The Sea Maiden (26 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“I don’t know what or who you’re talking about!”

“Then I shall help you remember…” Captain Drake placed the barrel of his pistol against Captain Tate’s forehead. “…because I think you know exactly what and who I’m talking about and if she’s been hurt in any way; your ship will be needing a new Captain. Am I clear?” Captain Tate gave a small nod. “Good, now, where is she?” Captain Drake demanded in low menacing voice. 

Stubbornly, Captain Tate hesitated until he heard the click of the trigger, then immediately volunteered information.

“She’s safe at the plantation.”

“What plantation?”

“Lord Harmon’s…just west of here.”

Captain Drake’s anger was replaced with shock at the revelation of Lord Harmon’s involvement.
  He had not realized how far Gunther would go or how much of a villain he really was, to have his own brother’s ship attacked by pirates and Karina kidnapped.

“Very well since we don’t know our way around here you will have to be out escort. Get dressed!” He threw his clothes at him. “Tie her up Roy...” Referring to the prostitute, “…and put something over her mouth so she doesn’t alert the others.” Roy tied up the woman and put a rag around her mouth. Captain Tate looked over at Roy and said,

“Roy you bloody coward…you must be enjoying this moment.” Said Captain Tate.

“I’ll enjoy it more when we turn you over to the authorities.” Said Roy.

“I should have slit your throat when I had the chance.” Tate hissed.

“Shut up Tate! If anyone asks who we are, tell them we’re old acquaintances or I’ll put a hole in your belly.” Captain Drake warned.

Once Captain Tate was dressed and the woman was tied up. The three of them went downstairs.

Most of the drunken patrons occupied rooms with harlots except for one who became suspicious and decided to follow them. He recognized Roy. The three walked until they approached the plantation, suddenly a shot rang out and Roy took a hit below the right shoulder. More shots rang out. Captain Tate took the opportunity to knock off the pistol from Captain Drake’s hands while distracted by the shots and both men engaged in a fistfight. As more shots rang out; Roy, now wounded on the ground reached for Captain Drake’s pistol near him but another man kicked it out of reach, and tried to thrust a sword into Roy but even though wounded, Roy tripped the man to the ground and both men fought to reach the pistol. The attacker hit Roy on his wounded shoulder Roy recoiled in pain but managed to kick the man in the groin. In retaliation the man pulled out a dagger from his side to try and stab Roy. Both men battled each other till Roy reached for a rock and hit the dagger out of the man’s hand which Roy took. Enraged to see his dagger taken, the other man picked up a nearby bolder to hit Roy over the head with it when Roy stabbed the man in the calf with the man’s own dagger.
  The man dropped the boulder and doubled over in pain at which point Roy stabbed the dagger into his attacker’s chest and the man fell dead. Exhausted and wounded, Roy picked up Captain Drake’s pistol and tried to aim it at Captain Tate still engaged in a fight with Captain Drake.  Both Men swung at each other, no longer able to stand, Roy leaned against a palm tree but caught sight of Captain Drake kicking Captain Tate to the ground. Captain Tate grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it at Captain Drake’s eyes blinding him a few seconds then tried to run away but Roy managed to hold him at gun point. One of Captain Tate’s men came up behind Roy about to shoot him. At the same time a pop sounded behind him and the man fell dead next to Roy, he looked up to see Peter, who saved his life. Peter quickly took the loaded pistol from Roy wounded on the ground and pointed it at Captain Tate.

“Don’t move!” Peter told him.

Thinking to make a quick getaway through the jungle, Captain Tate prepared to make a dash for it but changed his mind upon hearing the cocking sound of muskets coming from behind him. He turned to face several military officers all pointing their weapons at him. Annoyed at being caught, Captain Tate surrendered and was promptly taken into custody by the military, which accompanied Peter and the men from the Sea Maiden. Gunfire continued from the men Lord Harmon posted around the plantation; however most of them scattered upon realizing the military’s involvement.

While Captain Tate surrendered to Peter and the military, Captain Drake, made his way to the front of the house, kicked the door open and went inside, he ran toward Karina lying on the couch unconscious and bleeding from the corner of her head. Amazement replaced anger, upon realizing Karina armed herself with a sword that was still secured around her waste by a belt worn like a holster. She was as gutsy as any man he thought. As he bent over to lift her, a shot rang past his head. Marcus had fired at him from behind, barely missing him. At once he drew his sword as did Marcus and both began slashing at one another furiously breaking several items throughout the house. Marcus, one of Lord Harmon’s deadliest men on staff, was not the type to surrender. Both fought without relenting, and headed toward Gunther’s office. Captain Drake slashed the sword out of Marcus’ hand, so Marcus took a large planter and threw it at Captain Drake, hitting him on the side and momentarily disabled him. Marcus knew the military to be outside he needed to reach Karina to use her as a hostage and shield to get away so he headed toward the couch to take her. Captain Drake recovered from being struck with the planter looked up and glimpsed what appeared to be the matching sword to the one Karina had on her belt. He pulled it off the wall. As Marcus reached for Karina, Captain Drake threw the sword across the room and speared him across the ribs. Marcus fell wounded but not dead, next to the couch. Angrily, he removed the sword from his mid back. At that moment pounding foot stomps sounded as several men came through the house. A military man gave Marcus a direct order.


Captain Drake turned; it was a combination of his own men and the military that pointed at Marcus on the ground near Karina. Marcus then focused on the pistol below the couch. In defiance, he ignored the warning and reached for the pistol, a second later a pop rang out and a cloud of gunpowder clouded the room, the military man who gave him the verbal warning shot him dead.

Captain Drake immediately turned his attention to Karina who had obviously been struck by the bastard on the floor. He kicked his body out of the way and lifted her up gently.

Peter and the others outside attempted to contain the remaining attackers on the plantation. They made their way to the back of the house.

Lynnette was terrified, after seeing Karina get struck by Marcus and at the sound of gunfire and clashing swords. She covered her ears and curled up in the corner of the small hut-like structure, trying to keep quiet fearing she might draw their attention. Unaware it was Peter just outside her door. Then she heard a familiar masculine voice.

“PETER! Are you alright?”

Lynnette instantly recognized the sound of Captain Drakes voice. She jumped to her feet and looked through the little cell like window,


Peter nearly stumbled over a rock at the unexpected sound of Lynnette’s voice coming from the hut. He rushed over.

“LYNNETTE? Oh my God! How in the world did you get here?”

“He killed her, Peter! He killed Karina!”


“That animal Marcus!”

“No, no she’s not dead, but he is, she’s hurt though. Let’s get you out of there.”

“Really she’s not dead? Oh Peter thank God it’s you! I’m so happy to see you! How did you know where to find us?”

He took his sword and slashed at the lock until it broke. He threw opened the door and rushed into her arms they kissed and hugged like they had been apart for a life time.

“Peter…where’s Karina?”

“The Captain has her! We all need to get out of here!”

“So she’s alright?” Lynnette asked again.

Just then Captain Drake emerged carrying Karina over his shoulders; he was shocked to see Lynnette too but there was no time for explanations they had to leave before more fighting broke out.
  Peter took hold of Lynnette’s hand and they made their way through the gunpowder filled air toward the boats off shore.

They reached the shore and boarded the rowboats both the military men and
 the Sea Maiden’s men continued to shoot back at their assailants. The wounded men were helped onto the rowboats, including Roy Skinner.  As they rowed away more pirates came toward them but quickly disbursed at the sound of the cannons from the military ships.  The military continued its quest to capture the Raven.

Back on the Sea Maiden


Once back on the Sea Maiden, Captain Drake took Karina to the infirmary. When she came to she sat up in a panic making her head throb.

“Careful, you took a strong hit on your head. We must relieve the swelling.” Dr. Tibbs warned.

Karina was at once relieved to see Dr. Tibbs and lied back down. Captain Drake, Lynnette and Peter waited outside. After a while they came in, she smiled, happy to see them.

“I guess I missed quite a bit?” Karina said.

“What’s important is that you’re alright, thank goodness.” Lynnette stated,

“We have to admit that bump on your head had us worried.” Peter said.

“I thought I almost lost you.” Captain Drake said taking her hand in his.

Karina touched her head it was bandaged.

“Come on let’s step outside for a minute.” Dr. Tibbs said to Lynnette and Peter.

“What happen back there?” Karina asked.

“It’s a long story, right now I just want you to relax, you’ve been through a lot.”

“Captain Drake I’m so sorry for putting you, Peter, Lynnette and your crew through all this. I had no idea Lord Harmon would be capable of this.” Then she remembered.
“Oh-no! I’m legally married to him now; he threatened to sell Lynnette to a harem if I didn’t cooperate. He also made me sign a multitude of legal documents allowing him total control of my inheritance upon my father’s death. He said he had taken care of all the arrangements.”

“Married?” Captain Drake asked.

He stared at her in disbelief; he shook his head and said, “Well you don’t have to worry about that anymore.”

“What do you mean?” Karina asked.

“After the military shot the man who hit you, they went into every room and found Gunther dead in the bedroom. There were some vials of medication on him. Apparently he over medicated himself.”

“I had one of my father’s sedatives on me and added it to my drink then switched the glasses, but that would have only sedated him not killed him.”

Karina remembered Dr. Carrington’s warning not to exceed more than one vial per day. Lord Harmon, cad that he was, must have added his own vial of the sedative to her drink while she was in the outhouse and when she added her vial to her own drink it turned lethal then he drank it after she switched the glasses. She closed her eyes at the thought, could she have now killed three men? She placed her hand on her lips thinking, how could she be responsible if she didn’t know the drink was already tainted and that her vial would have only sedated him had he not added the first vial? Therefore, his death was his own doing, she concluded feeling some relief.

“So if you were legally married, that makes you a very wealthy widow and new owner of Harmon Hall along with all of his holdings and assets.”

Karina shook her head.

“No I cannot claim it; I wouldn’t feel right about it. You’re his actual next of kin. I just want to find my brother in New England.”

“I wish I could help you find him but I don’t know a Jonathan Pembroke.”

Karina looked up at him.

“No, no, his name isn’t Jonathan Pembroke, it’s Jonathan Williams he was my father’s illegitimate son.”

“Is that so, well I know a Jonathan Williams.”

“You do?”

“Yes I’m due to pick up a shipment of cocoa for him in Yucatan; he’s been a client of mine for years. He owns a spice store.”

Karina’s mouth flew open.

“How old is he?”

“Not sure perhaps 45 or 50.” Karina gasped again.

“That’s him; father said he owns a spice shop and should be 51 now. So you mean this whole time you have known my brother?”

“Apparently so.” Eric said with a smile

“Oh Captain Drake, this is wonderful news! Do you know where he lives?”

“I have his business address.” In her enthusiasm, Karina put her arms around him. He responded with a kiss and loving embrace that sent chills up and down her spine. When alone they seem not to be able to keep apart for long, luckily they were in the infirmary. If she was going to be aboard the same ship with him she would have to be more in control of her emotions, she needed to keep herself busy and keep some distance, she broke the embrace. A knock at the door came just in time. It was Dr. Tibbs coming back to check on Karina.

“Captain, you’re wanted on the bridge.”

“Never fails.” Eric sighed, looked at Karina longingly then left her with Dr. Tibbs.

“How is your head my dear?” Dr. Tibbs asked

“A little tender doctor.”

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