The Sea Maiden (14 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“Thank you Nate.”

“Miss Karina, I would like your help in suggesting to your father that we leave for Pembroke Hall as soon as tomorrow. He seems to be getting worse here, I do not believe the colder humid air is doing him much good; but because he wants you and Lord Harmon to have more time to bond he’s insisting on staying longer.”

“That’s just the thing I wanted to discuss with my father. Nate can I trust you, not to say anything to my father?”

“Of course Miss.”

“Nate, I’m not going to marry Lord Harmon…’ Pausing briefly, “I’m leaving on a ship to America to find my
half-brother Jonathan and ask him to help me run my father’s business.”

“What? When? How?
 Miss Karina that is so risky!” Nate said in shock.

“Today after the party I will dress as a lad and board
 the Sea Maiden, Lynnette’s beau Peter is a crew member and has agreed to help me. Unfortunately the Captain is Lord Harmon’s half-brother and will be attending the dinner party tomorrow so Peter arranged for a lad close in height and appearance to me to sign up as a crew this morning. He is confidant that once out to sea even if the Captain discovers me, he will be forced to take me along.”

“Bold but ingenious Miss Karina; but are such drastic steps wise for you? The Captain is sure to become angry with you and your friend for tricking him into taking you along. Perhaps it would be better if you just told him?”

“Yes I considered that but Peter knows the Captain will not get involved hiding his brother’s runaway bride and he’s not comfortable trying another ship or captain either so I don’t have another choice, and I have to get to America so I will have to risk angering the Captain if he discovers me. My freedom is at stake because my father believes marrying me off to Lord Harmon is the only solution to financial ruin and protecting me; but I have reason to believe that with Jonathan’s help that will not happen. Father has just been too proud and now too sick to travel and ask him for help so I intend to do so myself.”

“How will you survive?”

“I brought along several pieces of jewelry that belonged to both Melissa and my mother and I have already traded some. I have enough to sustain me for a few months. However, I have a new concern, aside from father; I fear for Lynnette, who is remaining here. Today during the early morning hours Lord Harmon came into my room, but I hid from him, then he went to Lynnette’s door, but I threw my hair comb across the room and scared him away. I’m afraid for her once I leave, so can I ask you to look after her?”

“Yes of course. It’s a bold move Miss Karina but I admire your courage, I will do whatever I can to help.”

“Nate you do so much already I hate adding one more burden to you but if we don’t convince my father to leave tomorrow nor Monday, could you take Lynnette to your daughters till you do leave?” “Yes Miss, I always sensed something not right with Lord Harmon.”

“I will need to be especially careful now. That woman that was here last night, she saw me at both the shops I visited, the seamstress must have told her who I was, she overheard my conversation at the jewelers regarding trading jewelry and going overseas. Last night she asked me some incriminating questions in front of Lord Harmon; my guess is that her intentions were to raise suspicions in him.”

“I will keep both my eyes and ears open to ensure your success Miss Karina.”

“Thank you Nate, I appreciate it.”

A servant escorted Dr. Carrington to see Lord Pembroke.

“Good Morning to you both were is my patient?”

“Right this way doctor.” Nate said.

After the doctor finished, Nate and Karina spoke with him about recommending that Lord Pembroke return to Pembroke Hall as soon as possible due to the humidity aggravating his condition. The doctor agreed, handed Nate a new prescription for the sedatives and ordered that Lord Pembroke return to Pembroke Hall as soon as possible. Lord Pembroke who was planning on staying the rest of the week took the doctors advice then told Karina and Nate to prepare to leave Sunday morning and he would talk to Lord Harmon regarding their early return. Once Dr. Carrington left, Nate asked Karina,

“Did you want me to explain to your father the circumstances of your absence once we get home?”

“No need for that Nate, I wrote a letter explaining my plans to my father and left it on his bedside until then he’s simply to know that I had a Scottish lover who I ran away with to the Scottish Highlands. This way Lord Harmon will think I have gone in the opposite direction in case he plans on coming after me.”

“Allow me to congratulate you Miss Karina you seem to have thought of everything.”

“Well a lot of it I’m making up as I go but thank you.”

The day went on and soon guest started to arrive. Lord Harmon returned to supervise the day’s activities frustrated he had not seen Karina or Lynnette all day they were avoiding him. He would soon put an end to that he thought. Since Gunther had now filled the original prescription for Charles sedatives, tonight he would use one of sedatives on Karina; he could now give Nate the extra vial and simply tell him he misplaced the prescription the doctor gave him on the day they arrived, and keep the rest of the sedatives for his own personal use. He had an extra key made for each of the rooms used by Karina and Lynnette. After the wedding he planned to invite Charles to come live at Harmon Hall it would make Karina more appreciative of him and seem like a caring son-in-law to Lord Pembroke and if he perhaps increased the dosage to ensure Charles get more than a good night sleep and never wake again, being so ill, no one would suspect foul play.

Deidra’s visit proved to be useful; he valued having her as a neighbor and alerting him to the possibility that Karina might be foolish enough to try and run away. That very night he posted Marcus on watch and in the morning he arranged for two henchmen to watch for a man and possibly a young blond woman leaving his estate after 11 O’clock at night. He ordered that the woman not be harmed, but to kill the man or men traveling with her, after all, murderers and thieves were common in the after hours. He had not believed Karina’s story that Lynnette had a suitor even though Clifton confirmed it. Gunther was not too concerned since the drug worked fast; she would not likely make it out the door before it took effect. As far as his guest, he would put the fear of highway men on their mind but tell them he posted patrol men till 11 O’clock to ensure their safety and encourage them to leave early.
  He would make sure Karina was in his presence until 11 O’clock. Even if he succeeded in sedating her he could still put an end to the man or men she was running away with. Lord Harmon was confident her escape would be aborted, she obviously didn’t know who she was dealing with he always stayed ahead of the game.

Engagement Announcement


The night of the dinner party Karina wore a royal blue satin dress with puffy sleeves worn off the shoulder with a pearly white v-shaped center revealing a hint of cleavage. The bodice fit like a glove narrowing at the waist and enhancing her full bosom. White ruffles peaked from under bottom edge of the blue satin dress. Karina wore her hair up in a cascade of ringlets that fell around her neck. She picked a delicate ensemble of pearl earrings and single pearl pendant which once belonged to her mother.  The blueness of her dress matched the royal blue of her eyes. Not needing much makeup Karina simply wore a dab of red tint on her full lips that made her look stunning. Lynnette’s dress was much simpler, it was a cream color dress with a round and low cut neckline. The bodice had several dart like folds that narrowed at the waist and enhanced her modest bust line. The sleeves ended at the elbow with a delicate black satin ribbon and a fringe of lace. She wore her dark hair partially up and gathered at the back just above her neck and the rest of her hair she brought forward in a modest attempt to cover more of her chest. The dress had belonged to her mother, and was the best dress she owned. Her dark hair made her creamy white skin and freckles stand out, she also added only a tint of red shine to her lips. She wore a sole piece of jewelry, a small sterling silver locket given to her by her mother, with her parents wedding date inscribed inside but it was her emerald green eyes framed in sooty lashes that were her most captivating feature.

Dorothea and Mathias Collins, Lord Harmon’s Aunt and Uncle were among the first to arrive they had traveled close to an hour. The house soon filled with a dozen or so guests, including Deidra and Henry Woods who lived nearby.

Karina and Lynnette came downstairs; Lord Harmon, who shaved his beard to appear younger, met them at the bottom of the stairs case. He was mesmerized by Karina’s radiance; and Lynnette was also no ordinary beauty.

“You look beautiful Karina as do you Lynnette.” Lord Harmon kissed both their hands.

“Thank you, you look very different without your beard I almost didn’t recognize you.” Karina said.

“Yes you looked like my grandfather with that beard.” Lynnette said abruptly Karina elbowed her.

“I take it you approve then?” Lord Harmon asked, ignoring Lynnette’s comment about her grandfather.

“Oh yes much better.” Lynnette responded.

He positioned himself between both girls and motioned them to take his arm. They began walking toward Dorothea and Mathias.

“I see you got the ring sized.”

“I’m afraid the jeweler had no time so I will bring it back another day but he did place a ring guard to keep it in place.”

“Wonderful it looks beautiful on you my dear.” Karina smiled.

They approached the older couple, both in their 70’s. Dorothea and Mathias stood up to greet them.

“Karina, Lynnette this is my Aunt Dorothea and Uncle Mathias. Dorothea is my father’s younger sister.” Gunther Explained

Dorothea was a graceful older lady with white hair pulled back into a bun; she wore a black satin gown adorned with a blue sapphire and diamond surrounded brooch along with matching sapphire and diamond earrings, ring and bracelet.

“Aunt Dorothea, Uncle Mathias, I would like you to meet my lovely bride-to-be Karina Pembroke, and her pretty friend and companion Lynnette Attoms.”

Both Dorothea and Mathias at once embraced both girls.

“You are every bit as beautiful as Gunther said you were.” Dorothea said.

“It’s so good to meet you dear and this lovely young lady as well.” Mathias stated.

“And look at that ring its beautiful!” Dorothea exclaimed.

“Why it looks heavier than her hand.” Mathias added with a chuckle.

Karina thanked them both and smiled. Gunther then took Karina’s hand.

“Aunt Dorothea, Uncle Mathias I will leave you briefly in the company of this lovely young lady.” Referring to Lynnette, “I would like to introduce my future bride to the rest my guest if you don’t mind.”

“Oh of course not dear…but bring her back soon I would love to chat with her.”

Gunther led Karina away to meet the rest of the guest who quickly encircled her. It was close to dinnertime when another carriage arrived. A well-dressed gentleman in a short royal blue waist coat, black vest, white shirt, tan breeches, and black boots stepped out. Dark hair tied at the nape, straight thick eyebrows enhanced his golden eyes and his smooth tanned faced contrasted with the white collar of his shirt. Standing over 6 feet tall Captain Eric Drake had been blessed with a heavy dose of masculine good looks and natural charisma which made him an instant favorite in any gathering especially with the ladies. Eric walked up the steps and was greeted by the doorman. Gunther, anxious to get the documents that would make him sole owner to Harmon Hall promptly greeted his half-brother Eric, purposely leaving Karina in a circle of guests.

“Brother Eric, how good to see you again.”

“Same here Gunther.”

“Did you remember to bring the documents?”

“But of course.” Eric said sarcastically.

“Shall we go to the study?”

“If you don’t mind I would like to say hello to Aunt Dottie and Uncle Mathias first.”

“Oh yes of course, how thoughtless of me.” Gunther said with a forced smile.

“Thank you Gunther, if you’ll excuse me.”

Eric walked away from him, upon recognizing him; Lynnette jumped to her feet and swiftly met him half way, like a young child does when she sees a friend.

“Captain Drake! I’m so happy to see you.”

“I am very happy to see you as well Miss Attoms, you look radiant.” He said as he leaned over and kissed the back of her hand.

“Thank you Captain you look radiant too.”

He sighed, “I will be sure to tell Peter how lovely you look.” Lynnette smiled.

Captain Drake found her child-like innocence and behavior amusing which invoked in him a sense of brother-like protectiveness.

“Is he still on the ship?”

“Not sure at this hour but he was busy today with a new crew member showing him procedures on the ship.”

“Oh I see, please give him my regards when you see him.”

“I shall, I’m sure he will be glad to know you inquired about him.”

Captain Drake motioned for her to take his arm as they approached his Aunt and Uncle. Dorothea and Mathias stood up.

“Aunt Dottie, Uncle Mathias.”

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