The Enlightened Sex Manual: Sexual Skills for the Superior Lover (18 page)

BOOK: The Enlightened Sex Manual: Sexual Skills for the Superior Lover
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The natural and most healthy way for your internal energy to flow is in a circular path, up your spine and then down the front of your body. When this flow is reversed, you will feel energy moving up the front of your body. This reversed up-the-front flow of energy might manifest in many ways:

•When you become angry, your face may redden, your eyes may bulge out, and your head may feel like it is about to explode.

  • At times you may become nervous and find yourself chat• ting away, seemingly unable to stop.

  • On occasion you may become worried about something, mulling and cogitating, perhaps even unable to maintain an erection or become vaginally lubricated and relaxed.

  • Energy flowing up your front may also manifest as digestive problems, tension in the jaw, and headaches.

When your energy flows in the natural way - down the front of your body - then your head relaxes and your belly and geni• tal region fill with energy, increasing your sexual vitality and strengthening your personal power throughout the day. Your personal power is your capacity to act creatively, in spite of the challenges that may face you in life and relationship. True per• sonal power is the force of love. It is your capacity to bring love into a world or relationship that may be characterized in the mo• ment by fear or resistance.

To enlarge your sexual capacity and personal power, practice drawing energy down the front of your body throughout the day,


while sitting, standing, walking, or lying down. It is often easiest to begin this practice while lying on your back with your hands rest• ing on your belly, your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor.

For most people, it is best to draw energy down the front of the body while
through the nose. (You may want to experiment by drawing energy down your front while
in order to deter• mine which way works best for you.)
While inhaling, feel as if energy is being drawn down the front of your body, from the top of your head down into your belly and genitals.
Your belly can expand with every in• hale, as if you are becoming pregnant with energy. Then your belly can contract gently inward as you exhale energy up your spine.

Unless otherwise indicated, keep your mouth closed and the tip of your tongue pressed gently against the roof of your mouth as you inhale and exhale through your nose.
Your tongue provides a bridge across which energy can flow from your head down through the front of your body: throat, heart, solar plexus, belly, and genitals.

As your belly expands and you inhale energy down the front of your body, feel as if your genitals and lower abdomen receive and accumulate energy.
It is as if you are recharging a battery in your lower body. Eventually, after several weeks of practice, you may be able to arouse your genitals or revitalize your personal power simply by consciously inhaling energy fully down the front of your body.

You can also help your partner strengthen his or her practice of inhaling energy down the front of the body.
Start with your partner lying on his or her back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Put your hand on your partner's belly just below the navel so that your palm is flat against the flesh. By vibrating your hand slightly or moving it in a circular motion on the lower belly, help your partner soften and relax the belly. Then, with your hand still gently massaging or vibrating your partner's belly, guide him or her to inhale and draw breath and


energy down the front and into the belly.
As your partner inhales, the belly should fill with breath and your hand should rise as the belly becomes pregnant with energy, full, and round.

If you both feel it is appropriate, you can move your hand from the belly to your lover's genitals. Your gentle touch on your lover's genitals may help your lover remember to draw inhaled breath energy down his or her front, through the lower abdo• men, all the way to the genitals and pelvic floor.

Another good way to assist your partner in learning to move energy down the front is by using your hands to stroke down the front of your partner's body from the heart to the lower belly, during sex or at any time.
You can use this technique if your partner's face is getting red with the heat of anger or passion rising the "wrong way," up the front of the body toward the head. You can bring this hot energy quickly into proper downward circulation by lovingly stroking down the front of your partner's body, as if coaxing the energy to move down the front, like a waterfall of molten lava, rather than up the front, like a hot geyser.

Over time, as you practice breathing energy down the front, you will become aware of a growing center of power residing in your lower belly. As you accumulate energy in your belly through proper breathing, you will be able to meet the obstructions in your daily life with greater energy, and give your gift with gentle but persistent force, humor, and emotional perseverance. You will be able to transmit healing energy by directing it through your heart, hands, eyes, and genitals. You will be able to embrace your lover with tremendous sexual potency, softness, stamina, and loving surrender.

As paradoxical as it might sound, most people need to strengthen their bodies before they will surrender fully. Once your


personal power is strengthened and your belly is full of life force, you can relax physically and emotionally without fear. You can let down the defenses around your heart, certain that your surrender and opening is based on strength rather than weakness.

As your personal power grows, you begin to realize a con• tinuity of energy: the life force you are breathing through your body is the same unlimited life force flowing all around you and also through your partner. By surrendering, by opening to love and magnifying the flow of energy in sexual embrace, you open directly to a boundless and universal flow of energy that circu• lates throughout your body.

True surrender is true power: the love-force that moves the universe is also the love-force that breathes your breath and beats your heart. When fear dissolves, you no longer separate yourself from this single flow of immense force. Love is continuity with infinite life force, a oneness of being with no separation. Opening sexually is opening to this flow of life force. And love is the key to this opening. But before you can trust love, you need to be strong enough to relax.

Besides increasing sexual energy and personal power - thus enabling you to surrender in love more deeply - breathing en• ergy down the front of your body brings equilibrium to agitated thoughts and emotions. Your face, jaw, heart, and belly open and relax in the natural downward flow of energy. Unnecessary chat• ter slows down, anger is cooled, and tension is eased. When you practice opening the entire circuit of internal energy, breathing energy up the spine and down the front, you will naturally create a proper balance for a life of vitality and relaxation, incarnated love and transcendental bliss, both sexually and in everyday life.



The natural circuit of sexual energy flows from your genitals up your spine and into or through your head, then back down the front of your body, down to your pelvic floor. During sex and throughout the day, you can learn to seal the entire pelvic floor - including the genitals, perineum, and anus - so your magnified energy doesn't leak out at the base.

Sealing your pelvic floor and drawing the stimulated sexual energy up your spine at first requires an upward muscular con• traction of the anus, perineum, and genitals, as already described. Eventually, the buttocks and anus remain more relaxed, and only a slight upward tension is applied in the genital and perineal region. Over time, even this slight upward pull becomes more and more subtle, evolving into a practice of conscious intention - merely feeling and intending the energy to move up the spine from the genitals - rather than a physical exercise of muscular contrac• tion. Finally, these practices occur spontaneously.

As you begin to practice, the upward contraction of your pel• vic floor helps to contain your energy within the natural circuitry of your body so that it flows up your spine and down your front, during sex and throughout the day. As your practice deepens and your sensitivity increases, you will naturally discover other ways to make conscious use of your pelvic floor:

  1. Learn to bounce energy off your pelvic floor.
    This practice can be done while masturbating, while having sex with your partner, or at any time during the day. Inhale deeply down the front of your body for several cycles of breath (each cycle consists of an


    inhale and an exhale), feeling energy accumulate in your lower abdomen and genital region.

    When the energy in your lower belly feels full, draw it forcefully down to your pelvic floor with an inhalation, and then with an equally strong exhalation and contraction of the pelvic floor, bounce the energy up your spine.
    The contraction of your pelvic floor moves your en• ergy upward as if your energy were bouncing off a trampoline.

    At first, you should feel a movement of energy up your spine and perhaps a pleasant sensation of gentle pressure in your head. Eventually the upwardly shooting energy may explode in colors inside your head, or it may even shoot out the top of your head in a rise of bliss before descending into your body as a sublime pres• sure of love. During these practices, your head may open and feel as if it's turned inside out. Simply relax, breathe fully, and offer love through your entire body, even during unusual experiences such as this.

  2. When you are proficient at moving energy in your own body, practice bouncing energy from your pelvic floor up your partner's spine.
    While having sex, draw several slow and full inhalations down the front of your body to accumulate energy in your lower belly and genital region. Then, with a strong exhalation, contract your pelvic floor and, with intention and visualization, bounce the en• ergy through your genitals upward through
    your partner's
    After the energy shoots up your partner's spine, remember to inhale the descending energy back down your partner's front.
    In this way, you complete the entire circle of energy in your partner's body.

You may do this exercise by
the energy moving from your own genital region up your partner's spine. Or perhaps you will actually
the energy moving down your own front, bouncing off your pelvic floor, and up through your partner. For


now, while you become more sensitive to the flow of internal en• ergy, simply
the energy to move up your partner's spine, in coordination with your breath and the trampoline-like contrac• tion of your pelvic floor.

This practice can be engaged while having sex or while em• bracing your partner fully clothed. At first, your partner may not feel much of your energy. But as the strength of your capacity to transmit energy increases, your partner will be able to feel the ascending energy very strongly. Your partner may swoon in this upward flow of energy, closing his or her eyes, making sounds of bliss, and even experiencing orgasms in the genitals, heart, and head - whether or not you are actually having sex. It all depends on the strength of your energy transmission and your partner's capacity to receive energy. Practice with patience, as it may take months (or weeks or hours) to develop sufficient proficiency.

At first, either you or your partner should practice this exer• cise while the other receives the results.
Eventually, you and your partner may choose to practice this exercise by simultaneously breathing energy up each other's spine and breathing energy down each other's front.
.This simultaneous practice is particularly effective at loos• ening deep energetic blocks and restoring natural ease and full flow to the entire circuit of your internal life force.

  1. During the day, notice if your pelvic floor feels "open," as if energy were leaking out.
    If your pelvic floor feels leaky, seal
    ener• getic seepage with several strong contractions.
    For instance, right after you urinate or move your bowels, your genital region or anus may still feel opened or uncontained. If so, after using the toilet, perform several strong upward contractions of your pelvic floor. Inhale fully, contract your pelvic floor, hold your breath for a mo• ment, release the contraction, and then exhale. Eventually, you


    may want to hold the contraction steady through several cycles of inhalation and exhalation before relaxing.

  2. If you begin to feel tired during the day, you can energize your

    body by inhaling and bringing energy to your belly, to your genital region, and down to your pelvic floor with several full inhalations. Then you can expand that energy upward throughout your body by contracting your pelvic floor and bouncing the energy upward with an exhalation.
    (Again, after experimentation, some people may find that it works better for them to bounce energy up the spine with an inhalation and bring energy down the front with an exhalation.)

  3. You can give a person energy from a distance for the sake of healing or revitalization without any physical contact at all.
    Over the course of several full inhalations down your front, accumulate energy in your abdomen and genital region. Then bounce it to the person with an upward contraction of your pelvic floor combined with exha• lation, visualization, and feeling-intention.
    That is, along with the physical part of the exercise, lovingly intend your energy toward the person to whom you would like to give it. Feel the energy filling the person with healing and light. Once you learn how to accumulate and move energy, you will be surprised at the results. Although this kind of exercise may seem like wishful thinking at first, with practice, the transmission of energy becomes very powerful, effective, and tangible both to you and to others.

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