The Sea Maiden (8 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“True but I will suggest that Clifton take us, he is the tall redheaded lad who helped my father to his room. He looks to be our age and has a kind face, I have a trusting sense about him; perhaps he may even know Peter or someone from the Sea Maiden. Since the dreaded engagement dinner is Saturday it means I only have tomorrow to try and find Peter and then get him to take me to the Sea Maiden so I can speak to his Captain about allowing me to travel to America as a passenger. Otherwise I will have to find another ship that will. I have some of my mother’s and Melissa’s jewelry to trade or use as payment. I will offer Peter a handsome amount to be my guide and help me find my brother Jonathan. If he agrees, Peter will come back for me here Saturday evening.”

“What if we don’t locate him or if he refuses to help?”

“Well first I will locate the Sea Maiden, if Peter refuses then I will try to persuade Clifton or someone else to help me, I will just have to improvise as I go but I must get on a ship to America.”

“What about me what should I do? They will come to me for answers you know.”

“Yes I know. On Saturday sometime after dinner you will leave the gathering and meet Peter in the remote part of the estate by the trees and keep him company while I wait until it’s time to leave.”

“What if someone notices I’m gone?”

“I seriously doubt anybody will notice you’re gone Lynnette.

“That’s comforting.”

“Sorry darling, I didn’t mean for it to sound like you’re not important but the truth is nobody here knows you, if anything they are going to focus on me, besides you will be with Peter.”

That’s if he comes.” Lynnette countered.

“Of course he shall, he’s totally smitten with you I tell you! Just pretend that everything I’m telling you will happen. You have nothing to lose.”

“What about your father he will know if I’m gone.”

“True but I doubt father will stay past the engagement announcement and if he does I will simply play dumb and suggest you may be having a friendly chat with Clifton. And after everyone is gone I will pretend to go to bed but instead I will sneak out and meet you and Peter the things I’m taking I will leave behind some bushes in the back. Now once Peter and I leave, you will simply go back to your room.”

“I’m scared Karina, what am I to tell your father and Lord Harmon the next morning?”

“Just tell them that I have a Scottish lover who I am very much in love with and that he came for me in the night so I ran away with him to the Scottish highlands.”

“Karina I have never lied to your father, he will know it.”

“Lynnette please stop your negative thinking and just do what I say, alright? Actually I wrote father a letter that I placed by his bed back at Pembroke Hall. It’s for him to read when he gets back. You can tell him it explains everything.”

“What about Lord Harmon? He will want details about your lover what am I to say to him?” Karina was starting to lose her patience with her and placed her hands on Lynnette’ shoulder, trying to remain calm.

“It does not matter darling make something up just don’t mention New England, Jonathan, Peter or the Sea Maiden! Please Lynnette I need your help and I need you to stay positive, can you do this for me?”

Lynnette sighed in silence and nodded, then after a brief pause.

“I just wish that I could go with you and Peter…but…I can’t leave mother, Tommy or Danny.”

“Just keep in mind that I will come back, and so will Peter.” Karina assured her.

“I really wish you didn’t have to do this Karina.”

“I know darling but I have to try.”

They squeezed each others hands when dinner bell rang.

“Ready?” Karina said


“Alright let’s go eat.”

Lord Harmon sat at the head of the table; Karina and Lynnette sat next to each other with Karina on Lord Harmon’s left next to him.

“I’m afraid your father will not be joining us. The medication Dr. Carrington gave him has caused him to fall into a deep sleep. I checked on him earlier and he looked peaceful. I will have his dinner brought to him if he awakens, he did have a biscuit and tea before he fell asleep.”

“That’s very kind of you Lord Harmon, thank you.”

Dinner consisted of a tasty cream soup, flaky biscuits and grilled salmon in lemon butter with steaming vegetables and boiled potatoes. Unlike Karina, Lynnette forgot her troubles as her eyes feasted on the meal before her doing her best to cover her rumbling stomach. Karina felt hungry also but her thoughts were elsewhere. The three ate and the servers filled their wine glasses. The meal was a delicious, but Karina had lost her appetite in contrast to Lynnette who delighted in the meal.

“Lord Harmon, I was wondering if tomorrow perhaps Lynnette and I could visit some of the shops in town, like a seamstress or a tailor. You see Lynnette has young brothers and we both need to get some of our garments altered. If we could go early we could be back early.” Karina requested.

“Why that’s an excellent idea, my dear.” He was happy to hear since he had business to attend to in the morning. “I do apologize that I cannot accompany you due to some business matters I must attend to but perhaps my assistant Clifton can accompany you. He knows this harbor town well. He will be done with some errands late morning will that be alright?”

“Yes that would be perfect.”

Karina smiled pleased with the outcome. Lord Harmon squeezed her hand and said,

“I think things are going to work out just fine my dear.”

Karina tensed but smiled back. She dismissed the awkward moment by focusing on her plan onto a good start. Lord Harmon went on talking about his plans to go to France for their honeymoon. Karina tried her best to seem agreeable and polite. The scent of cinnamon and apple pie filled the air as fresh baked apple pie was served. Lord Harmon reached out once more and caressed and kissed the back of her hand before releasing it.
  Karina tried to hide her discomfort; she only had a small slice of the pie and left most of it. Lynnette on the other hand had another slice and was eyeing Karina’s unfinished one.

“If you don’t want that just slide it over.” Lynnette whispered.

They were a world apart Karina thought; of course Lynnette was not threatened with a loveless marriage, a dying father, or financial ruin. Karina justified her decision to escape by telling herself it would not only benefit her but also Lynnette and her family, as well as most of the staff.

“Dinner was wonderful you have some excellent cooks on your staff.” Karina said, trying to be conversational.

“Soon they will be your staff as well my darling.”

He raised his glass of wine to her, Karina merely looked at her drink and smiled, unlike the wine, the scenario was hard to swallow.

“Well now that we have finished I would like to give you a tour of the property. I think you will find it more than adequate.” Showing off Harmon Hall was always Gunther’s favorite part, he stood and held out his hand for Karina, she obliged but what came next highly disturbed her. “Lynnette my dear, my assistant Clifton has some errands to run for me in town this evening and he was wondering if you would grace him with your company?”

Lynnette blinked in surprise, while Karina seemed almost in shock at the unpleasant thought of being alone with Lord Harmon the rest of the evening.

“Oh that would be fine Lord Harmon.” Lynnette hesitated.

Lord Harmon turned to have Clifton summoned, while Lynnette and Karina exchanged looks. Karina clearly distressed, over the obvious implication of having to spend time alone with Lord Harmon. Lynnette, on the other hand appeared relived knowing she would have Clifton as an escort and excited at the possibility of seeing Peter. She squeezed Karina’s hand in reassurance.

“Look for Peter but don’t say anything to Clifton.” Karina whispered.

Clifton walked into the dining room.

“You called for me sir?”

“Yes, Clifton I need for you to take a little trip to the harbor.”

“Sir I thought you wanted me to…”

“Never mind that, those documents I was waiting for are ready and I would like for you to pick them up today aboard
 the Sea Maiden.”

Startled, Karina blinked at the mention of
 the Sea Maiden; once again the girls exchanged glances. Peter would be back aboard by now this was an unexpected advantage to her plan.

“But…I thought Captain Drake was bringing-” Clifton tried to ask.

“I said I need those documents today Clifton!” Lord Harmon interrupted him with a false smile. Clifton nodded in obedience. “Oh and this young lady has granted your wish to grace you with her company and is anticipating a tour of the harbor.”

Clifton raised his eyebrows, embarrassment as Lynnette turned toward him. Although tall and strong he was shy as a mouse around ladies. He turned away, thinking his employer had gone mad. It was almost 6:00 o’clock; it would be past 7:00 o’clock by the time they reached the harbor. At that hour the harbor would be populated with drunken seamen, beggars, and prostitutes. To take an attractive young woman on a tour at such a late hour would more likely get him in a fight with some brigand, but he dared not oppose his employer. Instead he decided to try and dissuade the young woman out of going to the harbor with him at such a late hour.

“Very well sir, it maybe late when I…I mean when we get back.”

“No matter bring the document to my study and leave it on my desk.”

Clifton turned to Lynnette who looked eager to go, so pretty with those big green eyes, he was not used to being around such a fine beauty and he felt awkward in her presence. He cleared his throat and said,

“Miss…um if you can please come with me the carriage is in the back.”

“I just need to get my cape.”

Once away from Lord Harmon, Clifton planned to dissuade her from going with him.

The Red Dawn


Lynnette and Clifton were quiet while walking toward the back. There were two carriages then Clifton signaled Lynnette toward the smaller carriage without a top.

“I use this one Miss.”

“Oh, by the way you can stop calling me Miss, my name is Lynnette.”

“Yes Miss, I mean….Lynnette.”

Clifton was not dashing and handsome like Peter but he was big and stocky not likely to get pushed around and he had a warm and friendly demeanor.

“Lynnette, I think it would best that you not come with me to the harbor at such a late hour. Lord Harmon-”

“You don’t want me to come with you?” Lynnette interrupted

“No, I meant it’s not wise for a pretty lady like you to be out on the harbor at this hour.”

“You think I’m pretty?”

“Yes, I mean no…I mean yes.” Clifton blushed. “I’m sorry I’m not use to being in the company of ladies…like you.”

“Well I don’t bite you know.”

Lynnette was enjoying her power over him a man almost twice her size.

“It really is not a good idea for a lady like yourself to go to the harbor at this time I must insist that you stay and I will not take offense.”

“Oh don’t be silly I want to go; besides I’m sure I will be safe with you, by the way do you know a young man by the name of Peter De Marco? He works aboard the Sea Maiden.”

“No Miss, I mean Lynnette. There are always new seamen aboard, I only know the Captain, he’s Lord Harmon’s

“What? Lord Harmon has a brother?”

“Yes, Captain Eric Drake.”

“Why is his last name Drake, not Harmon? “

“Captain Drake was Lord Edward Harmon’s illegitimate son by one of his maids, Erica Drake but the woman died during child birth while the senior Lord Harmon was away. Her sister Marie, who had no children, took the child and named him after her sister then hid him from Lord Edward out in the country till age three. When Marie was dying she took him to Lord Edward, known to be a kind man. He immediately recognized her and saw that the boy was his exact image. Lord Edward was already in his late fifties and his only other son, Lord Gunther Harmon was in his thirties. Lord Gunther and Lord Edward didn’t get along. Lord Gunther didn’t find out about his half-brother Eric till much later, he had been living over seas. When he found out about Eric he was very angry that there was another heir to his father’s fortune. It’s said that Lord Edward Harmon feared Gunther might have Eric killed so Lord Edward left some indication on his will that if Eric were to perish, Gunther’s inheritance would be reduced and he would not inherit Harmon Hall instead it would be passed on to the poor. Lord Edward Harmon preferred Captain Drake and when he died he left him half of his estate. Lord Gunther Harmon always wanted Harmon Hall so recently Lord Gunther Harmon bought out Captain Drake’s half of the Estate and used the Sea Maiden as part of the payment this appealed to Captain Drake and readily agreed to it especially since he does not spend much time here, he has property in New England, and he also does not get along with his half-brother Gunther. Those are the documents Lord Gunther wants me to pick up tonight; however I believe he is only sending us so he can be alone with his betrothed because Captain Drake is to bring them with him on Saturday to the dinner party and I’m sure he will not give them to me tonight.”

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