Temptation, Chronicles of the Fallen, Book 3

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Authors: Brenda Huber

Tags: #angels;demons;paranormal romance

BOOK: Temptation, Chronicles of the Fallen, Book 3
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A demon with nothing left to lose. A Halfling who will prove him wrong.

Chronicles of the Fallen
, Book 3

With the destruction of the Amulet of the Gods, Gideon’s last hope of Divine forgiveness is lost. Cursed to never know the touch of another, he spirals closer to losing control. But, for the sake of his brethren, he takes on one last mission.

His simple task, to guard a very special Halfling, quickly becomes a complicated mess. The feisty woman sets fire to his blackened soul. Curse or no curse, he will stay by her side—even though he is more of a threat to her than the demon prince plotting to take over the world.

Despite the dubious “blessing” of her birthright, Maggie is happy with a career she loves, a place of her own and a circle of good friends. But Gideon—The Demon of Temptation—seduces her out of her comfort zone and plunges her into a world she’s never known.

Entangled in the blurred lines between good and evil, desire and destruction, Maggie’s only chance for survival is to trust her very life to the one man who doesn’t even trust himself.

Warning: Contains an unpredictable demon surviving on the edge, and a desperate Halfling determined to live life on her own terms. And so continues the journey of six fallen demons and the women who capture their hearts.


Brenda Huber


I would like to dedicate this book to my readers. Thank you for finding me. Thank you for staying with me. Thank you for becoming part of my world.


As always, I would like to send out special thanks to my agent Jessica Alvarez of BookEnds, LLC. Your valuable input and steadfast support are priceless. I would also like to thank my editor Holly Atkinson. There are no words to properly express my undying gratitude for all you’ve done to make this series shine. You’ve made me a better writer. And also, heartfelt thanks go out to all the other authors of Holly’s Hellions who have not only provided me with insightful nuggets of advice and wisdom, but also helped me feel like part of a community. It truly does takes a village…

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it.

—Oscar Wilde

“Feel free to yield all you want, but I’m not goin’ anywhere, darlin’.”

—Gideon, Demon of Temptation


Gideon tore through the jungle. The sharp edges of broad leaves slashed at him, ripping at his face and neck. Gnarled, hanging vines caught at his pumping arms. Tangled roots and slick, moss covered rocks made every racing step treacherous.

Sweat drenched his body. His clothing clung in the oppressive humidity. He’d sprinted, more or less, the last eight miles, and his breathing was ragged. His heart pounded inside his chest like angry war drums. Not from his exertions, but from overwhelming excitement.

The Mayan ruins of Calakmul, the Kingdom of the Snake, flashed in the distance, bobbing in and out of his line of sight as he darted, jumped and weaved his way through the overgrown jungle. Indescribable power radiated from the Amulet of the Gods, drawing him inexorably onward, urging him faster and faster.

Gideon’s stamina was nearly limitless. But the heat, the nightmares that had plagued him with increasing frequency and the extensive injuries he’d sustained less than an hour ago in a fierce battle with a nest of Animagi Demons were beginning to sap his strength. It’d been too long since he’d fed, and his wounds weren’t healing anymore—not like they should be. Even now, blood seeped from the ragged hole in his shoulder. Blisters from a lucky plasma ball seared his side, raw and oozing. Dizziness washed through him in waves, but still he ran. Hope, a ruthless and unforgiving taskmaster, rode him hard.

A fresh surge of foreign energy ripped through the air without warning, something familiar. Something evil. A whisper of awareness shivered along his nerves.

Another demon was near.

Determined to get to that amulet first, Gideon burst from the choking vegetation near the base of crumbling steps, so close to his goal he could taste it. The power of the amulet hissed through the air, sizzling energy that pulsed with a life all its own. He’d sensed it the moment he’d shimmered into the jungle several miles away, knew it would have been the same for whoever else it was that was there with him. The closer he got, the more powerful the draw.

The amulet was his last hope, the only possible loophole he’d been able to come up with in the two hundred years since Lucifer had compounded his curse, twisting an already impossible situation into something heinously cruel. He’d already been stripped of his angelic gifts of precognition during the Great Fall by the very angel he’d once called brother. But then Lucifer had seen fit to punish him twice over for disobedience, cursing him to never again have physical contact with another—any other—while in human form. In demonic form…well, that was a whole other messed up situation. Lucifer’s curse had been the last straw, the thing that had driven him to join Niklas, Xander, Mikhail and Sebastian in rebellion.
It’s so close!

A plasma ball whizzed past his head, exploding in a whoosh of flames and shattered rock, obliterating a column of ancient inscriptions. Crouching, whirling about, he ignited his own plasma ball and scanned the lush greenery around him. His breath wheezed in and out. Sweat dripped in his eyes, plastering his hair to his cheeks and neck. He did a quick visual search of the foliage at the base of the ruins, but he couldn’t locate his attacker.

Gideon leaped back into the edge of the vegetation. He glanced up the steep stone steps. Steps stained by the blood of countless sacrifices. Soon more blood would join with the rest—
blood—a gruesome offering required to obtain the amulet he wanted almost as much as he wanted redemption.

But that’s not strictly true, now is it?
his conscience argued.

A flicker of guilt speared him. If he were being truly honest, he’d admit he wanted that amulet even more than the forgiveness he’d worked so hard to earn.

God help me.

A small alcove at the top of the temple offered concealment and a vantage point. He gathered his strength, corralled his focus and shimmered to the top of the steps, to the entrance of the alcove. A plasma ball exploded near his shoulder, spraying him with razor sharp shards of rock, slicing fresh wounds into his flesh. Dust plumed in the air. Gideon darted into the alcove. His chest heaved as his gaze whipped around the room. The chamber was large, an altar placed dead center in the room.

Power radiated from the base of the massive stones, throbbing in the air. Hope all but choked him, surging wild and greedy. He was so close, the thrum of the amulet’s energy vibrated in his very bones. His hands shook with excitement. This was it. It had to be. The answer to his prayers lay only a few feet away. With the sacrifice of his blood, with the incantation—
please, God, let me have translated everything correctly
—the amulet would allow him to touch others once again, let him
touched after an eternity without the simple intimacy of contact.

Gideon took a step forward, his sole focus the massive stone slab atop the altar. He began reading the carvings aloud, searching for the correct stone, the right marker. The air in the corner began to waver and he read faster. Words, phrases jumped out at him.
Yes. Yes this is it. This is what I’ve been searching for.
Determination shot through Gideon like a river of lava, molten and unstoppable. He would not be thwarted in this. He would not yield.

He felt the stirrings of the monster within and fought to keep control. He could not morph. Not now. Mindless, unbiased destruction would not benefit him. Quite the opposite. In his demonic form, he might be just as likely to destroy that which he desired most and not even realize it until it was too late. It was just too much of a gamble.

No, he would not morph.

And he would not fail.

A demon solidified in the corner.


One of Lucifer’s cruelest soldiers, the Captain of the Prison Guard for Lucifer’s personal dungeon, stood before Gideon in all his demonic glory. Massive body, grotesquely deformed face, bald head and pointed ears. His flesh was gray, pockmarked and lumpy. Gideon could smell his putrid breath from this distance. The scent of death and decay. Gideon pushed down the urge to morph, mindful of his resolve to remain in control of the beast within.

He was fighting a losing battle.

Gideon had never had a personal bone to pick with this particular demon, no axe to grind, no grudge held. But the Captain of the Guard, Gideon knew, had always seen things differently. He’d resented Gideon’s rise through the ranks of Lucifer’s army. He’d watched Gideon with a jaded eye, waiting for the moment the Demon of Temptation slipped and fell from favor, like a vulture waiting for a wounded animal to stop kicking before it moved in to pick the bones clean. Mortikaï’s mere presence threatened everything Gideon had been trying to accomplish. Fury flooded his veins.

“I know what you seek, Temptation,” Mortikaï sneered in the ancient Demonic language, his voice deep and layered. Plasma balls hovered over the open palms of his massive hands.


How had he found out? How had he learned of the amulet? Gideon had been so careful in his inquiries, covering his tracks, and, yes, even killing a few demons that’d asked too many questions or seemed to take a little too much interest in his business.

“How accommodating of you to meet me, then, to offer yourself up for my blade,” Gideon taunted, careful to keep his mind off the object of his deepest desires. Though he had no proof, he’d heard rumors Mortikaï could read minds, rather like Sebastian had been able to decipher a being’s deepest desires before the Great Fall. “And that’s
Demon of Temptation, by the way.”

“Ah, yes. You are of the Fallen now.” Mortikaï spat on the floor, punctuating his disgust. The droplets of spittle sizzled and bubbled like acid on the aged rock. Gideon considered his best plan of attack. Mortikaï had few weaknesses. Having become his unwilling target, Gideon had made sure to catalog them all. Something he’d willingly take advantage of in the ensuing battle.

“Such a pity. Heaven won’t take you back, and all of Hell is out to kill you,” Mortikaï mused with mock sympathy. “Did you know the Dark Prince raised the bounty on you and your legion of traitors yet again? Still not worth quite as much as the Slayer or the Seer, but you’ll bring a hefty sum all the same.”

“Too bad you won’t be collecting,” Gideon taunted. “You know, being dead and all.”

“Such a waste, Temptation. You were as a god. Now you are nothing. Less than nothing, so pitiful you must rely on legend and human magics to fix yourself.”

Time stood still as Mortikaï’s greedy gaze slid to the altar, caressing the stone hungrily. A kernel of panic, cold and hard, formed in the pit of Gideon’s stomach.

No, it wouldn’t go down like that. Not if he had anything to say about it. Mortikaï wasn’t going to touch the amulet. Gideon wouldn’t stop now, wouldn’t be defeated. Not when he was so close. Fierce, focused resolve pushed aside all common sense and rational thought, burying the fury and the panic, until he was the brutal, unfeeling killer he’d once been, honed in the fires of Hell.

He fought to remain in control, struggled to keep his temper in check. Because if he slipped, even for a moment, and the monster inside him won, all could be lost.
could be lost.

“Perhaps I’ll keep the Amulet of the Gods for myself,” Mortikaï said, gloating.

Just like that, the monster raged free. Pain ripped through Gideon as muscles and tendons tore and reformed, his frame growing larger, more powerful. Blood gushed inside his mouth as his teeth shot long and jagged, tearing into his lower lip. Not just fangs as most demons possessed, but a complete mouthful of lethal daggers. His claws burst forth like steel talons. Searing agony split his skull as horns sprouted, lengthened, spiraled up and back.

Temptation savored the pain, reveled in the agony. He thirsted for blood. Wouldn’t stop until he’d drenched himself in it. Somewhere, deep in the back of his mind, a niggling tendril of something tugged at him. A concern. A goal.

But he couldn’t recall what it was. Only that an enemy stood before him, waiting to die.

His roar of challenge echoed throughout the jungle, sending shrieking flocks of birds flapping into the brilliant blue sky. Startled animals screamed and chattered. Somewhere in the distance, another large predator roared in reply.

His enemy hurled plasma balls in quick succession. Temptation dodged and rolled, firing his own molten missiles. He shimmered behind the demon, tossing another plasma ball, but the demon vanished and reappeared across the room. In anticipation of his opponent’s next move, Temptation shimmered near the doorway, solidifying a split second before the demon.

Temptation launched himself at his adversary’s back. He bared his sharp teeth and went for the demon’s throat. But his opponent twisted at the last second, and Temptation missed his target, sinking his teeth into the tendons where neck joined shoulder instead.

His rival’s body convulsed and the demon roared in pain as acidic blood filled Temptation’s mouth. Tearing loose, he spat out the foul-tasting flesh and blood.

The two massive titans crashed to the floor, grappling and clawing, landing bone-crushing blows with massive fists. Temptation reared back as he pinned his foe to the floor, his arm slashing down toward the demon’s throat, claws fully extended in what was sure to be a decapitating blow.

At the last second, the demon vanished. Temptation’s knees connected with solid rock and his claws gouged deep furrows into the ancient stone. He whipped his head up, his senses throbbing and overloaded because of the amulet’s proximity and power.

A plasma ball skimmed his already injured side, searing away clothing and flesh. Another plasma ball slammed into the massive altar nearby. The corner exploded in a spray of dust and sharp shards. Another plasma ball, another explosion of rock dust and jagged projectiles. All too soon, his challenger’s game became apparent. And Temptation began to remember his own purpose. There was something in that altar he needed.

But slowly, blast by blast, his enemy was demolishing the altar, and with it the incantations inscribed in the ancient stone. Bit by bit, he was whittling away any chance Temptation had of fully understanding and harnessing the powers of the Amulet of the Gods.

And there wasn’t a damned thing Temptation could do to stop him, aside from kill him. Heaven help him, he was trying. Rage fueled his demonic body, driving the last meager shreds of logic and reason to the far recesses of his mind. He increased the speed and ferocity of his attack.

Another bolt of fire shook the altar, causing the top slab to teeter and crash to the floor on one side, revealing a hollow in the base of the stones. Before Temptation could react, his challenger shimmered to the altar. He plunged his beefy fist through what was left of the secret vault, his triumphant gaze locked on Temptation. And as his foe straightened, his bloodied fist lifted to the sky, the glint of gold and bloodred rubies sparkled from between his clenched fingers.

Temptation conjured a black athamé and let it fly. The ten-inch blade buried itself deep in his opponent’s chest. The demon staggered back a step, his roar of triumph cut short as he clutched the hilt of the athamé with his free hand. His ghoulish face registered first shock, then agonized pain. A trickle of blood gathered at the corner of his mouth. Temptation pushed to his feet and called forth his sword. He would take this bastard’s head.

That belongs to me!

Temptation stormed closer, his chin dipped to his chest with murderous intent. His challenger staggered sideways. His hip caught the edge of the slab, sending the massive, off balance rock crashing the rest of the way to the floor. The impact reverberated through the thick soles of Temptation’s boots and up his calves. The demon met and held Temptation’s gaze. A bloodcurdling smile twisted the demon’s thick lips, giving Temptation a moment of pause. A moment of unease.

His foe began whispering words in a furious rush, his volume growing with every syllable. As the meaning of his words registered, Temptation’s eyes widened in horror. The demon was summoning Hellfire. Temptation lunged forward, hand outstretched. But he wasn’t fast enough. Before he could reach the demon, a blaze erupted in the palm of the demon’s hand. A blaze so hot, so bright, so blinding, Temptation instinctively threw up his arm to shield his face.

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