wine and he and James Caleb were talking.


“He struck the Captain it’s procedure.” Caleb stated.

Eric was angry but unaware of Peter getting whipped until she mentioned it. He stood up and countered,


“HE WAS PROTECTING ME! He has been my only friend on this ship!” Karina exclaimed.


Karina let out a breath of frustration before responding to his accusation.

“Oh but of course you’re the Captain and it’s alright for you to make all the decisions and draw all the conclusions then CRULLY VICTIMIZE YOUR CREW WITHOUT  KNOWING THE FACTS!” Karina accused.


Appalled at his disregard for Peter’s treatment, Karina now tearful but angry leaned against the desk and said in a low cutting voice dripping with contempt.

“Well I don’t see
 you bleeding Captain…enjoy your glass of wine.” Karina cried, then walked out and slammed the door.

Enraged at her accusations he picked up the glass of wine and threw it, shattering it against the wall.

“Who gave the order to have Peter whipped?” He demanded.

“You did, it’s a written procedure, have you forgotten?” Caleb reminded him.

“Release him at once! And get him medical attention!”

Caleb sat there for a moment not seeing the logic.

“NOW!” Eric shouted, pounding his fist on the desk.

“Well she certainly has a hold on you Captain.”

James Caleb stood and left the cabin, and then called one of the officers.

“Have Peter released and looked at by Dr. Tibbs.”

The young officer looked surprised at the change of orders but did as he was told.

“Yes sir.”

“The damn woman made him lose his mind.” Caleb stated shaking his head.

Eric paced his cabin deeply troubled over Karina calling him a
 tyrant and Peter’s reference of him being no better than Gunther. This morning he thought it was such a beautiful day, blue skies, mild winds, how quickly things had escalated to the present situation. He had never enforced whipping on the ship but he also had never been struck by any of the crew, he was too well liked and respected for that, and was considered a fair and understanding man, characteristics not associated with tyrants or his half-brother Gunther.

Knowing she was just on the other side of the wall, made him restless, he continued to pace his cabin but decided he needed to speak with her calmly before he lost his wits, and get the whole story and not draw his own conclusions like she accused him of.

In tears Karina went back to the guest quarters and sat down feeling anguished and responsible for Peter’s treatment. After a while there was a knock on the door. She opened it; it was one of the young officers, which had come himself rather than send a messenger, curious to get a better look at her.


“Good evening Miss. I came to let you know that Peter was released and is getting medical attention.”

“Oh thank God.” Karina closed her eyes in relief.

“Did Mr. Caleb send you?”

“No, the Captain did.”

“Oh…thank you officer.”

“You’re welcome Miss.”

The officer bowed and turned to walk away, when Karina said,

“It was unjust and barbaric of Captain Drake to have Peter whipped when he was just trying to protect me.”

The officer turned back and said, “But Miss, the Captain was not aware that Peter was whipped until you mentioned it and he gave immediate orders that he be released and be seen by Dr. Tibbs. Whipping is an old written procedure that has never been carried out until now. Unfortunately for Peter, Mr. Caleb is new on the ship and he was just following those procedures. ”

“Oh.” Karina realized she had also jumped to conclusions without knowing the facts. “Thank you officer.” Then looked away and bit her lower lip.

She felt guilty for blaming Captain Drake and for calling him a ‘Heartless tyrant.’ She needed to apologize to him.

The young officer bowed then turned and walked away impressed with her beauty he raised his brows pretending to whistle, thinking, ‘A
 female like that would surely make a man’s blood boil quick.’

Knowing Peter was released and being looked at by Dr. Tibbs and that the Captain had
 not given direct orders for him to be whipped, restored Karina’s good opinion of Captain Drake. Her mood lightened and her heartbeat quickened remembering his fiery embrace upon discovering her; but her status on the ship had taken a drastic turn and she was not going to tolerate being referred to as a lowly stowaway or looked upon as a trouble maker when not only could she pay for her passage but had dutifully worked her fingers to the bone, cleaning, scrubbing, and preparing hot baths for all the officers as well as deliver their meals. Now she was prepared to pay her passage, and claim some respect. She rummaged through her small cloth purse containing all her valuables and headed to the Captain’s cabin. It was getting late the sun was beginning to set. She knocked on his door but there was no answer. She stayed a minute then when she turned she was startled to see him. He had quietly come up behind her. Suddenly intimidated by his closeness she stepped back into the door.

“Looking for me?” He asked in a husky voice.

She nodded. The Captain purposely stayed close, his hand reaching past her to open the door and politely gesturing for her to come in. Karina stepped inside. He closed the door. Like a gentleman he pulled out a chair for her to sit, and then he calmly sat at his desk, folded his hands on the desk and waited for her to begin.

“Thank you.” She said and sat down. “Captain Drake first I want to thank you for releasing Peter and apologize for causing you so much trouble and for calling you a ‘Heartless tyrant’.
 I was not aware you did not give direct orders to have Peter whipped. I also want you to know that Peter is not my lover. I hired him to accompany me to America where I hope to locate my brother.”

He raised his eyebrows and was about to make a sarcastic remark about her hiring Peter but thought he better just let her continue. Karina felt scrutinized and asked.

“Well aren’t you going to say something?”

“And draw my own conclusions without the facts. I wouldn’t think of it.” He couldn’t help the sarcasm this time. “Please continue.”

Karina took in a deep breath and started telling him everything from the first day she met Lord Harmon to her coming on board as a cabin boy.

“Why didn’t you just tell me your plight?’

“Peter didn’t think you would get involved helping your brother’s runaway bride. I even suggested other ships but he assured me he would rather take his chances with you because he TRUSTS you.”

Eric suddenly felt uncomfortable over Peter’s treatment.

“What about the kiss in Florida, are you saying that didn’t happen?”

Ashamed Karina looked down and said,

“No that did happen…we had been drinking all night and playing dice and when we left...” She shrugged. “…I just remember waking on the grass and Peter being worried because one of the crew had seen us kiss and he worried Lynnette might get word about it later. So we agreed to keep it between us. Peter’s words to me were. ‘It was a moment of drunkenness, that’s all. I’m fine if you are?’ Peter also mentioned I got sick and made a mess on his new boot…anyway the next day I decided I would never drink that way again. After we cleaned up, we stayed on the grass behind the bench but Peter was a gentleman he has always been a gentleman unlike-” Karina stopped and looked at him.

“Go on say it…a scoundrel like me?” She looked away. “Karina I also want to apologize for my earlier actions but I’ll be honest, I’m very attracted to you.”

Karina breathed uncomfortably.

“Apology accepted Captain, thank you, but I’m just here to clear the air and to pay for my passage and to also ask that you pardon both Peter and I for our roles in this deception and if needed, I will pay for Peter’s passage as well. Like I mentioned before, my only desire is to get to America and find my brother.” Karina assured him.

Eric had let her go on for a while telling her story but her physical presence was intoxicating. No longer comfortable with the distance between them, he rose from his seat and came around to her side of the desk. He took her hand and gently brought her to her feet. His handsome face to close for Karina to think straight he asked in a low husky voice,

“So is that your only desire?”


“Are you sure about that?”


“Are you lying?”

“Yes.” Karina said sounding more breathless than aware of what she was saying.

His lips pressed against hers in a seductive kiss. She placed her hands on his arms, their kiss deepened. Karina was lost in the powerful emotion of erupted passion but remembered her own advice to Lynnette about not letting things go too far. She realized she had a certain amount of power over the Captain and in order to keep it she needed to hold herself back from him even though she desperately wanted to remain in his arms.

A knock at the door broke their passionate embrace; Karina was grateful then realized they had moved dangerously close to his bed, which was twice as large as her bunk in the guest quarters. A second knock on the door forced him to respond she took the opportunity to break free of his hold and left the room. Frustrated at the interruption Eric scowled at the messenger.

“What is it?”

“The bridge wanted me to tell you sir that there is another ship on the horizon.”

Deidra’s Visit


Lord Harmon had exhausted his search in the nearby countryside and had not found anyone other then peasants. Two weeks after the engagement dinner, Deidra Woods returned home after being away in France. Upon hearing of the broken engagement and runaway bride along with the missing ring she decided to pay her neighbor a visit. Deidra thrived on stirring up trouble it gave her a sense of importance and attention otherwise missing in her self-indulging dull life. Once Henry and Deidra joined Lord Harmon for tea Deidra lost no time talking about her trip to France instead she focused on her heart felt regret over the broken engagement. After her disguised lamentations she anxiously began recounting her observations of the night of the party, which consisted of Karina and Captain Drake exchanging glances at the dinner table, the conversation at the jewelers regarding traveling overseas and her most notable observation that took place outside the house while waiting on her husband, which due to Henry’s endless chattering with another guest, caused them an approximate 20 minute delay in departing. As they finally rolled away she had glimpsed Karina and Captain Drake share a passionate kiss alongside the house.

“Is it possible she ran away with him?” Deidra suggested.

Up to this moment he had never considered the possibility of his half-brother being involved with Karina. She grew up in seclusion sheltered in a countryside estate and Eric lived in New England his visits to the area were rare and when he did visit, he was usually in the company of loose women. He had no interested in long term relationships. Then he recalled Karina’s shaken appearance upon entering the house on the night of the dinner party. He never questioned her whereabouts. His bile rose, thinking if she is on his ship, knowing Eric’s effect on women, she would surely not remain a maiden for long in his company.

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