The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: The Dom Collars His Sub [Unchained Love 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Rest your hands on Larry’s shoulders, Jubilee.”

As soon as she did so, Carey thrust into her from behind, slamming into her deep and hard. Carey pounded into her, shaking her body with the force of his fucking. Larry wished he could hold her hips or otherwise support her, but her hands on his shoulders seemed to be all she needed.

Larry again watched her face. Once again her cheeks flushed, sweat beaded on her forehead, and then her eyes became sleepy. Damn, she was stunning when she was about to come. Of course, she was beautiful anytime, but right now she was amazing.

Carey had a hand over her mound now. Larry wasn’t sure if he was allowed to look down, but without lowering his head he managed to see enough to guess Carey was teasing her clit.

“Pinch her nipples.”

Happily, Larry did so, and once again he watched her burst into orgasm, her entire body shaking with the release. Larry was breathing almost as heavily as Carey and Jubilee. Watching certainly was as arousing as coming himself and very nearly as fulfilling, too. He couldn’t wait to experience another scene with them both. How was he supposed to concentrate on his job instead of imagining what Carey would plan for him next time?

Chapter Four


David ran in panther form along the fence surrounding Carnal Connections. The damn humans had made it much higher than it used be and had topped it with outward-facing barbed wire. He was almost certain his men wouldn’t be able to jump over it. Always, always the fucking humans destroyed his plans. They were in charge, ruining everything for him.

There’ll be a way in. They’re only humans, frail and pathetic.

David ran more slowly, checking the trees. All he needed was a nice high branch he could use as a springboard over the fence. He was a cat, so he’d land safely no matter how high up he was when he jumped.

An hour later, David had run the entire length of the fence and found no easy access point. Swishing his tail in anger, he turned back and paced beside the fence, his gaze assessing every tree, bush, and shrub as to its usefulness to help him enter the property.

David forced himself to stop swishing his tail and calm down. He was the leader, and he was determined to retain control of his pack. To do that, he had to have a pure-blood, big-cat female mate. The sexy puma he’d wanted had mated the huge, bossy black panther. Well, that was no big deal. There was still a pure-blood panther and two cougars here. As a Florida panther himself, which was a type of cougar, any of those women would suit him perfectly.

David concentrated harder on finding a way in.
I will do this. I will get my mate.

Finally, he decided his best option was a slight rise way over the back of the property. David paced up and down, figuring out the most appropriate way to approach the fence. Eventually, he nodded, paced back a hundred feet, then ran up the rise at top speed, launching himself at the fence from the highest possible elevation. He stretched his body, his paws reaching for the top of the fence, hoping to flip himself over it clear of the barbed wire.

At the last possible second he acknowledged that he wasn’t high enough and the wire was going to rip into his skin, so he twisted violently and fell to the ground with a howl.

Fucking hell. Well, he’d be back and do it the human way. With wire cutters.


* * * *


Larry was in his office, working, when his cell phone beeped at him.

“Larry, there’s a panther pacing up and down along the fence line. On the outside,” said Bill, one of the older human men and Lucy’s Dom.

“Just one?”

“Yup. Looks like he’s casing the joint.”

“Bill, it sounds like you’ve been watching too many bad movies. But thanks for letting me know. I’ll get a couple of our own big cats out there to watch for trouble.”

“Or you could send the wolves instead. Might scare ’em away.”

“Oh, now that’s a nasty idea. But I think I’d rather save the wolves up as a secret weapon in case we need them later.”

Larry clicked off from Bill’s call and immediately punched in Omar’s number.

“Omar, there’s a rogue panther checking out our fence line. Can you get a couple of your shape-shifters to keep watch and make sure no one infiltrates us, please?”

“I’ll take all the men in case the one you’ve seen is just the advance party. Also, I’ll get some of the women to keep watch over Leticia, Verity, Serena, and Autumn.”

“Well, for God’s sake don’t set Sam off. I don’t need him shooting anyone right now,” said Larry.

“Good point. Well, if you feel the need to lock him in one of your dungeons I won’t say a word against you.” Omar was almost growling he sounded so fierce.

Larry grinned as he hung up. At least the Alpha of the panthers still seemed to think he was a Dom. The last thing he needed was some of these Doms deciding they could push him around. Carey was the only man alive allowed to Dominate him.

The women would be safer in the barn. It was well lit and easy to protect. They’d be much more secure there than scattered around the property.

“Lucy, there’s a rogue panther checking out our fence line. Omar and his panthers are going to make sure it’s just one, not the beginning of an attack. I need to keep watch over the main gate. Can you get the women, especially the unmated ones, all over to the barn? I’d feel happier if they were all together right now.”

“Sure can, Larry. Do you want me to tell JB to bring the floodlights back to the front in case this takes a while?”

“Yes, please, and can he also set a few up so the barn is really brightly illuminated as well if it starts getting late in the day?”

“I’m on it.”

Larry put his phone down and ran his hands through his hair. What else did he need to do? And how could he ensure Sam didn’t fall apart again?


* * * *


Jubilee and Autumn had just finished baking a giant batch of pumpkin muffins when Lucy bustled into the kitchen. Jubilee breathed in the delicious, fresh-baked smell. She could hardly wait until it was suppertime to taste one.

“Yum. They smell incredible. But unfortunately, Omar and Larry want you all to go over to the barn right now. A rogue panther is walking the fence line and they want all the women in one place for safety.”

“These muffins were supposed to be for supper, but there’s no reason why we can’t eat them now, I guess. Do you want to grab one while it’s hot, Lucy?” asked Jubilee.

“Mm, thank you.”

Autumn picked up a pile of paper plates, handing one to Lucy, a container of knives, and several tubs of butter while Jubilee slid the racks of muffins onto a large serving tray. Together the two women carried the food over to the barn.

“Oh dear. Should we have left half of them back in the kitchen for the men do you think?” asked Autumn.

“Their loss our gain. Besides, we can always cook another batch if the men get grumpy. I expect they’ll be enjoying themselves running around the property playing Rambo or James Bond or whatever.”

Autumn giggled. “Meanwhile, we’ll be ladies and sit nicely on our chairs and eat muffins.”

“Sounds like a plan to me!”

“What a heavenly smell. I’d forgotten how much I missed the scent of fresh baking,” said Leticia as she arrived with Ramona, Gaynor, and Jill, an older human woman.

“Are you finding it okay not to stay in your room so much now?” asked Jubilee carefully. She didn’t want to annoy Leticia by suggesting her father had been wrong to keep her so confined, and she could always pretend she meant because of her leg injury if Leticia looked hurt.

“My leg’s almost healed now. The stitches are already dissolving and it hardly aches at all. I’m really looking forward to being able to go for a run soon,” said Leticia, smiling. “But it’s just heavenly to talk to anyone I want to. I don’t think Dad understood how much I missed that. He still doesn’t understand, but Omar and Frank are very strict with him.”

“Where is Sam now?” asked Autumn as she handed out paper plates.

“They’ve taken him running with them, but Frank said he’d bite Dad if Dad moved more than two feet away from him.” Leticia grinned.

Jill snickered. “Frank certainly tried to tell him you’re an adult now, but he didn’t get the message.”

“You know, I think he’s still stuck in a time warp from when Mom died. I was thirteen, and in some ways Dad hasn’t moved on from there. I know he misses her a lot.”

“That’s nearly ten years ago. A lot has happened in ten years. For a start, the pack has changed dramatically in that time,” said Ramona.

“You joined us only a year after Mom died, didn’t you?” asked Leticia.

“Yes. That was how I learned about this pack. I was in the library researching all the newspaper articles about my own mother’s death and looking for signs of a pack of shape-shifters I could join with when I read about your mother’s death. It was so similar to my own mother’s I knew there had to be other shifters nearby. I kept checking until I located this pack.”

“Didn’t your father mind your mother running free? Is that why he’s been stricter with you?” asked Gaynor.

Gaynor was human, like Jubilee, but unlike Jubilee she hadn’t been living here all that long. Gaynor worked for the same tiny boutique movie studio as Ramona did. It was co-owned by Nicholas and Curtis, who spent a lot of time at Carnal Connections.

Leticia’s forehead creased with thought. She was petite, with chocolate eyes and hair so dark a brown as to almost be black. When she changed she was a black panther, but not such a deep black as Omar. Jubilee gave a little shiver. Leticia was a beautiful, sleek panther. Omar, on the other hand, was huge and deadly looking.

“I was just a kid, but I’m almost certain they hadn’t been getting on well together at that time.” Leticia turned to the humans in the group and said, “Panthers—all the big cats—mate for life. It’s a done deal, there’s no divorce. But both parties have to consent to the mating. There’s no forced marriages, either. It has to be a genuine consent, not a shotgun wedding.”

Autumn giggled then covered her face with her hand.

Leticia smiled at Autumn, and Jubilee enjoyed the byplay. It was wonderful to see Leticia being herself again, a young woman, not a passive body hidden behind her father’s fears and doubts.

“That’s why this entire rogue panther gig doesn’t make sense. When they grabbed me at the basketball match, even if I hadn’t been able to get away, the man who snatched me couldn’t have forced me to marry him or be his sex slave. I wouldn’t be bound to him in shifter law if I said no. Or even if I said yes but meant no,” added Ramona.

“Right. Even if a woman is kidnapped, the very minimum the group can do is let her choose between all the available men. And if none of them appeals to her, the kidnappers have wasted their time,” said Leticia.

“That says to me one or more of the rogue panthers must have an enormous ego. He must be absolutely convinced whoever he takes will want him. Or want someone in their group,” said Jubilee thoughtfully.

“Oooo. I wonder if Daniel Craig is really a panther?” joked Jill.

“Or Robert Pattinson?”

“Orlando Bloom.”

“Alexander Skarsgård.”

Everyone was laughing now then buttering their pumpkin muffins and eating them, but Jubilee was thoughtful. There had to be a reason why the rogue group wanted their women, and although it may have been arrogance, it was more likely something much deeper than that. If they could work out the reason, they’d be much more capable of protecting their women than the current system of run and hide.

When she got back to her room she needed to go Google that thought. But what precisely would she look up? It was hardly likely that going to Yahoo! Answers and typing in, “Why do the rogue panthers want to kidnap Leticia?” would come up with the real answer.


* * * *


Carey was sitting at his desk in his living room deep in thought, and it wasn’t about either of the two translation projects he ought to have been working on.

He hadn’t ever thanked Jubilee for the beautiful plants she’d filled the pots by his front door with. He knew it was her, as no one else would have thought to do such a thing. Jubilee’s nature was as beautiful as her golden skin and sparkling hazel eyes. The problem was, he didn’t know what to say. A simple thank-you would have been fine if he’d done it immediately, but he hadn’t, and now everything he thought of seemed either stupid or way over-the-top.

She craves being sent to subspace. She seems to slide into a completely different dimension of euphoria, and you seldom send her there.

Because it’s extreme. It’s not meant to be an everyday experience.

Maybe. But there’s no reason why you can’t do that the next time you meet in the dungeon.

But what if it freaks Larry out? He’s a switch, remember. He’s only with us as a sub until he’s fulfilled that side of his personality then he’ll be gone. What if it sends him running away from us?

Ah, so you want Larry, the short-term guest, more than you want Jubilee, who loves you and spends her spare time doing things to make you happy.

No, not at all. That’s not true.

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