The Sea Maiden (2 page)

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Authors: Mary Speer

BOOK: The Sea Maiden
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“Can’t help being a man love, but let me introduce myself, my name is Peter De Marco at your service,” He took a bow, “and now that I know your name is Lynnette, we are no longer strangers.” Peter said smiling down at her.

“Nonsense, I know nothing else about you nor have I ever seen you around here before. Therefore, you are a stranger and I’m not supposed to speak to strange men.”

“I assure you my lady; I am not strange,
 ‘Love-struck’ perhaps but not strange.” He chuckled

“Please go away…if Gracie, comes and sees me talking to you she will tell my mother.”

“Well when can I see you again without Gracie?”


“Never is a long time.”

“Please go away, Gracie may not be able to hear but she has eyes like a hawk.” Lynnette said.

“So do I...that’s how I spotted you. There is nothing wrong with just talking Lynnette, would it be better if Gracie were not present? Would you speak to me then?”


“Am I so unpleasant to talk to?” Lynnette faced away from him. “You’re going to break my heart but if I’m bothering you look me straight in the eye and I will go away at once!”

In defiance, Lynnette turned and stared him straight in the eye then Peter started moving away. ‘Curses, why is he so handsome’
 she thought?

“Wait!” She blurted, instantly regretting it. “I meant LATE! It’s late!” She turned away, closed her eyes and bit her lower lip, why did she do that? Peter smiled to himself; after all he had always charmed the ladies in the past. He started coming toward her again. “No! Stay where you are! Do you not understand! You will get me in trouble.”

“With who Gracie? Well introduce me to her as an old friend.”

“No, Gracie is not someone I confide with. I simply accompany her to the market and she is aware I have no male friends. She would simply tell my mother and then I will not be allowed to come again.”

“Well there must be a friend you can confide with?”

“Yes but she’s not here.”

“Come with her tomorrow.”

“No, she cannot come.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’s not allowed.”

“Well bring a friend who is allowed.”

“My friend Karina is the only one I confide with and she is not allowed outside of Pembroke Hall.”

Lynnette instantly covered her mouth with her fingers after mentioning the name of the estate she lived at. “I must go now it’s been interesting meeting you Peter De Marco, have a good day.”

“Wait!” Peter said.

Lynnette walked away he continued to trail behind her at a distance then she stopped,

“Seriously, you must stop following me!”

“One question, where is Pembroke Hall? Is it far?

“That’s two questions, yes, it’s a large property quite a long way past the woods; so have a nice day and goodbye.”

“I can follow behind then why don’t you sneak out and meet me later tonight…alone!”

“Certainly not, have good day!” Lynnette gasped, annoyed at his impudence.

Peter smiled to himself, Lynnette obviously liked him she practically gave him directions. Lynnette met the older woman she called Gracie. They placed their baskets into a small horse drawn carriage and climbed aboard. Peter met with Ed for a moment and patted his friend on the back.

“She likes me; I will meet you at your house later.”

Peter gave him a conspiratorial wink. Ed gave him a playful shove. Peter followed Lynnette and Gracie at a distance until they arrived at the estate. He watched them from behind the trees unload the baskets and go inside. Satisfied of knowing her whereabouts he mounted his friend’s horse and headed back to Ed’s home.

The Visitor


Two days later Lord Charles Pembroke sat near the fireplace in his study, trying to keep warm on a chilly spring morning. He contemplated the day as he looked out the gloomy room’s only focal point, the large window dressed in heavy burgundy curtains from which miles of green grass, white clouds and blue skies could be seen. He enjoyed how the light cheered up the gloomy room. Charles reached for his tea with a trembling hand. The steamy drink warmed and soothed his achy bones.

Pembroke Hall was surrounded by miles of green countryside. A tree lined winding road lead up to the entrance gates of the estate. The wind swayed the branches of the trees along the road. Such an amazing view he thought. Charles spent most of his years running his shipping business and was always too busy to look past his endeavors, but now at the age of 76, time was a commodity, at last he appreciated the natural beauty outside.

A carriage approached in the distance; Lord Gunther Harmon, his lifelong adversary, who he had urgently summoned was about to arrive. Charles’ illness had drained him both financially and physically, realizing he was now close to death and ruin he needed to take care of one last pressing concern, the future of his only daughter Karina who would be left in debt, with a failing shipping business. Lord Pembroke could not let this happen and he knew he had to move quickly.

Karina, his only daughter, had bloomed into a beautiful young woman. Charles remembered how he unjustly alienated himself from her the first few months of her life, blaming her for his wife Sera’s early demise. Seraphina, his 2nd wife, had bore twin girls, and Karina, was the surviving twin. Both Sera and Karina’s twin sister died, shortly after delivery. The loss of his beloved wife Sera had taken a toll on Charles, causing him to fall into a deep depression wishing Sera had never bore children and still be alive. Too escape the pain he immersed himself into his business, leaving Karina to be attended by her nannies. As time passed by Karina’s innocent warmth melted Charles icy disposition and his resentment was replaced with love for his young daughter as he began to see her as his wife’s final gift and legacy to him.

He recalled Sera’s intense happiness upon finding out she was with child. Sadly Sera only bonded a short time with Karina before she passed. The years passed and Karina took on more of her mother’s features, she was a beautiful child; wavy blond hair and sparkling blue eyes like her mother. Each day she looked more like her. Charles smiled at the memories of Karina making the biggest fuss over him when he came home, how he missed those days, how quickly time went by. He delighted in spoiling his little daughter as she grew with gifts and treats from faraway places and she became the center of his universe. After the kidnapping for ransom and murder of a business associate’s daughter, Charles feared Karina might also be targeted for kidnapping and ransom. He became overprotective and hid her from the public eye. Few knew he even had a daughter he rarely traveled with her or mentioned her.

As Karina grew older and restless Charles arranged for her to take piano lessons but after attending a fencing tournament Karina became intrigued with fencing and insisted on taking fencing lessons instead. After much pleading Karina was granted her fencing lessons and took to it like a fish to water. Her true passion, however were horses; so on her thirteenth birthday her father presented her with a shiny black horse she named Thunder, after the thundering sound of their hooves as they connected with the ground. Alongside her father she learned to ride like the wind. Like a worried mother, Charles consistently warned her not to ride so fast when she took Thunder out to ride.

One winter an assistant cook came to work at Pembroke Hall, Elaine Attoms, a young widow with three children. A daughter Lynnette; close in age to Karina and twin three-year-old boys’ named Tommy and Danny. Lord Pembroke didn’t need to fill any new positions at Pembroke Hall, but took pity on the widow after hearing her story and decided to help Elaine by hiring her as a kitchen helper. Karina was thrilled to have a new playmate. Twelve year old Lynnette was a lively pretty girl with long dark hair, green eyes, fair skin and freckles. They became immediate friends. Initially Lord Pembroke frowned at Karina and Lynnette spending time together because of girl’s different stature in life, and tried to separate them but Karina resented this and grew angry and withdrawn. Seeing how this affected his daughter Lord Pembroke had no choice but to concede to their friendship. Soon Karina and Lynnette grew close and spent most of their time together. On Lynnette’s 13th birthday, upon Karina’s urging of her father for a riding companion when he was away, Charles and Karina presented Lynette with a horse of her own. A stream of tears followed as Lynnette was overcome with joy. She named her new beautiful white mare, Storm, in connection to Karina’s horse, Thunder. Lord Pembroke had agreed to it to ease his guilt of constant travel and unavailability.

Karina and Lynnette spent a great deal of time riding together she even insisted that Lynnette and Storm come along when she and her father rode together. Charles smiled at the fond memory. Those were the most treasured years of his life and now his life was nearly over. The years had passed quickly and Karina bloomed into a beautiful young woman, full of dreams like most youth, spirited and bold as he had once been. Charles clenched his fist at the thought of having to leave his precious daughter nearly bankrupt and unprotected if he didn’t take care of that right away. There was no time to sell his assets, so his meeting with Gunther today had only one purpose, to secure Karina’s future. Unfortunately, Gunther would have no romantic appeal for his daughter but he was a successful shipping business man and to Lord Pembroke this was paramount over romantic girlish notions. He expected Karina to reject the idea of an arranged marriage especially to a man 38 years her senior, after all, Karina celebrated her 18th birthday less than 30 days before. Lord Pembroke justified this minor detail with the fact that young women were often given in marriage to, older men of title in order to preserve or increase lineage, wealth and power. Being a spirited but sensible girl, she would in time understand and be thankful. Due to Karina’s sheltered upbringing at Pembroke there were no beaus or suitors to compare to. He had to make her understand this was in her best interest. Perhaps taking Lynnette with her as her companion would make her feel more comfortable. Lynnette could visit her family only two days away from Harmon Hall.

Nate, his longtime butler and caregiver came into the study to announce Lord Harmon’s arrival.

“Lord Gunther Harmon has arrived.”

“Thank you, Nate, show him in please.”

Lord Harmon entered the room; he was a balding man with a gray beard and a stocky powerful build. They had been rivals in the business world and had quarreled in more than one occasion, but Lord Pembroke didn’t care to dig up old bones. Charles stood up with some effort and greeted Gunther with an embrace. A bit out of breath from the effort he signaled Gunther to take a seat.

“It has been a long time Charles.”

“Yes too long Gunther.”

“It grieves me to know you’re not well.”

“Old age catches up to us all at some point my friend.”

“Tragic but true old friend.”

Both men went on talking for a while for old time sake careful not to bring up unpleasant memories. Lord Harmon’s shipping business thrived while Lord Pembroke’s business and health declined and had caused Charles to go to Gunther for help in more than one occasion and now owed him a large deal of money. Unfortunately Charles days were numbered and to some degree so was Karina’s fate unless he reached a quick agreement with Gunther. He regretted keeping her hidden from younger candidates; all were now married with growing families of their own. The only man he considered fit to salvage his shipping business and provide Karina the life style she was accustomed to was, Lord Gunther Harmon.

He had Nate summon Karina to the study. Gunther met Karina once but had not seen her since she was a young girl in braids. He had also once briefly courted her mother, Sera, before she married, Lord Pembroke. It had been a busy time in his life for Gunther; expanding his business in the American colonies kept him busy traveling overseas. He spent nearly a decade in the colonies and the West Indies when he returned he learned Sera had married Lord Pembroke. Charles and Sera had spent as much time trying to conceive. At a dinner party, Gunther encountered Sera again as a happy expectant mother, carrying Karina and her twin. Lord Pembroke did notice a brief disappointment in Gunther and was glad for his absence all those years.

As usual Karina prepared to go riding with Lynnette, she knew her father had company in his study; being so ill the company would do him good it also gave her a chance to escape a while she planned to be back by noon to accompany him and his guest for the mid-day meal. Nate knocked on her door, and informed her that her father requested her presence in his study before she went riding. How unusual, she thought, her father had always insisted that she not interrupt him when he had company or attended to his business affairs. She twisted a strand of hair on each side of her head and tied together behind her head and left the rest fall loosely below her waist. Long wavy strands framed her golden face and her blue eyes seemed to sparkle. She wore a royal blue velvet riding habit that complemented her blue eyes with a white fan-like lace across the chest. She hurried down stairs to her father’s study wondering if he felt well. She knocked on the door, before entering. As the door opened she could see the back of a husky man sitting across from her father.

“Karina, I would like to introduce you to an old friend of mine, Lord Gunther Harmon.”

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