The Sea Maiden (38 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“A young lady asked me to give this to Jonathan, it’s very urgent she said. Is he here?”

“No not yet but he should be here later today. I shall place it on his desk” Johnny took the funny yellow cloth wrapped parcel, looked at it curiously and placed on his father’s desk.

Captain Drake Arrested


Captain Drake and Peter and several men from the ship went looking for Karina but there was no sign of her. On the afternoon of the 3rd
 day there was a knock at the door of the Captain’s home. The local authorities presented Captain Drake with documents Karina signed pressing him with charges of kidnapping, physical assault and stealing her expensive diamond engagement ring.


“I’m afraid you will have to come with us sir.”

Peter and Lynnette were just as stunned.

“This is not Karina’s doing, Lord Harmon must be behind this?” Lynnette turned and asked Peter. “Did you actually see that he was dead?”

“No, I just heard it from one of the military.”

Before being taken away, Captain Drake turned toward Peter.

“Contact Samuel Larson, he’s an attorney and good friend of mine…tell him it’s urgent! I know Karina wouldn’t do this of her own accord she’s being forced. Elliot will give you his contact information.”

After receiving the message from Captain Drake regarding Karina missing he had not gone in to the shop. Once home his youngest son Johnny told him that a funny yellow cloth wrapped rock had been delivered at the shop.

“Where is it?”

“At the shop. I thought you would be there in the afternoon and would get it. I’m sorry father I should have brought it with me.”

Jonathan sighed in frustration.

“It’s alright son, it’s not your fault but I must go get it.” He then immediately went to his carriage and headed back to his shop. Once there he saw the yellow cloth wrapped rock on his desk. He recognized the material from the dress Karina wore the day he met her. The writing on it was faded and hard to read. Only part of the message meant for Captain Drake was readable, the clearest word on it was ‘hostage’. He took the cloth and went to Captain Drakes home but the staff informed him that Captain Drake had been arrested for kidnapping Karina and was taken away.


He saw how happy Karina was with Captain Drake. Elliot told him that Peter and Lynnette had gone in search of Captain Drakes’ Lawyer, Sam Larson. Jonathan got back in his carriage and headed to the police station. Once there he asked to see Captain Drake. His familiarity with several members at the station made the access to seeing Captain Drake much easier. He explained to them that there had to be some mistake because the young woman he was accused of kidnapping was not only his half sister who arrived from England aboard Captain Drake’s ship but happily introduced him as her future husband. He insisted that the young lady had sent a message to his shop, which indicated fowl play and was now being held hostage by the very man that claims to be her husband. Jonathan showed the commanding officer the torn yellow cloth. The officer read the message with some difficulty due to the moisture which had partially erased the carbon writing but was still able to make out the word, ‘hostage’ which she must have applied extra pressure when writing. Captain Drake was greatly relieved for Jonathan’s assistance, but was frustrated knowing Karina was in trouble and he was unable to go to her.

Case against Lord Harmon


Lord Harmon was making preparations to travel back to England with Karina and Lord Pembroke. He had forced Karina into giving a false statement charging Captain Drake with kidnapping and theft. Lord Harmon had assured authorities that Karina’s tears were due to her being assaulted and traumatized by Captain Drake. His plans to travel to England for the ruby and diamond encrusted crucifix in addition to ensuring that Lord Pembroke’s will named Karina and himself as the heirs to Lord Pembroke’s estate were well under way. Once everything was to his satisfaction he would no longer need Lord Pembroke in fact the quicker he expired the quicker Karina and he would inherit her father’s fortune which he as her legal husband would have full control over thanks to her signed consent back in New Providence.

Gunther’s original plan was to have Eric incarcerated after Karina filed charges against him including kidnapping, rape, and stealing her diamond ring then he would offer to drop the charges if he released
 the Sea Maiden back to him, and later hire hit men and have him killed down the dark road to his home in the woods. Although he considered it a brilliant plan it would take time and he didn’t want to take chances of Eric getting out and interfering again. Having the means and friends in high places, Eric would busy himself with lawyers and authorities in an attempt to clear his name of the charges now complicating his life. So Gunther decided to scratch that plan and do away with him in a quicker manner. Meanwhile, Karina, Lord Pembroke and himself would be well on their way back to England. Karina would not even learn of Eric’s demise till much later if at all.

Peter and Lynnette met with Samuel Larson, the friend and lawyer, Captain Drake had asked Peter to contact. Lynnette recounted her own abduction by Lord Harmon’s hired henchman, only known to her as Marcos, now dead at the hands of the militia in New Providence. Lynnette explained that Lord Harmon used her, as leverage to get Karina to do his will. Samuel asked her if she could provide him with proof of her abduction. She told him the only person who had witnessed the abduction was Gracie, the older woman she regularly accompanied to the market back in England.

Samuel explained that it would be hard to prove her story with her witnesses being in England. As a happy and expectant young wife she looked more like a runaway. She and Peter also explained the pirate attack and rescue back in New Providence, aided by the Royal Navy. Lord Harmon’s obvious association with Pirates like Captain Tate who was presently being tried by British authorities for acts of Piracy against the merchant vessel, “The Wonderer as well as the Sea Maiden.” and other sea going trade ships. The entire crew aboard the Sea Maiden was witness to that. There was also the quarter master, Roy Skinner who was witness not only to Captain Tate’s acts of Piracy but who was also involved in Rescuing Karina and herself back in New Providence along with Captain Drake and Peter now her husband. Then she assured him there was another fellow who she was sure would testify on behalf of Captain Drake, Lord Harmon’s own bodyguard Clifton. She was sure of it. Then she remembered Danny the young boy at the bordello who had attended both Karina and herself back in New Providence while Captain Tate was holding them till they were delivered into Lord Harmon’s hands.

Samuel explained, it was good to know that there were other witnesses who could possibly testify to her story but once again distance was a disadvantage, so he would need to begin with the crew aboard
 the Sea Maiden since they were readily available. It was going to be difficult to get the other witnesses to testify against Lord Harmon being so far away. In the mean time Samuel Larson would collect statements from Captain Drake and his crew to back up Peter and Lynnette’s story of aiding Karina in running away from Lord Harmon. He also explained to them that it wouldn’t be possible to prove the road side robbers Peter and Karina were attacked by had ties to Lord Harmon since it was merely speculation on behalf of Peter and the men were dead. The most credible witness to the New Providence ordeal would be the Sea Maiden’s, 1st mate, James Caleb and the crew. Samuel began to put together his case and list of people to visit and explained to both Peter and Lynnette it would be a time consuming task but he would get on it right away since Captain Drake was not only his client but a good friend.

Captain Drake knew his
half-brother had to be behind it and knew his insatiable greed and narcissism would drive him to do anything. No doubt he would be taking Karina out of New England as soon as possible possibly back to England or back to New Providence where he had greater control. He ordered Peter to have several of the crew looking out for them by the harbor. There was no telling what Gunther would do once he secured all of Karina’s inheritance. More than likely he would have Lord Pembroke killed maybe even Karina once he found out she was carrying his child. He was stuck being held without bail in a jail cell. He would need to be extra careful no doubt his dear half-brother had plans to have him permanently removed as well.

Jonathan having been a happy client of Captain Drake’s for many years gathered several of the Captain’s business associates as character witnesses including himself. More than one had political influences and was able to secure his release two days later. Captain Drake was released under surveillance, which he gathered, might be of some benefit. He also knew that

Once Karina was out of New England the odds of restoring her back would be greater. He needed to lay low and take on a less noticeable appearance. Expecting trouble he armed himself as he prepared to pay a visit to one of Gunther’s former client. Troy Emmons had cut ties with Gunther over a damaged shipment that he was never fully compensated for and had come to him several times looking for Gunther after Gunther refused to speak to him; perhaps he would be insightful in pointing out the location where he had finally tracked him down according to some of his associates. He knew there was a cabin in the woods but was not sure of the location.

A week had passed since Karina’s disappearance and Captain Drake was anxious to find her. He set out to look for her. He dressed in dark clothing, cape, boots and a three-point hat. He went to Troy Emmons Crystal and Glass Shop. Troy greeted him; Captain Drake introduced himself and explained the reason for his visit. As the unhappy client that Troy was over his damaged shipment from Lord Harmon, he quickly began venting his disapproval and recanted his negative experience and how he had resorted to spying on Lord Harmon and had followed him to an old cabin in the woods. He had confronted him there and after a great deal of arguing Lord Harmon had given him additional compensation which Troy complained was still insufficient in covering for his losses and broke his business relationship with him.

After Elliot, the butler mentioned to Peter that the Captain was visiting a client at his crystal shop near the harbor; Peter went looking for Captain Drake. He borrowed a horse from the stables and told Lynnette he would be back later then caught up to Captain Drake at the crystal shop.

“Peter what are you doing here?”

“Elliot told me where to find you.”

“You should be home with your wife and not here. There could be trouble. I probably have a price on my head.”

“Look Karina’s a good friend of mine and so are you I’m not going to stay home knowing what I know.”

“Are you armed?”

“Always! Where are you headed?”

Captain Drake nodded in approval knowing he could probably use some backup. He pointed west.

“There is a cabin apparently about an hour into the woods. Troy Emmons, a former client of his followed Gunther there a few years ago.”

“Is Karina there?”

“It’s possible…I will go find out. I need to try and stop Gunther from taking Karina out of New England.”

Both men headed into the woods on horseback. A man followed them not far behind. Captain Drake followed the route Troy directed him to take after forty minutes they could make out a cabin up ahead, near a creek it was still light and they needed to stay out of sight. The man that followed them stopped behind them being careful not to be seen. Both Peter and Captain Drake dismounted and hid the horses then made their way closer to the cabin. They waited for a while then Captain Drake reached for a rock and threw it at the cabin. A second later a man came out with a musket. The man walked around the cabin then walked toward the woods but didn’t go in them. He stood still for a long time listening for any sound that could indicate trouble. Once satisfied all was well, he relaxed his hold on the musket and went back inside. After a few minutes Captain Drake saw that the man was alone. He and Peter moved a little closer. Then the sound of a carriage approaching was heard. They remained hidden among the brush and trees. Lord Harmon stepped out of the carriage then Karina followed by another man. Karina wore dark clothing her blond hair was severely pulled back and tied in a bun. She looked more like a widow in morning then a new bride. Lord Harmon led the way and was greeted by the man with the musket.

“Anything new?”

“No sir…everything is fine.”

“Good and Lord Pembroke?”

“Sleeping like a newborn sir.”

“Good, we shall leave at dawn,” Gunther whispered. “Keep him sedated; I don’t want him talking to Karina. Everything is finally ready. We just have to wait for the ships departure.”

Without waiting Karina went inside the cabin directly to her father’s bedside. Lord Harmon added with a grin.

”Since all is prepared now Karina and I will need some privacy this afternoon. So if there is anything you need let me know now, otherwise I don’t want to be disturbed unless it’s an emergency.”

Lord Harmon smiled. The man chuckled. Captain Drake clenched his fists at the obvious meaning and was about to jump out but Peter held him down shaking his head.

“No wait!” Peter whispered.

Another two disheveled men showed up. Lord Harmon waited for them to approach.

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